A/N's: Oy it's Ana here! (Ana's my nickname in reality) i dunno this idea randomly popped into my head and it's my second fanfiction... lol it's nothing special... but just one thing before i start... if i don't get reviews i won't update...there will be character deaths... if you don't like it then get over it! Ok let's start!

Dislaimer: I don't own Tales of Symphonia. If i did you would at least know what Anna looked like.


Chapter 1: Meeting at the Ranch

The sun was high above the sky as the peaceful town of Luin. The town wasn't crowded and busy but there was some great excitement and fear since the Desians had been coming at random times to take people to the ranch. The mayor had let some people who were from the ranch in the town to hide and the Desians had fianlly grown suspicioius. The occasional Desian solider would walk through the town but wouldn't do anything. During this time and Anna and her older sister, Isabelle hid under a bed in the Inn while one of the soliders was examining the room. feeling satisfied he left and shut the door behind him. Isabelle helped her younger sister out from underneath the great matress and looked out the window to see the Desian solider leaving the city. Isabelle turned to Anna happily.

"See? I told you that that was a perfect hiding place?"

"Well it was very close you know!" Anna countered.

"I know. And he's getting closer and closer everytime..." Isabelle looked out the window again and watch as the other former hostages came out from their hiding places.


"Anna, maybe we should...go to Asgard," Isabelle suggested. Anna shook her head.

"No! Why should we when we were born here! Mom and Dad asked us to make sure that we protected our home! This is our home, Isabelle!" Isabelle nodded.

"Yeah... that's why i think that we should leave." Anna bore a puzzled expression.


"If we leave then there's no way that those Desian creeps would take their anger out on Luin and therefore we would be protecting it!" Anna nodded as Isabelle spoke.

"Yeah i get it..but how are we going to get to Asgard? Those Desians are everywhere!"

"Don't you remember? Some warriors who were staying at this inn volonteered to help bring anyone who was held at the ranch and who wants to go to Asgard today! We could go with them!" Isabelle exclaimed with joy.

"But how do we know that we can trust them?"

"We don't but trust me! It'll be fine!" Isabelle looked away and nodded with a wide grin.


"Okay, is this everyone that wants to go?" the warrior asked as looked around and whispered something to his companion. His companion ran off out of the village. "Alright then, we will be leaving as of now to Asgard. My companion went to make sure that our path was clear. There's only around nine of you so it's shouldn't be too hard to keep track of you guys. Anyway let's go!" he told them as he lead them out of the village. As they left, a villager walked up to the mayor.

"Mayor, are you that it's alright sending them to their deaths like that?" the villager asked him.

"No, it's not right...but it's the only thing that i can do to protect the peace of this town. Some may have stayed behind but..at least most of them are gone," he replied sadly.


It had been a trap. The group of prisoners had now once again officially become prisoners again. It had been about two days ago when the two warriors had traded off the group of ex-hostages to the Desians for a couple thousand gald. Now the sad and betrayed group stood before the gate to the Asgard ranch. Their hands were chained and they all had sad and fearful expressions. They weren't ex-hostages anymore. Anna was near the end of the line of prisoners while her sister was near the very front. Her heart was beating at a fast pace as she worried about how her older sister was faring.

The large gate opened and the humans gingerly walked in as they were carefully watched by Desians guards. The guards picked random people out and put them in a small group as the rest went to be tested to go to a different ranch. Anna, Isabelle and two other humans, one of them being a blue haired female child, were led into a different room and were forced to stand side by side as a short but thin-eyed man walked into the room.

"Lord Kvar, these are four of the escaped hostages that you wanted. Subjects, A012, A023, C375 and D183," one of the guards told the short man. Kvar nodded.

"Yes, A023, Isabelle and D813, Kaylie into the other room. Bring A012, Anna to the research pound and C375, Chris to the exsphere attachment area," Kvar ordered as the guards nodded and did as they were told. None of the humans spoke as the guards dragged them to their designated areas. Isabelle looked back at Anna longingly only to notice that Anna wasn't going to look back. She could only imagine what was going through her sister's mind.

The guard thrust Anna into her cell and locked the door. She stood up and looked around. It hadn't changed from the last time she was here. She looked towards her right hand and noticed her Exsphere. She had completely forgotten about it. Isabelle had one too but it looked sort of blackish. She knew that that wasn't a good thing. Her's had turned a bluish kind of color while the other prisoners's exspheres were between a red and maroon like color. She had guessed a while ago that her exsphere was special but why her?

Anna lay in her cell, already bored with her surroundings. She suddenly felt like playing a game of Speed with Isabelle again but instead she refleted on her past once more, reopening sad and happy wounds and memories.


Lightning flashed in the sky as Isabelle and Anna sat by their mother's bedside. She had just been rescued from the ranch but she was already so close to death. Their father had died before they could even talk. All they had left to look after them was their mother. Anna was crying into her mother's stomach as Isabelle just sat there trying to be strong. Rain hit the windows harshly as the candle on hte bedside table flickered. The room was silently save for Anna's sobs and the patter of rain on the windows. Their mother opened her eyes and using the last bit of her strength gave them her last message.

"Anna...Isabelle... look after each other... don't get involved with the ranches...please...try to stay out trouble for...for my sake as well as your fath...father's. Please destroy that jewel on my hand once I die. For I...do...n..not...wish...to...be...trapped for all...e...ternity..." her raspy voice faded as her body went limp and the candle went out leaving Isabelle and Anna alone in the darkness.

End Flashback


Anna awoke in her cell suddenly realizing that she had fallen asleep. There was a slight ray ray of sun peeking in through a crack in her cell wall. She wondered how long she had been asleep for she sometimes had a habit of sleeping straight through a day and a night in dark places and her cell was pretty dark. There was some food left next to her as she sat up. She ate what she could and left the rest for later, remembering that you only get fed once a day. She suddenly noticed next to it that there was another tray of food.

"So i guess i did sleep through a day," she whispered to herself. She moved both trays of food aside and stopped when she noticed a small note on the second tray.

So you're Kvar's supposedly great Angelus project. And you've escaped once already. you're pretty interesting.

Anna reread the small note many times before she finally put it down. She had no idea who had left her the note but she honestly didn't care. She stood up as she suddenly realized that she'd been taking being back at the ranch much better than last time. She had probably knocked out a couple guards when they tried to take her from Luin the first time. Last time she had also been screaming her lungs out for about a week. Two weeks later some people from Palmacosta had gotten a bunch of them out. Unfortunetly, their plan wasn't really set up properly and most of the escaping hostages died and the surviving hostages had to find their own through Sylvarant becuase the ones who had tried to rescue them had been killed as well. Around 15 prisoners had escaped alive. A guard suddenly opened her cell door.

"Come on, inferior being, time for a research update," the guard told her she stood out of her cell and simply allowed the guard to shove her halfway down the hall. It became increasingly annoying but she held back her anger. She was eventually dragged into a large room with many tubes with people inside. She was shoved into one of these but didn't panic. She had been through this before and she had hated it last time and the time before that. She would get poked with needles for about an hour and would get very moody. Then about an hour after human slavery she would feel suddenly drained and emotionless. That's the exact thing that happened to her all day. She pushed rocks for most of the day and was whipped by the Desian guards. At the end of the day she pulled out the food that she saved and ate most of it leaving some of the food from second tray there for the next morning.

The same routine continued on for about a month. Anna thought she was going to go insane from worrying about her sister. She had been hearing some unpleasant rumours about some of the hostages being killed because they were incompatible with some experiment. Isabelle had been told before that her exsphere didn't seem to be evolving. Anna worried about her more and more everyday.

They day finally came that Anna had snapped. She had been dragged, shoved and bossed around for too long. She turned to face the guard that was dragging her to the research update room and glared dagger's at him.

"I've had it with you, retards!" she shouted at the top of her voice. "All you do is go around saying 'Move it inferior being' or something rude like that! I'm tired of it!" The Desian guard took out a whip.

"Hey quit they blabbering and I'll let you off this time for that." This made Anna even angrier.

"Excuse me? How about you eat my dust!" She said she punched him with all of her strength. The Desian guard fell to the floor as she ran passed him not really knowing what she's planning on doing. She ran into some other guards and knocked them out while their backs were turned. The alarm sounded as rounded another corner and was tripped by the staff of a Desian mage. He grabbed her by the wrist and roughly pulled her up. Four other guards soon came and stared at Anna as she sweated nervously.

"Well, ain't she a looker guys?" the mage asked the guard they all nodded. Anna got a terrible feeling that something really bad was about to happen to her.

"You're gonna pay for knocking those other guards," one of the guards told her slyly. They all began snickering when an aurburn-haired warrior walked down the hall stopped in front of them.

"And just what are you fools doing?" he asked them firmly. The mage dropped let go of Anna as they stood straight suddenly.

"Uh L-lord Kratos, we..uh.. didn't know that you were in Sylvarant," another guard told him.

"Actually, I'm on an important mission for Lord Yggdrasill and i would appreciate if you didn't speak a word of my bing here to Kvar. Otherwise...Lord Yggdrasill will have your heads," he replied as he helped Anna up and began walking away. Anna, somewhat disturbed, followed.

"Um, excuse me but why did you help me back there?" she asked him as he led her into the research compound and opened her cell door. He stepped away from the door and allowed her to walk herself, which she very much appreciated. Before he left he whispered, "Just because you're interesting."