You Remind Me

Chapter One


Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown.

Author's Notes: Ello everyone. It seems recently I have become quite infatuated with Xiaolin Showdown, and more so the Kimiko/Jack pairing. I love, love, love them, and so I created this fanfic. Enjoy, and I always enjoy comments and critiques.

Chapter One

Kimiko in full Xiaolin monk garb swung through the trees; from branch to branch with the help of the lotus twister. She was only a few feet away from the latest activated Shen Gong Wu. It was practically within her grasp. Just a few more branches and she'd be there and she'd have another Shen Gong Wu to add to their collection, another step up against Wuya and her evil plans.

Suddenly though, all of Kimiko's hopes were crushed as a blur of black and red flashed by her. Now up ahead of her was Jack Spicer, traveling through the forest even faster than she was, via his helicopter backpack. Kimiko growled in anger and attempted to pick up speed. She had to get that Shen Gong Wu. She couldn't come back a failure. Not again.

"Nice try Kimi-cup," Jack laughed as he looked over his shoulder at her. "I guess today just isn't your day!" Without another word he turned his attention back to the Shen Gong Wu looming ahead and sped on.

"Oh no you don't!" Kimiko cried and flung her lotus twister enhanced arm as far ahead of her as she could. Just as Jack reached the Shen Gong Wu, her hand grabbed at it. They were both holding the new Shen Gong Wu, which meant only one thing. Kimiko's body quickly caught up with her hand and she put the lotus twister away after settling onto the same branch as the Shen Gong Wu.

"Ah well," Jack sighed at the great inconvenience. "Kimiko, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown; your lotus twister against my monkey staff. The challenge is: the person to hang from this branch the longest wins. Anything can be used to knock the other off."

"All right," Kimiko nodded.

"Xiaolin Showdown! GONG YEE TEM PAI!"

Suddenly the atmosphere of the forest around them changed completely. Fog grew up from the ground and all they could see was the one branch they were on, the Shen Gong Wu and each other. Kimiko took a deep breath and then held up the lotus twister.

"Lotus twister!" she shouted, activating the Shen Gong Wu's powers again. Meanwhile Jack had activated the monkey staff, so together they both jumped off the branch, only to grab it by their hand, or in Jack's case, tail.

"Okay monkey boy," Kimiko gave Jack a confident smirk. "Get ready to loose."

"Oh I don't think so Kimiko," Jack replied with just as much confidence. "I'm not going to let you Xiaolin Losers take another Shen Gong Wu."

With that said he swung forward at Kimiko, his feet pushed out in front of him, preparing to kick. Kimiko swung to her left and dodged the kick. Before Jack could recover from his own swing Kimiko swung back at him, using her free hand to punch him right in the stomach. Jack let out a cry of pain and clutched his hands to his stomach. Taking this opportunity, Kimiko let down another blow to his shin. Another cry from Jack and Kimiko saw her chance. Jack was too occupied with his pain to guard the one thing holding him to the branch; his tail. Kimiko grinned as she swung up, just high enough to reach his tail. She rose up her hand and readied it for one final punch.

"JACKBOT!" Jack shouted desperately.

Before Kimiko even knew what had happened she found herself falling through the trees, getting closer and closer to the ground. She had dropped the lotus twister and her stomach was in excruciating pain, as if she had been punched there a hundred times over. Her watering eyes looked up to the branch she had fallen from. Jack had called one of his Jackbots to help. That wasn't fair. It was supposed to be just the two of them fighting.

"JACK!" she screamed. Then…nothing.

Meanwhile, Jack stood proudly on the branch they had just fought on.

"Heh," he chuckled, watching the falling Kimiko. "I did say we could use anything."






The three other Xiaolin Warriors and Dojo pushed through the forest, looking for their fallen ally, Kimiko. She had run ahead in search of the Shen Gong Wu and now she was nowhere to be found.

"Are you quite certain that you can no long sense the Shen Gong Wu Dojo?" Omi asked, turning to the dragon.

"Yeah, it's completely gone," Dojo replied.

"Do you think that Jack Spicer got to it first?" Clay wondered.

"Then what if Kimiko ran into Jack?" Omi continued on Clay's train of thought.

"Ohh…" Raimundo said, his voice filled with frustration. "And knowing Kimiko she probably got all hot headed on him! That stupid girl!"

Conversation ceased and the search was back on. The four of them called out for Kimiko and searched endlessly for her, but to no avail. Hours later they were tired, sore and there was still no sign of Kimiko.

"Come on guys," Dojo said, trying to sound optimistic. "Maybe she already went home. We're not that far from civilization."

"Perhaps you are correct Dojo," Omi nodded. "We should go home and wait for her."

"And that Kimiko is a resourceful little lady," Clay added. "I'm sure she's alright."

Despite all these words they all looked quite doubtful. They were worried about Kimiko, but there was nothing they could do except go back to the temple and wait for her there.


Hours later Kimiko awoke on the forest floor. It seemed that a bush had broken her fall somewhat, but she was still in horrible pain. Her whole body ached. Moaning, Kimiko rose her hand to her head which not only hurt, but felt incredibly fuzzy. She tried to recall just what it was that had happened to her, but nothing came to mind. In fact nothing came to mind about anything. Who was she? Why was she there? Where exactly was 'there'? Nothing made sense anymore. A suddenly helplessness overwhelmed her. She didn't know where to go, what to do, nothing. And then suddenly, there was something.

"Jack Spicer…"