Disclaimer: I own nothing of Green Street Hooligans. Le sigh . . . if only I did, Pete Dunham would never leave my room.

Summary: A young Yank set adrift in Great Britain finds her purpose in a family divided.

Note: This story takes place post Green Street Hooligans. It's an AU story in which Pete is not killed. Feedback is always welcome.

"So what if your Mum hates me?" Katie asked for the hundredth time since they'd left the house, her voice laced with anxiety. Pete could see his brother's eyes roll in the rearview mirror. The younger Dunham had insisted on sitting in the back, citing the long drive and the need to flex and stretch his leg out on a regular basis. Katie was firmly seated and belted into the passenger seat.

"Kate" Steve began not taking his eyes off the road ahead, "We've had this discussion before. You've met Mum. She likes you."

Katie played with the simple silver bracelet on her hand nervously. "She knows me as the hired help. What's she gonna say when she finds out I'm dating her baby boy?" She shot a dirty look over her shoulder as Pete snorted.

Steve chuckled a bit as he turned onto a quiet lane. "Can't be any worse than the time he brought the exotic dancer home."

"Listen, I don't need to be reminded . . . " Pete started.

"Oh God! A stripper?" Katie interrupted "Pete really . . . !? "

"It was all very tastefully done I was assured." Steve glanced again at his brother smirking in the rearview mirror.

"Very tasteful, yes. Now can we drop it." He gently placed his hands on Katie's shoulder, kneading them lightly. "You're great. There's no reason not to like you." He soothed.

Katie could feel the tension melt as strong hands worked at her muscles. With the holidays, a new job, Matt's arrival, and everything else going on in the last week, she'd been so stressed. It hadn't gone unnoticed by her beau who'd brought up her sudden edginess the previous night. She felt bad when she thought back to the their conversation and how she'd snapped at him. The way his face had hardened had made her instantly regret her behavior but he wouldn't hear any more discussion on it. He'd left a short while later, telling her he'd see her in the morning. When he'd come to the door to get her this morning she'd tried to apologize. He'd silenced her with a kiss and told her it wasn't a big deal. For the last two hours he hadn't let onto anything being wrong. She made a mental note to make it up to him later.

Turning her head to the side she gave one massaging hand a kiss. "Thank you." She mumbled quietly. Steve's sighed disgustedly.

"If you could refrain from any public displays while in my presence it would be much appreciated." Katie could tell Pete was itching to say something. In a hurry to put the kibosh on any verbal sparing she quickly spoke up.

"So what time are Matt, Shannon, and the baby coming?"

Steve glanced at the cars digital clock. "It's about 1:00 and they were supposed to leave a little later than us . . . so maybe 2:00?" Katie could hear the nerves in his voice. It was an acquired skill, reading the Dunhams. Besides their anger, both men were experts at hiding their emotions. It had taken awhile but she'd finally become accustomed to picking up on their shifts in mood. It was an imperfect science and she still had much to learn.

The conversation drifted back to silence as she leant back into her seat. Rows of townhouses floated slowly by. She wondered idly what Shannon was like. She'd seen the pictures, for sure she was a knock out but what kind of personality went along with the beauty? Wonder was replaced with worry as they pulled into the neatly manicured driveway of Judith Dunham. Would it be awkward between the older Dunham and his estranged wife? Would there be hostility between Pete and his sister-in-law? Where would she fit into the whole situation?

As the trio unpacked the car, she felt a ball of anxiety begin to build in her stomach. It didn't lessen as they made their way through the front door. Nor did it begin to subside as Mrs. Dunham, who insisted that Katie call Judy, swept the diminutive American into a tight hug. As she pulled back, she took a moment to assess the young woman before turning to her sons.

"For the love of God. What have you two done to this poor thing? She's pale as a ghost." She looked from one boy to another before leaning closer to Katie, "You're not pregnant, are you darling?"

Pete sputtered, Steve sniggered, and Katie stared slack jawed at the woman before her. Her cheeks flaring three shades of pink. Laughing Judy patted her son's girlfriend on the back. "Now you have some color."

"Mom . . . " Pete warned wrapping her arms around the still silent Katie.

"If she can handle you, I highly doubt a little ribbing from your Mum is going to do much damage." She gave Katie a wink as the younger woman began to smile shyly. "There you go darling. I'm not going to bite. Now who wants a cup of cocoa?"

"I'm fine for now Mum." Steve said excusing himself from the room. "Yeah, got to finish unloading." Pete added disengaging himself and heading back to the car. Not before giving his girl an ever so slight nudge forward though.

Katie sidled up to the counter, "I'd love a glass."

"A woman after my own heart." Mrs. Dunham chuckled.

As Judy worked at the stove heating some milk up in a sauce pan and than adding her own mix of chocolate chunks and cocoa powder Katie watched. Judith Dunham was a very pretty woman. Slightly rounded but no where near fat, she had small creases at the corners of her eyes, the results of a lifetime spent smiling. When she flashed her guest a grin Katie could see where both men had gotten their charming smiles though she definitely saw more of Steve in his mother. She wondered idly what Mr. Dunham had looked like.

Katie's thought's were interrupted as a mug was set gently in front of her. She was still a little cold from the quick trip from the car to the house and the cocoa was delicious, creamy and rich. Looking up to thank her host she noticed for the first time a little nervousness in the older woman.

"So . . . " They both started at once. Both women chuckled a little. "Go ahead." Katie encouraged taking another sip of her cocoa. "This is delicious, you know." She said pointing to the mug.

"It was the boys favorite." She said idly stirring her own drink. "I wanted to thank you." She said suddenly. The bewildered look she received from her guest encouraged her to continue. "...For taking such good care of my baby."

Katie could see small tears sparkling at the corner of her eyes. "I didn't do anything that I wouldn't expect someone to do for someone I loved. It's my job."

"I don't think you understand. I don't mean about when he was . . . " she couldn't bring herself to say sick (for he really hadn't been sick) or in a coma. "When he was asleep." She said finally deciding on her wording. "I mean since he's come back to us. Somehow you've kept him line, on track. I was so worried that he'd wake up and the whole cycle would start again." Finding her own seat Judith Dunham smiled weakly. "He was nervous about bringing you home for the holiday. Reminded ME to be on my best behavior. This from the man that brought home a 'dancer'!" Katie chuckled at the mid air quotations her hostess made.

"What I'm trying to say is thank you for making him happy. He seems content for the first time in . . . I don't know how long."

When Pete returned to find his girlfriend embracing his mother.

"She put the peppermint sprinkle on top didn't she?" When he received matching glares, he made himself scarce.

As he made his way up to his old room, Pete finally exhaled a sigh of relief. To say he was thankful that his mother and his girlfriend had gotten on so well was an understatement. Truth be told he was a bit worried that his Mum would scare her off. It wouldn't be the first time that his dear mother had given the cold shoulder to one of his dates than again Katie wasn't the typical girl he'd bring home. Thinking on it now, he generally had horrible taste in women.

It was one worry to check off the list. Laying down in his childhood bed he stared at the ceiling, finding shapes in the cracks above him. Next was Shannon's impending arrival. Steve had already staked himself out at the front window waiting for her to arrive. Pete wasn't so excited about seeing his sister-in-law again.

Shannon and he had a contentious relationship at the best of times. No doubt it was going to be awkward. Their last meeting had been emotional and brutal things had been said that he knew she meant, and he'd deserved.

He needed a rest. He got tired easily, though he wouldn't admit that to anyone. If he just closed his eyes for a few minutes . . .

He was being shaken. It was the first thought that registered in his mind. Katie's voice was the second thing. "Come on sleepy head. It's time to get up." Her voice was soft and sweet. All he wanted to do was pull her into bed with him and spend the night eliciting all those delectable sounds from her. Wrapping his hand around her prodding wrist Pete pulled her onto the bed.

"Well 'ello" He said quietly. He watched her eyes flutter shut as he leant up and caught her lips. She was warm and pliant. He groaned involuntarily as her tongue grazed his own. Forcing himself to pull back he pulled the petite woman against his side. "How long was I out for?"

"Maybe an hour. Hour and a half tops."

"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked looking down at her.

"You needed some sleep. Who am I to deny you? Anyway, Shannon came and I thought maybe it'd be best to let everybody ease together." She finished hesitantly. He sighed and knew she was right. Giving her a peck on the forehead he eased himself up and offering her a hand. "I guess it's now or never?" He could hear the babbling giggle of his nephew downstairs.

As they hit the landing, Pete was cut off by the toddling of his nephew. "Well 'ello 'ello little man" Lifting the tot up into his arms he wandered into the living room. Four sets of eyes fell on him instantly. There was a palpable tension in the air. "Shannon." He said with a small nod.

"Pete." She stated shortly.

He passed his nephew back to Shannon. "I think this belongs to you." Grasping hands with Matt he turned his attention away from his sister-in-law. "Good to see you mate."

Squeezing out from behind him, Katie took a seat next to his mother. So far so good.

"So" Judy Dunham began. "What do you say you two lovely ladies help me in the kitchen and we'll let these guys do whatever it is they do."

"That sounds like a plan." He heard Katie chime in. Shannon on the other hand looked hesitant. Finally Steve offered his hands out for Ben leaving his wife with no other choice than to give him up and go.

As the women left the room three matching sighs of relief were expelled. Matt was the first to speak "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but damn."

Steve spoke at his son, "I think your Mummy wishes uncle Petey would disappear."

"Nice." Pete muttered running his hands through his hair. "Could have been worse, right?"

"Right" said the other two men in unison. Ben laughed.

In the kitchen Katie was hard at work cutting apples for a crisp while Judy and Shannon worked on the rest of dinner. She'd watch Judy slip some unknown liquor into her tea and she wished she'd had the idea. Shannon was busy peeling and cutting potatoes while Judy peeked into the oven to check on the roasting chicken. It was quiet and a bit overwhelming.

Shannon was the one to finally break the silence reaching into the bag at her side. "I brought a bottle of wine. Does anyone want a drink?" She asked removing what appeared to be a nice bottle of red.

"That sounds lovely dear." Said Judy already on her way to grab the wine glasses from an overhead cupboard.

"Yes please." She hadn't thought she needed a drink so bad but when the Cabernet hit her lips she felt almost instantly better. As the wine flowed the guards fell and in no time the three were chatting quietly. Katie was surprised to find that she actually liked Shannon. She was vibrant and it was nice to have another 'yank' around who understood where she was coming from. In no time the buzzer was going off and the chicken was being pulled from the oven. As they finished setting up the table, Katie excused herself to grab the rest of the pack from the living room.

Glancing up at the wall of pictures in the hall she couldn't help but smile at the family photos. In one a much younger Steve and Pete stared through the frame. Steve was missing a tooth and Pete had one hell of a shiner. Yet another showed the whole family Judy, Pete, Steve, and Mr. Dunham. They were at the beach. Judy was snuggled close to her husband while the two boys stood in front with silly grins plastered on their faces.

"That was a year before he died."

She jumped, she hadn't heard Pete sneak up behind her. "Oh" She said quietly not letting her eyes drift from the picture. He'd never spoken to her about his father.

"I was so burnt by the time we got home." She could hear the smile on his face.

Turning and taking his hand in hers, she asked. "How did he . . . "



"Dad was an electrician. He was working one day with a set of wires that were supposed to be off. Someone wasn't paying attention and turned them back on." He shrugged. Katie's heart broke for him. "That was the end of him."

"Pete, I'm sorry"

"It happened a long time ago."

Judith Dunham's voice rang down the hall, "Are you two coming? Dinners getting cold."

"I guess we should probably hurry up than." He murmured bringing her hand to his lips and placing some gentle kisses along her knuckles before leading her to the dining room.

A/N I think this is the longest chapter you'll get outta me. LOL. Enjoy!