Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I'm back~! Before you guys start, I'm not even going to apologize and just say that I went on an EPIC journey to go "better" my writing to satisfy your guys' needs...? But, I'm here so...yes, I actually AM alive, but barely and SO READY to finally finish what I started.

Once again, thanks A LOT for the reviews. And I mean A LOT, because lots of you guys got me back in the game. I feel like crying now...BUT

SO, here you go!

Ch. 20: Seriously?

19...20...21...22...The numbers continued to fly by as Kagome kept her eyes peeled to the surrounding mirrors, searching every portion of her body for any mistakes she may have missed.

A loud chime rang through the compartment as she quickly turned around when the doors opened. She nervously stepped out to find herself on the 26th floor, bright lights illuminating the hallway. Across was a metal door with the word "ROOF" hanging overhead.

Quickly, but clumsily, she hurried across the hallway to soon open the door and see a flight of stairs leading to the roof. With a deep breath, she slowly walked up the stairs to soon reach another door.

Nervously, she pushed the door open to find a table not too far off stuck in the dark. The two candles placed neatly on the table stood out brightly as Kagome felt herself being sucked in by the soft light.

What stood out most was mane of silver hair that outshone the candle's bright lights. Kagome took a deep intake of air as she breathed it out slowly. 'All right Kagome...' she thought to herself. 'This is your chance to make up with Inuyasha and forget that this stupid fight ever happened. Don't lose your cool!'

She promptly walked up behind Inuyasha and tapped him on the shoulder. "Room for one more?" she asked hesitantly. He turned around as Kagome's eyes widened.

She had messed up terribly. Instead of doggy ears, two pointed ears stood on each side of the head along with two red stripes marked across each cheek. In front of her was none other than Sesshomaru himself!

"Oh! I-I'm sorry. I must have come to the wrong...hotel. Uh, I'll just be leaving now-." she started. But she was soon interrupted when the man raised his hand to stop her talking.

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you," he replied. She looked at him blankly.

"You have?" she said surprised.

"Sit down," he said pointing to the seat across from him. Kagome found herself following his directions without a second thought. His eyes were just so...so....so mesmerizing.

"Kagome Higuarshi, I presume?" She nodded in reply. "I'm Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's older brother."

"Oh! Inuyasha's mentioned you before," she immediately replied. But she regretted it when he raised an eyebrow.

"He has? About what?" She tightened her lips as the memory of the "Barbie Doll Scare" came to mind.

"Just some stories here and there." She said carefully. She sighed when he nodded to show his understanding.

"So how did you come to meet Inuyasha?" he asked. She quickly stopped her fidgeting as she looked up. His stare was horribly intimidating. But she smiled and kept her stare.

"In one of my classes on the first day of school."

"First impression?"

"Horribly cocky, but turned out he had a sweet side to him," she replied with a faint smile. He stayed silent as Kagome reminisced about their meeting.

"Thoughts on him now?" She didn't reply. Either she hadn't heard him or she didn't bother to answer as she smiled to herself. He looked at her patiently. He was in no rush.

"I guess you could say, he's certainly left quite an impression on me." she said after much thought. He continued to stay quiet as he quietly observed her.

She sat still continuing to smile to herself. Until, she finally noticed what exactly was going on and snapped out of her trance. "Ah! I'm sorry I let my mind wander off, what was your question again?"

The corner of his lip raised an inch leaving her confused. "It's not important," he replied standing up. "I got all the answers I needed."

He tucked the chair back in as he stood up and gave her another one of his half-smiles. "I entrust that you will be of some help to Inuyasha; hopefully nothing too traumatic or hurtful. I leave his care in your hands."

Kagome couldn't keep the look of bewilderment from her face as a helicopter suddenly appeared. A roped ladder flung down as he grabbed a rung and gave her a short bow.

"I hope to see you in the future, Ms. Higuarshi." he mouthed. With a smug look planted on his face, he disappeared into the night sky leaving Kagome staring after him contemplating on what had just occurred.

A loud bang interrupted her thoughts as her head turned to see Inuyasha in the doorway sweating profusely and breathing hurriedly. His hair was in a mess along with his attire.

Seeing Kagome staring at him, he loudly cleared his throat and started fixing his appearance based on little knowledge. He hurriedly walked over as he loosened his tie and tried to rub out all newly formed wrinkles.

He cleared his throat once more, as he looked down at his fumbling hands, quietly saying, "S-Sorry that I'm late; stuck in traffic and the elevator was broken."

Kagome quietly took in the news as a small smile tinted her face. Silently, she stood up and walked over, lightly grabbing the bottom of his shirt. He immediately froze up as she suddenly began untucking (sp?) his shirt.

"W-What are you doing?!" he demanded.

"I thought it would be better if the both of us were comfortable during our..." She failed to find the right word. Both her and Inuyasha blushed at what the word was supposed to be.

"H-Hey! Who said that you could go and ruin my shirt?!" he said gruffly. His hands grabbed hers to stop any further "untucking".

However, she fought back with a mad breath. "It's already messy. There's no point in trying to fix it!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" he demanded. Without a thought, he grabbed her hands and pulled them apart in the air. His eyes looked into Kagome's as the entire moment froze.

They stayed silent as they continued to look. However, the entire moment was ruined when suddenly a flash of thunder rang out through the night followed by a wave of rain.

It lasted only a few seconds, however, left the two drenched. Their eyes widened as they suddenly burst out laughing.

"Looks like someone up there wants us to stop fooling around," Kagome said in between laughs.

"Maybe," Inuyasha agreed. Their laughing continued. At one point they were chuckling and soon looked at each other once more.

Kagome smiled and Inuyasha couldn't help but smile as well. "Looks like Miroku's and Sango's plan worked after all," Kagome mused wringing her hair of rainwater.

"Maybe, but I still don't approve of their way of arranging this meeting." Inuyasha said with a smirk.

"You're right."

"It must be something conceiving..."

"But nothing too merciless..." Their eyes met.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Inuyasha asked.

"Oh, I believe so." They both smiled and laughed once more. They looked ridiculous.

"We cannot leave them alone."

"Oh, certainly not."

"They'll just have to pay," they said in unison. Evil laughter soon replaced the previous laughs as their minds began to work.

To be continued...

Whew. I am FINALLY DONE! :D I know that this story was pretty much on the bad side, but hey(!) I updated, right?

Okay just a few side notes:

I am planning on doing the chatting online thing from 8-10 PM. If you don't remember check the previous chapter.


Once again, THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME UNTIL NOW, for nearly two years (OH SHIT!). You guys are seriously, the BEST.

NEXT UPDATE: Possibly June 22 at the latest in California.


Ja Ne