Chapter 3:

He often appeared in her dreams.

Waking up in the dark night, Hinata was always prone to sweating whenever she dreamed of him. In her dream, he would be holding out a hand to her and he would stare back at her with lonely eyes.

No, please don't go, pleaded Hinata as his appearance would gradually disappear.

Sitting up, Hinata gasped as she opened her eyes to darkness. Reaching for the lamp on the nightstand, Hinata sighed as she covered her face with both hands. Feeling the drops of sweat on her fingers and palms, Hinata's breathing was slowly subsiding. How many more of these same dreams would haunt her? Hinata winced as she felt a tug in her left side of the chest. Grabbing her new pill bottle and waterbottle from the nightstand, Hinata took medicine to quell the pain inside her heart.

Hinata slowly looked up, her eyes staring at the white ceiling above her. Are you up there, Sasuke? Watching me?


"Honey, what's wrong?" asked Mikoto, walking into the kitchen seeing her husband sit by the dining table with a glass of wine in his hand. Taking a seat next to her husband, Mikoto reached for Fugaku's free hand and pressed it gently. "Tell me. You look distressed. Is it about work?"

Fugaku shook his head, taking a sip of his wine. "Mikoto, I don't know what to do." His eyes looked worried and the creases on his face revealed his wrinkles of an aging man.

"What do you mean?" pressed Mikoto, a hint of worry in her voice. Her hold on her husband's hand became stronger," Tell me, Fugaku. Tell me. I don't like it when I see such worry on your face."

Sighing, Fugaku turned to Mikoto," Haruno Kazuya is dying, Mikoto. Ai called this morning to inform me. She's demanding help. Kazuya's business is shutting down and his employees are abandoning the company. They are not going to stay loyal to a dying man with no successor, Mikoto."

Mikoto covered her mouth, terror in her eyes. Poor Ai, the woman who had done so much to raise Sakura and support her husband. Everyone knew the difficulty that lied ahead for Kazuyo—a man who was strict to tradition and hated reform. Everyone predicted that his boating business would expire someday. But at a time like this was just very unfortunate. " about Sakura, hm? She's such an aspiring idol already."

Fugaku shook his head," Ai said she's hardly spoken to her daughter ever since Sasuke's death. It seems Sakura is still upset at her parents who controlled her career."

Mikoto shook her head," That's devastating. Maybe...just maybe, we could have Itachi go talk to Sakura. You know, Itachi has always been someone Sakura respected."

Fugaku couldn't help but smirk at that statement," If you don't recall, it was Itachi who wanted to marry Sakura, but she denied him." Sighing, Fugaku sipped his wine again, taking a huge gulp," I don't know if he even wants to talk to her."

Mikoto sighed forlornly and tried to think of another idea," Oh, that's right." For a mother, it was the most painful thing to see a child rejected from love. She had no idea that Itachi even had affections for Sakura. Initially, they both were to be betrothed to each other because they were both first borns to the Uchihas and Harunos. Being best friends since college, they had made a compromise to bethrothed their first borns to each other. However, silly as it may have seemed, Mikoto saw the love growing in Itachi's eyes whenever he visited Sakura. But that day when Sakura said no to him, Mikoto couldn't help but watch from afar as her eldest son suffered a broken heart. His presence became colder and silent as her twenty-one year old son, at the time, was constantly closed up in his shell and hardly spoke at home. "But...I still believe he should talk to her."

Fugaku nodded, his eyes deeply in thought," That is probably the best idea we have for now."


Morning arrived and Itachi woke to find the sunshine on his face from the window beside his bed. It had been opened the whole night so that fresh air could enter his room. Looking at his clock it was eight o' clock on a Sunday. Sitting up, Itachi stretched his long arms, wearing nothing but black pajama pants. He grabbed a towel and toothbrush and exited the room to use the bathroom. After washing up, Itachi decided to wear something casual and so wore denim jeans and a black polo shirt. His ebony hair was tied back into a low ponytail and he headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning, Itachi," spoke Mikoto lightly as she carried a tray of miso, steamed rice, dried seaweak, rolled omellete, and grilled fish. "I made you breakfast. Your father left early for a business meeting today. But don't worry. Oh, and tonight he wants you to join his colleagues for a dinner."

Itachi gave a small smile, looking up into his mother's eyes," Thank you, Mother."

Mikoto felt her heart warmed and she bent over to touch her son's face," I am very happy to have you with us."

Itachi nodded and Mikoto couldn't help but tear up at her son's lonely eyes. She wanted someone to brighten those eyes and liven them up. Every night, since Sasuke's passing, Mikoto had never stopped forgiving herself for not being the mother her sons needed. And so ever since, she prayed for her only living son's happiness.

"Mother, you're crying," spoke Itachi in his cold, unattached voice.

"Oh, really?" Mikoto chuckled as she turned away to wipe those tears away with her apron," Well, eat than while I do your father's laundry."

Itachi picked up his chopsticks and dived in. Taking a piece of the omellete into his mouth, he savored his mother's cooking. It tasted just like it did three years ago. He couldn't help but smile at the same taste that brought back so much memories—good and bad. Eating each piece to the last, he cleaned his plate and washed it. Heading out of the kitchen he met with his mother again.

"Oh, are you planning to go anywhere today?" asked Mikoto, carrying a basket of clothes.

"I was thinking about taking a stroll down Tokyo."

"Oh, well, I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

Itachi shrugged," Sure. What is it?"

Mikoto bit her lip before continuing, setting the basket of clothes on the floor and grabbed her son's hand to the living room. Taking a seat with her son, Mikoto looked at Itachi in the eyes. "Haruno Sakura's father is diagnosed with leukemia, Itachi."

Itachi's eyes widened," What?" That name...also brought back many memories—good and bad.

Mikoto nodded, her voice cracking," Itachi, his company is going to be shut down and his employees are leaving. Sakura's mother called your father yesterday morning and asked for help. Now, you know how much we want to help, but your father does not want to risk any scandals. You remember three years ago, don't you? It was a huge hit to your father's company when Sasuke passed away and Sakura said she hated the Uchihas for ruining her life on live television. So, we need you Itachi to talk to Sakura. She hasn't been in contact with her parents for two years already. As you know, we all know why."

How could no one not? Everyone who watched the news knew that Haruno Sakura had been controlled by her parents in her first year of entertainment. So much that it landed Sakura in the hospital four times because of exhaustion and malnutrition. Sakura had publicly announced her separation from her parents and was now a rising young idol, praised for her acting and singing abilities and independence among youths in Japan.

Itachi had always watched Sakura from the sidelines, wondering if his first love would stop pretending that Uchihas were manipulators who had in a conspiracy with Sasuke to destroy her father's boating business.

"So, please, Itachi, could you speak to her please?" pleaded Mikoto," Your father and I have known Haruno Kazuya and Ai since we were in college. We want to help our old friends and the only way is that you talk to her. Now, Itachi, I know how hard it was for you when Sakura denied-"

"Stop, Mother," spoke Itachi calmly," You don't need to bring that up. It's in the past and I harbor no strong affections for Sakura."

Mikoto stared at her son. "Strong affections" does not mean ' no affections', Itachi, thought Mikoto, but resolved to let the topic go unrepeated.

"I will talk to her," spoke Itachi reassuringly and he stood up. Before leaving the living room completely, Itachi stopped," And mother, you don't need to worry about me anymore."

Mikoto watched her son leave. For some reason, every time he walked away from her, Mikoto always felt dread in her heart that Itachi, out of her two sons, would never be able to fully give himself to another individual. That forever, he would keep a part of himself locked up. Mikoto wiped some tears that were forming in her eyes.


"Are you ready, Hyuuga Hinata-san?"

"Hmmm?" Hinata looked up from the table to stare up at a red-haired young man. Her eyes widened to see a young red headed man stare close up at her. "A-ano...Sabaku Gaara-san?" Touching her face with her hand, Hinata made sure to wipe the drool from her lips. From this morning's encounter of the man in her dreams, Hinata had a hard time going back to sleep with the heart pains.

"Here," offered Gaara, taking out a blue handkerchief from his black pants pocket. "This should help."

Hinata blushed and took the handkerchief," Thank you." Wiping her mouth, Hinata couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his stare. "Oh! Why are you here?" The name sounded similar. Looking up again, her white eyes met with his sea blue ones. She was amazed at how beautiful they were.

Gaara smirked," This?" He pointed to the notebook Hinata had slept on. "I came here to pick it up from Inuzuka-san who borrowed it from Minitami-san who borrowed it from Airi-san who borrowed it from Genma-san who borrowed it from me. It's my notes and I need it for our paper due next Wednesday. He said I should come to this cafe and get it from a friend of his. If I'm right, you're that friend?"

Hinata's eyes flashed wide," Ah, that's right! Though we're more like neighbors actually." For some reason, Hinata couldn't help but babble on, but she knew that her neighbor was in a hurry when he knocked on her door this morning asking for a huge favor.

She couldn't fathom why she was unreasonably shaken by the young man sitting in front of her. Looking down, she stared in horror at the puddle of drool on the cover of his notebook. "Whoaaaa...gomenasai, Sabaku-san." Using the handkerchief, Hinata wiped the drool away. With dismay on her face, she looked at the notebook guiltily, "It's gross, huh?"

Gaara chuckled," Hey, I like it when girls drool over me...Ja ne, Hyuuga," he spoke and his voice was much more gentle.

"J-Ja ne," mumbled Hinata as she stared at his retreating figure. Once he was gone, Hinata placed both hands on each side of her cheeks. Shaking her head, Hinata felt like she was going to faint. Hinata's eyes looked down at the blue handkerchief. He was very nice though.


"Wow, I never thought I'd see you again," spoke Sakura astonishingly, as she entered the restaurant. "I was really surprised when you left me a voice message. I guess you could say I never bothered to change my cell phone number." She was wearing a yellow tangtop, with a black vest, a short red skirt, and black leggings with brown boots on. Sakura shifted her dark sunglasses and her long pink hair was covered in a short red wig. Taking a seat across Itachi in a booth, the waiter gave them their menus.

Her emerald eyes gazed at Itachi and she had to realize he was still the handsome, mysterious fellow she almost knew for her whole life. "I say, you're never going to get out of wearing dark suits, huh?" She grinned at him and she saw the stares from the customers sitting around them. They were probably why a handsome businessman was dining with a wild teenager. Something promsicous probably. "You know, people will only stare at us more."

Itachi was still looking at his menu," Um hm."

Sakura rolled her eyes, though he wouldn't see it with her sunglasses," Okay, so tell me why the hell you want to talk to me?"

"May I get anything for you, sir and miss?"

"Ah, yes, a lemonade and salad, please?" ordered Sakura.

"I'll have the green tea and roast beef," ordered Itachi.

"Certainly, sir and miss," spoke the waiter, taking their menus and he headed off to fetch them their lunch.

Sakura stared at Itachi interestingly," You know, you haven't changed much."

"You have changed a lot, though," spoke Itachi in his cold tone.

Sakura laughed," Of course! I'm a star, Itachi." She waved her hands out in front of her. "Don't tell me you wanted to clean things up between me and your family." She looked away," Well, let's say that it'll never happen."

Itachi continued to watch her, to see what aspect of her still remained the same. That same aspect that made him unconsciously fall in love with her long ago. His eyes trained on her, but she smiled back at him. "You're father is dying from leukemia, Sakura."

Sakura's eyes rose," What?" Her smile faded.

Itachi continued to stare at Sakura with seriousness," Your father's business is shutting down and your mother called my father for aid. My father doesn't want anymore scandals. You're their only hope."

Sakura couldn't believe it and immediately she took off her sunglasses. "I-I can't believe this." A hand reached out to cover her forehead as she pondered on what Itachi had said. "W-where is he?"

"Tokyo hospital in the best care possible," spoke Itachi. His eyes never left Sakura's.

Sakura looked up at Itachi," W-why are you still here?"

Itachi didn't answer. Was there an answer? Should there be one as to why he had agreed to his mother's proposal and called her out today? His crimson eyes ran over Sakura's face, remembering every feature of her eyes, nose, and lips. Slowly, a hand reach over to cup her cheek. His thumb caressed her cheek, but there continued to be no expression on his face.

Sakura was slightly shaken by his touch, but she continued to watch him, wondering why this man, the brother of the man she still loved, was still here looking at her as if he had longed for her? He was emotionless and she knew him to be like that. But his eyes were the most interesting characteristic. And in those eyes she saw unpenetrable loneliness.

Itachi closed the gap and kissed Sakura.

Sakura closed her eyes as she felt his warm lips.

This...was so strange, yet Sakura could't help but kiss him back.

After a minute, they pulled away from each other. They were both panting, but Sakura the more heavily.

"Be with me," whispered Itachi longingly, his eyes staring at Sakura's panting expression," I've waited long enough for you. Say you'll be with me." He had never been so weak in front of a person in a long time. These emotions that he wrapped inside of himself to be strong for his family, they were overflowing little by little just being near this woman. Yet, he had wanted to tell her this for a very long time. Looking away, Itachi's blood red eyes stared out into the streets. He wasn't good at showing...these kind of emotions and so Itachi felt that he had to look away to pull himself together.

Would she accept him? Would she be willing to be with him if he told her he promised Sasuke to protect all the things Sasuke loved? Would she love him because he was her dead ex-fiance's lover? Itachi didn't want to dwell on these thoughts, but he needed to know. I need to know or else I can't continue on like this, thought Itachi. Did people see...did they see the pain he had to hide as he watched Sakura cry or her pained expression? Did people much he had hated his brother when he died for Hinata?

Did people see the tears he held back when he promised his dying brother's wish to take care of Hinata? That's why no one understood his ways for living. Or why he even lived... He wanted to feel nothing, so that he wouldn't have to feel the enormous pain in his heart.

But not now, not when the time seemed so perfect and his lips had touched Sakura's lips. If she accepted him, Itachi was ready to begin loving again...little by little if he had to...he was willing.

Sakura's looked at Itachi. Their faces were a few centimeters away from each other and for some reason she wanted him to look at her again. She still saw the darkness hidden inside of him and the coldness he exhibited, even at this moment, she saw how he was still very masked.

In many ways, he looked and acted like Sasuke. Both were always so distant with people and only revealed their other selves to people close to them. As Sakura continued to stare at Itachi, she realized that there was one definite thing different about them.

Itachi is willing to be with me, thought Sakura intuitively. Sakura leaned in close and pressed her lips on Itachi's cheek. Quietly she whispered to him so that only he could hear what she had to say.

"Yes." Haruno Sakura was willing to love again.


Hinata checked her mailbox that night.

Her pearl eyes scanned the mail she received today and it was only one. A letter. Hinata walked back to her apartment room and inside she took a seat on the tatami mat. Opening the mail, she read the letter.

Miss Hinata,

Do not worry, your bills for the month have been paid.

-Tanaka Riko (landlady)

Hinata's eyes widened," What?" She looked at the remaining papers and she was surprised at the signature.

Uchiha Itachi.

Hinata had always been working since middle school to pay for bills. Up until three years ago, she had forbidden her cousin, Neji, to send any money aid in hopes that she could be more independent now that she had graduated from high school. But now, this was startling news. She never wanted anyone to feel pity for her after Sasuke's death and receiving money from Itachi was one thing she did not want.

Author's Notes: THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR REVIEWING MY LAST CHAPTER! YOUR REVIEWS ARE ALL APPRECIATED! i hope you guys are still excited about this story. it's been a very LONG time since i've updated 'we're only human.'