I don't own TT or the song this is based on.

Guess what the song this fic is based on and you win…something.

Beast boy passed in a church corridor. He was nervous beyond belief. He was to be married to terra within the hour. However, he wasn't sure he really loved her. He did know that he loved raven. That really didn't help though.

"What a beautiful wedding." Beast boy over heard Bee, on of the brides maids, say to a waiter.

"Yes, but what a shame the poor grooms bride is a whore." The man responded. Bb was completely blown back by the news. "Such a high price."

"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a god damn door." He had made up his mind. Running down the hall he headed for the dressing room. He knocked vigorously on the oak door.

"Terra let me in right now!" he yelled through the door.

"Friend beast boy, it is not customary for the groom to see his bride before the wedding." Star's childishly naïve voice rang out.

"I don't care I need to talk to my bride." Bb said bitterly. The door opened to expose a beautiful looking girl with blond hair blue eyes and a wedding gown.

"What wrong beast boy?" terra asked worriedly.

"Could everyone leave please?" He said with out taking his eyes off terra. Pure fury flashed in them. Everyone left leaving the two in total silence. Gar tore his eyes from terra and grabbed a bottle of champagne.

"I guess we should have a toast. Technically our marriage is saved."

"Gar what are you talking about?" he took a sip and glared at her.

"Saved, in the sense that I don't have to worry about it any more."

"Gar-" Terra started but was cut off.

"You seemed to forget to mention your profession." Beast boy spat out. "oh god raven was right. You're a bloody traitor. Always have been always will be." Terra looked down in shame and BB left the room. He stalked all the way outside. Raven was sitting on a bench when he sat down.

"Found out didn't you?"

He scoffed. "How could you tell?"

"So, no wedding?" raven asked completely ignoreing the question.

"Not to her."

"Oh." They fell into a silence. Then raven spoke. "How about to-to me?" BB look at her and smiled.


Now review and tell me what song you think it is.