The Phoenix Souls

Continued from "The Pure, the Untainted and the Virtuous"

Summary: Severus Snape takes in six children who have all lost their families in one night one way or another, and he is going to raise all of them the best he can all the while still teaching at Hogwarts?

Originally written by Miaka Kennyuuki who apparently never continued it after over a year, I'm writing my idea of what would have happened in her story. I give her all the credit for coming up with the idea except my oc. I couldn't let this idea die in the first chapter.



4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey

3:00 am, Christmas Day

As 4 Privet Drive blazed a malnourished boy stared in awe, and the flames grew as if feeding constantly from oil. Wide eyed his wish took him away in an instant; never to return to the site of the blaze again.


Outside the Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole, England

3:00 am, Christmas Day

The frame of a small girl shook from the force of her powerful sobs as she wonder again why she didn't get a gift on Christmas Eve like her brothers and why she was forgotten and had to live in the attic, filled with boggarts, spiders and the ghoul. She had wanted so bad to live in some other place with anyone else but her family and currently she was flying away on her brother's broom taking her kitten with her and leaving behind a house whose first four floor were engulfed in bright red and hot flames.

And inside plastic ornaments melted and burned a picture of a seemingly happy family of six red haired boys, red haired parents and a little red haired girl barely visible behind the curtsying red hair woman.


Unknown road, Northern England

3:00 am, Christmas Day

"Mommy! You can't died now! It's so scary after it's darked outside I need you!" The young girl age five sobbed into the broken body of her mother, long dead. Her hair shone with light from a passing car that stopped. A man got out and asked the girl questions, and then tried to pick her up saying how he was going to help her, but he didn't seem right at all. She kicked and fussed as he put her in the car and locked in with him telling her he would have his fun all night with a girl like her. She wished hard that she could get away from him and have a daddy to protect her. And suddenly she was gone.


The Granger Residence, West London

3:00 am, Christmas Day

A girl soaked to the bone in water wore a dirtied blue dress cried in a blubbering mess in front of a house that was aflame from basement to attic. Her wet teddy bear lost and forgotten at her side as she came to turns with the realization she is watching her home burn like the infernos in hell. She was soaked from her escape and she was sad because she knew what fires did and she watched as her mother's form aflame half out the window burned to death.

She was constantly screaming and crying she never wanted to see it again she couldn't stand it, wishing to be some place where she would have a new life.


Malfoy Manor, Unplottable Location, England

3:00 am, Christmas Day

Hiding in his room under a lavish bed in the unused part of the manor a boy shook in terror wishing to be else where and never have to see his parents again, especially his father, while cradling the form of his teddy bear Andie smiling sadly at him.

Ten minutes earlier, a team of twelve Aurors broke into the Manor and had caught a Lucius Malfoy casting the curse "Crucio" on a young muggle girl he saw fit to torture, as his wife sat by smiling as the girl cried in pain. In an instant the two reveling in the girls pain moments before were bound by several spells and being taken to the ministry for trial.

A young Draco having found Floo powder flooed himself to the only one he trusted his god-father.


Casa Zabini, Venice, Italy

3:00 am, Christmas Day

As young Blaise hid with what he could in his room he heard deatheaters yelling out their finds and which children of the Traitor's were dead from the blast they caused.

The bedroom door opened and Blaise froze as some one approached him. He ripped away the dark pile of cloaks Blaise had covered himself with, and yelled how he had found one of the Traitor's kid's and was taking him to his place for fun. But then, the man bent down, embraced the boy and whispered to him, "It'll be alright my name is Severus Snape, I'm actually saving you and you're safe now."

And with that he apparated to a clearing in the shadow of an enormous castle, on the edge of a giant lake, and said, "Welcome to your new home."


That's the second chapter.