Mandatory Long Ass Author's Note/Disclaimer.

Well, hey! Look at that! She wrote another South Park fanfiction.

This is the sequel to my other fic, "Are You There, God? Its Us Stan and Kyle…and We HATE you!", but you don't really need to read one or the other. Because I hate sequels so, so very much. I just wanted to write Terrance and Phillip in too.

Just a couple of things to be warned about.

While I still maintain this is a humor fic (although, once again, I doubt this will be all that funny to anyone else), this is a lot more, well…serious and dramatic than YTG?. I wanted to try another challenge, and see if I could take the elements of YTG? That made it work, and make it more of a drama. If you're not into that, fine, you don't have to read it. As I said with YTG, I'm doing this for me, so that I can be relieved from stress. I wanted to try writing something more similar to my usual style, only…not. Yeah, basically, they are all in that stage of their relationships when they find out that relationships are kind of tough and shit happens, but if you really like the person and you are willing to deal with their drama on top of yours, then you've got something good.

As another warning, this is a slash fic. It contains all of the pairings seen in YTG, only with a bit less Cartman/Wendy (which makes me incredibly sad, I just couldn't work it into the fic as much as I wanted to. I'm sorry).

I'm posting the first two chapters for now, just to get a feel. This isn't necessarily a commitment. I'm warning you! Lol.

Lastly, I don't own South Park, that is the duty of Matt and Trey. I'm too much of a hippie. Yay!

-Sid out.

Insert Working Title Here

A fanfiction by Sidra G., AKA Will Sing For Monies

Like most aspects of their relationship, it had all started out as a joke of sorts.

It was during the Great Canadian-U.S. War of 1989 that the famed Terrance and Phillip, who had each lead rather full and interesting lives up until this event and would have continued to do so even had it not occurred, were taken as prisoners of war with the threat of execution imminent.

All thanks to goddamn Conan O'Brian, but that's an entirely different story that has already been copy-written.

During a pause in their impassioned reprise of their hit, chart topping single "Uncle Fucka'" Terrance turned to Phillip, and stated very matter-of-factly that death was just about the only thing they hadn't been through together.

Phillip did not need even a second to consider this statement before affirming its truth with an enthused, yet nostalgic, "We sure have, buddy."

"And, you know, as of now it seems highly likely that we will die together, too. So really, we've just about seen and done it all." Terrance continued, as if he hadn't really heard Phillip.

"I suppose it's highly appropriate that we die together, then." Phillip said. Terrance nodded, in an almost non-characteristically serious way, but not quite because he was sort of grinning like a maniac.

"Fun times." They said in unison.



"UNCLE FUCKAAAAAA'!" They sang, and giggled uproariously.

"You know, fuck face," Phillip said, allowing Terrance to giggle again, "I don't think I can really picture any other way. Being without you, I mean. Remember that one time? When we jay-walked down Avenue A in New York?"

"You mean when we taught the slope intercept form to school children by stealing two dollars from that one hobo we met, and then increased our profit and stole three dollars from every hobo we met after that?"

"Yeah. That was great."

Silence again.

Phillip could almost feel the ending note of their song rising in his throat again, when Terrance began to approach an idea that had been forming in his mind, obviously for a long time now, this time speaking in a truly uncharacteristic tone, something that suggested that he was picking his words very carefully, but with little idea of how to go about presenting the issue.

"So, buddy…say in about eight or so years, assuming that I don't get remarried of course, (He ignored Phillip's interjection of "Hey! Fuck you, buddy! Thanks for assuming I won't be married at all!"), and assuming we live through this (Phillip interjected once again to say, "Yes, because it's more likely you'll be married again in eight years than be dead tomorrow!")…should we maybe try to make it, you know, official? Or something?"

Once again, there was silence, but unlike the other two times, this one was a very long, awkward silence. Because Terrance and Phillip were fans of oxymorons, they would later describe it as deafening.

Luckily enough, Terrance and Phillip, having gone through everything but dying together, and simply being the people they were, it wasn't an embarrassing silence. It just was.

Finally, Phillip spoke.

"You mean like, get married?"

"I guess."

"Sure, buddy."

And they grinned at each other for a second, before once again launching into song.

Shut your fucking face Uncle Fucka'…

Phillip didn't really take the engagement seriously, until Sheila Broflovski shot and killed Terrance before his eyes, and his own last moments were filled with sheer terror, because he didn't quite realize that his own life was over and instead spent those final seconds fretting over how, exactly, any kind of life could exist for him without Terrance.