Okay, this is going to
be a dark little fanfic. Set after The Doctor Dances, Before Bad
Wolf. 9Rose. My first attempt at an angsty sort of story. This is going
to be really bad, I'm warning you now. M for Rape, attempted suicide
and other sexual situations.
"Doctor, I'm going out for some shopping. I'll be back a little later, alright?" Rose said, pulling on her jacket. The Doctor nodded, leaning over the TARDIS.
"Don't stay out too late, don't talk to strangers, and don't get into cars with other people." The Doctor told her, grinning. Rose rolled her eyes and stepped outside. It was a cool night in New York City, but that wasn't going to stop Rose from looking around. It was the year 2800, and the Doctor had 'picked up' a credit card of sorts, and it had unlimited funds on it. Her I.D told people that she was a diplomat from the United Kingdom.
'Beautiful night.' Rose thought, walking down the road. Lights lit the roads brightly, while casting the alleys into shadows. She stayed in the brighter parts of the road, moving aside to let a car pass every now and then. This part of the city was quiet at night, unlike most other parts.
Stepping into a store called Spencer's, Rose grinned. This place was wonderful. Anything and everything she'd ever need to prank the Doctor, Jack, or even Mickey when she was at home. Looking around, she decided on a few novelty items, grinning wickedly. The cashier smirked at her smile, handing her the bag with her purchases.
Next store was an expensive clothing outlet. Rose smiled, making a mental note to thank the Doctor when she got back to the TARDIS. Rose looked around and picked out two full length skirts, one in blue and one in a shiny red, two mini skirts in black, several very nice blouses that were stain and wrinkle resistant (God knows she needed that), and a new bomber jacket. Jack had 'confiscated' her other one, claiming it to have 1940's viruses on them. Rose had a bill at about 850 dollars, and she left carrying more shopping bags.
"Jack? Rose come back yet?" The Doctor called, and Jack shouted back a negative. The Doctor rolled his eyes. Typical Rose Tyler, get lost in her shopping.
"I'll go look for her if you're ready to head off. She's probably at her fourth clothing store by now, probably something expensive too. I can track her bio-signature from my PDA." Jack offered, and the Doctor waved him off. Too bad, he was hoping for a night on the town with the Doctor.
Jack found Rose in a darkened alleyway, her purchases scattered all around her. Her tights were ripped, and her mid-length skirt pushed up indecently high. Jack was speechless, until Rose looked up and saw him. Her eyes had lost their sparkle, and were rimmed with red and black. She had bruises forming around her neck and her wrists.
"Rose. Dear God, what the hell happened?" Jack asked, kneeling down beside Rose. She shook her head and tried to get up.
"I…I'm fine. I just got attacked, that's all. It wasn't anything n-new, you know me. I get attacked all the time." Rose said, trying to keep her voice level and failing miserably.
"Alright, Rose, come on. Get your stuff and we'll go talk to the Doctor-"
"NO! Just take me back to the TARDIS, Jack. I need some rest. Please." Rose told Jack, who sighed, but helped Rose get her things and head back to the TARDIS.
"What happened?" The Doctor demanded when they walked in the TARDIS. Rose flinched and stepped back. Jack noted her strange behavior.
"She was attacked. Other than a few bruises, she's fine, although I didn't get a straight story from her." Jack said to the Doctor as Rose rushed to her room. The Doctor watched Rose's retreating form until she was out of sight then turned to Jack.
"What all did you see? What did she tell you?" He asked angrily, and Jack took a step back.
"Whoa, calm down, Doctor. Alright, I found her in an alleyway about halfway from here to the major shopping avenue. She was sitting slumped against a wall, her skirt nearly all bunched up around her waist. Most of the top parts of her tights are ripped, and she's getting nasty bruises around her neck and her wrists. Also, when I mentioned you, she didn't want anything to do with talking to you. I don't think she'll admit it, but she was raped." Jack said, and saw a fire gleam in the Doctor's eyes that he's only seen when Rose was hurt or in danger.
"I am personally going to find the bastard and kill him." The Doctor growled, and noticed the look on Jack's face that probably mirrored his own.
"Get in line. I'm going to talk to her, see if I can get her to tell me exactly what happened, maybe I can get an idea of the looks of the asshole that did this too her." Jack strode off towards Rose's room, leaving the Doctor fuming in the control room. His mind was spinning. Who would want to do this to her? Sure, she was extremely beautiful, which probably helped, and that she was alone and didn't know how to defend herself also attributed to this. She didn't have any enemies in this time; they hadn't even been here before. Could it be one of his enemies, trying to get back at him? For once in his life, the Doctor truly didn't have a clue.
Okay, how did you like it? Feel free to tell me, but no flames!