Summary: With new additions to the family, the Halliwells are in for a bumpy ride with visits from their evil twins, having the most powerful demon they've ever faced trying to kill them every week and the Devil of Darkness coming to live with them…uh-oh.

Characters & Powers

Prudence Halliwell: Telekinesis and astral projection. Prue is now immortal and the eldest Charmed One. She works as a photographer for 415 magazine and is dating Andy Trudeau.

Piper Halliwell-Wyatt: Molecular combustion and temporal stasis. Piper went from middle sister, to oldest and now is the second-eldest. She is married to her whitelighter Leo and owns the popular nightclub P3. She is Payton's mother.

Phoebe Halliwell: Premonitions, levitation and empathy. Phoebe went from youngest sister, to middle and now second-youngest. She is dating Alexander, the God of Balance. She works as an advice columnist for the Bay Mirror.

Paige Matthews: Orbing, TK orbing, partial healing and sensing. Paige is the youngest Halliwell and was reunited with her sisters after Prue's death. She is married to Kyle Brody and mother to Paisley.

Leo Wyatt: Whitelighter. He is Piper's husband and Payton's father.

Cole Turner: Shimmering and energy balls. He is currently on the run and father to Jade.

Fleur: Shimmering, energy balls, telekinesis, telepathy, invisibility and can possess people. She is Jade's mother and the only surviving member of the Trinity.

Alexander: The God of Balance. He is dating Phoebe.

Kyle Brody: Mortal. He is married to Paige and is Paisley's father.

Andy Trudeau: Angelic Demon Hunter. Andy is dating Prue.

Paisley Samantha Halliwell, aged 5: The Angel of Light. Photokinesis, forcefields.

Payton Cassandra Wyatt, age 4: The Twice-Blessed Child. Electrokinesis.

Chapter One

Something Blessed This Way Comes

"You may now kiss the bride!" Penny Halliwell announced. A cheer ran through the sun room in the Halliwell Manor as Paige Matthews and Kyle Brody leant towards each other and shared their first kiss as a married couple. Paige wore a backless white silk strapless dress that fell elegantly to the floor. It was fitted around the top part of her body, showing off her figure, and then the skirt cascaded outwards slightly. On her feet she wore pearl-coloured heeled sandals and around her neck was a beautiful diamond necklace that her sisters had bought her as a wedding present. Her shining brown hair fell past her shoulders in soft loose curls and pushed back slightly to show her diamond earrings.

Sat on a chair at the front of the crowd of family members was the irresistibly cute Paisley Halliwell. She wrinkled up her nose at the sight of her parents kissing. Paisley was dressed in a simple ivory dress with white buttoned shoes and a white hat with a silk ribbon tied around it placed on top of her dark brown hair.

"Paisley?" Her cousin Payton Cassandra Wyatt chirped from the chair next to her. "I want cake!" Paisley sighed, playing with the silk purse filled with confetti that her Aunt Piper had given her.

"Auntie Phoebe said dat we have to wait for my mommy and daddy to cut the cake," Paisley replied. Payton's rosy pink lips formed a pout. She too was wearing an ivory dress and looked absolutely adorable with her wavy brown-blonde hair and big greeny blue eyes.

"When will dat be?" Payton demanded. "Me wants cake!" Sensing a tantrum coming on, Piper Halliwell picked up her daughter and said softly but with an edge of firmness, "Sweetie, this is your Auntie Paige's and Uncle Kyle's big day, 'kay? Wait you one little minute and then you can have a huuuuuuge piece of cake. How does that sound?" Alexander, who was standing near by, stifled a snort. Phoebe trod on his foot with her high-heeled silver sandals. She, Prue and Piper were dressed in low-cut lilac bridesmaid dresses with silver bows on the thin silk straps. The dresses fell to just above their knees and they each wore a diamond choker around their necks. Alexander, Andy and Leo had been too busy gawping at the sisters to watch Paige and Kyle get married.

Suddenly, Prue let out a scream as she felt a puddle of water forming at her feet. The music stopped and everyone turned to stare at the eldest Halliwell sister who had fallen back into Andy's arms.

"Her waters have broken!" Andy exclaimed. "We need to get her to a hospital!" Paige stared at him like he was stupid.

"Orb her there then!" She yelled. But before Andy could even move, a large group of demons shimmered in, fireballs forming in each hand.

"Oh, this is so not good," Paige said quietly as the demons launched their fireballs. Piper managed to freeze most of them until she was hit in the shoulder and sent flying backwards, crashing into the framed photograph of Patty Halliwell, shards of glass getting lodged in her skin. The time-freezing witch fell to the ground, her face streaked with blood.

"Mommy!" Payton cried. The four-year-old then chanted, "You hurt my mommy, now you must pay, me turns you into balls of hay!" In a flash of light, were the demons once stood were fourteen balls of hay.

Leo ran to his wife and held his hands over her wounds and watched as they slowly began to heal. Piper let out a gasp, sitting bolt-upright. "Mommy, you're okays!" Payton said happily, skipping over and hugging Piper's leg. Piper laughed and ruffled her daughter's hair, but her smile disappeared when she saw something missing.

"Where's Prue?" She demanded.

Down in the Underworld, the demonic midwives wiped Prue's sweaty forehead with a damp cloth as she let out a cry of pain as she was hit by a contraction.

"Try to relax, Prudence," Fleur told her, entered the cave dressed in a black plunge-neck top and a leather mini-skirt. Her blonde hair flowed loose in perfect curls and she wore a malicious look on her beautiful face.

"What do you want with me?" Prue demanded through gritted teeth. She screwed up her face as she was hit by a painful contraction.

"What do I want?" Fleur repeated, her beautiful red lips twisted into a cruel smile. "I want your baby. When she's born, I will raise her as my own and kill you."

"You bitch!" Prue yelled and tried to telekinetically throw Fleur across the room, but the blonde blocked it with her own telekinesis.

"You can't fight me, Prue," Fleur informed her. "Now...start pushing. It won't be long until your baby is born."

Back at the manor, Phoebe was in the attic scrying for Prue whilst Paige looked through the Book of Shadows and Piper was working on a new potion to vanquish Fleur.

"What if Fleur kills Prue?" Paige asked, slamming the book shut. "What if we don't get there in time? She could do anything to her...turn her evil, kill her, take her baby, have her locked away in the underworld forever..." Phoebe dropped the scrying crystal down on the map.

"Paige," Phoebe said firmly.


"Shut up."

Before Paige could reply, Paisley came stomping into the attic, dressed in her pink pajamas that were decorated with yellow stars, followed by Alexander who was saying, "Come on, Paisley, it's bed time now!" Paisley shook her head furiously.

"Not goin' to bed!" She shouted. "Wanna help Mommy find Auntie Prue! Go 'way!" Paige let out a snort of laugher. Alexander glared at her.

"Paisley, sweetheart, c'mere," Paige said, patting her lap. Eagerly, Paisley ran over and perched herself on her mother's lap, a delighted smile spreading across her face.

"Sweetie, do you think you could help find Auntie Prue?" Paige asked. "Ya know she's gonna have a baby, right? Do you think you could find your little cousin using the connection that you have with Payton?" Paisley nodded and closed her eyes. Her breathing became heavier and her body lighter. Paige had to hold onto her daughter's shoulders to stop her falling. When Paisley eventually opened her eyes, they were full of fear. "Auntie Prue is in da bad place," Paisley said quietly. "Da bad lady is talkin' to her. Da baby will be here soon."

To Be Continued

A/N: Hope you all liked it! Review please!