A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed!
PaigeMatthews06: Yeah, I thought it might be pretty obvious about Tamara being Kyle's daughter. Do you think I should give her some powers? Review and let me!
Heather1021: Thank you!
Charmedbaby11: Well, I'm not sure. I would like her to be good until she's like a teenager or something when she gets seduced by evil because it would be very interesting to write about all her emotions and how she struggles to be good and all that stuff.
Danielle503: Thanks for the review and I hope you like Tamara's character. Should Paisley hate Tamara? Let me know what you think!
Chapter Nine
The Other Brody
Kyle, Lorrie and Tamara parked in the driveway at the Halliwell Manor and climbed out nervously. Although she was excited to meet her ex-fiancé's wife, she couldn't help feeling extremely anxious.
Tamara, on the other hand, was so happy to see her father that she hadn't given her half-sister and stepmother much thought.
"Are you sure you want to meet them now?" Kyle asked as they stepped up onto the front porch.
"Kyle, I'm sure," Lorrie said with a laugh. "Now stop trying to make me change my mind. I'm nervous enough already!" With a sigh, Kyle opened the door to find an angry Paige Brody waiting for him.
"Kyle Brody, you are so dead!" She yelled, not even noticing Lorrie or an eleven-year-old Tamara. "Why the hell did you just leave the manor? You can't expect me to stop Jade and Paisley killing each other by myself!" Kyle groaned, turning to Lorrie.
"I did warn you," He muttered. Lorrie just smiled and slapped him arm lightly. Paige frowned, staring at the two females that had arrived with Kyle.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Paige asked rudely, putting her hands on her hips. Tamara turned towards her mother and said quietly, "I don't like this lady, Mom." Lorrie laughed and said to Paige, "Hi, I'm Lorrie Milano and this is my daughter Tamara. I'm Kyle's ex-fiancé. We ran into each other earlier." Paige stared from Kyle to Lorrie and then to Tamara, putting two and two together. Her face turned pale and she slapped her hands to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock.
"Paige, honey," Kyle started, but the furious witchlighter cut him off.
"You have another daughter?" She shrieked. "And you didn't even think to tell me this? What the hell is the matter with you? I think that I – and Paisley – have the right to know that you have a daughter!" Kyle didn't dare look at her in the eye. He kept his eyes fixed firmly on the ground, hoping that Paige wouldn't orb him into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
"Mom, can I see my half-sister?" Tamara asked suddenly. Tamara was beautiful like her mother with olive skin, high cheekbones and almond-shaped hazel eyes. She had straight glossy auburn locks that cascaded past her shoulders and pouty lips. She was model-thin and dressed in black hipster jeans and a black halter-neck with the words 'Couture' printed across the front in light pink.
"Kyle, where's this wonderful little girl that I've been hearing so much about?" Lorrie asked, her smile still not faltering. "What's her name again? Paisey?"
"Paisley," Paige said coldly. "And, no, you can't see her. She's at school." Lorrie continued to smile despite the fact that Paige was looking at her with an expression of hatred.
Paisley, Payton, Piper and Leo arrived at Magic School to find Gideon waiting for them. Piper glared at him, remembering the time when he had taken Andy and Prue away from her.
"Welcome to Magic School," He greeted them. "I assume you are here to enrol Miss Paisley Halliwell-Brody and Miss Payton Wyatt?" Leo nodded, ruffling his daughter's hair. She beamed up at him.
"Of course," Gideon said with a chuckle. "Well, I'll be putting Paisley in Mrs Dunne's class and Payton in Miss Forset's class. Payton's first lesson is Magical P.E (A/N: Physical Education for all of those who use Gym or whatever) and Paisley's is Magical History." Paisley flashed Gideon an excited smile even though she would have preferred to do Magical P.E.
"What time should we pick them up?" Piper asked, still not to sure on the whole 'Magic School' idea.
"Well, classes finish at 2:30 but you can pick them up earlier if there's a 'family emergency' or you can let them stay later," The Elder answered. "Class starts soon, so just say your good-byes and I'll see you at 2:30." Piper smiled and hugged her daughter, inhaling her sweet scent.
"I'll see you later, Sparky," She whispered, making her daughter giggle. Piper smiled, embracing Paisley.
"Have fun, you two," Leo said with a grin.
Phoebe stood in the doorway to the sun room, watching Jade practice her conjuring power. She was surrounded by different types of expensive looking toys, brand new teddy bears and little blonde Barbie dolls with loads of outfits for her to wear. Jade grinned at the sight of all the things she'd never had.
Go away, witch.
Phoebe's eyes widened in shock as she heard Jade's voice loud and clear in her mind. Damn telepathy, Phoebe thought. I see she has some of her mother's powers.
Go away, Jade said telepathically. Don't make me hurt you.
Why don't you just hurt me? Phoebe thought, knowing that Jade would hear her.
Daddy loved you, was the reply. I don't want to hurt someone he loved. Phoebe smiled. So Jade wasn't all that evil. Cole had done a good job with her.
A/N: Blah, crappy chapter. I'm not sure whether I should make Lorrie a witch or some magical being because I would like to see her and Paige using magic against each other and always fighting. It would also be good to see Tamara and Paisley showing their magic off. You know…that whole 'Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better' thing. Review and let me know what you think!
Next chapter: Paisley meets Tamara, Kyle and Lorrie have a talk about memories and all that stuff, Phoebe reveals a secret to Jade, Prue and Andy struggle to cope when Lexa gets her first power and Fleur's plotting again…