A/N, So Sorry, I've been grounded and had school and life just sucks! I'll try to get the next chapter out asap but I don't know how long it may take!

The rest of the summer passed in much the same fashion. A rift seemed to form between the Order involving the Slytherin's. The younger member's of the household especially. Ron had moved his things into the Twins room the day he found Draco and Harry and hadn't spoken to either Harry or Hermoine since, prefering to spend his time sulking and muttering about 'bloody poufs'.

He and Ginny were the only young member's of the order that thought that way, however. The rest embraced the budding relationship easily as they could under the circumstances. The older members didn't seem to care much for the relationship and only tolerated it because they knew what was at stake if they didn't. Now summer was over and it was time put their noses to the grindstone once again.

Whistles blew and Harry rushed after his friends to board the train. His trunk rattled behind him as he climbed the steps and looked for his friends, looking for the tell-tale sign of white blond in the crowd. He spotted another obvious hair color and looked away from the redhead who was glaring daggers at him. He finally spotted the Slytherin's in the back of the train and hurried into the compartment they were disappearing into.

"What took you Potter" Nott asked him, the bored expression on his face a permanent fixture.

"Couldn't find you guys" He replied, turning to the dark haired boy in surprise, he didnt speak often.

"Hermoine shouldn't you be in the prefect meeting?" Harry asked

"They are waiting till we get to school this year to have the meeting" Hermoine said, not tearing her eyes from the book she was reading over Pansy's shoulder. Pansy's face was slightly flushed as she noticed the insistant way Hermoine's breast was pressed against her shoulder as they read. Draco didn't miss the gesture.

"Pansy, do you feel alright, perhaps you should open the window" He suggested innocently, a smirk fighting it's way onto his face

"I assure you Draco I am just fine" Pansy scowled at the blond and studiously bent her head over the book again.

"I'm going to find the snack cart" Goyle grunted, followed eagerly by Crabbe and Blaise he walked out of the compartment and out into the cacophonous isle of the train.

"They think with their stomaches" Nott muttered before leaning against the seat and closing his eyes. Harry looked over at Draco and noticed the slightly apprehensive look on his face.

"What's wrong Draco" Harry asked, already knowing the answer.

"A bit worried about the Slytherin's is all. A lot of then wont really like us now. Dumbledore wont be able to protect us in the snake pit will he?" Draco asked, furrowing his brows.

"I'm sure we could figure something out" Pansy didnt look sure at all. An owl swooped into the compartment and landed on Hermoine's arm. Hermoine relieved the bird of it's letter and it took off out the window. The letter was addressed to 'The last compartment on the Hogwarts Express' Hermoine read the letter aloud.

Dear Students,

I would like to inform you that there will be new arrangement's made as far as dorm rooms. In light of the coming war and considering the risk being taken by some student's to return to school this year we find it necessary to remove some student's from their House Dorms and into rooms that will be assigned to you according not to House but on the basis that protection is needed. The following students will please report to the Headmasters office after the welcoming feast.

Harry Potter

Hermoine Granger

Draco Malfoy

Blaise Zabini

Vincent Crabbe

Gregory Goyle

Theodore Nott

Pansy Parkinson

Millicent Bulstrode

Ronald Weasley

Ginny Weasley

Neville Longbottom

Dean Thomas

Seamus Finnigan

Susan Bones

We thank you for your co-operation. New dorm assignments will be handed out after the feast. It is imperative for your protection that you give no one the location of your new room. All of you will share a common room and in essence function like a house in and of yourselves.

Hoping you are all well,

Professor Albus Dumbledore

"That man thinks of bloody everything doesn't he?" Pansy exclaimed after the letter had been passed around for everyone to read.

"The old codger is insane if you want my opinion" Draco muttered, handing the letter back to Hermoine who stowed it back in her book bag. Harry rolled his eyes at the Blond's words and leaned on the taller boy's shoulder. They hadn't had any time alone since that first day and so had not yet progressed as far as Harry would have liked, and now sharing a dorm with Draco, things seemed to be looking up. With a smile on his face and thoughts of blond haired angels in his head, he fell asleep.


"Harry, you might want to get dressed" Draco purred in his ear, making him shiver involuntarily.

"I'm up" He muttered, stumbling to his trunk and tossing his school robes over his head haphazardly. Draco rolled his eyes and straightened his own robes, which fell smoothly into place.

"Harry would it kill you to take a bit of pride in your appearance?" Draco asked, watching his Boyfriend knot his tie crookedly before brushing the other boy's hands away and knotting it for him.

"It's part of my charm" The still sleepy boy said with a grin as the train slowed and finally stopped. Their friends raced off of the train and the two boys followed at a slower pace.

"I cant wait to see our classmates" Draco grimaced and ran his hands through his hair

"Yes I'm sure they will be so happy that we're alive" Harry smirked and shook his head at the blond, climbing into a carriage after Hermione, who had waited for them outside.

"You two are bloody slow you know that?" Pansy grouched as the carriage finally started moving.

"No we aren't you just run" Harry grinned back and leaned back in his seat.


The great Hall was filled with students when they arrived and the Slytherin table looked less then inviting to the six year's of that house. Draco made a move to walk in that direction but was pulled back by Harry and Hermoine.

"I value your life Draco, at least at the Gryffindor table you will survive the welcome feast" Harry said, dragging his blond counterpart to the gold and red table and sitting him down. The other Slytherin's looked skeptical for a moment before following Draco and assembling themselves at the table.

The sorting was quick and painless, and soon the food appeared and was gone just as quickly. As the students were filing out The Slytherin's and their friends headed toward the Headmasters office to find out where they would be sleeping. They reached the stone Gargoyle and found Ron and Ginny already there.

"If it isn't the fag's" Ron sneered, looking Draco in the eye and smirking maliciously.

"Who precisely are you addressing Weasley" Hermoine asked with a hint of warning.

"What do you mean" Ron asked, his voice suddenly unsure "The only fags are those two" he ground out, pointing to Harry and Draco.

"Hardly" Hermoine glared and pointed one by one to Nott, Blaise, Goyle, Crabbe, Pansy and Herself. "Bisexual, Gay, Bi, Bi, Undecided and Bi" She smiled sweetly and the rest of the Slytherin's glared menacingly at Ron.

"You love a person not their gender" Harry said.

"It just isn't right, it's disgusting. Unnatural" Ginny exclaimed, her nose in the air. By now the other students they would be sharing accommodations with were present and looking at each other nervously.

"Ginny, you got caught with Lavender Brown in the Astronomy tower last year" Neville said nervously.

"It wasnt like that!" Ginny's face turned red as her hair and before any other comments could be made The Headmaster swept into the hall.

"Glad to see you all found your way here. I'm afraid I have business to attend to outside of school but Your new accommodations are kindly being provided by the room of requirement because the rest of the castle is unwilling to change so drastically. You will share a room with three other people and under no circumstances are you to share your password with anyone else. You will sit at your house table for meals, or with your friends. In these times, prejudice cannot be allowed to flourish" The headmaster twinkled at his students.

"Harry, I trust you know how to locate the Room of Requirement?" He asked.

"Yes sir" Harry replied, looking sideways at Hermoine.

"Very well then, Harry please escort your new roommates to their quarters, I'm afraid I am rather late for my meeting" Dumbledore walked away and left Harry standing in the middle of his friends, slightly dumbfounded.

"Alright, it's this way then" He led the others to the Room of Requirement and was met with a portrait of a young red headed woman with green eyes and a welcoming smile.

"Harry dear I was told you would be living here" The woman exclaimed

"Umm...You were?" Harry asked, shooting Draco and Hermoine a look and noticing Draco's awed stare.

"Why yes, I suppose I'll have to explain it to you sometime" She smiled beatifically before swinging open and allowing the students entrance. The Common Room was decorated in shades of brown and cream, with warm gold accents. Much like the Gryffindor Common room, but not quite so...garish. Rooms lined the walls on either side of the room and Name plates were attached to each door.

Immediatly all of the students began to search for their own rooms. Harry looked to the first door and found it displaying the names Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini. Without a second word he opened the door and walked into a room done in silver and crimson. Large four poster beds sat at wither end of the room, and that was when Harry noticed, there were only two beds.

"I think Dumbledore is trying to send us a message" Draco snarked from behind him, sitting heavily on the silver bed and tying back the crimson hangings.

"It would seem that way." Harry sighed, locating his trunk and pulling out a picture, which he placed on the bedside table. In it Harry and Hermoine laughed at Ron, who seemed to be chasing a small flying dust ball but upon closer inspection proved to be an owl. Harry smiled fondly at the picture and sighed. Blaise chose that moment to enter the room.

"Nice room." He said, fidgeting slightly.

"Blaise, we both know you wont be sleeping here, Longbottom has been eyeing you all night" Draco said and watched his friend smile in relief.

"Who is Neville rooming with?" Harry inquired.

"Weasley and Seamus. Which is to say, Seamus, Dean, Weasley and I" Blaise grinned at Draco and flitted out of the room.

"He wont be happy bout' that will he?" Harry frowned.

"Blaise is ecstatic, it's Weasley I'm worried about" Draco teased. He looked at Harry and immediately sobered.

"Harry, either he'll come around or he wont. I dont want to see you so beaten up about it" Draco smiled and lifted his fingers to Harry's chin, forcing the shorter boy to face him. "It'll be ok" Draco leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on Harry's lips, moving slowly and deliberately so he didn't startle the other boy.

Harry felt himself being lowered onto the silver bedspread and lost himself in the sensation of Draco's tongue caressing his own. Draco pulled away from his mouth and trailed kisses from Harry's jaw line to his collarbone and back again. Draco's hands wandered up ad down Harry's lightly muscled clothing clad chest and Harry felt himself harden at the contact. He pulled away so Draco wouldn't notice the growing bulge in his pants. Draco looked slightly confused before a flash of understanding had him straddling the other boy's body.

"Dont be ashamed of it Harry, there is nothing wrong, I'd think it odd if you didnt have that kind of reaction" Draco said seriously, looking straight into the intoxicating jade eyes of the other boy. He propped himself on one hand, trailing the other to the waistband of Harry's pants and back again, unbuttoning the boy's shirt as he went. Harry just looked at the other boy in amazement as he slid the cotton shirt off of Harry's body and stared at the smooth expanse of flesh presented to him. He kissed up Harry's stomach, feeling the muscles contract at the warm sensation. Harry' shuddered at the contact and pushed Draco away suddenly, the taller boy looked at the Dark haired one questioningly.

"Dont do this if you...I mean" Harry took a deep breath and continued "Dont leave, when your done, dont leave" Harry pleaded, insecurity plain in his eyes and tears about to fall. The blond stared incredulously and kissed away the tears that had fallen from the other boy's eyes.

"I would never leave you Harry, I love you to much" Draco smiled reassuringly and whispered into the other boy's ear "Can I show you how much" Harry shivered but nodded slightly, leaning back on the pillows and waiting. Draco moved over him again and continued his forgotten trail of open mouthed kisses, dipping his tongue into the other boy's navel briefly before moving up to suck lightly on the dusky nipple presented to him. He teased first one then the other into hardness before kissing Harry on the mouth again. "Your so beautiful" Draco said, sliding his own shirt off of his body and meeting Harry, skin to skin, and for a moment it seemed, heart to heart. He pulled the other boy close to him and ground himself against the darker boy, eliciting the most beautiful keening sound he had ever heard from the boy below him. He smiled and slid his hands down to pull off Harry's pants, sliding them down his legs and letting them fall to the floor in a whisper of cloth.

Clad in nothing but boxers, Harry looked up at Draco and smiled nervously, caressing the other boy's face. Harry's breath was sharp and sweet in his ear as he removed that final piece of clothing from his body. Harry clung to Draco, as though by clinging he could somehow stop Draco from seeing his nakedness. Draco pulled away enough to see the tanned and supple flesh beneath his fingers as he softly caressed every part he could reach. He brought his head down and kissed Harry's neck, biting and nipping, grinning when Harry gasped his name. Harry's hands tangled in his hair and tugged at it lightly, eliciting a soft moan from Draco.

The blond looked at the exquisite body underneath him, memorizing every dip and curve of his flesh, every inch on smooth perfect flesh. He gasped when he felt Harry's hands slid over his chest, seeming to grow bolder when he heard Draco's appreciative moan. Harry let his thumb brush across Draco's nipple and the blond boy bit his dark haired counterpart's lower lip, bruising it a dark, luscious red. Harry kissed Draco on the lips once and pulled away.

"I think we should stop Draco, someone could come in" Harry said, moving to retrieve his boxers. Draco's hand stopped him and he allowed himself to be pulled under the covers without clothing.

"Alright Harry, but I'll be damned if you're getting dressed" Draco said, undressing himself the rest of the way and sliding under the covers with Harry, flicking the lights off with his wand as he did so. Draco wrapped himself securely around the darker boy and just held him, thinking that he'd give anything to just stay like this always. Nothing between them, not war or prejudice or even clothing. Draco drifted off to sleep clutching Harry tightly, as if the raven haired boy would float away.


The first few weeks of school passed quickly and without incident. Ron was obstinate and still refusing to speak with his best friend, Hermoine was angry with Ron and Pansy was relishing the opportunity to spend all the time she could with the brunette Gryffindor. The first weekend of Hogsmeade was upon them and Hermoine, Harry, Draco, and Pansy were ready for a well deserved break.

The fall wind nipped at their noses as they crossed the gate leading into the shrieking shack together, huddled against the wind and opening the door to the old house.

"I dont suppose it's really haunted if we're going inside then" Draco asked, wrinkling his nose slightly at the musty furnishings and clawed up walls, aged and yellowed with disuse.

"No, Remus used to come here for his transformation when he was in school. My dad used to keep him company with Sirius and Wormtail" Harry said, spitting out the last name like it was poison.

"Why are we here then" Pansy asked, examining the dirty place with mild distaste.

"We thought we might fix it up as a safe house for...well, for after school I guess. I have something Dumbledore wants me to do and I might need a place close to the school" Harry muttered,, not looking at Draco or Pansy but rather staring at the wall resolutely. (A/N Ok, just to be clear, this is their seventh year, but Dumbledore never died and Draco didn't let Death Eaters into Hogwarts. Harry knows about the Horcruxes but the hallows do not exist)

"Potter if you bloody well think your going off to do whatever it is your off to do alone, you truely are delusional as Skeeter says you are" Pansy smirked, flicking her hair behind her snottily.

"I wont let people I care about get hurt, any of you" Harry said stubbornly, looking imploringly at Hermoine.

"Sorry Harry, but Pansy is right. I'm not letting you go alone and I dont think Draco would either" Hermoine apologized, but her tone said that she wasnt changing her mind.

"You need me Harry" Was all Draco said on the matter, his eyes flashing silver in the dim light of the old house.

"Perhaps we'd better explain it to them Harry, they have to know what they're getting in to." Hermoine said, casting a quick cleaning charm on the furniture and making it, if not clean, then tolerable. She sat down and motioned the Slytherin's to do the same. Pansy sat at Hermoine's right and Draco pulled Harry down next to him in the smaller couch across from Hermoine's.

"What does The Headmaster want you to do?" Draco asked, looking at his would-be lover intently.

"I have to destroy Voldemort, but that's a bit more complicated then simply casting a spell. He created seven Horcruxes, he split his soul seven times and in order to destroy him I have to get rid of the pieces first. So Dumbledore wants me to find the Horcruxes and destroy them" Harry said, watching as Draco's face fell sickly pale and Pansy looked horrified.

"Seven, he split his soul seven times?" She gasped, shaking her head in shocked disbelief.

"Do we know what the Horcruxes are?" Draco asked, his all business tone not betraying his fear.

"The diary I destroyed in second year, the Gaunt family ring that Dumbledore destroyed, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's goblet, Voldemort's snake Nagini, one I must be something of either Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's and the last...the seventh Horcrux is my scar" Harry looked down, afraid to meet Draco's or Pansy's gaze. Draco's eyes widened at this last and he looked slightly fearful of Harry for a moment before his eyes steeled themselves and he reached forward to cup Harry's chin in his hand, bringing Harry's face up to meet his own.

He smiled into the Raven haired boy's eyes and kissed the boy's curse scar, the Horcrux. As soon as his lips touched it, Harry began to scream in a voice that was not his own, a high pitched shriek filled the room and as soon as Draco's lips left the scar the screaming stopped, leaving a panting, terrified Harry wrapped in Draco's arms, trying to force that last bit of foreign thought out of his mind.

"Voldemort didnt like that then" Draco asked, looking down at Harry.

"I'd say not" Harry gasped, reaching up to touch the scar.

"Why does it cause him pain?" Pansy asked, still trying to wrap her mind around the fact the a piece of Voldemort's soul was in the same room as her.

"Voldemort cant stand love, he underestimates it because he has never known it. That's why at the Department of Mysteries he couldn't possess me, I was thinking of Sirius" Harry looked at Hermoine from the haven of Draco's arms, and she smiled at him, the smile that said she had an idea.

"Voldemort is not one soul, he is a piece of a soul himself, so if you can force him out of your body then you can force the piece inside of you out to" She said, her eyes gleaming as she looked at Harry excitedly.

A/N, I know cliffhanger, I'm horrible, Sorry!!