A/N: Thanks everyone for the reviews, they mean a lot to me and here it is the next chapter, enjoy and let me know what you think

Chapter Eleven: Adam's True Colours

Hermione woke and immediately shivered. She didn't remember either of them leaving the window open last night and an early morning breeze was flapping against the soft pink and white curtains she had put up only a few days ago. She smiled when Harry had told her to change anything and everything about the house they now shared together and she thought she might just do that.

But now her thoughts slipped away from decorating and back to last night. She blushed and pulled the sheets above her head as she giggled. Oh yes last night, what happened last night could make the even the shyest person blush deep red.

As the sheets were pulled up over her head she opened her eyes for the first time, noticing Harry wasn't there. She smoothed the mattress with her hand where he had slept. It was still warm and as her hand made contact with the sheet she remembered the touch of her hands upon him last night; and his touch upon her. She frowned slightly, disappointed he had ducked out so early and she looked around the room to find it empty but for herself. She listened for any sound of him in the bathroom, but he wasn't there. She was just sitting up and was reaching for her robe as Harry appeared at the open doorway with a huge smile and carrying a large breakfast tray, complete with what looked like enough food to supply a table of twelve.

"Good morning love," Harry said and sat the tray upon her lap and kissed her forehead.

Hermione sat up fully and pulled the sheets around her as Harry went to the window and closed it. "Morning," Hermione replied. "Mmmm love this smells great."

Harry came back to her and helped her arrange the breakfast so it balanced better. "I hope this is to Madame's liking. I think I have managed to get ALL your favourites. We have fruit salad, orange juice, tea, toast, butter, pancakes and orange cake"

"I hope you don't expect me to eat this all on my own?"

"I was planning on sharing it with you, if you are in a sharing mood."

She beckoned him with a crooked finger and as he approached she reached out and held Harry's cheeks with both hands as she gave him a passionate and deep kiss. "Always!"

He sat beside her in bed and she propped up with her back resting against his chest and Harry kissed her neck sweetly, causing her melt.

"I'm starving love." Harry whispered breathlessly. "After all that exercise from last night," and he nuzzled her neck again.

Hermione blushed even more than she had earlier. "Lets eat love, I'm starving too. After all, you tired me out."

They started eating and enjoying the morning in each other arms. Almost as soon as they had finished they were both enjoying another snogging session. They couldn't have enough of each other; they loved each other so much that they just wanted to stay like that forever.

Harry was kissing Hermione's forehead "We need to go love"

She frowns a little "Do we have to?"

Harry sighed and nuzzles her neck "Unfortunately yes. I'll try to maybe pop in sometime during the day, but I can't promise anything," Harry said, masking a great big lie. He wasn't going to try he WAS going to see her later as a surprise.

Hermione grinned "That would be lovely."

"I don't even want to be apart from you for even a few hours."

Hermione grinned and hugged him "I feel the same, I love you so much that I just want to spend every minute of every day with you."

They shared a last and very passionate kiss, but at Harry's urging that they were going to be late Harry broke away, reluctantly, and turned the shower on for her as he took the remains of breakfast back to the kitchen. As Hermione showered Harry made the bed, but this time using magic and he watched adoringly as Hermione dressed.

Harry escorted Hermione to her bookshop and after a long and passionate goodbye kiss (at which the three girls that worked for Hermione giggled like jealous schoolgirls) Harry departed, with a wink to the girls.

During the day Harry was working through his appointments with ridiculous ease. He smiled and nodded to all and even had a silly idiot grin on his face all through what was usually a chore of a staff meeting. All and sundry referred to Harry's good mood and one person asked if Harry's change was due to some substance that could be bought. Harry quickly shook his head and replied "Money can't buy this treasure; it's priceless." He skipped through the morning as if it were only minutes, and then eyeing the clock to see it was nearly One O'clock he skipped out with lunch in hand. He couldn't get Hermione out of his mind or stop grinning as he approached the far end of Diagon alley and stopped.

Hermione's bookshop, 'BossyBooks' was about 30 meters away and Harry watched as the last person he expected to be seeing exiting the store quickly look left and right as if to check to make sure he hadn't been seen, and skulk away. Harry's initial reaction had been to run after him and grab him by the throat but instead for Hermione's sake Harry let Adam scurry off before he walked into the bookstore.

Harry walked in and his frown instantly lightened at the smiles of Hermione's girls. "Hi," he said to each of them. They all agreed Harry was the best thing to happen to Hermione and they instantly liked him. Of course they all knew Harry before ever meeting him such was his fame, but unlike Adam who always looked at them in a slightly sleazy manner they instantly felt safe with Harry Potter.

One saw the picnic basket he held and laughed. "Does she know?"

"Not yet. Is she okay?"

"I think so, she's in her office."

Harry walked and knocked on the door. She was in the middle of a mountain of paperwork when Harry knocked on the door and poked his head inside. As she saw him her frown changed instantly to a beaming smile. "Harry, what a lovely surprise!"

Harry kissed her cheek and quickly nibbled her ear as he had the evening before; neither of them had forgotten.

"What was he doing here?" Harry asked. "Did he touch you? Yell at you?"

"Who?" Hermione asked, confused.



Harry paused, now HE was confused. "Adam was in here. I saw him leave."

"He didn't see me. One sec." Hermione walked out and Harry followed her. They went to the counter where the three girls stopped and looked at Hermione.

"Was Adam in here just now?" Hermione asked.

Kathy answered first. "Only for a minute."

"What did he want?" Hermione asked.

"He asked if Hermione was in and then he went over to the bookshelf on the far wall."

"He didn't go near her office?" Harry asked.

"No." they replied as one.

Harry looked confused at Hermione who looked confused back. "Maybe," Harry said "Maybe he was buying a book?"

The three girls laughed and even Hermione giggled. "Adam isn't much of a reader."

Kathy spoke up "He had a book anyway."

Harry stopped and looked at her. "He didn't have one when he left?"

"He did when he came in, a small green one," Veronica said.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other again before Harry took charge. "Which bookshelf did he go to?" Veronica showed him and Harry and Hermione scanned the shelves. Hermione saw it at an instant.

"That one!" she said certainly.

"Are you sure?"

"Harry I know EVERY book in the whole shop. I've read most of them. THAT book doesn't belong."

Harry reached for it before Hermione stayed his hand. "Careful, it may be charmed."

Harry stopped. "He wasn't wearing gloves," and removed the book. He examined it and handed it to Hermione. It took less than a second for the significance to hit home. Kathy knew at once what it meant but Veronica and her younger sister Susan didn't.

"Illegal charms and spells! Harry this is a banned book. It's forbidden to have it let alone sell it. I'd be shut down if anyone from the Ministry even saw it was here."

Harry's anger was instant and he spun on his heels and was halfway to the door. "HARRY NO!"

Harry stopped at her words. "But he---"

"And he'll deny it. We can't prove it - - ."

"But Kathy saw - - "

"A book; just a green book. His word against ours. He'll deny it."

Harry wasn't convinced. He STILL wanted to chase after Adam and throttle him.

"Please!" Hermione said this was enough. He walked to her and held her tight before kissing her deeply.