Disclaimer: Still don't own anything…

Author's Notes: What's this? Two in one day? Has she gone mad? Nope, I'm just inspired

Bob: Uggh…how many more people have issues in this show?

Trust me. You don't want to know.

Bob: I don't? I'm pretty sure I want to.

No. You DON'T. End of discussion.

Bob: Fine. (Massages his temples) Just send in the next kid.

Enter Gaara

Bob: Oh my…what is that thing on your back?

Gaara: (glare)

Bob: Or…we could not talk about that (sweat drop)

Gaara: (shrug)

Bob: Right then…what seems to be your issue?

Gaara: I'm a social reject

Bob: Ooh, harsh.

Gaara: I wasn't finished! Didn't your mother ever teach you not to interrupt people?

Bob: Um…no?

Gaara: Hmph. Anyway, my Mom's dead, my uncle wants to kill me (Though half the time I'm pretty sure I have an aunt), my sister thinks I'm evil, my brother's scared of me, my whole village took advantage of me and sealed a super ugly demon inside of me and…yeah.

Bob: Wow…that's quite the problem

Gaara: Yeah. Plus...

Bob: Oh no

Gaara: I can't get hurt because whenever something sharp or pointy comes close to my skin, the sand from my gourd makes a shield. So I have no idea what pain is, except for emotional pain which rips me to shreds and makes me cry myself to sleep every night…

Aww! Don't you just want to HUG him?

Bob: Um, no.

Gaara: Anyway, I have this sort of lust for blood because I've become really cruel and want to see the people who made me what I am suffer a painful and gruelling death. I'll probably implode their insides with sand.

Bob: (sweat drop)

Okay, I take back what I said about the hug…

Gaara: Yeah…that's the general reaction I get from everyone…

Bob: Yeah, you're definitely crazy. Murderous, too.

Gaara: What kind of a Shrink are you? I already knew that.

Bob: Then why'd you come here? Get into that glass case, would you?

Gaara: How about I don't? (gives Bob a really creepy glare)

Bob: (sweat drop) Or you could walk out of here completely of your own free will, it's really up to you…

Gaara: I think I will

Exit Gaara, stage left

Bob: We have a stage left?

Meh, we do now…

Bob: Where did you find that creepy kid?

The Village Hidden in the Sand. Why?

Bob: Oh, no reason...

Bob writes "Avoid Village Hidden in the Sand at all costs due to disturbing, homicidal child."

Well THAT'S polite.

Bob: Do you want to get your insides imploded with sand?


Bob: (sighs) Okay then, who's next?

Enter Kakashi




Bob: Where is he?

Ugh, he's always late!

Bob: Is that what he wanted therapy for?

Somehow, I doubt it…

Ah! There he is!

Enter Kakashi

Kakashi: Please excuse my tardiness. I got lost on the path know as life, today.

Bob: …Is he serious?


Bob: Wow…

Kakashi: You're supposed to be helping me, yes?

Bob: Oh, right (ahem) Sorry. What's troubling you?

Kakashi: I have two problems. Would you prefer a long angsty past or a fixation with porn?


Wow…that's quite the choice, eh Bob?

Bob: Um…I believe I'll opt for the angsty past..

Kakashi: Aww, are you sure? You're not even slightly interested in Icha Icha Paradise?

Bob: Yeah, no…

Kakashi: (puts the book away) Aww…

Bob: (ahem) So…about this angsty past of yours…

Kakashi: Ah, yes. You see, I used to be a really stodgy kid. I was a really good ninja, and kind of cold. I had this friend who was always late, and pretty easygoing, but I'm sure he resented me. Anyway, his family is supposed to be awesome and kick-ass, but he wasn't. Yeah, so my left eye was totally mangled in battle, and he pretty much saved my life by sacrificing his own. I know, touching, eh? Anyway, we had our medical ninja extract his Sharingan power and put it into my mangled eye. Not only could I see again, I had some awesome powers. The Sharingan made me more easygoing and got me into the habit of being late, but I can't help but angst at random points in time.

Bob: Oh…um…did it also give you an obsession with porn?

Kakashi: No, I thought up that on my own (grin).

Bob: I see…Well I believe that you're a little off your rocker

Kakashi: Yeah, I've heard that once or twice.

It's true. He knows it.

Bob: Oh. Then I suppose you wouldn't mind going into that glass case over there?

Kakashi: Can I read my book?

Bob: Of course.

Kakashi: Then sure!

Kakashi goes into the glass case and Bob locks it.

Bob, you didn't have to lock him up. He's not THAT crazy.

Bob: Hey, anyone who's not your everyday guy and can't implode my insides goes into the case.

You suck.

Bob: So I've heard. Are you done complaining?

No. Not at all.

Bob: Oh, wonderful.

Well you know what? YOU smell like feet!

Bob: I what? (sniffs) No I don't!

Well…your feet do…

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