Well this is the end. And no I will not add more for this story I hope that you have liked it so far. I would like to thank you all for reading and these people for reviewing



savewolf the angel of death



Don't own Inuyahsa and co. That would be Rumiko T.




Love Second Time Around








Kagome looked up from the book she has been trying to read for the past month when she heard children laughing. She saw her two youngest grandchildren playing tag.

When they saw her look at them they ran over to her. "Grandma will you play tag with us" said a five year old Sayrei as her twin sister Sayra nodded her head yes.

Kagome looked at them and could not believe how much they looked like her son but had their mothers hair coloring. Kagome gave her book one last long look and put it down on the table by the lounge chair she was laying back on. "How can I say no to my favorite grandchildren" she said with a grin as she got up.

"But grandma you said that Makoto yesterday and Kyo and Keiichiro the day before that" said Sayra as she counted down her brothers and sister on her fingers.

Sayrei was about to finish helping her sister count down names when Kagome waved her hands telling them to stop.

"Ok, ok you all are my favorite, all seven of you. Come on why are the both of you just standing there? I thought you wanted to play tag" she said as ran to the middle of her and Sesshomarus back yard.

They were playing for about 7 minute when Kagome saw her mother and daughter-in-law step out of the house

"Some one here is hungry" she said as she looked down at the bundle she was holding.

Kagome looked and saw that her mother was holding her four month old son Konomaru. He looked just like Kagome. He has her black hair and her deep blue eyes but has Sesshomaru elfen ears and the blue crescent moon on his forehead and acted just like Sesshomaru. He was born first. Rin was holding his twin sister Sayoko. She looked just like Sesshomaru She has his silver hair and golden eyes and also has elfen ears and the blue crescent moon on her forehead and acts just like Kagome. She was born last and both of them were half demons but Sesshomaru did not care for he loved them all the same.

When both babies were fed and asleep she put them both in their bassinets by the table and turned to Rin and asked "So were is my son at?"

"Well I left him and Inuyasha fighting to see who will play against Sota on the Xbox 360" she said as she looked at her youngest playing tag.

"They make me feel sorry for ever buying that thing" said Kagome with a frown on her face

"So do I but I still love you anyway" said Ayame as she walked over to them with her two month old baby girl in her arms.

Kagome still could not get over the fact that Ayame had stopped running after Koga and started to chase Inuyasha when Kikyo had been killed by some demon and that he let her do it. They have five pups together.

"Now that I have had this little one he is over here or at the shrine more playing to get away from changing her dippers" she said as she sat down.

"You know he would stay at home more if you let him have his own" said Rin

"True but then that's all he would be doing" she said with a laugh

Mrs. Higurashi looked at all of them and said "I find it so funny that Kagome worked at Taisho INC. for two years and never knew that Sesshomaru owned it and that Inuyasha worked there too"

"Didn't I tell you that" she saw her mother shake her head no and said "Well Sesshomaru was away at another branch of Taisho INC and came back the same day I met him after so long. And as for Inuyasha he was the Vice President of the branch in the U.S.A. The funny thing is that he was at the ball also but he and Ayame were late so we all missed each other by a few minutes. And can you believe all of this happen only two years ago" she said with a smile

"And now we are back because we missed Japan" said Ayame

"And Shippo had his own company. So he did not even know that his own mom was so close to him" said Mrs. Higurashi

Rin looked up and said "Oh look here comes our men"

All the women looked and saw Sota playing a PSP, Inuyasha still picking on Shippo even though he is now taller than him, grandpa Higurashi looking at them and shaking his head, and Sesshomaru looking board at all of them but to only those who knew him good knew that he was really smiling to see all of his family here with him.





K.C.T. "well that is the end I hoped that you all loved it. Sorry about it being short"

Kagome "OHHHH I have twins"

K.C.T "yep"

Sesshomaru "I'm happy?"

K.C.T. "yes, for you now have the family you have always wanted and don't lie to me because you know you have"

Inuyasha "OMG Ayame...Kikyo dead and...I mated AYAME..."

K.C.T. "yep. Did you really think I'll let you stay with that clay pot mess. I don't like her. You should be happy I let you be with her for a little while before I killed her off. Besides Ayame will keep you happy right?"

Ayame "right. I'll take good care of lover boy"

Kagome "this is great. I have some of my friends back even though some of them could not be here, I know that they lived a long happy life. I have two wonderful babies, I have my son back and he gave me a new daughter with grandchildren, and I have a loving mate who loves me with all his heart. What more could I ask for?"

K.C.T. "well there is one more thing"

Kagome "oh yeah Review please"