
Fall 20

Hello again, Rothe! Well, as you may recall from the last letter, my CO informed me that my unit would be transferred to Lacrima, and, well... we've finally made the trip. I don't understand how or why, but Fia and Lina decided make the trip from Elendia here as well. They said they had some business here by coincidence, but they've been spent most of their time around me. I guess the time I spent with them in Elendia made them a little clingy or something. Oh well, their presence here isn't too bad. To be honest, I wish Lina wasn't so... needy, but I guess that's how growing girls are sometimes. In the mean time, Fia insists I take her meals off into the mess halls instead. I admit, her cooking's really good! It makes me feel lucky compared to my fellow cadets, who are complaining about the "stuff" they end up receiving for meals. Maybe if I'm lucky, Fia might actually follow me throughout my entire military career and keep me satisfied! But I kid. Honestly, what are the chances of that happening? Anyway, I decided to check out the landmarks you mentioned when you studied abroad here. Lacrima Castle was especially spectacular! It's so well-preserved, that I feel like I've actually traveled through time here! The really funny part is, when I looked around to get a decent tour guide, who would've thought I would come across your old acquaintance, Serene? So yeah, it turned out she got a part time job as a tour guide sometime after you left. She isn't running around with that scythe you told me about, but she still has that violent nature! The lady nearly sent me into a coma when I accidentally ran into her! But I admit... her tour guide outfit was unbelievably cute... er, anyway, after she calmed down a bit, she was more than happy to give me that tour! She certainly knew her facts about the place! She really got into her explaining when it came to some of the mythology, and she just gave off this intelligent air. To be honest, it reminded me of the old times when we used to play detective together! Ah yes... those were the days, weren't they? But yeah, seeing this whole new side of Serene that I would've missed otherwise was refreshing. She's incredibly strong-willed, yet she can be such an innocent free spirit at times. To be honest, I have this really odd feeling what would happen if she ever crossed paths with our High School Student Council Vice President, Malice... yeah, I don't understand why I'm even bringing Malice up. I guess those two somehow have something in common. Well, I'm really glad I'm having this opportunity to spend my time in lovely Lacrima as you once did. Man, I've joined the army, thinking I'd just be living the rough life and having to spend most of my free time with my cadet buddies, but instead I'm practically having vacation after vacation while meeting a lot of interesting women! Maybe I'll even find a potential bride during these travels if I get lucky! Anyway, I'm glad to here your life in Flower Bud Village is improving. This Jack guy and her wife Lyla sound like really nice people. I'm also getting curious about your fishing buddies Ray and Joe. I never understood your fish fetish, or why you denied it at first, but at least you found some people who understand that kind of thing. Also, it's good to hear that you've finally worked things out with Jamie. I was almost considering coming straight to Flower Bud Village myself and give this guy a piece of my mind, but then I figured you could get things handled. After all, you're usually the one that ends up helping me in the end, not the other way around. So yeah, I hope your good fortune continues. Oh yeah, I promised Serene we'd go hang out after target practice. I'm looking forward to it! Wish me luck, please!

Best Wishes,


Rothe crumpled up yet another letter and growled in frustration right before she heard a peculiar chuckle. Hesitantly, her eyes scanned the figure before her, until she stared at the face unamused.

For the first time in his life, the Harvest Demigod Jamie actually smiled, and it was at poor Rothe's expense.

"What the hell are you smirking at? Don't you have more brooding to do!" Rothe yelled.

Her fits of anger were met wit immediate shushing by those around her.

"Miss Rothe, please keep your voice down. People are trying to read" Maria announced.

Rothe smacked her head on the study table and grumbled furiously.

"I take it your army friend wrote something that upset you again" Jamie smirked.

Rothe gave the rancher a threateningly glare. "For someone who supposedly learned his lesson with the Harvest Goddess, you're still quite the party pooper, aren't you?" she uttered underneath her breath.

Jamie turned around with indifferent feelings. "I guess so" he casually said.

Rothe sighed. "I don't know how much enjoyment you intend to get out of my crap, but let me assure you, I can have my own fun with this as well" she pointed out.

Jamie looked at her curiously, with an eyebrow raised. "In what way?" he asked,

"Wellll..." Rothe eagerly taunted, "I could always tell everyone about little Leona" she grinned.

Jamie shook his head. "That doesn't bother me. Leona is in the past. I'm a completely different person now, as you can clearly see."

Rothe snapped her fingers. "Darn! I thought that would actually work!"

She then had a disturbingly huge grin on her face. "But wait, there's more..."

Although Jamie appeared unmoved, the demigod rancher gave a nervous gulp.

"I've seen how you've been looking at Jack's sister Jill, lately. As a matter of fact, I've noticed how you've kept and polished her Jam jars after she so affectionately presents the to you. Now, if I were to let word slip of your little crush, I wonder how the villagers would react? Come to think of it, how would Jill react? She may actually abandon her pursuit of Ray and head for even greener pastures..." she teased in a sweet voice.

Jamie glared at the sly city girl in utter shock.

"Don't...you...dare..." he uttered under his breath.

"You don't scare me." she smiled.

For a long time, the two adversaries exchanged stalwart glances. Their special staring contest remained until the other patrons gossiped among themselves.

"Hey, look... Jamie and Rothe are having another quarrel together! How cute!" a red-haired patron uttered excitingly.

"Yeah, I've heard all the rumors, but I'm actually seeing it here right before my very eyes! Flower Bud Village's hottest new couple in the making!" another patron with light blue, braided hair whispered.

Unfortunately for them, Rothe had really good hearing. The irate lady marched straight at the two gossipers with fire in her eyes.


Maria shook upon bearing witness of Rothe's fury.

"Uh, Miss Rothe... your voice---"

"I KNOW, I KNOW!" Rothe interrupted.

Jamie gave Rothe a coy look as she passed by.

"I guess I don't have to worry about people finding out now, huh?" he spoke in a calm voice.

"CAN IT!" Rothe growled before slamming the library door.

Jamie looked at the two gossipers curiously, then he moved on with his business and explored the psychology section of the library.

"I've lived quite a long life in this quiet little village, and yet rumors can still be such a bitch" he coolly uttered.

The two observing gossipers reacted at Jamie's comment with nervous laughter.

Outside the Library, Rothe clutched her stressed out head as she tried to calm down her nerves.

"Great... this is just great. Not only do I have Fia and Lina to worry about, but now that crazy girl Serene comes into the picture and manages to bond with Ein! What is going on? Ehh... I don't know how Serene got into the lead all of a sudden, but what it won't help me in anyway if I started actually acting like her! Ugh..."

In her other hand, Rothe clutched the wrinkled letter and held it close to her aching heart. She let out an enormous groan before she continued walking down her path. A strong sense of yearning shone clearly in her eyes.

"Damn it Ein, you're making me go insane..." she uttered softly.

Author's Notes: Ever since I wrote that description of Rothe's city clothes, I had a hard time getting that picture out of my head. Man, does Modern Day City Rothe look sexy cute! GAAH! It gave me an urge to DRAW her ever since then, but I was too darn busy writing this fanfiction... in between a few playing sessions of Tales of Phantasia, AND having a HM:MM girl game just to see with the heck Jamie's Tuxedo looks like. Seeing the words, "Jamie's a boy!" come out of a Harvest Sprite's mouth really made my day. I also have to admit that it was a spiffy ending sequence. I'm not in the mood to spoil this effort, but what I can say for sure is, Ray STILL doesn't hook up with anyone when all is said and done.

Anyway, the morale of the Epilogue Kids:


The world of romance isn't always like what you see on "Inuyasha", people! I also happen to think that kind of assumption is both old and half-assed. So then, if you ever happen to be starting love rumors about your friends when they're arguing with some random jackass, make room for the Chai tea, because I'll be coming to deliver the judgment of the gods upon you pathetic mortal soul!

That is all. Take care!