Disclaimer: The characters in this story, sadly, are not of my own creation. The story concept however, IS! I am not making any money off of this. And never will, despite how much I want the money for a new computer. tear
Warning(s): Prologue will probably be considered sort, there will soon be at least Shonen-ai (maybe more, who knows), and there will eventually be some violence somewhere in there as well.
(Story by SilverWoodGG)
The groups are quite distinctive. You have the naturally Popular, full of confidence, no cares, and a vast amount of followers. You have the Middle Troopers, a mixture of confidence and a longing for self-improvement, they sometimes even have a chance to gain entry into popularity. You also have the Geeks, the smart ones that are always willing to give a helping hand to the popular if only to receive even five minutes of fake glory.
Unfortunately, I am not a part of any of the above categories. One could even say I have created an entirely new species of high school born groups, in which I am the only member. They have dubbed me the Universally Unwanted.
It would have to be obvious that, yes, I am different. I do possess enough intelligence to gain passing grades, but I lack motivation. Therefore it is not enough for the popular kids to copy me and keep up their brilliant façade. Therefore they do not ask for my answers. And because I can not live up to the Geeks' standard of overall genius, I am not welcomed into their slippery little groups. And of course the Middles all have a one track mind to find a way to the top.
I always thought that I did not need to be a part of them in order to get by. I would go to school, do the work, go home, do the homework, and spend the rest of the night doing whatever I pleased. And seeing as I possessed no real human friendship, my only link into the social marginal was my computer.
On the net I am a social god. I do not care about any ones thoughts, my confidence allows me to provide them with the utmost humorous sarcasm, and my name was chosen by me: Heero Yuy, Unmatchable Lord of the Web. No one knows the machinery more than me.
That is until I met him.
He goes by the name D.GTTLD. All capitals just like that. I still do not know what it stands for. All I know is that his knowledge is almost match able to mine…Almost.
It started when boredom consumed me. Homework was complete, laundry was in the cycling process, and the computer keys lay torturously untouched. I pushed the large blue button and put on my god-like confident face.
The moment I signed on, there he was. In an instant I saw the orange flash of his instant message.
D.GTTLD.: YOU! Where the hell have ya been? I've been waiting on here since at least 7:00! Bastard kept me waiting on purpose, didn't you? TT
Heero: What are you going on about this time? I had homework that needed to be done. I am also doing laundry.
D.GTTLD.: Oh come ON! You picked homework and laundry over ME? I'm…hurt. tears
Heero: You over react far too much. It's a good thing you are not a total moron. Though it is moments such as this that make me wonder…
D.GTTLD: Psh! I don't have to take this abuse. I can just eeeeeeeasilly hit the block button. Oh OH! The mouse is opening the list! It's highlighting your name! WHAT WILL IT DO NEXT!
- D.GTTLD has gone offline. –
"Three, two, one."
- D.GTTLD has just signed on –
Heero: I knew you couldn't keep away from me. (insert smirk here)
D.GTTLD.: You know nothing. TT
D.GTTLD: ANYWAY! Before you started being an ass, I was going to ask you how your day went.
Heero: First off, you were the one that started whining. Secondly, my day was just as uneventful as the last. It is sad when the highlight of my day is talking to people I don't know. (And will you stop trying to hack into my computer. You already know you're not going to beat me.)
D.GTTLD.: Now you can't possibly be talking about me. (No. One day I shall be victorious! VICTORIOUS I SAY! MWA HAHAHAHAHA!)
Heero: …Right…And you're right, I couldn't possibly be talking about you. It just so happens I saw you today in my English class. Nice tush buddy. :rolls eyes:
D.GTTLD.: …Well it is.
Heero: lol There is no lacking of confidence in you, that is for sure.
D.GTTLD: And there need not be. wink
D.GTTLD: Hey Hee-chan, what school do you go to anyway? Wouldn't it be awesome if you went to the Peacecraft High School?
Heero gaped at the screen.
"Oweden honey, time for dinner!" Heero stared at the screen.
"OWEDEN! I said get your little butt down here pronto!"
"I am coming already!" Heero shouted back, irritated that his train of thought had been interrupted. He could not believe that he just found out that whoever D.GTTLD. was, actually went to his school. Maybe he should block him and make sure never to speak with him again. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He found their conversations just too indulging, like a rich strawberry banana smoothie that he just couldn't put down.
Heero: …I have a question for you. Can you tell me what D.GTTLD stands for?
D.GTTLD: Why Heero, look at you getting all personal. Why so curious?
Heero: Just tell me!
D.GTTLD: Duo.GotToTryLovin'Duo.
Oh dear god no. It finally clicked. He knew it was too good to be true. He knew there would never truly be a friend for him. For the past two month he had been talking to none other than Duo Maxwell. Not only incredibly gorgeous, confident, and equipped with a unique three foot long braid, but probably the most popular guy in Peacecraft High.
D.GTTLD: Uh, Heero? You still there?
Heero needed to get out of there now.
D.GTTLD: Come on Heero, don't leave me hanging. I swear if you left me here I'm gonna be mad at you. TT You know I hate talking to myself on this thing.
Heero couldn't do it.
Heero: No I didn't leave. But mother is calling me for dinner.
D.GTTLD: Bah! I'm more important, I demand you stay here!
Heero: Oh of course your majesty, shall I hand you your crown too? (holds up stunning gold crown). It would look lovely with your elegant brown hair. (bows)
It had just slipped. Heero hadn't meant to type that. And before he could erase it he had pressed SEND. Curse my abnormally fast typing skills! It took a few minutes for Duo to respond.
D.GTTLD: How do you know I have brown hair?
Heero: You told me.
D.GTTLD: Don't you lie to me Heero! We agreed not to give any personal characteristics at the start of all this. Do I know you?
Heero: Not Quite…But I do go to Peacecraft High…
D.GTTLD: OO! That's awesome! Heero, this means we can actually meet in person and not be totally freaked out about meeting a stranger! Heero, when do you want to meet? I want to see you tomorrow! Holy crap this is awesome! Okay tomorrow at the big tree by the fence, okay? I've gotta go now though but I'll try to get on later. And don't you dare stand me up Heero!
- D.GTTLD has gone offline. –
Why must things be so complicated?