Hey sorry its been so long, school, but there is a lemon in this chapter, my first one! And sorry for any mistakes!

Please Review


Love and Shadow Pirates

" So Captain Hell Kaiser and the remnants of his crew have left the French port and our still heading our way," a deep voice said. The voice was from inside a dark cave where one huge shadow stood before six other ones.

" Yes leader, Nightshroud is still tracking their location shall we leave to join him or wait?" one of the shadows asked. The huge shadow chuckled in the darkness and stood up.

" We shall greet this so called pirate captain but first we shall give them some time they are only a few leagues from us," the shadow said.

" Yes Lord Kagemaru," all the shadows said at once and than disappeared.


Zane stood at the helm of his new ship watching what was left of his crew work. He was down to only a few after losing a fraction of his pirate crew to Pierre and his damn French troops. His hair blew in the wind as the tail of his coat fluttered behind him. " Captain it seems we're only a day away from our destination and a day away from becoming the richest pirates in the whole sea," Chazz said walking over to Zane. Zane ignored him and glanced down at Alexis who was leaning over the side letting the wind blow her hair freely.

Zane remembered how she kissed him before they left the port and how happy he seemed to be when she stayed with him. He grunted and gripped his chest, what were these feelings, he was once the cold, murderous, most feared pirate on the high seas. He sighed and walked from the helm," Captain," Chazz said watching Zane leave.

" Take over Chazz, I need some time to rest," was all Zane said before walking below deck. Chazz scratched his head and than shrugged and told Belowski to take the helm while he helped Crowler map out their course. Alexis ran a hand through her hair and sighed with pleasure as the cool wind hit her face. She than turned in time to see the tail of Zane's coat disappear below deck.

" Whats up with him?," she wondered to herself. She looked around and than followed Zane's trail below deck, down the stairs, and down the hall to the last door which was for certain Zane's room. Alexis cracked the door a bit and peeked into to see Zane standing with his back to her glancing out the window at the full moon that cast a silver glow over him. He was in deep thought but somehow his thoughts found words which came from his mouth.

" What are these feelings, I can't get her out of mind, I want her with me all the time and I can feel my heart start to race when I even think of her name," Zane said, he than grunted and slammed his fist into the wall and placed his head against it," damnit what is wrong with me," he yelled.

" Its your heart Zane, its love," came the voice of the woman that caused these feeling inside Zane. He stood straight up and turned quickly to spot Alexis in the doorway. She walked in and closed the door behind her and walked over to him. " There is nothing wrong with you, its a common feeling when you care for someone a lot," Alexis said smiling up at him. Zane looked down at her and than turned his head.

" But I'm Hell Kaiser, most feared pirate, how can I have such feelings?" he questioned. Alexis sighed and took his hand and lead him over to the bed with ease and sat him down next to her.

" You can cause your human and cause you have a heart," Alexis said. Zane looked at her and felt himself smile a bit and than his heart race. He than reached over and placed a hand gently under Alexis's chin and drew he lips close to his and lightly touched his to hers and gave he a long but sweet kiss. Alexis looked at him but then closed her eyes and pulled him closer to her and forcing her lips harder to his. The two than broke the kiss and opened their eyes to look into eachother deeply, deep enough to eachother's souls.

" Alexis...I...love you," Zane heard himself say. Alexis looked at him with wide eyes and than felt tears come to them and fall down her cheeks. She could not believe how much he had changed and what he felt for her and thats when she felt her heart race.

" I love you to Zane," she said and as she finished the sentence her lips crashed against Zane's again in a more passionate kiss. Alexis ran her hands through his hard as his ran down her back. He than laid her back onto the bed still kissing her as his hands ran down her sides, hips, and legs. Alexis could feel her heart racing faster each minute and remembered all the other times she was with Zane and it had gone about this far, but this time it felt different, she wanted it this time. She gasped when she flet Zane kissing at her neck and let out a small moan as he gave a small suck on her collar bone.

Zane stopped and stood above Alexis and looked down at her. " Do you want this?" he asked her before going any further. Alexis looked up at him and smiled pulling him down onto her.

" Please Zane, I want this, I want it to be you," she whispered into his ear. Zane smiled and kissed her as he hugged her. He then unbuttoned her shirt quickly making her blush and make Zane smirk. He kissed her lightly as he hand went to one of her breasts and rubbed it lightly making he moan in his ear. His hand gently robbed her breast as he kissed her neck and listened to her moans of pleasure. He than went down and Alexis opened her eyes and moaned as she felt her nipple go into his mouth and get sucked on. She huffed for breath as she gripped the bed sheets as Zane sucked and licked at her nipple.

Zane than stopped and removed his shirt to show off his perfect chest which held many battle scars on it. Alexis sat up and traced her finger over the scars and looked into Zane's eyes. " So many wounds," she said.

" Mine are not as bad as the one's I gave you," Zane said looking at the large whip marks on Alexis's back. Alexis smiled and kissed him," thats in the past now, lets just remember this night," she said kissing him. They than laid down together kissing as Alexis ran her hand over Zane's chest. Zane kissed her and than broke it and slid her pants and undergarments off along with his, making Alexis blush even more. She tried hard not to stare at his, well you know, which made Zane smirk.

He laid her down and stood above her. " Please, be gentle," she whispered into his ear again. Zane nodded and opened her legs to reveal her womanhood. He postioned himself and than slowly entered her. Alexis screamed in pain making Zane stop.

" Are you okay?" he asked worried. Alexis smiled at him and kissed him lightly.

" I'm fine, keep going please," she said. Zane nodded and then continue to push inside her but found it hard without hurting her some. He finally got in and found out she was still a virgin. " My first time," she said smiling at Zane. He smiled and than kissed her hard as he began to slowly and steadly go in and out of her. Alexis grunted and than found herself moaning and screaming out loud. Zane grunted as he increased his pace and as Alexis moved her body in the same pace as his.

Alexis wrapped her arms tightly around his body and hugged him tight after one last thrust and felt herself come with him and her virigin wall broken. She screamed loud in pleasure and than went limp as Zane huffed and smiled. He laid down next to her watching her breathe heavily and than open her eyes and smile. " I love you," she said. Zane smiled and kissed her and pulled her close to him laying her head in his chest. He rubbed her hair and stroked her back until she finally fell asleep in his arms.

" I love you too," he whispered to her before he closed his eyes.


Sunlight shined through the window of the ship and into the room where the two new lovers laid. Zane grunted as the light shined on his eyes. He yawned and sat up and looked down at Alexis. He smiled and kissed her lightly before getting up and placing his clothes back on. He than pulled the bed sheets up around Alexis and left the room closing the door behind him. Once on deck he looked around at the clear blue sky and calm sea waters. He than looked around and noticed his whole crew looking at him smiling. " Get to work you idiots," he yelled.

The crew just smiled at him and than went back to their respective jobs. Zane placed his sword in his belt and walked to the helm where Chazz stood steering the ship. " Well well, how was your night?" Chazz asked grinning. Zane pushed him away and took the helm. " My pushy are we, after all that fun you had lastnight with the girl, how was she?" Chazz said chuckling but was than struck hard in his face and sent flying back on his behind. He looked up in shock at who hit him and saw Zane with his fist clenched.

" Hold your tongue Chazz and get back to work, before I make an example out of you before the crew," Zane ordered giving Chazz a death glare. Chazz gulped and got out of Zane's sight in a instant fearing more punishment from his captain. Zane cracked his knuckles and turned back to the helm, he would let no one get away with talking about Alexis in such away ever again.


Alexis groaned and opened hey eyes slowly and realized the warmth from Zane was gone. She felt for him and found his space empty in the bed. She sighed and looked infront of her to see Mindy and Jasmine kneeling on the bed. " Alexis how could you," Jasmine said. Alexis looked at her friend and tilted her head.

" What?" she replied. Mindy and Jasmine looked at eachother and than Alexis.

" We heard you last night," Mindy said. Alexis looked at them and than blushed and smiled a bit, she guessed they we're a little loud last night.

" You slept with that evil man, I would hate to have his slimely hands over me," Jasmine remarked making Alexis look up.

" Silence, he is not an evil person, he has a heart, he was nice, caring, gentle last night and I love him," Alexis said glaring at Jasmine who was taken aback a bit. Mindy smiled and hugged Alexis suddenly and laughed.

" Yay our little Alexis is in love," Mindy said laughing. Alexis laughed and hugged Mindy as Jasmine just snorted and turned from them. Suddenly the happy moment was broken when the door to the room slammed open and the girls turned to see Chazz standing in the doorway.

" Lets go, captain wants everyone on deck, we're nearing the island," he said. The girls sighed and Jasmine left the room as Alexis placed her clothes on and followed. Chazz narrowed his eyes at Mindy who walked over to him and smiled. The two than hugged and gave eachother a kiss.

" Did you tell them yet about us two?" Chazz asked her. Mindy smiled and shook her head.

" Nah, they don't need to know yet, what, Chazzy-Poo your cheek is swollen," Mindy said rubbing Chazz's cheek but her hand was grabbed by him.

" Its okay, come on lets go before they wonder where we are," Chazz said. He gave Mindy another kiss before walking out with her behind him. Zane stood at the helm letting Damon take over the steering. He walked over to Alexis who was leaning against the side looking at the sea.

" How are you feeling?" Zane asked her wondering if she was okay from last night. Alexis turned to him and smiled grabbing his hand.

" I'm fine don't worry," she said reassuring him. Zane smiled and was about to kiss her when suddenly the ship rocked hard to the side. Jasmine and Fonda fell down as Chazz grabbed Mindy to keep her from falling and than Crowler fell down hitting both Missy and Torrey in the process. Zane grunted and looked over to see the ocean beginning to get rough and choppy.

" Whats wrong, the ocean was calm a minute ago," Alexis wondered. She than looked up and saw a large mass of black clouds begin to form in the sky above their ship. Soon the sky became dark as lightning and fog rolled in.

" Damon keep us steady and be cautious, Belowski get in the crow's nest and guide us," Zane ordered. The small kid nodded and quickly climbed the mast and into the nest, scanning for anything. He looked into the fog and squinted when he saw a large black shadow.

" Captain there is something coming," he yelled down. Zane walked down the steps to the front with everyone else and looked ahead. Soon the large black shadow appeared and it was huge. A giant black ship sailing black sails, it was old, rotting, and covered in all matters of sea life.

" Crew get your weapons ready, it might be a enemy ship," Zane yelled. The whole crew drew swords and pistols as Zane drew his. " Alexis take your friends and go for cover," Zane said but then noticed Alexis holding a sword also. She looked at him with a determined look and Zane knew there was no changing her mind. He turned back to the large ship that slowly approached and stopped on the side of the Kaiser crew's ship. Alexis looked up at the ship and squinted to see several shadows standing at the edge but suddenly they disappeared. Everyone looked around when suddenly lightning struck near the ship causing everyone to fall down and the ship to rock.

Zane grunted and than looked with shock as bandaged hands began to come up through his ship like from another dimension. The crew jumped up quickly and watched in horror as the bandaged hands came up further to reveal they were attached to bodies of zombie looking creatures bandaged from head to toe. " What are they, monsters?" Jasmine screamed. Zane growled and swung his sword cutting on of them in the stomach and watching his top half fly off, he smirked but was in shock when he saw the top half still go, crawling towards them.

" Attack now," Zane ordered. His grew slashed and fired at the mummied zombies but nothing worked, they still came. Zane sliced one and then turned around kicking one in the head and snapping it off, but still the headless body kept going. Chazz stabbed one and kicked it away but then BAM! His sword was shot from his hand. Chazz turned to see a man twirling two pistols and wearing an eyepatch with four other people behind him.

" Hehehe, nice to meet you kid," the guy said smirking and suddenly the four people behind him lept at Chazz and attacked. A woman with as whip, a kid with a hammer, a guy with a knife, and a huge man with a mace all attacked at once but Chazz quickly rolled to the side and dodged everything but the whip snatched his leg and ripped the flesh making Chazz yell in pain. He than took a knife and cut the piece of rope and got to his feet to fight.

Crowler sliced a few mummies but was than knocked to the ground by a bat. He looked up to see a swarm of bats fly down and merge into one to form a beautiful woman with green hair and a long red dress. " Evening darlings," she laughed as a large white tiger jumped bedside her and transformed into a tall, muscular amazon lookin woman.

" Who here is tough enough to fight me," she yelled pounding her chest. Crowler gulped and quickly got up and backed up into Chazz.

" Crolwer who are these people?" Chazz asked.

" Their, their the...Shadow Pirates," Crowler said sweating. Mindy, Jasmine, and Fonda dodged all the mummies and ran towards the door to go below deck but stopped as a large black shadow appeared infront of the door. They watched in horror as a man walked out of the shadows in a long black trench coat with a black hat.

" Welcome, to the shadows," he said raising his head to reveal a mask across his face and a smirk under it. The three girls backed away from his as he drew a large jagged sword and swung it at them cutting a piece of the ship off and making them run away. Damon, Belowski, and Torrey back away together as two more shadow pirates appeared before the crew. One wearing egyptian jewelry and carrying a scythe and the other in a long brown cape with a full black mask and silver hair weilding a trident spear. The whole crew back up to eachother and looked around to find themselves surrounded by six shadow pirates and mummies.

" Captain, what now, the mummies can't be killed and these shadow pirates seem pretty strong," Torrey said. Zane grunted and looked up to see a giant fireball coming down and land on the ship with an explosion and setting the ship a fire.

" The fool, he always has to enter dramatic," the amazon woman grutned. Alexis looked to see a man dressed in black and purple with a mask on exit the fire and smirk.

" Nightshroud you fool, what did Lord Kagemaru tell you about being so rash," the masked shadow man yelled.

" Hehehe, guess I over did it a bit, but oh well," Nightshroud said chuckling. Zane looked around to see the fire start spreading around the ship and decided to use this distraction to his advantage. He quickly swung his sword and cut a rope causing the ship's sail to far between them and the mummies.

" Chazz the lifeboat," Zane yelled. Chazz nodded and with Crowler and Damon quickly pushed the lifeboat down to the water below. Zane sliced a few rouge mummies and then tossed down a lantern to catch the fallen sail on fire to slow the shadow pirates down. The others quickly began to climb down to the lifeboat as the mummies tried to climb over the fire but instead caught themselves on fire.

" Captain lets go," Chazz yelled. Zane looked Alexis and let her climb down before her did. When it came for him he turned to meet face to face with the masked shadow man in black.

" Leaving so soon," he said raising his sword and swinging it. Zane tried to draw his sword but there was no time, but than another sword came infront of him and blocked. He turned to see his second mate Torrey holding it off.

" Captain go, I'll hold them off," he said.

" No we're all getting off," Zane said. Torrey smiled at Zane and than kicked him in the stomach and over the railing down into the lifeboat with a thud. Chazz and Damon than kicked the lifeboat off and everyone began to paddle.

" Fool, you have killed yourself," the masked man said and then broke through Torrey's sword and down into his body. He smirked and then pulled the sword back ripping it through Torrey's flesh and making a puddle of crimson red blood on the deck. He than kicked Torrey's lifeless body away and turned to the other shadow pirates.

" Geez Titan, think you could have killed him any less painful," Nightshroud said. Titan grunted and placed his sword away.

" Blast the rest got away though, shall we pursue," the eyepacthed man asked.

" No not now, we have killed one today why kill them all now," a deep voice came. Everyone turned to see a rather large shadow walk onto the ship. " We will let them run for now, but soon we will kill each of them, one by one," the shadow said letting out a evil laugh. The other shadow pirates began to laugh also as they retreated to their ship and disappear.

Zane sat and watched the ship in the distance burn to the bottome of the sea. " Torrey, you fool," he said slamming his fist. Everyone looked at him as he turned his back to them all. Alexis sighed and placed her arm around Zane and hugged him.

" Captain, what do we do now," Crowler asked. Everyone in the boat sighed and looked in opposite ways as Zane closed his eyes. He than opened his eyes and then turned to everyone.

" We get a ship, a crew, and than we fight these shadow pirates and we beat them," Zane said," I'am Hell Kaiser, most feared pirate in the whole ocean and its time these shadow pirates feared me," he yelled. Everyone in the boat smiled and than yelled all at once.

" And I know where we can get a ship," Chazz said smirking. Zane nodded and than looked at Alexis who was looking back at the burning ship.

" Something the matter?" Zane asked. Alexis was in thought, the man known as Nightshroud, his voice and his presence, he seemed somehow familiar to her. She than shook her head when Zane's voice broke her thoughts.

" No nothing is wrong," she answered hugging him and burying her head in his chest. Zane smiled and kissed her and held her tight as the small lifeboat paddled to its destination.

End Chapter

Please Review and by the way it was my first lemon ever so sorry if it wasn;t good!