Althernate Endings to Rob/Star Dedicated Episodes
Teen Tyrant
These are different endings or alternate scenes from all of the most tender Rob/Star moments in certain episodes. The only one I didn't mess with is "Sisters". The Ferris wheel and rooftop scenes were perfect, and I'm not fooling with those. But these other ones have Robin just giving in to his feelings for Star in the way we always wanted him to. This first one is at the end of "Masks".
Robin: "You want to yell at me too? Everyone else has. And I can't blame them.
Starfire stepped closer to him, a sad look on her face. "I do not wish to yell, merely to understand. Robin, why did you not tell us the truth?"
Robin stared at the mask in his hands, determined to justify himself. "I needed to fool Slade. If you guys knew it was me under that mask, you would have held back. It doesn't matter. Slade figured it out, and I still haven't figured out anything about him.
Starfire continued to frown sadly. "That is not true." she said, looking away. "Whoever Slade is, you and he are... similar. Slade did not trust you... and you did not trust us."
Giving him one last look, Starfire turned away and began to leave the room.
Robin watched her go, feeling like absolute crap when thinking about what she said. It was all true. Finally, Robin relented.
"Starfire?" he called to her. Starfire stopped at the door and turned her head around and looked at him.
"Yes, Robin?"
Robin nodded his head to the spot next to him. "Stay." he said plainly.
Starfire remained where she was for a moment, then turned towards him and approached, coming to a stop next to him. Robin hung the Slade mask up on the wall and turned to her. Reaching out, he took her hands in his and looked up into her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Starfire. I didn't want to have to lie to you guys." he reached up and brush his hand across her cheek and through her hair. He stared into her eyes, in which he could see the pain of his lie to her. He had hurt her with his deception, and it made him feel even worse. "And I never wanted to hurt you. I'd never do that on purpose. I'm sorry."
Starfire's face changed to an expression that was a cross between happiness at his apology, and shock that he was apologizing at all, and speaking to her like this.
"Robin?" she said in wonderment.
Robin continued to gaze into her sparkling emerald eyes, leaning a little bit closer with each passing second.
"I'd never want anything to hurt you like that, Starfire." He continued to lean in closer, his eyes closing the closer he got. "I... I..."
Before he could finish, Starfire leaned in herself. Their eyes closed and thier lips touched together. They wrapped their arms around each others' waists.
The screen goes blank. End credits.