
From a mere insect to an imperial monarch, each soul is marked, with a destiny waiting to be served. Believing it to be her fate, the ambitious young daughter of a wealthy Babylonian architect journeys to Egypt; determined to help the Pharaoh defend his kingdom against an ancient evil. However, WHOM she encounters is much more than what she bargained for…much more….

He was unfathomable. She had traveled the world, been tutored by the best; and had never encountered a thing like him. When she fell, he laughed. When she cried, he jeered. Yet it was he who would stand when she needed someone most…? He who would save her when her life was threatened?


Yami Malik x OC

BTW! YAMI MALIK is in this as a REGULAR person living in ancient times! NOT AS A YAMI OF SOMEONE! Don't get confused! It's the one with awesome spiked hair standing up, not the one w/ hair down! Thank You!

Leaning against a marble column, a young girl stood looking out at the glistening calm of the Euphrates River. Coursing swiftly through its snaking orbit, its shimmering scales of torrents pulsed steadily past. The long serpent arched its neck out to the horizon, winding through the countryside, bearing the sun's lustrous emblem upon its back.

Numerous reed boats dotted the river, rising and falling rhythmically with the monotony of the breath of the serpent. Tanned fishermen, both young and old, cast their silver lines out, eagerly awaiting the slightest tug or jerk that would betray the bearings of the prey. Every so often, a shout would pierce the boisterous murmurs of gossip, indicating the discovery of a new school of fish.

Baskets brimming with fish lined the piers, with young sons and apprentices posted as their sentinels. Tiring beneath the sun's blazing gaze, they crouched among tousled, matted knots of ropes and nets; organizing bait and fishhooks, or if they could get away with it, a few moments of cramped dozing.

Closing her eyes, she stood still, savoring the raw streaks with which the cool wind whipped at her olive cheeks.

How invigorating…

Every afternoon, following her lessons, she managed to "get lost" on the way back home, and end up in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Past the courtyards and balconies of quarreling scholars and boasting nobles, she'd find an isolated veranda to pass the time. And what a way of passing the time it was—merely gazing out at the unbelievably stunning landscape was enough to keep captivated for hours. Dazzling, exotic flora flourished in each flowerbed. Suspended form stories above, twisting, tangled plants crept along corners and sides of the structure, creating intricate designs on the walls. Pouring through sloping channels, streams of water cascaded gracefully; irrigating the flowers and providing a splendorous spectacle as well. Songbirds twittered mirthfully from the branches of small trees and clouds treaded lethargically overhead. Careful attention and taste had been paid to every last detail of the Hanging Gardens; even the marble floors were tiled elaborately with certain stones, that when viewed at an angle, depicted various tales of Babylonian mythology. It was as if all seemed to eager to remain here, encircled by the beauty of nature's extravagance. If she felt up to it, she would sometimes even take her texts from her satchel and practice as her teacher had instructed.

Glancing down at her shadow, she scowled as she noticed curly frays of her hair jutting out in a horribly disarrayed manner. Her hands quickly ran across the top of her head, smoothing her hair, as she sighed; dissatisfied.

"Oh, there's no use fooling with it…It'll always be unmanageable anyways…." She muttered to herself.

"Much like its owner…" a confident voice stated sarcastically form behind her.

She leapt and whirled around. Her eyes widened in surprise upon discovery of the voice's identity. Quite an attractive young man, he was evidently tall and strong, with well-built yet slender physique. Clad in lavish silks; he stood in a flowing olive kilt, secured with a thick sash around the waist, and a thin leather vest atop a bare chest. On the back of his vest, embroidered with silver and embedded in gems, was the prominent winged two headed lion of his family's crest. Tucked into the side of his adorned sash, was a curved sword; its golden sheath lavishly encrusted with an iridescent array of precious stones. Aside from its dark, onyx tone, thick curly locks, slightly straighter and more orderly than hers, marked his relationship with her. Being Babylonian, they along with majority of their people, shared the same yet vaguely differing, incredible eyes. Large and almond shaped, they were sculpted as elongated ellipses, with long, curled lashes. Set within them, like jewels in an ornament, were brilliantly tinted jade pupils, with golden halos surrounding the iris.

A large smile shattered the astonished countenance she had donned as she threw her arms around him lovingly.

"Brother! I thought you were up North! When did you reach Babylon's gates? If only I had known, I—"

The tall, young man interrupted her smiling, his vivacious jade eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Forgotten so soon? Must be the old age…"

Her eyebrows knitted in thought as she recalled all the events of the past few days.

"Forgotten what? Your older by five years, Ninazu!" she said, proudly justifying her youth.

"Your going-away party."

Her throat constricted.

Dashing through town atop majestic Arabian stallions, they raced against the setting sun, determined to arrive before the ceremony's commence. Long green capes, fluttering in the wind, only added to their mystique on steeds of such magnificence. Halting the rowdy commotion of commerce and barter in the marketplace, many stopped to look at them and whisper as they galloped past. The thunderous pounding of their mounts' hooves quickly drowned the sound of the haggling merchants. Hands were lifted and directed toward the black crests burnt into the flank of the ivory horses and the jeweled leather saddles and bridles.

Gasps rose and receded with cries of, "But they never come into city!", "Must be a special occasion!", and the ever famous "Wonder who's dead?".

Kicking up clouds of dust, they arrived at the top of a lone hill, positioned at the farthest edge of the city. Dismounting their impressive horses, they dusted themselves and proceeded to walk to the stables.

Ninazu grinned sheepishly at his sister, "Welcome home, Sehjaah!"

Sehjaah laughed, "It is I who should be welcoming you."

She turned away to face the glorious horizon, luminous hues of the nacreous sunset uniquely adorning the city below. The large blazing orb descended slowly, creeping further and further below the reddening sky until it would sink completely behind hills of the surrounding desert.

The last time I'll see Babylon…

Her thoughts were pierced by an irritated cough.

"Well now, aren't you coming? The party's being thrown in your honor, you know. You haven't even tethered your horse!" Ninazu stated blandly, folding his arms across his chest.

She quickly turned to him and smiled faintly.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, hold your horses, HAHAHA get it? Cuz you know horses have to be tied, and my horse isn't, and the old saying, your hurrying, and yeah…." She trailed off meekly.

"I'll pretend it's the pre-party jitters", he muttered disgustedly, as he turned and headed toward the large manor behind them.

Tugging her horse's rope, she trudged slowly to the stables, kicking stray pebbles of the path.

Sehjaah lingered in her quarters hesitantly, brushing her curly russet hair, baffled. The unbothered ambiance of the manor; every and each last implement residing in its rightful abode, washed a torrent of reassurance her. Yet, she was entirely unprepared to handle such a situation. It had stayed the same, the exact same; a stark contrast to what she had been imagining on the ride here. She would have thought at least foyer to be bedecked differently, or a new set of chairs dominating the living rooms; but aside from a few drapes that had been dyed a richer tone of green, nothing had changed…or had it?

Either way, she would have to start snooping around; her parents would expect her to.

Heh, just like old times, eh?

Even as a child, she was adventurous, ambitious, and determined, she had always had an avid passion for solving mysteries. While the rest of her family were dining, even the servants, she would be out in the garden or wandering around the manor; determined to see what was taking place around her. She would attempt to bargain with her nanny, each plea soliciting the suspension of her inevitable curfew to just a minute further away, simply because she was sure something exciting would happen as soon as she was laid to bed that she didn't want to miss.

The succulent opulence in which she was nurtured, the sumptuous charms and trinkets with which her life was flamboyantly laced; all proved to be hollow assets, mere earthly possessions, that soon enough, will have worn away to pieces of dust…and nothing more. The hypocrisy of the aristocratic world was unbearable; which was why she and her brother longed to run away; just run away from it all...while thieir parents thought them ungrateful.

Sehjaah hadwanted to make something of herself; do something with her life; not simply amble down the standard road of life. Would her obituary reiterate the mounds of fortune that her family had accumulated over the years? Sehjaah didn't want her father's salary to be scripted on her tombstone; she wanted what she had done; something timeless, universal, and world changing. She had wanted to change the entire globe, discover the meaning of life, and somehow, years spent being educated and traveling, although they proved to satisfy her needs for exuberance, hadn't done that.

Though of course, I knew all along that it never would….

One recent afternoon, while completing her assignments in the Hanging Gardens, had she "helplessly had come to hear" of discourse between a priest and a merchant.

Quite an odd couple, if I do recall… She smirked.

Through their conversation, she had picked up on an interesting tidbit. The new Pharaoh of Egypt was terribly troubled. Apparently, some dark, ancient evil was threatening to strike his kingdom, and he claimed if successful, would eventually engulf the entire world, shrouding it in eternal night..

Sehjaah, being the girl she was, had seen it as an adventure, and of course, she would never turn down an adventure. After ages of taunting and hiding, oppurtunity had finally revealed itself; and she wouldn't miss the chance to seize it. She could venture, discover, solve, and save the world; all in one.

She hadtaken it upon herself to join his court and help him find a solution to vanquish his enemy. It was the perfect chance to do something worth while in her life; something courageous and daring teeming with immeasurable perils. She had studied arduously, she had been all over the world, she hadmade something of herself; and was journeying to Egypt at the dawn of tomorrow, to be tested for entry to his imperial court.

Clearly, this was all entirley against the doctrine of standard tradition, for a women to weild such power,display such confidence. It had taken praisefrom a countless amount of tutors, priests, and anyone else of well regarded status to convince her parents to travel the world; as well as their naturally, selfish, careless stupor. Nonetheless, she had managed to set out and see the world beyond the concentric gates of her father's manor.

Sehjaah leaned in toward her reflection in the mirror and smirked confidently.

I'll make it! I'll see to it I will--just try and stop me! I will change the world…I can save the world...just you wait….


... Just as she turned to sprint down the hallway, a powerful hand

firmly clutched her wrist. She sharply inhaled and struggled to

turn around, but he roughly wrenched her toward him. Gasping

as she collided with a well-toned chest, she unsuccessfully tried

to push herself away, thrashing wildly in his grip. Merely tightening

his hold, he tilted his head down and murmured venomously

in her ear, "Having trouble sleeping?"...DUNDUNDUNNNNNNNN!