Author's note: Well, here it is. The final chapter! o
Rain-cry-wolf – That fish was just an effect to demonstrate the silence. xP
Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments! TwT You're all so sweet and I heart you very much ;w; !
Hurrah for OOCness! 8D
It's a really long one, btw, but hopefully it's worth it. 8)
Chapter 5
Still, he didn't speak. One of the fish came to the surface of the water and flipped over, just beneath the surface, so its tail flicked out and made a 'plop' sound.
"Do the fish have names?" Sakura asked.
"Don't patronise me."
She looked down at the water too, hands resting on the wood at her sides, only inches away from his.
"All you need is someone to be there for you," she said, very quietly, "Why do you fight it so hard?"
"You don't what it's like to lose everyone you love!" he hissed angrily, shooting a glare at her. She looked back at him sadly.
"No. I can't even imagine how it must feel… I am so sorry, you know… I could never truly understand your feelings… but, don't you remember what it's like to have people who care about you? I know it. I love my family and I love my friends. It feels so warming to know that they are there to pick me up when I'm down and that's why I fight. To protect those who are close to me. That includes you, you know. I don't want to lose this feeling. You may consider me merely an annoying, weak comrade who never really does much, but… I consider you my friend and I'll fight to protect you."
"I don't want your pity."
"Maybe not. But you need to understand that people do care about you and there's nothing you can do about it. Kakashi-sensei, Naruto… me! So wake up from your memories and realise what you have now! Don't let such …precious …f-friendships s-slip away…!" She had begun to cry, and turned away from him.
And for the first time, Sasuke's eyes were opened to a whole new world. Yes, there were people he wanted to protect. If Itachi even laid eyes on any of his team mates, there'd be hell to pay. There was no way he would let anyone take the people he cared about away from him! "Cared about"…? What? What was he talking about? Yes… it's true… even though his sensei was always late, he's always been there to help him in difficult battles. Although Naruto was infuriating as hell, and a noisy, stupid idiot, he'd always been rescued by him in times of need. And Sakura… although she was weak, annoying and girly, she was willing to sacrifice herself for him. His mind went back to the battle with Gaara so many years ago. He remembered how she'd jumped in front of him as the sand-nin was about to deliver a final blow. So many times when he was wounded, she'd been there with gifts, food and kind words.
He was brought back to the present by the sounds of her fighting back her sobs. He noticed how soft her sobs were. She was one of the people he would protect. One of the people he loved…
She wiped her eyes, "G-gomen," she sniffed, "I don't know why I'm crying. I'll go now. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else about this place." She moved to stand up, but when she tried to, she couldn't. Something was holding her back. What? No… wait a minute… something really was holding her back. She opened her eyes and was faced with the impossible. Well, actually she couldn't see anything, but she felt it… him… he had her in his grip and she felt herself being held to him.
At first, his body was tense and awkward due to the fact he was not used to such contact with other people. His mind raced. Why had he done that? His body had moved by itself, just like the time he had run out in front of Naruto as Haku had attacked. At last he understood why. It was his instinct to protect the people he cared for that had driven him. Deep down it had always been there. And now, he wished with every cell in him that Sakura would stop crying. He wanted to know for sure that he really was able to help those close to him. He wanted to know he could make a difference.
"Stop crying, Sakura," he willed, "Just stop…"
Sakura stiffened once she realised whose death grip she was being held in. "Sa-Sasuke- you're holding too tight- I can't breathe-"
Inwardly, she laughed at this. She'd always wished to be in this position, and yet here she was telling him to loosen her. He did so, but remained silent.
Slowly, Sakura hugged him back. What was going on? Why was this happening? Was she dreaming? No… there was no mistaking the warm breath on her neck… or the closeness of his body…
The dark haired ninja was wide eyed, staring in shock over her shoulder as her arms closed around him. Suddenly, a memory flashed through his mind. The time he'd sat in the exact same spot being hugged by his mother when he'd hurt his knee so many years ago.
The warmth of another person against him was so comforting. His muscles gradually relaxed as he grew used to the embrace. A hug alone can be such a wonderful experience… at once, he understood why he'd always felt so bitter towards everyone else; it was because they'd all been able to experience such a thing, whereas he had not. Now… His eyes closed and he rested his chin on her shoulder.
Sakura was unsure of what to do. She didn't want to pull back, but she wanted to know why he was doing this. What would he do if she spoke? Would it be embarrassing? "Well, I can't get any more embarrassed than I already am," she thought, realising how hot her face was.
So she said his name, "Sasuke…"
His eyes opened at the mention of his own name and he realised what position he was in. "Oh crap, what the hell do I do now?" What if someone saw him? What would they think? He suddenly let go and jumped up onto the decking, an expression of bewilderment and embarrassment on his face. The 17-year-old girl looked up at him and asked,
When he turned away, she quickly stood up too and walked over to him. "Sasuke-kun?" He turned away again. She looked at the Uchiha emblem on his back and felt his sadness. Now it was her turn; she stepped up behind him and put her arms around him, her cheek pressing into the back of his neck.
He tensed up again. She was doing this out of her own will…? She had hugged him many times before, but this time it felt different… it felt so reassuring. He turned around and she stepped back from him, afraid he would get angry again.
But he didn't…
"You asked why…" he said, as he pulled her into him by her waist.
Sakura held her breath … she'd never been this close to him before. She had her hands up between them, as if in an act of defense.
"You helped me understand that there are people I must protect," he said, "People I care for… people I love…"
And with that, he closed the space between them and for two seconds, their lips touched together lightly. As he pulled back, Sakura felt slightly faint. All she had ever dreamed of was happening right now… she couldn't believe it! She'd just been kissed by the Uchiha Sasuke! What would the others think? What would Naruto think?
She looked up at him. He seemed surprised at what he'd done too. Just as he was about to let go and probably run away again, Sakura thought, she put her arms around his neck and pressed her lips back against his, unable to control herself. After all these years of wishing, she'd finally been given this opportunity and she would be a fool to waste it.
Their second kiss was more awkward, as neither had experienced a proper kiss before. For a few moments they bashed their teeth together and it was rather messy, until they finally worked out the technique and lost themselves in each other's mouths. And so they stood there on the decking in Sasuke's secret garden, arms around each other, experiencing something new to both of them. Love.
Upon finally parting, they looked at the other's face, silently taking in their features until Sakura asked, "Why didn't you do that earlier? Why didn't you ever respond to my hugs before? Why did you always reject my requests to eat dinner together?"
He looked off to the side. "I… didn't want to be close to anyone. That way it wouldn't hurt as much if something happened to them."
"But nothing will happen to them if you protect them," she smiled, "Sasuke-kun… what do you think of me?"
"I… what do I think of you…?" he felt his cheeks flush as he stuttered stupidly. Damnit, Sasuke, you're supposed to be cool and laid back, not a dithery idiot.
He pulled himself together and gathered the courage to look her in the eye. "I love you."
A bird fluttered from one of the sakura trees, and the last few rays from the sun were lingering on the horizon. The two people in the garden were bathed in a soft orange light. There was an air of complete serenity and a gentle breeze rustled their hair.
"Yes," said Sasuke.
"Huh?" What? Had she asked something without realising it? Sakura thought.
"Yes," he repeated, "I will go to dinner with you." And then, she was graced with one of the rarest sights in the world; (maybe even the universe! Though that might be going a bit too far…) he smiled. Sasuke was smiling at her. Uchiha Sasuke. That's right - cool, brooding, angsty Uchiha Sasuke was smiling at her. She couldn't speak, and the only way she felt she could show her gratitude was to go straight back to his mouth, and she did.
In the distance, the sun disappeared behind the forest as day turned to night. It is believed that bad things are to come on the day that begins with blood red clouds. Then again, it's just a superstition…
Author's note: YAAY! And that's the end of Shinonome! o Yosh! –dances- Hahahaha. It's so soppy at the end… xD Still, I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (I really did, you know!) Thank you for bearing with me during this time! It took a little longer than an hour to write this chapter, and for that I'm sorry, but hey – 3 chapters in a day.. xPPP
Anywho, I must be off to do the washing up. Adios. 8D