It was an average day, during the Journey West. Goku and Gojyo were fighting about another ridiculous subject, that isn't important enough to talk about. Hakkai was driving Hakuryu/ Jeep, and smiling, content as ever. Sanzo was sitting in the passengers seat, looking pissed off, and smoking a cigarette. The only member of the Sanzo ikkou, who is probably the most important (obviously because they wouldn't get ANYWHERE without him), was the only one acting …different.
Hakuryu was lonely.
Hakkai had noticed it first. He thought that it was because he was the only animal that was traveling with them. Goku didn't understand at all. He thought that Hakuryu should be as happy as a horse surrounded by pasture after pasture of grass. After all, Hakuryu had Hakkai to look after him. He had all the rest of them to entertain him, in their …stupidity (regarding Goku and Gojyo at least) He also got to eat whatever he wanted.
Hakkai, however, pointed out that Hakuryu didn't have anything of his play with.
"Goku, Despite the fact that Hakuryu has all of us to keep him company, he may be in need of another animal to spend time with." He explained. Goku just stared, in a state of confusion.
As Hakkai drove, he thought this over. The three aspects had officially labeled Sanzo the 'leader' of their little group, he thought. Therefore, he'd have to talk to Sanzo about getting another animal.
"Sanzo, I've been thinking …" Hakkai began, quietly, trying to keep himself even and respectful so that the priest didn't lose his temper.