Severus stared at his master in shock, his mouth hanging wide open, and if his eyes could it would have been bulging out of their sockets. This was not a pose Severus would have been happy to be caught in, but at that moment he was in much disbelief to do anything else.
"Close your mouth and stop staring like that, you look like a mudblood who's just found out that wizards exist." Lord Voldemort snapped at the man.
That got the response that Severus needed he closed his jaw shut, he straightened out his posture, and his eyes took on the narrow slits that were accustomed to his face. "I'm sorry my lord, I lost myself for a minute," Voldemort waved his right hand dismissing Snape's apology. "What about the prophecy. The boy, your heir," He quickly corrected himself, "is supposed to be your downfall, my lord we can find you a more suitable one than him, one that is more worthy of you…"
"He is very worthy." Voldemort shouted. Snape crouched onto the floor and kissed the hem of the robes. Voldemort looked at the small boy in his arms the colour coming slowly back to the small face. He traced his fingers over the boy and whispered very softly. "The prophecy means nothing anymore, Snape. Harry James Potter has died, and in his place is Harry James Riddle. No longer a Potter, no longer my enemy. He has been born again. Risen from the ashes and prevailed death. Just like a Phoenix Severus. When Harry was drowning he basically died, giving him a new life, now one that consists of a father."
Voldemort looked down at his son. Pride beamed through him when he thought of his son. Carding his hands through the silken hair, Voldemort knew what he had to do to make it complete, to make sure that nothing ever befell on his son, fore if anything happened to the precious bundle in his arms, Merlin have mercy on their soul. The Dementor's kiss would feel like a tickle compared to what he would do.
With his free hand Voldemort pointed his wand at the child's forehead. Severus stood there staring, while Harry who was coming to started to squirm in the dark lords arm.
Not liking the offending stick pointing in his face, Harry squirmed to get away, tears pouring down his chubby face, that was now going blotchy, he waved his hands at the wooden piece trying to knock it away. "'way, 'way,'way. Go 'way." Harry cried in between sobs.
"Enough Harry." Voldemort shouted. "It's alright, it's not going to hurt you. It may sting for a minute, but that's it. I promise you nothing will hurt you." Voldemort's soft, reassuring voice, seemed to calm down the withering child.
"Severus take Harry, hold him, and make sure his arms are secure."
Severus looked at the boy in his Lord's arms, he never held a child before, how was he supposed to do it now?
"For Merlin's sake Severus it's not your NEWTS. Just take the child into your arms, unless you would like to feel what a cruciatus curse feels like over a span of forty eight hours." Voldemort hissed, impatiently. He still had other things he needed to do today, and one was as loathed as he was to admit it, go into a muggle town; and he was thinking that Germany would be the perfect spot, with the boy and get him things that a child would need. It would be too risky to go anywhere closer, and he wouldn't trust his house elves to do that job, as far as he would trust Albus Dumbledore with his life.
Severus took the child in his arms feeling very uncomfortable. He took the threat very seriously, especially after he heard the experience that Frank and Alice Longbottom went through, and they were only under for five hours. Two days and he would surely die.
He could feel Harry shaking in his arms, and rocked the child, to ease away the tension.
"My Lord, I don't think Harry appreciates this." He could feel the icy stare he was receiving, even with the new looks his lord was still very threatening.
Before the two realized what was going on, Voldemort had his wand in Harry's face again. When Harry tried to whack the wand away with his hands, he couldn't. There were arms holding him in place, and no amount of wiggling was going to release him. He couldn't understand why? The man seemed nice enough, let him play, and go swimming, and even gave him a bath with a ducky. And now he was uncomfortable and scared, the sharp pointy thing was staring him right in his eyes. And it was going to poke him. That was enough for Harry, he howled and kicked his tiny feet against the new mans chest, he didn't like this, not at all.
"Do not let go Severus." The Dark Lord said through bitted teeth.
"Never my lord." Severus heaved the child in his arms, putting him into a more comfortable position where the little cretin wouldn't be able to kick him anymore. Although it did nothing for the screeching. He was glad no one was around to see him.
He could picture his students gaping at his position. It would amuse them no less to see the dark foreboding dungeon bat handling a squirming child.
Harry on the other hand still couldn't understand what was going on. What were they doing to him? He wanted to be away, far away from here. Why wasn't anyone coming to help him? Why wasn't anyone protecting him? His mommy used to. His mommy used to do anything for him, but where was she now? Where were his mommy and daddy? Where were they both? The other man said they died. Whatever that meant. He wished they would stop being dead, and come and help him.
"Viniculum ab animus." A strange light came through the wand, and into the little boy surprising Harry, which made him cry even harder.
Severus was staring at his lord in shock when the child's screeching intensified ten fold.
"Give me my son, Severus." Voldemort demanded. He really didn't think that it would affect Harry like this.
Severus passed the child back to his lord. Flabbergasted that the man would actually hurt the child, even after claiming it as his heir.
"Shh Harry. Shh. It'll be over soon. Shhh. No more crying my son. No more, I know it hurts, I know, but it'll be over soon, I promise." Voldemort ran his free hand over Harry's face wiping the tears away. Than running soothing circles over the back.
Harry finally having found the peace and comfort that he was so used to in his short life, was able to control the crying and turned it into sobs.
Severus couldn't help but stare once more at his lord, who was now comforting a child. Nonetheless one he was intent on killing not more than ten hours ago.
"Severus if you don't stop gaping, I'll spell your mouth closed for the remainder of your days, and the way you're going I swear it won't be much longer." Voldemort continued to rock Harry hoping the boy would fall asleep while the charm passed over him.
"I'm sorry milord. It won't happen again." Severus was now becoming used to the empty threats, knowing his lord needed him in his service. Severus was a very valuable player.
"I shall take my leave if you don't need me for anything else, the old coot is still suspicious, and I have to be more careful."
"Wait a minute Severus. It's going to appear any second, and I want for you to see it."
"What is my lord?" Severus asked now with anticipation in his voice.
"This." Voldemort held the child so that Harry was facing the dour man.
Severus stared at the child intently. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Than he saw it. A red small slash across the child's forehead was taking shape. "No wonder the kids not happy." He sneered. He could hear Voldemort chuckling cruelly at his comment. The dark slash was now bleeding, and Snape could now see that it was a cut, a deep one.
"Shall I go get a healing potion?"
"Of course not Snape." Voldemort said now in irritation.
"But the boy's forehead…"
"Is doing what it should be doing. I have marked him Severus, I have put a little piece of me into him. He will always know that I will be there for him. A bond, one that allows me to know if he's hurting, one where I can watch out for him if he gets into trouble. I will protect him. He is mine now." Voldemort interrupted the man.
"Lightning bolt. How aesthetically pleasing." Severus took note of the shape the bond made.
"I thought so to." He sneered. "You may go now Severus. I will not be needing your services right now." With a wave of his hand he turned himself and Harry away, as the potions master left with a small inclination of his head.
"You and I will be a right pair." Voldemort laughed bringing the baby fully towards himself. Harry gurgled in reply, not as sleepy as Voldemort would have liked him to be.
They lay on the bed, Harry resting against Voldemort's chest curled up in a small ball, his tiny hand clutching the man's cloak. Using his other hand to suck his thumb with.
"That's a dirty habit only muggles do, and no son of mine shall be seen sucking his thumb." Voldemort tugged the thumb out of Harry's mouth, which realized was a big mistake when the tiny face scrunched up and it seemed another tantrum was on it's way.
"Hey Harry can you say Dada?" He asked, trying to advert the oncoming now avoidable fit. "I know you can say duckie, now say Dada. Call me Dada." Voldemort pointed to himself, hoping that Harry would get the hint. Which by the looks of it he was.
"Dada, no." Harry shook his head in response, the thumb now all forgotten about, and actually started to laugh, his hair going even messier, not even realizing the importance that this day had led up to.
"Yes, dada, I am your Dada." Voldemort's stern gaze stared into emerald orbs, and a small smile graced his lips even though he would die before ever admitting that. "You'll eventually get used to me, I suppose." Voldemort knew when a battle was lost, and for today this was one, he would bow out gracefully and move onto the next step on his agenda, Harry's room.
Lifting the sleeping child in his arms Voldemort walked out of the bedroom, and into the adjoining room, which would now be Harry's. At first he wasn't sure if it was such a good idea giving the boy his own room, but Voldemort decided that eventually they would have to have separate rooms and now was the time to start. It was far enough away that they would have privacy, especially when Harry got older, and close enough so that Voldemort would hear Harry's crying, even though the newly formed bond would allow this the reassurance of hearing the actual sounds would allow for more peaceful nights.
The room itself was pretty much bare, but the space was grandiose. It would fit Harry suitably as he grew from child to adolescent, and than to man.
For a few good minutes Voldemort just stared at the empty room wondering if he should wake Harry up for this. He knew the little boy would be so excited to see the magic, but he wasn't sure if it was a good idea. He recalled one of his death eaters, Parkinson, he believed it was, mentioning about waking up his little girl from a nap and how it took a better part of the day to get the child to stop crying. He didn't feel like going through another crying fit. His judgement coming back to him he made up his mind.
"Mimsi!" He hissed, afraid of the waking the child now that he thought of it.
Within a second a loud pop echoed into the room and the elf's high piercing voice reached his ears.
"Mimsi here's sir, Mimsi came to help." The elf kept screeching, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
"Keep your voice down, you pitiful creature, and listen carefully. Harry here is now mine. He's sleeping as you can see, I want you to take him back to my bedroom and let him sleep. Watch over him, and if he should wake bring him to me immediately. Understood?" His red eyed gazed stared back at the little creature menacingly.
"Of course Master sir, I's understood. I's a good elf." She puffed her chest out proudly, and opened her arms for the placement of the little boy. She was glad her master decided to keep the boy; she herself was becoming very fond of him.
"Good." Voldemort placed his child within the arms of the house – elf, missing the heavy weight in his arms that was comforting to him.
Now that Harry was gone with Mimsi, he could get back to what he needed to do, before they made their way to Germany. With a couple of flicks of his wand, the wall was now painted in green and blue, very reminiscent of the pond. On the blue part of the wall, ducks were floating by, moving every so slowly, and little frogs sat on lily pads, and every so often they would stick out their tongues to try and catch invisible flies. The green part had swaying flowers in their midst, and in one act of kindness towards Harry's deceased mum the border was made up of lilies that framed the ceiling. The ceiling on the other hand was enchanted to look like the night sky, except when it was bad weather. No reason to frighten his son.
Now with the walls and ceilings done, all he would need was furniture, which they would have to do on their shopping spree. And much to his chagrin he would have to go to a wizarding place. And that's when he remembered his new appearance, nobody had ever associated Tom Marvolo Riddle and the great Dark Lord together, except for Dumbledore, nobody had seen him since his Hogwarts days, except for the few members of his inner circle, nobody would take notice of him now. Especially in ZauberGegund. Germany's counterpart of Hogsmeade. He could be Tom Riddle for a day, if only for his son.
He made his way out of Harry's new room and into his room, where a peculiar sight met his eyes. Apparently Harry was up and that infernal house – elf forgot to tell him. Now the House – elf was wearing odd things and it seemed like she was acting out a story for the boy.
"What do you think you're doing?" He snarled at the elf.
Mimsi shook in fear. The boy had only woken up just a couple of minutes ago and since he was ok, she thought there would be no point in disturbing her master, so she decided to tell the boy a story about little Merlin and the runaway train. She had just gotten to the part where Merlin was on the runaway caboose screaming for help.
"Answer me you infernal creature, what are you doing?" Voldemort was now yelling furious beyond belief.
"Mimsi thought not to disturb Master, when Master was working. Mimsi tells young Master a story." Mimsi was terrified, she had not gotten into trouble that often, but when she did the punishments were very unkind.
Voldemort picked her up by the scruff of her neck and dragged her out of the room leaving the door opened ajar, he didn't want Harry to see what was happening. He made a vow to himself that Harry would grow up differently than he would. That Harry would respect all creatures and that he would be given the childhood that he never had. While Harry would be privileged to these things, didn't mean that he had to be. So with as little care he threw the creature against the wall, hard. Her small body shaking as she got up and crouched closer to the wall, in hopes that it would swallow her.
"You disobeyed an order. How dare you?" Voldemort snarled, growling as he inched closer to Mimsi. "You were supposed to get me once he woke. Didn't I tell you that, didn't I order that?" He got close enough so that he snatched her in his hands and started shaking her.
"Yes, Sir, Mimsi bad elf. Mimsi jus' wants to make little master smiles, I do, and he did. Mimsy sorry. Mimsi must punish herself." The little creature wailed pathetically.
"You will do more than that, you will not go near Harry until I say it's ok. If I even see a toe in either of our rooms I will kill you. Your job will be in the kitchens for now and when you get down there I expect your fingers and toes to be ironed, and the tips of your ears to be cut." Voldemort said, feeling the rush he usually got when bullying someone. He would have to keep it to a minimum now, but it was still so much fun. The tips of the ears would mean that the elf was a disciplinary problem, and that if she should get clothes finding a new household would be hard. No decent witch or wizard would want an undisciplined servant.
"Mimsi will do what Master wishes, she's a good elf she is. Mimsi meant no disrespect, Mimsi jus' wanted to make little master happy." And with a sad little pop Mimsi was gone to the kitchen.
Voldemort turned around ready to check on Harry. When something soft connected with his foot. For the first time since he done the bonding he could feel a sadness wash over him. The connection was working and Harry was feeling sad. He made to rush into the room to see what the problem was, when he made another connection with the soft thing at his feet. He looked down, thinking that it was just the carpeting and there was his little Harry, sitting on the floor in just his nappy.
"Owwwieeeeeeee." Harry cried, his face scrunched up, looking at his hands in bewilderment. Voldemort sat on his haunches examining his child and checked over the hands.
"Hurs." Harry cried when Voldemort lightly touched the angry red marks of rug burn.
"I know son. But this should make it better." Voldemort took the hurting hands and cupped them in his. He blew gently, letting the air soothe the skin. He did it about three times until he felt that Harry wasn't hurting anymore.
Harry stared up at the man, his eyes as big as saucers. "Gone." He whispered quietly, amazed that this man had gotten his boo-boo to go away. "Hurs gone."
Voldemort laughed and scooped his child up to him. "That's right Harry, no more hurting. Now lets get you changed and than we can go to ZauberGegund."
Harry giggled at this. "Zau…Zau…" Harry tried repeating the new word. It was funny to him, foreign. He kept repeating this over and over again while Voldemort dressed him in a loose shirt that looked more like a nightgown, but would have to do until proper clothing was made for him.
Ready to go, he was just about to call for Mimsi when he remembered her punishments. "Damn." He shouted, he needed her, Harry was used to her.
"Damn." Harry repeated with some spittle flying from his mouth.
"No, Harry that's a bad word. Only adults are allowed to use it. Not little boys." Voldemort admonished.
Harry only said the word again, laughing, as Voldemort admonished him again. "Tithers!" Voldemort shouted getting a headache from all of this.
"Tithers, Master, Sir, what I can do for you?" The elf not unlike Mimsi, was bowing low, older and a lot more gruff around the edges, Voldemort was unsure whether this was a good idea.
"You are to come with me on a little errand that I need to get done there's still a couple more hours to go before the shops close." Voldemort spoke as he prepared Harry to floo to Dunkheit Gasthof. A little inn in Germany, where the main floo connection was for travellers.
"You are to meet us in Dunkheit Gasthof and wait for us there. Do not leave the entrance of the fireplace, understand?" Voldemort questioned frowning down at the elf.
"Tithers, understands, I's wait for Master there." The elf bowed low.
"Good, now get going." Voldemort hissed at the creature before him, disgusted with the way he was acting. As he watched the old elf stumble into the fireplace he could feel his tension rising, he than realized why he had Mimsi here instead, she was more calming than the sordid creature he replaced her with, even if she was a bumbling idiot.
With Harry swathed in blankets to keep him warm from cold fall breeze he floo'd them both to Dunkheit Gasthof.
Once getting his balance back he realized he made a mistake in coming here. It was too crowded; witches and wizards were basically clamouring over each other, there was no room to breathe.
"What on earth is going on here?" He questioned more to himself. Not like anyone would hear him anyways over the noise.
"Master, a contest is happening heres today. A big one, magic folk keeps coming in. This place is too packed for the little one." Tithers stated noticing the pale face of Masters boy.
Voldemort looked down at his son who was scrunched closely to him. "Yes it is. I don't think Harry enjoyed the flooing, did you son?"
"Go go go." Harry said into Voldemorts shirt.
"Tithers know away out of here Masters. Behinds the counters over there a little entrance to the back entrance way."
Strategically Voldemort walked around the cramped space of the bar and together Lord, son, and elf left the busy place.
Together they headed towards the main road. Even though he was a Dark Lord this place was far too eerie for his liking. It was dark and garbage littered the streets, homeless people were begging for money, and drunks were lined up along the walls trying to support themselves.
"Hiya mister. Whatcha got there." A lady in a red velvet dress approached him. Holding Harry more protectively against him he turned to walk away. There would be no killings today.
"I'll give you 50 knuts for the boy." She smiled a green sickly smile all four of her front teeth were missing, and her incisors were what were keeping her tongue intact. "Baby parts are very useful in potions. The little wee one won't feel a thing when we harvest his organs it's a promise."
"Stupify." Voldemort shouted. The lady dropped down. "My son will not now or ever be sold. He's mine. You should be praying to Merlin that I'm not going to kill you today." Voldemort's eyes shone blood red, and he left her there to freeze in the coldness, which the fall had brought.
Walking into the main part of town Voldemort stood there mesmerised for a minute. It was something out of a postcard. Victorian style houses ran up and down the cobblestone street. Early traces of frost covered the roofs, and even though it was just the beginning of November Christmas decorations littered the stores. "Look at it Harry. Isn't it fantastic."
Harry's eyes grew round as he peered from the mans shoulders. He could see many different things, but what he liked best was the music playing. He recognized the sound from a long time ago, one his mommy used to sing to him.
"Down, me down." Harry cried. He could do this he could walk. His mommy had to be here somewhere if they were playing her song. "Hawweee down."
"You can barely walk yet. And it's too crowded. You're staying here." Voldemort looked down and his heart took pity on the boy, whose cheeks were turning cherry red from the cold.
"Alright Harry, I'll hold your hands and you try to walk ok?"
Harry bounced in Voldemorts arms as he was gently placed on the floor. Voldemort took his hands and held the boy up steadily. Harry was uncertain at first, it felt strange being on only two instead of four, but he felt braver when he realized the big man wasn't going to let him go. With a little bit of hesitation and a lot of patience on Voldemorts part, Harry took his first step with a lot of support.
The second step was a little bit harder as Harry felt his body give way under him, but the strong arms lifted him straight, and on the second try he got his other foot in front. He knew he could make it.
"Very good Harry. Papa's so proud of you." Voldemort cooed at the young child.
"Papa hewe?" Harry asked his head leaning backwards between his arms as he was held up.
It took Voldemort a couple of minutes to decipher what the child had asked and when he did he gave a little growl of frustration, lifting the child back up into his arms, he took them to a private nook in the street where they could be hidden from view and earshot, and not too far from the public.
"I am your Papa, Harry. I have already told you that now say it."
Harry just stared at the man as if had turned mental. Harry just shook his head wildly.
"Stop that you'll make yourself sick. Now call me Papa, or else you won't get your surprise."
At the word 'surprise' Harry's eyes grew big. He loved surprises. Moony and Padfoot would always surprise him with something good.
"Pwise, pwise." Harry chanted jubilantly, his whole body shaking with excitement.
"Who am I?" Voldemort asked again.
"Papa!" Harry shouted and wrapped his arms around the man's neck.
"Very good Harry, yes I'm your Papa." He followed his son and wrapped his arms protectively over the small body and made their way out into the packed street.
They passed by a couple of shops, some filled with Quidditch supplies, others that had potion supplies, couple of bookstores, and one that was all muggle.
"See Harry when I become ruler of Britain, stores like these one's will never exist. It's dirty and disgusting, and you must remember that alright. YOU NEVER associate with muggles. Right?"
"Wight." Harry's face scrunched up determinedly to show his new Papa he understood.
At last they came to a store filled with everything that a young witch or wizard would ever need in his whole life.
"Wonderful." Voldemort exclaimed. "Tithers, take Harry here and make sure to stay right beside me. I need my hands free."
The elf that was following them this whole time ran up beside his master and bowed lowly.
"Of course I's watch Masters boy if that's what Masters wishes of me's." The elf took Harry into his arm and carried the boy.
They all entered Kinderspiel together.
When they entered Kinderspiel Harry's eyes widened he had never seen anything like it in his short life. Everything he could possibly want was there. Toys galore, animate objects from broomsticks to dragons were soaring around the ceiling. There were beds and clothes and a million hundred things to look at.
"Mines." Harry screamed in delight wiggling in excitement that Tithers had to keep a firm grip on his master's son.
"If you want it all it will be yours." Voldemort said without looking at the boy and making his way over to a clerk.
"Guten Tag." A young sales lady exclaimed in that false voice that was overly chipper.
Voldemort held in a shudder he hated doing this. "I don't speak German, only English." He said very irritated.
"I help you find what you look for." The sales lady exclaimed in broken English.
"I'm looking for anything and everything that this child could possibly want." Voldemort declared in a voice that was laced with impatience.
The next half an hour went by surprisingly fast, the sales clerk showed the Dark Lord an assortment of beds, but the one that stood out the most was a circular one with wings on the sides, safe enough for a toddler but one that Harry would be able to grow into when he was older. The snitch bed would suit Harry perfectly there would be no way that he could get out the mattress was in deep and the walls would prevent Harry from climbing out. The toys were easy to pick, and with two housefuls of toys and books chosen the last thing they needed to get was clothes.
"Vat size boy is?" Asked the sales lady, this was a good day for her, the commission she would make off this customer was going to be large. She stood there waiting while the man took the child from the house – elf.
Voldemort was stumped he didn't know the size he transfigured the clothes on Harry.
"Harry?" He asked quietly almost whispering in the boy's ear, "What size are you?"
Harry's face scrunched up and he threw his new Papa a raspberry.
"I have no idea. You see he was recently adopted." Voldemort admitted. That was true nothing wrong with that. This war caused a lot of casualties including children's parents.
"He looks to be a size von or two." The clerk explained. "But ve may need to try them on him."
"We'll go with a two." Voldemort wasn't ready to deal with Harry's famous temper tantrum and they had been at this a long while and he could sense that if they didn't get a move on soon, Harry was likely to explode in frustration.
" Vat vould you like or need."
"Everything, sure?"
"Very well Sir I meet you at cash."
Voldemort carried Harry to the checkout, but upon the way he stopped abruptly when he heard Harry scream in his ear.
"Papa pwise." Harry jubilantly exclaimed.
"What are you on about?" This was becoming exhausting and the man couldn't wait to get home.
"Pwise, pwise, pwise." Harry chanted, pointing at the aisle of plush animals.
It suddenly dawned on Voldemort what Harry was yelling about. He remembered promising his son a surprise, but in all the commotion forgot about it.
"Yes Harry that's your surprise. Which stuffed animal do you want?"
Harry twisted in his father's arms and pointed at a black stuffed dog and then a silver wolf.
Voldemort picked them up and they made it to the checkout where he placed the items to the already huge pile.
Once the purchases were all done Voldemort shrunk them and sent it home with Tithers to set up. He than made his way back to the floo and flooed them both home.
"Well my darling boy I hope you enjoyed that trip." Voldemort who was expecting a response a little gurgle or a hit or even a simple no, looked down at the small bundle in his arms to see the child was sleeping.
Placing the boy tenderly onto the bed he kissed the brow and ran his hand over the soft baby cheeks with a gentle caress and went to see how the nursery was coming along. It had to special for the heir of Slytherin.
While the day may have been nice outside not one of the members of the Weasley family were aware. The chill that was sent through their bones made them feel that they would never be warm again, even Ron knew something was wrong. He could sense it; his normally rowdy twin brothers were unusually quiet, as their mother pushed him in the pram.
The Weasley family burial ground was not too far from the burrow, but it wasn't that close either, but by the time that Molly got there with her six children she could see a small gathering of people, mostly those who were in the order.
Away from the crowd near a small tombstone where she knew her first child was buried after a stillbirth, a freshly dug grave was set beside it, and a little bit aways from that, on a little platform stood the coffin that held her husband, and beside that was an old man that looked a million years old. She should have felt grateful to Dumbledore for making all the arrangements, but she couldn't bring herself to feel anything at the moment. She made her way to the small seating area with her family, placed the children on the chairs provided and made her way to say farewell to her loving husband.
Arthur looked so peaceful, Madame Pomfrey did an incredible job that she made it seem as if Arthur was just sleeping and would wake up at any moment. "My darling husband." She moaned and traced a finger along his cheek, but when she felt it cold that's when her resolve broke, crying in a fit of hysterics.
"Come Molly." She felt the man lead her to a seat, and was thankful for Remus being there. "Arthur's fine, he's not in any pain anymore, and now your eldest is joined by his father, so he has someone up there to with him."
Molly nodded her head and knew that kind, gentle Remus was right. Her husband would be looking down protecting her and their children from any danger.
"Why daddy sleeping, and not sit with us?" Fred asked standing where his mother was not more than two minutes ago.
Everybody who was closest to the grieving family forgot about the children in the worry to make sure the hysteric pregnant mother was fine, and than before they knew it Fred the little troublemaker that he was, was at the casket staring down at his father's body.
"Remus do you mind?" Molly asked. She had no energy to chase after her child today.
"Not at all Molly." The young man quickly took up position beside the toddler and knelt down next to him. "Look Remmy, Daddy sleeping, he need blanket, he very very cold." The child said with as much innocence as one could have.
"He's not cold little man, he's just very tired and needs his sleep. His job is done and he's done it very well, but it took a lot out of him." Remus didn't know how he could explain to a child that he would never see his dad again and that the very reason that he was cold was because he was dead.
"Will he wake soon, and pway qitch with us?" The toddler looked up expectantly at the man he considered his uncle.
"No child, your father will be sleeping for a very long time, and you'll have to play Quidditch with your brothers from now on."
"Will I see daddy again?"
The child's brown eyes looked lost and Remus too felt the same way as the child looked.
"Yes, child, but not until later, much, much, later."
"Oh will he member me than. I grow big latah."
"Yes he will definitely remember you. Now come the headmaster wants to start, and I think your mother wants you by her side right now."
"Aight." The child said and the two walked off the podium hand in hand. The older one placing the child onto his mother's lap.
The service was quick with only a few words from Albus; Molly didn't have the energy to get up, but it was beautiful. As the casket was lowered the small family heard little Fred say, "Goodbye daddy I see you latah, when I grown."
A/N: Wow almost a year and a half, I am truly sorry I can't believe I would do that, so embarrassed right now, if I lost all my readers I would not blame any single one of you. I promised myself I would never do that and I would not abandon my stories and I won't. If you have read my profile than you know some of my reasons for not writing in awhile, others are b/c I had a lot of drama recently and rl never seems to cut me a break, but I'm finally done this chapter, not what I really wanted but it is the basic starting point now for the story, hopefully the next chapter won't take as long, I almost forgot what the joy of writing could actually do.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, please review and tell me what you think, I know I don't deserve it, but they mean everything to me, and thanks to those who reviewed the last time, and to my silent readers, I love you all.