A/N: Hey guys, this is my first ever Lily/James Story, and its my second posted fanfic that's going to be more than one chapter long. read and review please. check out my other stories if you want, and i appreciate any helpful critisism, no flames please. thanx guys!

Disclaimer: okay seriously, if i owned Harry Potter, then why would i be writing it here. i mean really, that's not even rational. oh well, if i must.


When Lily Evans woke up on September 1st after her alarm went off at precisely 7:45AM, she sat bolt upright and grinned ear-to-ear. Today, she thought, can simply not go wrong! As you see, today was the start of her "senior" year at Hogwarts, and she was the Head Girl. The very fact that she had been chosen for the title made it bearable to stand her sister, Petunia, deriding her for being a witch, and she stayed very happy the whole way through break.

When she got downstairs that morning, she reminded her parents that she was leaving for school today. "Hey Mom, Dad, remember you have to drop me off at King's Cross today." She said in a singsong voice, remembering she could finally see her boyfriend, Alex, whom she had only talked to by letters since the end of school last year, and they had only been dating for a couple weeks before that, so she missed him very much.


When they got to London, Lily said goodbye to her parents, and went through the barrier to platform 9 ¾ where she quickly spotted her best friends, "Hey Charlie, Amee! Over here!" she rushed over to her two best friends and enveloped both of them at once in a humongous hug. "Do you guys know who the Head Boy is this year?" She had already told them that she got the other position when they had talked over the summer.

The two girls exchanged glances and sighed as one, "You'll see…"

"What? Oh, come on guys, tell me who it is, whomever it is cannot be that bad." She pleaded.

They shook their heads, saying, "You'll find out..."

"Fine." Lily stalked away onto the train.

She walked into the prefects' compartment where she could finally figure out who the Head Boy was. He wasn't there yet, so she started the meeting without the mystery person.

About five minutes later, none other than the infamous James Potter strolled casually into the compartment, grinning. "Heyy Ev-Lily."

"You're late." Lily stated, trying not to show her shock at the fact that she was going to have to spend a whole year living right next to him; that she would have to put up with him even more than she already did, and preferably not kill him in the process.

"Yeah, about that, sorry, I, um… I got lost?" James suggested somewhat feebly.

"Whatever, as I was saying before that rude interruption…" Lily continued her speech about the duties of being a prefect after glaring in James's direction for about a minute. The meeting lasted only a little over an hour, after which she gave all of the prefects the new password to each of the respective houses as they left.

She waited until everyone had gone from the room before she left, but James seemed to be waiting for her for some reason. Lily looked curiously over at him, leaning against the door to the compartment, "What in the world are you doing?"

"Waiting for you of course," he said, grinning as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"And why would you be doing something like that?" She asked.

James seemed to have changed his mind about something, and for some reason he looked sort of… sad. The sparkle had all but gone from his bright blue eyes. But wait, she thought, I hate him, I don't care about that. She shook herself mentally. "I don't know. Never mind, I'm leaving now." James said as he walked quickly out of the suddenly very quiet and empty compartment.

Lily walked slowly back to her friends' compartment, all the while contemplating what had just taken place.

Why was James waiting for me?

He likes you said a voice in Lily's head.

He hates me, and I hate him. That's final. She told the voice.

Why else would he be waiting for you?

Cause he wanted to prank me or something, I don't know

But her voice, or conscience, or whatever it was, had no time to respond.

"Earth to Lily!" said the blonde, blue-eyed, quiet girl named Amee, waving her hand in front of Lily's face.

Lily looked around and realized that she had been standing in the doorway of her compartment for apparently some time. "Oh, hey guys, sorry, zoned out for a bit."

"That's an understatement, Amee said your name about a million times," The brunette, Charlie, pointed out. "oh, hey Alex." She added as Lily's blonde boyfriend entered the compartment.

"Alex!" Lily squealed, jumping up and giving Alex a hug and kiss. Amee and Charlie rolled their eyes at each other, they didn't really like Alex, but they put up with him for Lily's sake. "I missed you soo much!"

"Yeah, I missed you too." He said quickly. "Well, I just wanted to say hi, I had better be getting back to my guys; I said I wouldn't be long."

"Oh, okay, well, I'll see you later, bye." She said a little unhappily. "So, where were we? Oh right, I was zoned out, sorry about that." She said changing the subject quickly.

"So, whom were you thinking about?" inquired Amee somewhat curiously.

"Who." Lily automatically corrected.


"It's 'who' not 'whom'."

"Fine then, who were you thinking about?"

"No one..."

"Sure…" agreed Amee, not sounding convinced at all.

"We'd better start getting changed, we'll be there soon." Decided Lily, changing the subject successfully.

"Okay," agreed Charlie readily, hoping to avoid any further arguments.


The Feast was nearly over when Dumbledore stood up to make his annual speech. "I hope that everyone here had a fantastic summer, but the summer is over now, so if you didn't then it's behind you, so you get to come back and learn now. That's all, but if the Head Boy and Girl would please come see me after this for some simple housekeeping issues. Have a nice night." (A/N: that was a really sad speech, sorry guys!)

After they made sure all of the prefects were doing what they were supposed to be, James and Lily made their ways separately to the Head table; Lily wishing that she could be doing anything, preferably something with Alex, other than spending any more time than absolutely necessary with James Potter.

"Follow me, and please keep up." said Dumbledore, heading for the Griffindor common room, but stopping just before it at a painting of a beautiful Centaur. "Now, this is where you will be staying for this year, though your bed is still in your other room, so you may go there if you wish. You guys must agree on a password, which you may change at anytime as long as you agree on it."

Lily glared at James and said "Hershey Kisses" without even asking him. James looked somewhat confused but all the same nodded quickly in agreement.

"Good choice," said Dumbledore, leaving them alone in the hall to do what they wished.


A/N: hey guys, what did you think of that chapter? Its not very long but they get longer as we go. Okay, so you know what to do, read and review! I have a couple more of the chapters already written so I will have something posted next week if you guys review enough. Much love,
