Kylie the bottom part is new, I posted it because I wont be here tonight… I think :-P

---THIS IS M RATED--- if you don't like that, don't read it SERIOUSLY!

---M rated! ---

no muerdas tan duro no seas goloso, que chupa que chupa que es mas sabroso …

(that has no point to the story, but if you understand it well… lets just say it has double meaning :-P)


Luke took the shirt she had thrown towards him off of his head and tossed to the seat next to him, all the while his eyes were still on Lorelai and her provocative dancing. He was being hypnotized by her swaying hips and the pink bra she was wearing. Lorelai grabbed the strings from the sweat pants, one on each hand and played with them, Luke was really enjoying this so far, the whole night.

"Turn" he grunted, and Lorelai did, very slowly before she began undoing the knot on the sweat pants. Luke smirked and Lorelai shimmied out of her pants.

"What's that?" Luke asked chuckling. Lorelai had kicked the pants off, literally, and was now dancing in her underwear.

"What? You don't like em', because they're cute" Lorelai pouted looking down at her underwear, Luke just chuckled. "They're just like tighty-whities only for girls, and they look very cute, especially this pink ones, but you should see me in the light blue ones" Luke groaned at the thought and that made Lorelai smile looks like I'm breaking Luke's wall. She stepped off of the table and over to straddle him still dancing though. "Now we've transferred form table dancing to a lap dance"

"UhHuh" he kept his eyes focused on her face while Lorelai's was looking down and trying to keep her movements measured. She sucked in an involuntary breathe, the friction getting to her also, plus the feel of Luke starting to grow beneath her.

"You like lap dances huh?" Lorelai teased and Luke blushed a little which made Lorelai smile. She leaned closer and kissed him, not stopping her lap dance. Luke placed his hands on her hips not stopping them or guiding them but just so he could touch her. "Remember what you were reading earlier?" she whispered in his her.

"Yes" Luke hissed, the puff of air working wonders for him, who would've thought.

"Do you want me to show you what I learnt from it?" Lorelai asked and Luke made a strangled sound before his head dropped back to rest on the couch. Lorelai kissed his neck still moving on his lap before she shimmied down his body. She undid his belt before something clicked on her head. "Luke?"

"Wha…?" he was way too focused on the feeling of her hands on his belt to process anything else.

"Take your shirts off" Lorelai requested yanking at the hem of his flannel. Luke's head snapped back and he had a smirk and was going out on a limb here.

"You take them off" he challenged. And Lorelai smiled will you look at him, he does have a sexy-playful side. Smiling Lorelai climbed back up to straddle him before busying herself with his buttons, when that was done she grabbed his left arm and unfolded the sleeve that was bunched up before grabbing his right arm and doing the same. Her attention to detail was driving Luke up the wall.

"Could you scoot closer please?" Lorelai asked and Luke did as told bringing their bodies ridiculously close to one another and once Lorelai had taken his shirts off the skin to skin contact made Luke moan and Lorelai's breathing change. "My God you're gorgeous" Lorelai said in awe. "You didn't look like this the last time I saw you at the lake"

"I haven't been at the lake in years" Luke admitted before kissing her again, this skin to skin thing was really turning him on, not that having a half naked Lorelai sitting on him wasn't getting the job done, this was just an extra.

"Mmm I was doing something" Lorelai said pulling back from him and shimming down his body again, only this time she dropped kisses all the way down. "Huh, that changed" Lorelai noted mockingly seeing the, bigger, bulge in his pants; Luke turned red but he wasn't sure if it was because of what she said, because of the reaction he was getting from her, or because of what she was about to do, and the fact that she'll see him… all of him.

"So tight" Luke groaned and Lorelai smirked running her hand a couple of times over his jeans before even making a move to unbutton them.

"Aw, I was half expecting to find you wearing Sponge Bob Square Pants boxers" Lorelai said a little sad. "Although this is looking very sexy right now. Good old plain boxer briefs" she placed kisses over the cotton of his underwear. "Should I expect to find a sock in there?" she lifted and eyebrow at him and Luke smirked.

"Only one way to find out" Luke said smiling down at her, almost daring her not to pull back and continue with what she had started.

"Lift please" Lorelai ordered grabbing the hem of his pants and boxers, he did and she yanked them down but only on the back side, so his butt was sitting nakedly on the couch but his front was partly covered by the boxers. She left him sitting like that for a few seconds while she untied his shoes and took them off. After she pulled and the legs of his pants so she could take them off also. So now, there he was, partly naked, hard and with his boxers almost off, he still had his socks on though just like Lorelai, granted she was wearing a bra and he wasn't, which was good. Lorelai couldn't tear her eyes from his still covered area my God he's hot, and if he doesn't have a sock in there then… God! She was biting her bottom lip and reaching for the boxers. Lorelai turned her gaze up and met his; she pulled at his boxers but never let go of the gaze they held he was daring her to not look down but Lorelai didn't have much of a resolution considering the bulge he had created in his boxers… she was curious.

Lorelai blinked and by the time her eyes opened up again she was looking down at him, Luke couldn't help but smirk at Lorelai's facial expression, she seemed amazed and was chewing wildly at her lip. There it was standing up proud, resting against his abdomen.

"Are you breathing?" Luke asked amused at Lorelai reaction, it felt good to have rendered her speechless like that, girls had tended to do that.

"Yes." Lorelai said sounding a bit squeaky so she cleared her throat and tried again. "Yes, man it's amazing what you can hid under jeans and an un-tucked flannel shirt"

"Truly amazing" Luke teased sarcastically.

"We need a name" Lorelai said stepping out of her trans to run a finger up and down his length.

"No…" Luke moaned out. "No naming it, that's creepy"

"No it's not, it's cute" her fingers kept going up and down with the lightest touch possible. "Oh! Bob!" Lorelai said happily and taking him in her fist.

"No…" Luke, again, moaned it out but more loudly now. "Bob's a stupid name"

"Oh! I once read that Charlie's are good at sex" she gave him a tight squeeze to break any argument he could come up with once she declared. "From now on you shall be known as Charlie" and as to seal the deal Lorelai placed kisses from its base all the way up.

"Stop talking to it, that's creepier" Luke looked down at her; Lorelai narrowed her eyes at him.

"Hey, Charlie, you look like you taste very good" Lorelai cooed before taking the head into her mouth; Luke's head dropped back, eyes closed, just focusing on the feeling. "MmHmm, I was right" Lorelai pulled her mouth back but her hand started pumping.

"I wouldn't know" Luke grumbled and Lorelai couldn't help but laugh.

"Well… that's… good to hear" Lorelai kept laughing. Luke started chuckling, Lorelai's laugh was contagious.

"Shut up" he said faking annoyance but it all felt too good to actually be annoyed. Lorelai, deciding to use the vibrations her laughter caused, took him in her mouth again. "So good" Luke hissed and Lorelai had to smile. His right hand fell on her head and he pulled some hairs back to look at her. Lorelai wasn't distracted though, she just kept going, but she did remove one of her hands to put some hair behind her ear on the opposite side from where Luke's hand was. So Luke lowered his other hand to lift her hair with both.

"Here…" Lorelai showed him her right wrist and he took the scrunchy thingy and gathered her hair before tying it. So now he could look at her and touch her at the same time. Suddenly he started chuckling, Lorelai frowned and turned her eyes up at him but Luke kept chuckling. "Wha…?"

"I suck as a hair dresser" Luke said before flat out laughing, Lorelai reached up and felt the mess her hair was before also laughing which made Luke moan at the new sensation.

Lorelai was paying close attention to the sounds he was making so she could push him to the max, while one hand pumped, the other toyed with his balls, while her mouth teased his tip.

Let go… don't let go… let go, God she's so good! Don't let go Luke was having a heated debate in his head. Oh God… "… so good" Luke groaned.

"You like?" Lorelai asked quickly in a brief moment when her mouth wasn't busy.

"Oh yeah" Lorelai giggled. "Big fan of Cosmo now" Luke was breathing very hard.

"Good" Lorelai said and kept going until Luke reached down to pull her up. "Hey!" she whined before he kissed her hard. Luke pushed himself to sit on the edge of the couch while still kissing Lorelai who was straddling his lap. He traveled his hands from her hips up her torso to her shoulders and down to her hands before draping them over his shoulders so she could hold on.

They sat there for a little while before Luke stood up carrying Lorelai who hadn't moved or stopped kissing him. Luke stumbled a couple of times before reaching his single bed. He placed a knee on top of the bed before lowering Lorelai, once he was sure she wouldn't hit her head on the headboard he let her drop. Lorelai giggle when she hit the mattress.

"I was expecting you to be less of an oaf" she said between giggles.

"You shouldn't expect anything tonight" Luke answered before getting settled over her.

"Really?" she cocked an eyebrow.

"Well… expect the unexpected" he elaborated while tracing a finger under her bra, Lorelai giggled at the words but sighed at the feeling.

"Nicely put" she teased, eyes closed and enjoying how Luke playfully traced the tips of his finger over her bra. "Take it off" Lorelai sighed; Luke pulled back and looked at himself.

"I don't have anything else to take off" he frowned at her.

"I know you don't, I took care of that a while back" she smiled at him. "Now you should do the same"

"You want me to take care of myself?" Luke frowned and Lorelai couldn't help but laugh.

"That would be an interesting show… for a different day" she added before arching her back and undoing her bra herself. Luke stayed still looking at her; he even ignored the comment of him touching himself for her later.

"My God you're beautiful" Luke said in awe after Lorelai had finally taken off the bra, she had gone ridiculously slow.

"Luke…" she whined since he haven't moved, he was just taking her all in. frustrated, Lorelai reached down and held him tightly in her hand bringing him back to the moment, his eyes closed and his head dropped enjoying the feeling. Somehow he snapped and lowered his mouth to her breast. He kissed in circles from the outside until he reached her nipple, Lorelai moaned and her breathing changed considerably.

"How can you taste so sweet?" Luke sounded amazed; he was talking against her skin which caused her to giggle.

"I dropped chocolate on my self earlier" Lorelai said breathlessly.

"No, chocolate isn't this sweet" he attacked her other breast; he couldn't just leave it there all abandoned now could he?

"Look who's talking about being sweet" Lorelai's thoughts went mush went Luke's lips started traveling south. She moaned when Luke stuck his tongue into her bellybutton a couple times has my bellybutton always been so sensitive...? She didn't even realize she was holding Luke's head there, keeping it from moving further down. Luke's hands found hers on his head and he slowly untangled them so he could keep moving down. He took the elastic band of her tighty-whiteies and pulled it up away from her skin before letting it snap back against it. "Hey!"

"Yes?" Luke turned to look up at her with innocent eyes. She used her finger to signal for him to move back up and kiss her. "I'm kinda busy here" Luke motioned to her underwear that was still in the way. She pouted; Luke rolled his eyes, yanked her underwear off tossing it to the side before he moved up her body again. "You motioned for…" Luke could finish his annoying little sentence because Lorelai kissed him with all she had.

"I had my tonsils removed when I was little" Lorelai said breathlessly in a moment they pulled apart for air.

"Ok…" Luke nodded quickly before leaning down for another mind-blowing kiss. Luke groaned against her lips wanting to move this along but feeling like Lorelai deserved more attention. He pulled back and traveled kisses from her mouth all the way down, wanting nothing more than to taste her at that moment.

Lorelai couldn't help but notice how he could use his stubble to pleasure her, not like with Jason where it just plain hurt and felt bad why did Jason pop in my head when…

"…Oh God!" her hips buckled and Luke smirked, his hips also jerking. He's so good, I could just… no! I want the whole 10yards… "Luke…" she meant to get his attention but it came out more like a pleading moan. "Luke…" she tried again and this time she pulled at his hair, he turned to look at her and he just knew what she wanted. He kneeled up between her legs and reached over to the side, opened a drawer on his night table and began moving stuff aside. "What are you doing?" Lorelai asked, she sounded frustrated.

"I know I have some condoms here… somewhere" he kept moving stuff around but more desperately now. Lorelai smiled dreamily, all the guys she'd been with had assumed she'd take care of it because they insisted that 'it didn't feel the same', even Max, sure the first couple of times he took care of it but after he 'suggested' she went on the pill, but with Luke, he just took care of it. "Damn it" Luke groaned pushing stuff left and right in his drawer.

"Luke…?" Lorelai tried getting his attention but it didn't work, he just looked more hurriedly for the condoms. "Hey, stop…!" Luke froze thinking she meant stop-get-off-me-and-hand-me-my-clothes but she pulled his body back to her and away from the drawer, pulling his lips towards hers she reassured him. "I'm healthy and on the pill" Luke nodded with a slight glint in his eyes.

"Me too" Luke mumbled not really paying attention to what he had said.

"You're also on the pill?" Lorelai frowned; Luke blushed and dropped his head to her chest hiding his face, once there he decided to occupy himself and began kissing her skin again.

"Not what I meant" Luke mumbled onto her skin.

"I knew what you meant" Lorelai sighed, she reached down between them and took a hold of his erection making Luke groan, and began arousing herself more with it, teasing Luke while doing so. He couldn't help but stop what he was doing to her since what she was doing to him felt so good. Lorelai let go of him but not before placing 'Charlie' right at her entrance.

Luke kneeled straight up between her legs, he couldn't help but grin at the sight below him; Lorelai was all opened up to him and waiting for him to just take her. He wiggled a little to get better situated before placing his left hand on her hip bone and taking 'Charlie' with the other hand.

"Relax" Luke whispered rubbing his left thumb over her hip bone while he slowly began entering her. Lorelai's mouth was opened and she gasped a little every now and then, once fully inside he gave them time to get used to it. Luke leaned down to kiss her. During said kiss Lorelai started to slowly gyrate her hips giving Luke the starting flag.

At first Luke had try to make it slow and sensual with deep-long thrusts but when Lorelai sighs and gasps slowly turned into moaning out his name, he had no control over anything, his body took over.

"You took yoga, right?" Luke half asked half grunted.

"Many moons… ago! And I… I… ah!" how could he ask me to talk now? And what's with the yoga… well, hello! Luke had lifted left leg over his right shoulder and kept going. "Luke…!"

"You ok?" he grunted looking down at her facial expression, she only nodded. "Good…" he nodded also and sped up a little more. "…Good…" a little more force and "…So good!"

"Oh, Luke…! I-I'm… I'm…!" she couldn't finish her sentence, or her thought even. She came screaming his name; normally Luke would've worried about the annoying old lady she had for a neighbor, but right now he didn't care if Lorelai woke up the entire state.

"No, no, don't" Luke said, her body had tried closing her legs instinctively by the force of the orgasm when Luke kept going; he softly kept her legs apart. Lorelai wasn't even back from her high when he had pushed her over the edge again.

"Oh God!" Lorelai fisted the sheets around her. This time Luke let go also; he grunted and swore a little also.

He's chuckling was the first thing Lorelai noticed he's not chuckling, he's giggling Luke kept short-slow-even thrusts making their orgasms last more, he lowered her leg but other than that didn't move from his position. Lorelai reached her right hand up to caress his cheek while pulling him down for a kiss. During their kiss Luke's arms started shaking. "Down" Lorelai mumbled against his lip just like she had before with the pushups.

"Sure?" Luke frowned still not able to catch his breath, Lorelai nodded and Luke began lowering his weight on her. When he was lying on her and Lorelai hadn't complained he got more comfortable, he pillowed his head on her shoulder facing her neck and kissing it occasionally, his right arm snaked around her lower back holding her close not caring that his arm would die, his other arm just extended towards the headrest; Lorelai's arms snaked around his back holding him tightly to her; neither saying a word, still not breathing normally.

When Lorelai reached a little forwards and kissed his shoulder Luke held her tightly and flipped them over, careful not fall off the bed, so now she was lying on top of him; the movement caused him to pull out and Lorelai to whine about it. Her whole body still tingled.

"My butt's cold" Lorelai whispered against his chest, which she had been kissing repeatedly.

"Better?" Luke asked amused after placing his hands over he cheeks.

"Not what I meant" Lorelai giggled and Luke squeezed them. "Although it is nice" she rested her chin on top of the back of her hand which was draped over his chest and just looked up at his face, it seemed content and relaxed, his eyes were closed but the slow caresses his hands were doing showed he was wide awake.

"What are you doing?" Luke sounded amused, his eyes still closed though. Lorelai started tracing his lips with the fingers on her right hand.

"Nothing" she moved to trace all his facial features which made his smiled because it tickled for some reason. "Did I tell you I was wondering how you were in bed?" Lorelai suddenly asked and Luke chuckled amused.


"Oh, ok… I was wondering how you were in bed, for quite some time actually" Lorelai admitted quietly.

"Really?" he did open his eyes at that and eyed her with a smug look. Lorelai nodded. "And…?"

"It's definitely not what I thought" Lorelai admitted with an expressionless face.

"Meaning?" Luke frowned but all Lorelai did was bit her bottom lip with a devilish smile and reached up to kiss him. "That good huh?" Luke asked amused when Lorelai pulled back less than an inch.

"Don't be cocky" she warned before kissing him again. "How is it that you're still single?" she mumbled against his lips.

"I'm not anymore" he said with a content sigh before kissing her again, Lorelai smiled all the way through it.

"Guess I'm not a sad lonely clown anymore"

"Nope" he pulled her down for another kiss.

They fell asleep like that, well Lorelai pulled the sheet that was folded on the end of the bed over them but other than that that's how the slept; with Luke lying on his back on Lorelai slightly on top of him. He'd told her he'd be buying a new bed soon, very soon.

---THE END---

You've been LoVeLuKe-ized

Yes that's the end of the story, Gee you guys make me extend my stories, this was just supposed to be a one-shot mocking Scott's choice for CD title, but like always reviews made me take this longer and it ended with an M chapter. If it weren't for the smidge of self control I wouldn't have one-shots (you should know that all my one-shots have like a second chapter on my head but I have too much right now so I don't do em… Dirty, I know, no need to say it)

I hope you liked it. Tell me what you thought about… the chapter and the story.