Just a crazy idea I had. Hope you enjoy it.
Note: Actual scenes from the 1993 movie Dennis The Mennis with Walter Matthau are mentioned.
You Won't Last Twenty-Four Hours
Michael Jon Carter, aka Booster Gold, and Wally West, aka the Flash, laugh historically while watching Dennis The Mennis. Mr. Wilson just slipped on a slippery bathroom floor and landed in a split, rinsed his mouth out with Pine-sol, which Dennis put into the mouthwash, and finally squirts mouthwash up his nose, which Dennis put into the nasal spray after playing with it. Flash is laughing so hard that he chokes on his chocolate covered almonds.
Flash manages to swallow after Booster hits him on the back a few times.
"You alright buddy," asks Booster, still laughing.
"Yea," Flash coughs.
"You shouldn't wolf so much food into you're mouth while laughing so hard," says Booster's computer friend Skeetz, "It causes you to lose control of you're food and you tend to swallow it outside of the esophagus causing your airway to be blocked."
"Shout up!" Flash pushes Skeetz behind the couch, "Michael, do you have to bring him all the time?"
Booster shrugs his shoulders, "Sorry Flash, but I can't ditch him, especially when I'm in my suit. Anyway, wasn't that the funniest thing you ever saw?"
"Actually," Flash giggles, "I think that part with Dennis breaking Mr. Wilson's false teeth and replacing them with Chickles gym and making Mr. Wilson look like bugs bunny for his newspaper photo was the funniest."
"That was the one which caused you to spill your soda out through your nose and all over the TV screen," remarks Skeetz.
Flash grabs Skeetz and starts to shack him. Booster grabs him hard, "Don't you dare or you'll regret it."
"Oh come on," replies Flash, "It's just a dump computer."
"I happen to be a very intelligent computer," remarks Skeetz.
"That 'computer' happens to be my friend," says Booster, "Now turn him loose."
Flash huffs and turns the computer loose. He'd like to bang that thing up against the wall.
Booster reaches for a bag of Doritoes to discover that all six of the bags are empty. The packages of Oreo and Chocolate Chip cookies are also empty.
Booster glares at Flash to his right, whose laughing at Mr. Wilson accidently kissing Dennis's dog. Booster hits Flash's right arm hard with his elbow.
"OWE," yells Flash, "What was that for?"
"I told you to leave me some," Booster point to the table, "You selfish glutton."
Flash puts his hand over his mouth as he stares at the table, "Oops. Dude I'm sorry. I didn't realize I cleaned all those. I just kept grabbing more food and wasn't paying attention."
"You practically had you're face in those bags," informs Skeetz.
"Would you kindly do me a favor and quit keeping track of everything?" Flash snaps at the computer.
"You really are a glutton for punishment Flash," remarks Booster, "First you deliberately snatch the very last pizza slices from everybody, didn't leave any cake or pie, and now this. But you didn't even touch the salads, vegetables, most of the fruit, and now the only things you haven't touched yet are the dry fruit and pistachio nuts ."
"Hey, I thought dry fruit and pistachios were you favorite snacks," Flash replies, "So why are you complaining?"
"I'm trying to point out that you're eating all the bad foods and leaving the good."
"Oh come on man," answers Flash, "I ate six bananas and a batch of strawberries at dinner."
"You dipped all the strawberries into chocolate and only ate the bananas after all the fatty and sweet foods were gone."
Flash sinks into the coach, "Well I was still hungry. That evacuation took almost six hours and I didn't get to eat much during that entire mission. I was drained. Being the fastest the man alive takes a lot out of me."
Booster glares, "You could eat other things, you know?"
Flash snaps, "No I can't! I need to eat fatty and sugary foods to survive much less run. I'd starve to death if I ate a healthy diet."
"I'm not referring to you're metabolic needs Flash," responds Booster, "Behind that, you just purely love junk food."
Flash crosses his arms, "So what if I do? It works for me."
"You're hopelessly addicted," Booster replies, "You know, I bet you couldn't go for one day without stuffing junk food into you're mouth. You barely even go an hour or two with eating an armload of food. You can't even pass junk food without sticking you're face into it."
"Ah-ah," Flash shakes his head, "I went six hours today without eating anything fatty or sweet. The only thing I had was a few bags of nuts. And I have gone a couple of days before without eating any junk food. Involuntary, of course, but I survived."
"Bearly as I remember it. You were complaining the whole time. You had to sit down every five minutes. You're stomach gave away our position three different times. When we finally got home, you had to have IV's stuck into you and we had to take you to five different restaurants before you finally went to sleep. We had to leave the restaurants before you could even resort to the healthy foods."
"Alright," Flash snaps, "I'll prove it too you."
"I don't like where this is going," says Skeetz.
"Stay out of this Skeetz," replies Booster, "Alright. We'll make it a bet. Since we're both stuck on double shifts with half of the league in space, we'll do it tomorrow. That way Skeetz and I can keep an eye on you."
"Alright, your own," agrees Flash, "What's the bet?"
"Beginning at midnight tonight through midnight tomorrow, "You can't so much so much bite, nibble, or lick anything unhealthy. You can't even lick anything off you're hands or anything. If you do, uh, you will have to pay me $100."
"Aw come on man," Flash blows it off with his hand, "That's dull. How about, the loser does the winners duties for an entire month?"
"Forget it," Booster disagrees, "I'm already stuck with doing Ralph's duties for the month."
"Which is way you're stuck up here all week," laughs Flash, "Let's see. Better make this good. How about, the loser has to jump into a public lake or river butt naked."
"Better yet," says Booster, "The looser has to parade around the Watchtower, in a ladies dress."
"A ladies night gown," adds Flash, "A pink one. And he needs to parade down the streets of Metropolis."
"His home town," adds Booster, "Shouting what a fool he is and how great the winner is."
"Sounds great," agrees Flash, "You're on."
They shake on it. Flash starts eating his chocolate almonds again.
"Wally, those almonds are covered in chocolate, which means they're fatting."
"Dude, it's not midnight yet. And by the way, chocolate can actually be good for you."
"When eaten in moderation," responds Booster, "And a whole bag of chocolate covered almonds doesn't qualify."
Flash shoves it off and turns his attention back to the movie. Then he realizes what he just agreed to.
Oh-oo, Flash thinks to himself, What have I gotten myself into?