You lot miss me :P
Sorry this took so long, I was trying my hardest, Fira wouldn't let up lol, Thank god to her though she is still working her Beta magic for me!
Anyway, Thank you all the rewive i've recieved so far I hope mainly will return and reviwe this chapter and new readers will rewive also!
The sun was coming up and as much as Tyson liked the way the reds from the new morning melted into the blue from the night before, Tyson was really not a morning person. He liked to sleep. He was almost as good at it as he was at beyblading. But what with last night... Well, no matter what he did, Tyson couldn't nod off.
Akuhei. That horrid name had kept him up all night. He finally realized why he was so worried when he had first heard it. Evil. That's what Kai's uncle's name meant. Evil. And, for some chilling reason, Tyson couldn't shake off the feeling that this Hiwatari would live up to it.
Looking back at the sky Tyson couldn't help but smile. The way the colours blended and swirled, reminded him so much of Dranzer and Dragoon. When Kai and him beybladed, and the two bitbeasts merged together, the fire bird's mighty crimson with his dragon's passionate blue. Some how, the whole scene made him think about Kai and himself. It was almost the perfect way to describe their partnership. Two complete opposites coming together to make something perfect. Like the moon and sun making the morning.
Tyson pushed himself off of his seat by the window. It was morning, and for once he was up early, so he might as well get some breakfast. A nice big, yummy breakfast. He had to drool at the idea. So as quiet as Tyson could be, he made his way out of his room and towards the stairs only to stop in front of an all too familiar door. Was he still asleep? Had Kai been awake all night like he had?
"Takao is very beautiful...and so is T.."
Oh why did gramps have to stop Kai from finishing his sentence? The un-known name was driving him mad! Who else did Kai find beautiful? Tala? He felt his heart clench at the very idea. It hurt to think that maybe Kai liked someone else the same way he liked Takao.
Tyson shook his head, it wasn't doing him any good just standing here brooding. Especially when he could be getting some much wanted food. His small grin came back as Tyson thought of all the wonders he could make for breakfast.
'Maybe I could make something for Kai.' With a new goal in mind, Tyson ran off to start on his new mission. To feed Kai!
However, behind that 'familiar door' Kai, unlike Tyson, had slept quite peacefully. All night images of a certain bluenette kept him company, keeping his anxiety over his uncle at bay.
He didn't have many memories of him. Really, all he knew was that now and then he would help his grandfather with the abby's finances. And, after explaining where he would be living from now on, Kai had hoped that he would never have to meet his uncle again.
His meetings with his uncle had been very short and far apart and Kai liked it just like that. The way his uncle would look at him...Like he was being checked over to see his 'worth'. It always made a shiver go down Kai's spine, even after years of the abby's training. Then, there was always the way his uncle would look at the other kids. Taking his pick of the litter almost. He always had a favorite when he would come to visit, and Kai had always prayed that it would never be Tala or the others in his group. Being Akuhei's favourite was not a good thing...
It was still early, but he always woke up early. Although he had become more laid back after being with Tyson and his grandfather for so long, he still kept some of his old traits. His blue face paint being one. Though that might've been because Tyson had said 'You wouldn't be Kai with out it. I think they're cool.'
Yes, that just might be the reason.
"Tyson..." Kai couldn't help his little smirk growing at the mention of Tyson's name. The way he had acted last night, when he had told him that Takao was beautiful was so cute.
"Really?" Kai nodded to Tyson and moved closer feeling the bluenette's breath fan his face. So close "...and so is T.."
'I wonder what he would have done if I had finished telling him the rest...' That feeling came back again. The fluttering inside his chest. Everytime it happened, Kai swore the butterfly feeling got stronger. It was annoying at first (Kai even thought it was a cold to begin with), but now it somehow seemed to give the fire blader a sense of warmth, comfort, maybe even lo..
Kai started, shocked out of his thoughts by the loud bang that had just come from below him. Something had fallen in the kitchen it seemed, but everyone was usually asleep at this time of day. And his cat only ever came for food around midday... So who was downstairs?
"Oww.." The soft, nearly unaudibly groan made its way into Kai's room. It sounded familiar. Then it hit him. Someone was hurt in the kitchen, and he knew who it was.
"Tyson!" Kai exclaimed, and raced out of his room to help his team mate.
Tyson sat there hugging his hand to his chest. It wasn't a big cut but it still hurt, and the shock of the pain had made him fall back into the table, causing one of the chairs to follow him to the floor. So not only did his hand hurt, but so did his head. It wasn't too bad, nothing was bleeding other than his finger, but that didn't stop the little group of tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
Just great. He tries to do something nice for Kai and it ends up with him hurt. The breakfast looked pretty damn good though. Although he usually kept his bragging to beyblading, he knew he was a very very good cook. He had to be, otherwise gramps would've had to cook, and then they would've been dead years ago. It was Kai's favourite, with everything just the way he liked it. His coffee wasn't too hot, with just a little bit of milk and two sugars. And to eat was eggybread with a little bit of tomato sauce on the side of the plate.
He never watched Kai eat, no... He hadn't memorized his favorite food in a mad attempt to learn everything about the blader, no he did not!
...Alright, maybe he did a little.
But right now he felt pretty stupid. There he was, on the floor in pain because of a measly cut! He was a big boy, he shouldn't be crying, but damn it, it hurt! Frowning harder Tyson made to get up off the floor only to have a worried Kai tripping over him. In his rush to make sure that the champ was alright he had lacked to notice the small legs sticking out by the door way and fell to the floor with a soft thump alongside Tyson. Though he did land a lot more gracefully than the younger blader had.
"Kai?... Kai! Are you alright?" Tyson crawled his way over to Kai where he was lying on his back. Carefully Kai rose up, making sure not to hurt his now bruised butt.
"I'm fine Tyson, What about you?" He watched as Tyson flushed. The soft red matched beautifully with the blue of his hair.
Fiddling a bit with his top, Tyson had to blush at Kai's caring words. It almost made him believe Kai really did think of him as more then just a beyblading rival.
"I cut my hand and fell and banged my head." Tyson cast his arm out for Kai to see. The older teen could tell the cut wasn't too deep but it did need a bandage.
Gently, Kai took Tyson's injured hand and pulled the younger boy off the floor. Still a bit dizzy from where his head hit the table Tyson stumbled, only to have Kai grabbed him around his waist to keep him from falling.
'He's so warm.' Tyson could fell the heat coming off Kai in waves, warming his colder body. His world narrowed down until it was just him and Kai. No kitchen, no ramps, just them. It just felt so perfect having Kai hold him like this.
"You okay?" The gruff voice coming from above his head broke Tyson out of his world and he slowly (and very reluctantly) moved back, picking up the fallen chair and sitting on it so Kai could clean his cut.
"Yes...Thank you." Bowing his head he hoped his overgrown bangs would help stop Kai from seeing the complete and utter redness of his face. But if he had looked up, he would have noticed a similar blush playing along the older bladers cheeks.
Kai was still slightly stunned at the feeling holding the younger boy had made. It was like a huge sense of rightness and peace fell onto him like a big blanket. It was so strong that he had difficulty making his voice stable enough to see if Tyson was okay. Noticing the lack of warm now that Tyson had moved back into his seat, Kai stood and watched the blunette settle, wishing he was back in his arms.
Kai quickly went back to the task of getting the first aid kit for Tyson's hand, and once he had it he knelt in front of the teen. Taking Tyson's hand in his own he started to dab antiseptic on it.
"Itai!" Tears quickly formed once again as Kai's cleaning caused the wound to sting and throb. Why did it have to hurt so much?
"Sorry." Kai continued to wash the cut, before softly taking a towel to dry it. Reaching into the first aid box for the small box of bandaids, he held them out for Tyson to choose the one he wanted, knowing he would cheer up in doing so.
Tyson looked over all the cute chibi pictures, each one different, but he quickly made up his mind.
"That one!" Tyson pointed and Kai raised his eyebrown at the boys choice.
"You want the Dranzer one?" Tyson happily nodded, smiling brightly at Kai. "Why not Dragoon?" The bluenette gave a small shrug, the smile staying as bright as ever on his face.
"I already have a dragoon." Tyson said, his head tilted. "And this one will remind me of you."
"Well I can't argue with that now can I?" Kai grinned, appling the sticky side of the bandaid to Tyson's soft skin. His fingers lingered on Tyson's palm before he pulled them back, getting up and turning aroung to put the first aid kit back under the cupboard.
"...Ain't you going to kiss it better?" Tyson teased. Slowly Kai turned back around to face him.
"Depends... Do you want me to?" Kai smirked towards the now blushing boy. How many times was that now?
Tyson sat there, he ihad/i only been joking but... deep down a part of him really iwanted/i Kai to do just that. It had felt so good having Kai treat his injury, maybe a kiss would feel even better?
Wetting his lips, Tyson stood up next to the taller and older blader.
"Would you?" Two sets off eyes met, locking together. Neither knowing what to do next but hoping it would happen soon.
"MORNING DUDE!" Gramps jumped into the kitchen like a man half his age. Quickly the two younger teens jumped apart, breaking whatever connection had formed between them. Both displaying their own ripe blushes on their faces.
"Damn it gramps! I thought old people were meant to be crippled!" Kai had to smirk as Tyson sulked and Gramps just laughed.
"Yo, T-man, you better start getting your grove on!" Gramps moved towards the fridge, sticking his head inside to see what he could eat without having to cook. "Your hommies Uncle's gonna be arriving soon." Looking at the clock, Tyson saw that gramps was right (for once), and he let out quite an un-manly sqeek, before running to get ready.
Kai watched Tyson run out the door, knowing the boy had gone to become Takao again. A soft, nearly invisible smile graced his face.
'Would you?'
Kai turned back towards the table, noticing for the first time the breakfast that only Tyson could have made for him. His smile grew a little as he took a bite out if his eggybread.
'I think I would Ty'
Gramps just took his glass of o-j and left the kitchen, smiling at the obvious joy being desplayed on the normally cold teens face.
This was so wrong. Men should not be running around fretting over what to wear. He was Tyson! He never cared what clothes he had on, as long as they covered his body he was happy. Red, yellow and dark blue, those were his colours, and though they clashed horribly (well according to Hilary), he liked them as they went with his wonderful precious hat. That was another thing that felt just wrong. Tyson, dressing, and not placing his best friend upon his head. He felt incomplete without it, like his Tyson-ness had been removed.
'Okay, Monday... red dress with pink socks and black shoes...wear hair in...plaits!'
"Oh no way in hell!" Tyson read the list Hilary had... kindly made for him so he wouldn't end up looking terrible. "That woman is evil."
Sulking slightly, Tyson went on with the task of finding the listed clothes and getting them ready to wear.
"Men are not meant to colour coordinate Hilary!"
After a quick shower and some minor mishaps dressing, Tyson had one thing left to do. One thing that would push his limits to the extreme, past what he felt when doing Kendo, past what he felt when eating, hell, maybe even past beyblading.
"Okay, so this bit this...ARGH!" Why was this so hard? even if he was a guy (though he was starting to doubt that) it shouldn't be so impossible to do. "Rei never has problems with his hair..."
The mini-war with the hairbrush and bobbles went on for about 10 minutes before Tyson was ready to give up and just put it back into his old familiar pony-tail.
'I bet Rei doesn't have this kind of problem with his hair, and he wraps it up!' Throwing the brush behind him Tyson admitted defeat.
"WOAH THERE HOME DOG!" Gramps ducked just in time to miss the flying hairbrush. "What's wrong T-man, you're as twisted as a taco."
Tyson turned around to face his gramps. Though he would never admit it to any person or god, Tyson was a little upset over not being able to do his hair. He never needed to before. No one really cared about what his hair looked like, and besides, he had his cap to hide everything else. But now, he didn't have his comfort device, he was trying to be something he wasn't, and why? Because Kai meant the world to him. So much so he would do anything to keep Kai here with him, safe and close. So not being able to get his hair in plaits was starting to really depress him.
Gramps watched his grandson's face fall even more then it had been a minute ago. Though it was still funny to see Tyson in a dress, right now gramps didn't feel like laughing. He just wanted to make his grandson happy. Tyson always went out of his way to make others happy and nearly never asked for anything in return. And to see what Tyson was willing to do for Kai showed gramps just how much he loved that boy. Gramps wasn't as slow as most would think. With them both living under his roof he noticed the way that each boy looked at the other in longing. It was about time something happened which would speed up the process. And gramps just prayed this was it or, god forgive him, he was gonna lock them in a closet.
Making his way over to the sad boy, gramps noticed how Tyson's hair was splayed everywhere after the constant brushing, and the bobbles on the side table gave an indication to what Tyson had been trying to do. Gramps felt his eyes sting a little. He had seen this all before.
"Turn around homeboy." Tyson looked puzzled but complied as gramps smiled at him. "You always did remind me of your mother."
His ears perked up at the mention of his mother. Nearly no one would speak about her anymore. Most found it to hard to remember her, and Tyson found his memories little and far inbetween. He had heard Dad and Hiro mention he looked like her, and yesterday at Hilary's he had noticed it, what with the dress and all. But to have gramps say it, his mothers own father, just seemed to make it all the more real.
"She was terrible at doing her hair too you know." Gramps moved the brush though the long blue mass below him while he talked "I always ended up doing it for her."
It went silent after that. Gramps continued to brush and plait the hair while Tyson just enjoyed the feeling. He loved when people played with his hair.
"There you go homeboy, all done!" He put the brush down next to the spare bobbles and made his way to the door. "You better hurry up now Tyson."
"Not Tyson." Stopping, gramps looked back at his (now female-looking) grandson "It's Takao."
Gramps just smiled, nodded then left.
Downstairs sitting by the door, was Kai, waiting for his... girlfriend, to come down, ready for the arrival of the much awaited (not) guest. Kai wasn't dressing smartly or any different then he would usually, he didn't see the point in dressing up for people. Either they liked him like he was or they could get lost. Noticing the eldest Kinomiya coming down the stairs Kai stood up to let him past.
Gramps made his way over with a smile playing across that old face. Kai was sometime envious that Tyson's grandfather was so much better then his but, like Tyson had told him, he was family now, so Tyson's gramps was his gramps. He wondered if the younger blader knew how much that meant to him. Likely.
The elder man walked right past the duel-haired blader, but not before saying something first.
"You're a very lucky guy K-man" And before Kai could ask any more, Mr Kinomiya was gone into the dojo. Kai simple shook his head.
"He says some weird things..."
"Who does?"
Kai very nearly jumped at the sudden and unsuspected reply to his remark (however, we all know that Kai Hiwatari inever/i jumps). Turning to see Tyson, Kai very nearly melted at the sight. Tyson had looked just as amazing as yesterday.
"Hello Takao." Kai smiled as Tyson's cheeks coloured to match his dress. "Nice hairdo." That earned him a punch on the arm.
"Oh shut up! It was hell to do! ...I had to get gramps to do it for me." Tyson looked down after admitting that. It was too cute! Kai was so lost with watching Tyson that he didn't even notice the teen was watching him back.
'What if i'm not good enough? Hilary had dressed me last time. What if I've done it all wrong?'
"Kai? Does... Does Takao still look beautiful?" Kai's head whipped up from where he was looking at Tyson's shoes to the worried face of his partner. How was it Tyson couldn't see how beautiful he really was? Dress or no dress, he was... perfect.
"You're always beautiful Takao." Tyson's face spilt into a huge grin.
"Real..." His reply was cut off by the door being opened. The grin fell from Tyson's face, and Kai's eyes went hard and cold as he saw the person standing in the doorway.
"Ah, Kai. Don't you look well..." Black eyes turned to gaze at Tyson. The blue haired blader didn't think it was even possible for eyes to be that shade of black, but there they were, staring at him. You could barely see where the iris ended and the pupil began. The tall man came in though the doorway, all the while still holding his gaze on Tyson. It made him feel sick, the way that man looked at him. Quickly he grabbed Kai's hand for support... Tyson didn't like this man.
Kai felt the smaller boy grab his hand and let him. He was more than a little angry now. Not only was Akuhei intimidating Tyson but Kai could also feel the boy shaking in his hand. But, most of all it was his uncle's look that made Kai want this man gone, now. That look. The same as before, all those years before.
" ...And this must be your lovely lady friend. Tell me, what's your name?" Akuhei walked over to Tyson and smiled.
"It's...Takao." Tyson gripped Kai's hand even tighter. And only Kai noticed Akukei's twisted smile. He took pleasure in scaring his Tyson! He really wanted this bastard gone.
"What a beautiful name." Tyson flinched. He really didn't like this guy.
WMahahahaaaaaa, so now the bad guy has been shown, but what does he want with are little Takao? Well, I know but if you guys want to, you know what to do, (.)
love ya fira