A Forbidden Love
She is nothing but nerd in her school as well his student, He is the most feared teacher in school and also her teacher. Will love conquer all? S/K
Chapter One- Entering Senior Year
As a young woman of the age of seventeen-years-old sat down in front of her desk. Getting lost within one of her many books. "Kagome? Kagome?" called out her older twin sister Kikyo. "Yes what do you want?" She asked a little annoyed. "Are you ready for school?" Kikyo asked as she entered her room Kikyo then began to laugh as she asked. "What.. the.. hell.. are.. you.. wearing?" Kagome looked down she had her hair up in a high ponytail and was wearing a light blue sweater and a long ugly dark blue skirt with some white flip-flops. "What's wrong with it?" Kagome asked her sister. "First of all that goddamn skirt. It so..ugh..my god Kagome, you have no taste" Kikyo said in a disguised tone. "Thanks for pointing that out" Kagome mumbled.
"Your welcome, and you know you shouldn't mumble" Kikyo said. "So are we going?" Kagome asked. "I am going to school, but your not. Not dressed like that. I'll never.. No, I refuse to be seen with you dressed like that. I can't believe your even my sister. Let alone twin sister. " Kagome looked down at the ground as her older twin sister spoke. He eyes then looked up to what Kikyo was wearing. She had on a bright red tang-top and a very short black mini skirt and some high-keeled shoes. Her outfit was at lest breaking over twenty school rules, but the school didn't give a shit about anything her sister did nor her parents. To be honest she didn't care because why worry about another's life, and how they run it.
As Kagome grabbed her books off her desk. She tried to get pass Kikyo. She didn't let her pass. Instead she asked Kagome the same thing she always had asked ever since they were little. "How can you be my sister? Twin sister to be exact?"
"I don't know" Kagome told her, putting her head down.
She knew she was the black sheep of the family. She knew it with all her heart, because her parents often told her this. Her and her older brother Alexander, who she called A.J. for Alexander Joseph.
"My god Kagome, look at you no wonder why Mom and Dad think you don't belong" Kikyo gave out a laugh.
"I'm sorry you feel that why Kikyo" Kagome said sadly. "Oh don't be so sad, actually you're very good at being a nerd, plus mom and dad are in titled to make at lest two screw ups" Kikyo said with a laugh.
"A.J. isn't a screw up" Kagome spoke out.
"Oh yeah he's less of a screw up than you" Kikyo laughed, as she turned to leave Kagome standing in the middle of the hallway.
I don't think I'll ever be good enough for my parents.. Kagome thought bitterly, as she gather her things making sure she had everything. When Kagome came down the steps she was first noticed by her mother. "My god Kagome...Oh my...You will not be seen with my Kikyo or me in that" Her mother said as she pointed at her outfit.
"But I'm also unseen mother" Kagome said quietly.
"Kagome don't mumble! It's very rude" her mother said in a harsh tone. Ever since she was five-years-old her mother had treated her like she was a mistake, just because she didn't want to play with make-up. Instead she was to learn read anything she could. Sometimes she felt like Cinderella, but the only thing different about Cinderella was having a wicked step-mother and step-sisters. She on the other hand had a wicked mother, father, younger brother and two wicked sister. The only good thing about her life was her older brother A.J. which was short for Alexander Jin Higurashi, but they called him A.J.
As she sat down next to her father who was reading the news paper. Lying her head down onto the table. Kagome's father the spoke out in a harsh tone. "Kagome, pick up your head"
"Yes, father" Kagome said with a sadden tone in her voice.
"Eww it's Kagome" Laughed Kanna as she sat down. Which was right next to Kagome. Kanna was her thirteen-year-old sister. She could have passed off as Kikyo's twin if only she looked a little older. "My god Kagome what is that?" Kanna laughed as she pointed at her clothing.
"It's something a grandmother should were, but even our Grandma wears better clothing than Kagome" Kikyo laughed, as she sat across from Kagome on the other side of the table.
"Kikyo that is enough, I'm sure Kagome knows already. That she has no fashion scenes, but you do and that is what matters" her father said. Kagome's father had never been really nice to her like her mother. Always putting her down every chance he got, or saying thing like "Why can't you be more like Kikyo" or her favorite "I'm sure they made a mistake with the babies at the hospital with her, because she dose not act like a Higurashi."
Souta her fifteen-year-old brother then walked in looking at Kagome then looking away laughing a little bit. Taking his sit next to Kikyo he leaned over and whispered something into her ear. That caused her to laugh out loud. "Yeah, I know what you mean" Kikyo said again as she laughed, but took sip of her orange juice.
Coming into the dinning room where everyone was seated. Kagome's mother had a big planet of pancakes. Yummy I hope mom will allow me to have some today instead of an apple. Kagome thought. "Ok everyone dig in, but you Kagome remember your diet!" her mother warned with a laugh.
"Yeah. Kagome remember not everyone can have a body like me" Kikyo said as she began to touch her body parts.
"Kikyo not at the table" He father said.
"Sorry. Dad. I was just trying to make a point to my little sister that I'm way better than her" Kikyo teased.
"Kikyo, now just because you have good friends and are in better school activates doesn't mean you should put it in her face" Her father said with a smile.
This was like always giving Kikyo the right to make fun of her, at school with her little group that she liked to call the "Sexy Six". They were called that since Jr. High. Kikyo was what you could call the leader of the "Sexy Six" There was Ai Tomoe who was the dumbest of all of them and know for sleeping with the teachers just so she could pass the class. Ai was short and had a perfect body, but most likely carrying a new kind of a STD within her. She also had blond hair with brown highlights in it. The other three were Tina Mizuno, who was actually nice when she didn't hung out with Kikyo and the others. She had brown hair and also had a super model body. She was probably the only one in the group who wasn't a slut.
There was also Taylor Gibson who almost was like Ai's look-a-like but she had red hair, and last but not lest the two and finale members of the "Sexy Six" are Ally Nisan and Kelly Nisan. Two twin girls that have no class or care for anyone but themselves. The one person they really adore is Kikyo. Ally is very short and very skinny like a tooth pick she has no body she has very short dirty blond hair it almost looks like a boy's hair cut. Her younger sister Kelly almost looks the same way but only she has brown hair.
They all made Kagome sick to her stomach, because of how they all acted toward people. The treated everyone like shit. If they weren't popular, smart, beautiful, or rich they were nothing. Kagome only had one friend and his name was Edward Williams. A kind hearted boy that had been her friend since first grade.
Ed short for Edward came from England he was half British and half Japanese-American, which was cool because his mother was the one who came from England she was like a mother to Kagome for the longest time.
"Mom I think I'm gonna try out for cheerleading this year" said Kanna.
"Again.. Thank god I thought you were gonna pull a Kagome and join something other than that" her mother stated very harshly.
"You know you could maybe also join the track team too" said Kikyo she then added "You don't want to be fat like someone in this family" Kikyo pointed out looking at Kagome. Souta then laughed and said "Yeah that is so true Kik"
Don't cry. Don't show them that your hurt. Just one more year. One more year. That's it just one more year. One more year of this and then your gone. Kagome told her self as she took a bit out of her apple.
"Mom is A.J. coming over today?" asked Kagome.
"..Yes why?" her mother asked.
"I just wondered that's all" Kagome said looking down at her hands that rested within her lap. Kagome's mother then said very meanly "Yes, he is why?"
"I just wondered that's all"
"Great another loser. I thought he was gone. Why is her related to us and her? Mom why couldn't you have given them up or something" Kikyo said meanly.
"Honey he just is coming for a little while ok?" Kagome's mom said.
Hearing outside of their house a car horn. Kikyo was up and saying her goodbyes, because her boy toy Inuyasha West was their picking her up. Inuyasha West was very cocky and a jerk to everyone , but her older twin seem to know how to control him and make him to whatever she wanted him to do. If she said sit he sat if she said go to hell he would go. Inuyasha was also another one who made everything in his power to make her miserable.
Looking at the clock it read 7:44am she had about a good hour to get to school. Since they were so close to the school and it took about 15 to 20 minutes to get there Kagome had time to read and walk.
"I am gonna get going" Kagome said as she threw away her apple. Her parents completely ignoring her like they always did. She began to walk out of the front door, but soon she heard from her younger sister Kanna. "Bye. Don't come back." she said.
Rolling her eyes Kagome walked out of the door and down the street. Don't worry Kanna once I graduate I'm so gone.. Kagome said to herself. Walking for about a good 5 to 8 minutes she began to read her all time favorite book. She then looked at her wrist watch and looked at the small park near by. She then sat down by her favorite tree and began to read and get lost within her book.
"The De Vinci Code? I'm impressive" said a cold voice.
Kagome looked up and say the most handsomest man she ever saw. He had long sliver hair and golden eyes. He was tall and so very handsome, Kagome didn't really have much intrust in men, but this man was everything. He also looked like that jerk Inuyasha West, but only this man was much more maturer looking and handsomer.
"How old are you?" he asked.
"I'm seventeen" she said snapping out of her daze.
"Now I'm very impressed I didn't believe it was possible that a seventeen-year-old girl would read The De Vinci Code, but now I know I was wrong" the man said.
"So, I take it you've read it?" Kagome asked the man.
"Yes I have. Very good book" he said.
Looking down at her watch she realized she only had so much time to get to school. "Oh god. I got to go..umm bye" she said as she ran down the street. Oh god damn I'm gonna be late! I'm never late! Ugh this is why I'd should never talk to any man or men...
Still making there before the bell ringed Kagome saw her good friend Ed there waiting for her. In front of the school building Kagome smiled and walked up to him and said "Hey Ed" he smiled back and said "Hi Kag, How are you doing, and why are you panting like a dog?" Kagome took a deep breath and said "Well I ran" Ed didn't say anything he just shook his head and said "You're so crazy"
"Yes, I know"
"So why were you running?" he asked.
"Well, you know how I get lost within a book. I kinda ran into a man who read the same one I did and we talked." she said.
"Really!" Ed was shocked, because she was never good with talking to men or anyone for that matter.
"Yes I know.."
"Kagome... Are you serious? You didn't throw up or anything?" he asked still amazed as they walked into the school and down the hall. "Yes.. It was as if..well, I felt comfortable with talking to him" she said.
"Wow..this..Is hell freezing over?" Ed asked.
"Ed stop.."
"Well sorry you never are good with taking with talking to strangers" he said. "Yeah I know..even if they are handsome" Kagome said as she covered her mouth but it was too late Ed heard. "Did I just hear Kagome say.. That you thought he was handsome, and you talked to him?" he asked.
"Yes, I did and well..I'm very gonna see him again so what does it matter?" she said.
"You never know Kagome. He may be the one" he told her.
The one..Come on Ed. No one would ever go for me. I'm fat, ugly, poorly dressed and I'm a
bookworm. Plus it's humanly possible to find the one" Kagome said.
"Now your just being cynical" Ed said.
"So what if I am.. The man was more likely mocking me. About what I was reading" Kagome said.
"Like I said your being cynical." He said again.
"Ed..you're a guy. You shouldn't believe in these kind of things. There is no such thing as love or finding love" Kagome said.
"Kag don't be so cynical, and there is a thing called love and finding love" he told her.
Kagome rolled her eyes and said "I'm not being cynical. I'm just telling you if you start saying these kind of things people are gonna think your gay"
"Ok I have three things to say ok?" He said she then nodded her head. "One your being a cynical bitch. Two I'm not gay I look at porn and three you will find love everyone will" he said.
"Okey I didn't need to know about the porn" Kagome said shaking her head. Trying to get the images out of her head.
"So what do you have for your first period?" Ed asked her.
"Umm..AP English. Room 552 Mr. Tuner " she said.
"Cool me too I believe he is new to this school, but anyways what do you have 2nd?" He asked not trying to sound like a bigger nerd then what he was.
"2nd I have A.P. Physics. With Mr. Potter in room 109" she said as she looked back at her paper.
"Damn.. I don't. Hey what a mint. How the hell did you get into A.P. Physics? Did you already take that class in your freshmen year with me?" he asked.
"Well that was honors and this class is for people who want to take it again, I gusse in my class theirs only gonna be a few seniors who are taking it with me." Kagome explained.
"So, it's and advance class? Since when? How come I didn't get in?" Ed asked. Kagome just shrugged her shoulders. "Well, anyways. What are your other classes?" He asked.
"Well there's A.P. Geometry for Miss. Leutea 3rd period class another advance class I'm taking. In room 315. I'm also taking Mrs. Granger's Art studies class for 4th and 5th I have Mr. McColl for the human body studies. I heard that we get to dehisced thing, which I'm really not look forward too, but how well and in 6th I have lunch and 7th I have Honors History of Japan with Mr. West, and 8th I have study hall and 9th I'm doing a assistant teacher. Where you get to assist a teach for the whole year." Kagome said.
"Wow..what did you say you have Honors History of Japan? With Mr. West?" He asked her.
"Umm yeah" she said as she looked down at her paper.
"Cool so do I, but it still sucks that we only have two classes with one another" he said.
"Yeah I know"
"So, do you know who you have to assist for the year?" he asked.
"I won't know until later on today" she told him.
"Hey Ed..do you think Mr. West is related to Inuyasha West?" she asked.
"I hope not. That would mean we have two assholes in are school. One as a football payer and your sister's bitch, and the other is the teacher whom holds are grades in his hands." Ed exclaimed.
"Yeah I know, but I'm sure he's not anything like Inuyasha." Kagome said.
"Yeah, let us hope he's not" Ed said and then the warring bell ringed. It meant to get to your class before the second bell. Which that one meant go to the office and get a detention. As Ed and Kagome walked to their first period class together. Kagome asked Ed as they walked "Hey Ed what are you gonna do when you gradation?"
"I think I'm gonna try to get into medical school, or maybe get into law school something like that what are you gonna do?" he asked.
"I want to be an art teacher or something that has to do with art" she told him as they walked into their class.
It was a man around in his late 20's. He was wearing a dark suit with a red tie. He looked dark, but was handsome. He had long black wavy hair he had reddish eyes as well. Come in you two, your names" he said as he looked at Kagome and then at Ed.
"Edward Williams" Ed said.
"Ah yes in the 3rd row forth seat" he said. He then looked at Kagome. "Umm Kagome Higurashi" she said shyly.
"2nd row forth seat" he said. Sitting down at her seat she watched as other students came in and was told were to sit.
Hearing the final bell that said time for school to begin. Hearing the morning announcements being said. "Good morning, students! I am Principle Mrs. Benson. Saying Welcome to another year of school. Now, I know it's the first day of Mugen High. For some of you so Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors please help the younger classes out. With their findings of wear to go around the school. That's all I have to say and have a good day Weston!" the voice of the principle said.
After about five minutes. Hearing the teacher say out loud "Alright class I am Mr. Turner and I am this years A.P. English teacher. Now let's- he was then cut of by seven people walking into the class room. The leader was Kikyo followed by Inuyasha and the rest of the "Sexy Six"
"Your names" Mr. Turner said.
"I am Kikyo Higurashi"
"1st row and second seat" Mr. Tuner said looking at Kikyo up and down.
"Inuyasha West." Inuyasha said a he turned and waved and said "What's up" to one of his friends who was sitting in the front row.
Mr. Tuner rolled his eyes at Inuyasha and said "Mr. West please take your seat in the 1st row and first seat"
"Fine" Inuyasha said as he rolled his eyes at Mr. Tuner.
"Hey I'm Taylor Gibson"
"2nd row and first seat"
"Oh..hi I'm..Ai Tomoe" She said very dumbly. She then gave out a giggle and whispered something into Kelly's ear. It was most likely about Mr. Tuner, Because she always acted like that when she saw a very handsome male.
"Ai your in the 2nd row and second seat."
"Tina Mizuno" Tina said as she gave Mr. Tuner a wink, but he missed it because he was looking for her name. "Mizuno right?" he asked. Checking the list over again. "Yes that's right" she said, as she looked at the paper. "Ah yes there you are. Sorry. Right over there next to Miss. Gibson." he told her. Which was in the 3rd row. First seat.
"Kelly Nisan" Kelly said in a high pinched voice, that hurt everyone's ears. "Over there row two and third seat." He said and then turned to Ally. "You must be Ally Nisan. Am I right?" he asked and she nodded saying "The one and only."
"Ok over there Miss. Nisan. 3rd row. Second seat." he said. "Alright class make sure your never late to my class again or you'll pay dearly for. Like right now." He said as he walked over to his desk and pulled out seven detention slips, and put them on each of their desk and said "Right your names and put them on my desk" he said.
"Shit. Dammit all when my father finds out he's gonna kill me" exclaimed Inuyasha as he looked at the detention slips. Kikyo then said loudly "But don't you live with your brother?" she asked.
"Yeah, but he won't cover for me. He's an asshole!" She said as he turned around to talk to Kikyo. "Look I know what we can do after our detention" she said as she licked her lips. Ai then laughed and said "Someone is gonna get laid"
"Alright that real nice, now unless you want another detention. Pay attention." Mr. Tuner said.
Wow, I never thought a teacher had a heart to not give a detention on the 1st day of school. Like that. Man, I just hope this teacher doesn't give in to Kikyo or her another little friends like all the other teachers have. Kagome thought to herself.
"Now I'll a sign you a book and if you do not give it back at the end of the year. You'll have to pay over five thousand yen to the school bored. Now come up and get your books" He said. As all the student got up to get their books. Ed walked over to Kagome and said "Wow, theirs actually a teacher who can take a stand to Kikyo and her little friends" Kagome looked at Ed and smiled and said "Yes I know" Kagome was then pushed out of line by Kikyo and her friends. Kikyo gave out a smirk and laughed along with her friends.
"Wow nice outfit, Kagome" sneered Ai.
"Yeah it's so hot" laughed Inuyasha.
"My god wear did you get it?" asked Ally.
Kagome didn't answer all she could do was look at the floor. She knew how her sister and her evil friends wear, and even if she did stood up to them she would still get it at home so what did it matter.
"Well the outfit does suit her very well do you think, Kikyo?" asked Kelly.
"Yeah as ugly as she is" Ai said.
"Kagome isn't ugly!" shouted Ed.
"Ed stop.." Kagome said in a low whisper.
"Excuse me?" Kikyo said walking closer to Ed she then said "Ed what are you gonna do? Nothing, because your weak. Just go a read one of you book you little freak"
Inuyasha then walked over to Ed and pushed him lightly. A gothic girl then walked by standing by Kagome and said "Hey asshole. He wasn't bothering you. So, stay the hell anyway from him." This girl had long black hair with red highlights, and her hair went all the way down her back. She was wearing a black tang top and that laces going up and showing a little of her cleavage. She was wearing a long black skirt. With slits showing off her legs and high boots. She was also wearing dark shads of make-up, but looked very pretty.
"Who the hell are you?" Inuyasha sneered.
"I'm gonna be your worst nightmare if you continue to tease this girl and boy." She said.
"Hey I wasn't messing with you. So keep your nose out of this." Inuyasha sneered again.
"Look ass I don't like dick heads that think their better then everyone. That's how I got kicked out of the last three schools I went to." she said then turned to Kikyo and said "You want the hell are you still doing here?" she asked.
"What do you mean?" Kikyo asked.
"Well shouldn't you be in bed?" the girl asked.
"In bed? What are you talking about?" Kikyo asked.
"Well you know working that corner all last night should have worn you out am I right? The girl said with a laugh.
"You bitch!" Kikyo sneered.
"Alright class your holding up the line. Hurry up. Kikyo get your book now!" Mr. Turner said. As The group of seven got their books and sat down. The girl came up to Kagome and said "Hey sorry for that. I'm Sango Kino" she said. "Thank you, and I'm Kagome Higurashi and this is Ed Williams" Kagome said. "What's up?" she said.
"Ah and who are you?" Mr. Tuner said to Sango.
"I'm Sango Kino" she said.
"And your very late Miss. Kino. Now I'm gonna have to- He didn't even finish what he was gonna say because she handed him a piece of paper.
"Sorry, but the Principle wanted to speak to me. About some things." She said with a smile. "Alright then your seat is 1st row third seat. Which was right behind Kikyo. "Hi" Sango said to Kikyo and she looked sacred.
About ten minutes later class was let out. As Ed and Kagome said their goodbyes. Kagome and Sango were soon walking together. "So were are you heading?" Sango asked.
"A.P. Physics" Kagome said.
"Really so am I" Sango said with a smile.
"Cool" Kagome said.
As the walked into the class room. Kagome and Sango sat next to each other, and began to talk about what they liked and disliked. They then realized they had a lot in common. "So, that bitch Kikyo is your twin sister?" Sango asked, and Kagome nodded. "Man...what a bitch. What does your family do about her?" she asked.
"Nothing..They don't see anything wrong with her. Only me." Kagome said, in a low whisper, but Sango heard it and said "What the hell is wrong with you? Not to sound gay being we just meant, but I think your pretty. More then that little whore." she said. "Thank you" Kagome said.
After another ten to twenty minutes of the teacher talking. Kagome and Sango wear singed together to be lab partners, and as well another girl named Amy Hino. Amy had long brown hair and blue eyes. She was very pretty but also shy like Kagome.
"Hey Amy" Sango greeted.
"Hi" she said shyly.
"So, are you new to this school?" Sango asked.
"Yes, I came from California" she said.
"Really why did you come here to Japan? I mean I rather live in the states." Sango said.
"Me too, but it was my mother who wanted to come back home. You see my dad is in the military and he meant my mom in Japan." Amy said.
"Ah.." Sango said.
"So, are you new?" Amy asked Sango.
"Yep" Sango said with a smile.
"How did you get into Mugen High?" Amy asked.
"Well..I kinda got kicked out of my last three high schools I went to" Sango said with a little small laugh.
"Wow..what for?" Amy asked.
"One for putting a kid in a comma because he sexually harassed one of my friends that was at Azabu Juuban Junior High School and the second was at Kaibara High for the same thing, but different reason just some slut thought she could push me around so I gave her something to think about when she was in her comma. Never to fuck with me again, and third was at Tama High were some assholes was messing with a girl that wouldn't want to date him so instead of her getting raped or killed I put the bastard in a comma." Amy and Kagome both looked at Sango in complete and total shock.
"What did I say something wrong?" she asked Amy and Kagome.
"Umm..You put three people in a comma?" Kagome asked.
"Yeah..Is that so wrong?" Sango asked.
"No..It's just a little scary that's all." Amy and Kagome said at the same time.
"Yeah I know, but my boyfriend doesn't seem to mind" Sango said.
"Your boyfriend?" Kagome questioned.
"Yes. Well..were kind in engaged right now, because I am living with him." Sango said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"How is your parents taking you living with your boyfriend?" Amy asked.
"My parents died years ago" Sango said.
"Oh I'm so sorry" Kagome said.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for bringing it up" Amy said.
"No it's okey they died when I was so very young" Sango said.
"Oh alright" Kagome said.
"I wish this damn day was over already" Sango exclaimed.
"Actually I enjoy being at school" Amy told them.
Sango looked at Amy like she was going to jump off a bridge. Amy then looked puzzled and looked at her hands in thinking she said or did something wrong. "Sorry I just like to learn" she said in a sad tone. Kagome then said "It's alright Amy everyone is different"
"Yeah, sorry for being rude it's just I never really meant anyone who like to learn and go to school all the time." Sango said.
"It's alright" Amy said with a smile.
As the girls talked and got to know each other more and more. Kagome realized that she finally had friends other than Ed. Ed had always been her friend, but she really didn't have any friends as girls, and now she did.
"Hey when do you guys have lunch?" asked Sango.
"I have it 6th" said Kagome.
"So do I" Amy exclaimed.
"Hell so do I. Do you guys want to sit together?" Sango asked.
"Sure, but can my friend Ed sit with us too?" Kagome asked.
"That kid from English?" Sango asked, as she thought back to who he was. Kagome then nodded. "I don't see why not" Sango said.
"Who's Ed?" asked Amy.
"He's my friend. He's very sweet and nice." Kagome said.
"He's he your boyfriend?"
"God no! Or at lest they didn't act like it in English" Sango said as she looked at Kagome. Kagome shook her head 'no' and said "No, Ed and I never been like that. He's like a brother to me."
"Oh..I don't do well with guys" Amy said with a blush.
"You're a lesbian?" Sango asked.
"NO! That's not what I meant. I mean I get really nervous around boys, because I don't know what to say."
"Oh ok. I just asked" Sango said, and Kagome just shook her head and said to Amy. "Don't worry Amy I get like that around men too"
Hearing the bell ring Kagome, Sango and Amy got up and left the room. "So wear are you guys going?"
"I'm going to study hall" said Amy.
"Yeah so am I" Sango said.
"Alright well I'm going to Geometry, see ya at lunch!" Kagome said as she walked to her class.
The rest of the morning went by slower then ever, because she didn't get to see any of her friends. Kagome couldn't help, but miss her friends a little bit. When lunch came around she couldn't help but to find herself almost running out of the class room to meet with them. Coming in the cafeteria she wasn't able to find them she looked everywhere. Even outside were the students were also aloud to eat. Sitting under neath a great big willow tree. Kagome felt a little sad that her friends weren't there.
Maybe they meant other friends and decided to sit with them. Oh well.. I knew it was to good to be true. Kagome thought to herself.
"Hey there you are!" Ed exclaimed sitting by her.
"Hey Ed" Kagome said with a smile.
"So what's up? Did you bring a lunch?" asked Ed.
"Nope mom says I need to loose wight. So I'm on a strike diet." Kagome said sadly.
"Your mom..Kagome your not fat so I don't see what's wrong with you." Ed said.
"That's what my mom says." Kagome said.
"Well your mom sounds like a bitch" said a familiar voice.
"Sango!" Kagome exclaimed.
"The one and only. Sorry for coming late. We were getting lunch and trying to find you" Sango said.
"Hi Kagome" said Amy.
"Hi Amy" Kagome greeted back.
"Oh this is Ed everyone" Kagome said pointing to Ed.
"H-Hi" he said with a blush looking at Amy.
"Oh Ed you remember Sango from English class" Kagome said.
"Yeah Hi" he said
"Hey I remember you from my Study hall class" Amy said with a blush.
"Yeah..Hi again.." Ed said with a blush.
As they all sat down and began to talk well it was mostly Kagome and Sango talking, because Ed and Amy were dead quite. "Hey what's wrong with you two?" Sango asked bluntly.
"Nothing" they both said with a blush.
Kagome and Sango both looked at each other and laughed, because they both knew what was going on. The looks on both Ed's and Amy's faces said that they liked one other, but weren't going to admit it.
After lunch it was now going into 7th period. Which they all had Honors History of Japan with Mr. West. As all of them made their way to the 500's hallway. Ed then spoke up and said, "I heard from the other teachers in my other classes. That he is related to Inuyasha West, because that's his younger brother.
"Half-brother" corrected Amy.
"Oh no.." Kagome exclaimed.
"What's wrong with her?" Sango asked Ed.
Ed clearing his voice he then began to talk "Inuyasha from our 1st period class. Always seem to love to obey to whatever her twin sister says to do. So, in doing so he makes Kagome's life a living hell."
"Well I gusse I'm gonna get kick out of this school.." Sango tailed off saying as they walked into their class. Kagome froze when she saw him and ran out of the class bumping into Sango. "What hell Kagome?" Sango asked as she ran after making the whole group fallow after her. "What is it?" asked Ed
"Yeah when you saw Mr. West you totally freaked out, and ran out of the room." Sango said.
Kagome looked at Ed, but before she could open her mouth Amy beat her to it by saying "Are you afraid of him or something? He does look very intimidating. Even I think so."
"No, it's not that. I-I...well there's really no need to lie, but Ed remember me telling you of the man this morning. Well Mr. West is him."
"Oh shit!" Ed said in a awe type of way.
"What man?" asked Sango, but before Kagome could say another word. The bell ringed. Rushing into the class room as fast as they could sitting into the back row.
"Hello and good afternoon class. I am Mr. West and I'm going to be your Honors History of Japan. We are going to be learning all the periods of Japan's history, and you will have every week an project to do. It will be assigned on a Monday and due on the following Monday no excess. I do not allow eating, sleeping, tardiness or any forms of harassment. Some of you are eighteen or going to be. Meaning your almost adults or are. So, start acting like adults! Now I shall call off your names. The set tat you are sitting in shall be your set for the whole year. So get use to it." Mr. West said, his attention was then to Kagome he then gave her a unnoticed smile to everyone, but her. "Williams, Edward" he said.
"Here, sir" he said, then everyone laughed just because he said "sir"
"Why laugh? Just because he as respect? That is something to be proud of Mr. Williams" Mr. West said. Just now noticing Kikyo and her little friends sitting on the other side of the room. "Kino, Sango" he said.
Sango then raised her hand and gave a small wave. Mr. West nodded and then called out "Nisan, Ally and Kelly"
"Here!" Ally said in like a cheer type of way. She then elbowed her sister Kelly which she said "Yeah like here"
"Ai Tomoe" he said as he looked around for her. Ai then stood up showing her short bright red mini skirt. With a matching red lacy top. It looked like something a hooker would wear at the late hour. Trying to get a customer. Which it would be poor a helpless Mr. West. Hopefully he wasn't like the rest of the teachers at Mugen High. Who all fell into her trap of seduction and her pity little trick if they slept with her they owed her everything.
"Miss. Tomoe, I find your clothing not suitable for the school. Now go down to the office and call to get better ones or they'll help you pick out some clothing for you." He said in a very stern and disgusted tone of voice. The whole class laughed everyone, but Ai's friends as Mr. West gave her a pass to the office. Ai didn't really looked all too happy as he gave into her and showed her no attention, and that pissed her off completely. Kikyo didn't look to happy that people where laughing at one of the members of her group. The one thing Kikyo disliked was people laughing or mocking at what she was involved with.
Another thing also pissed her off was when she shall her little sister happy. Like right now seeing her laughing with her friends. "Alright class, I think it's self to say we can now go on" Mr. West said.
"Alright next we have Mizuno, Tina" He said, and looked around seeing Tina wave at him. Going down the list he came to his little brother Inuyasha West. Mr. West rolled his eyes aimlessly. He didn't look all to trilled to have his younger brother in his class. "West, Inuyasha"
"Sup? Fluffy!" Inuyasha said with a laugh. Walking over to Inuyasha he looked at him straight in the eyes, and said "You shall address me as Mr. West little brother. Not anything else do you understand?"
"Yes, Mr. West" He said with a smile.
'Gibson, Taylor" he said getting a little annoyed seeing that every girl that came for that side of the room was wearing very short and reveling clothing. Trying to impress him well to break the news to these girls. He wasn't intrusted in girls that looked like they were working the street corners, and that whore themselves to get somewhere in life.
"Thank you now Higurashi, Kagome and Kikyo?"
"I'm Kikyo and that one over there that is Kagome" Kikyo said as she smiled at Mr. West. Seeing Kagome who was the girl in the park. He just stared straight at her and gave a her a small smile. It was clear that the young girl he met in the park was her. Even if she didn't wear the best of the best. She is a beauty.
As he was done with the list of his class. He continued with his talking of what they were going to be doing for this first nine weeks of the school year. Which was mostly projects and assignments.
Hearing the bell ring in the back round Mr. West announced. "Have a good day class don't forget about your assignment for this week. It's due next Monday."
Kikyo's group didn't bother to even stay by, because Kikyo was beyond pissed that Mr. West didn't even take notice to her. She hated when men didn't care to notice her at all. Giving Kagome and her friends a one last glare before walking out of the classroom. "Wow, what the hell is up her ass?" asked Sango.
"Maybe, because a teacher finally didn't take her and her friend's shit for once" Ed said.
"Yeah, hey I'll meet up with you guys later. Ok?" Kagome asked.
"Ok, see ya!" Everyone said very one as they left.
As Kagome gather her things in a hurry she then turned and dropped her things all over the floor. Mr. West calmly walking over to her helping her gather her things up. "You're the girl from the park, aren't you?" he said with a smile.
"Y-yes I am. I'm sorry I'm gonna be late to my next class" she said, as she got a little lost with words.
"Alright, I'll see you around." he said.
Kagome gather her things and left the classroom in a big hurry. Walking gracefully into the library being greeted by the librarian Miss. Marshal. Who was a young Librarian at Mugen High. She was very nice and sweet, but at time could be a real bitch.
"Hello Miss. Marshal" Kagome greeted the woman.
"Hello Kagome. How was your summer?" She asked, as she was typing at her computer. "Same as last year" she said.
"Oh that's good" Mr. Marshal said in a ignoring type of way. Kagome was use to the young librarian ignoring her. She only seem to only like talking to people like her sister and her friends. Miss. Marshal was very pretty she had long brown hair and green eyes. She was short and very skinny.
Kagome sat down and began to take out her books and cover them. Looking over she saw the Principle walking in over to where she was sitting at. "Miss. Higurashi, Hi again sorry for not getting to you earlier. About Um..here is the teacher assistantship." she said.
"Umm...Mrs. Benson? Am I still on the program.?" she asked.
"Oh god yes you are. I just wanted to tell you who you'll assist. So, your not walking around the school looking for where you belong" she said with a laugh. Mrs. Benson was very nice. She was also very old. She was around in her mid 50's and she very heavyset. She also had gray white hair. "You'll be assisting one of the newest teachers in the building a..Mr. West" she said.
"O-oh thank you, Mrs. Benson." she said and with that Mrs. Benson. Walked out of the library. Kagome sighed and said to herself. Why me? The guy seems so cold to everyone else, but me why is that? Is it because he knows of my sister and what he's brother has done to my emotions?
As Mr. West was going over his plans for the next few days and the follow week. A knock came a upon the door it was his boss. Mr. Benson.
"Sesshomaru." she said as she came in.
"Yes Alicia" he said with no emotion.
"I just wanted to come by to tell you. You will have a assist for next period. Which is another free period for you isn't?"
"Yes, it is Alicia. May I ask who is going to be my assist?" He asked.
"Oh. Now Sesshomaru I know you really don't get along with anyone, but this student is one of the brightest in the school. Actually I should say she's our top student in the school, but she very sweet and smart, and her name is Higurashi, Kagome."
"Yes, I know her. She's one of my students in my class." he said.
"Oh, so do you agree with her being your assist?" she asked.
"Yes, I guess she'll do." he said as he looked over his things.
"Ok, well she be assisting you next period" She said and with that she walked out of his class room. Sesshomaru then stopped what he was doing. He knew he admired the young student. She looked like a very smart girl. Who had plans for the future. Unlike some girls who will wait until the last month of school to realized what to do with their lives. Or wit until the are old and don't want to do it.
After hearing the bell ring that meant the class end and a new one and last one of the day shall begin. Kagome walked to Mr. West's classroom. She knocked on the and a few seconds later she heard his deep and masculine voice. Saying 'come in' she opened the door and looking at her very handsome teacher sitting at his desk. Looking over some papers.
"Hello Miss. Higurashi. Come please sit." he said.
Walking over to a chair that had been brought up to his desk for her. She sat down and Mr. West then began to talk. "Miss. Higurashi, I have a list for you. Of what your days and hours of being my assistant shall be."
She then nodded her head as she took the price of paper and read.
Mon-Thurs To Stay after school from 3pm to 6pm
Mon-Fri To come in during Study Hall
Mondays & Fridays To eat in his room and work.
She then looked at and said "Alright, I can do this."
"Good normally, people would be compiling about not eating lunch with there friends" He said and then looked at his computer and said "Do you type well?" he asked.
"Yes sir"
"Well copy this work sheet from lessons 55-72 and put all questions in, I have to go and run some things off the copy machine." He said as he walked out of the room. As Kagome began to type. She was very fast at type because within 20 minutes she got from lesson 55 to 65.
Coming back into the room he saw Kagome typing away on his computer. He had to admit she did look pretty. Waling over to the desk he said "how are you doing Miss. Higurashi?" he asked.
"Very well. I'm almost one 66 now. I'm done with all the rest." she said.
"Good. Umm.. Miss. Higurashi you do know your staying after school right?" he asked.
"Yes, I know I am." she said with a smile as she continued to type. "Alright well when you are down you can help me staple some of these packets." he said.
Within another 20 minutes Kagome was done with all the lessons he singed her to do. She then clicked print and got the papers and gave them to him. Yes, he was very impressed with how fast she typed. "Alright Miss. Higurashi. Now staple all the blues with the blues and the greens with the greens." he told her.
"Ok" she said after siting down she began to gather and staple the papers.
"So, how was your day?" she asked him. Try to start a conversation with him. Instead if it begin all quite which was surprising enough for her talking. Let alone starting a conversation with a man. "Good, and yourself?" he said.
"I'm fine" she said.
"So, have you read anymore of that book?" he asked.
"No, not really." she said.
"Oh lost intrust in it?" he asked.
"No, I just didn't have time today really." she said.
"Oh, I thought maybe you've grown tried of it" he said.
"Well, no I haven't I still like it" she said with a laugh.
"From what I hear you're a very bright student here at Mugen High, Miss. Higurashi." he said.
"Well I'm sure there are other students here at Mugen High who are much more smarter than me. Oh, and Mr. West can you please call me Kagome. Being called Miss. Higurashi makes me sound so old" she said.
"No problem, but on one condition. You have to call me Sesshomaru, but in class you call me Mr. West and I'll call you Miss. Higurashi."
"Ok" she said with a smile.
Through the whole time they talked about what they liked and found out they were very much a like and had may things in common. Like from what books they like to the movies they like. Sesshomaru found himself more interested in the girl then what he hoped.
Looking at the clock it was 6 o'clock and realizing they had everything done. He said "Alright Kagome that shall be enough for today. I'll see you tomorrow." He said.
"Alright, goodbye. Sesshomaru" she said with a smile.
As Kagome left the classroom. Sesshomaru held a small smile upon his face. This girl who made him smile. Was not only very smart, but a true beauty as well. She didn't need make-up or anything of those things. She looked more desirable without those things. If only she wasn't his student he would ask her out.
He was tried of being set-up with girls that only wanted sex, money, power, materials and how they looked. Or if they gotten too fat. They all sickened him greatly. They very really satisfied him. Even in high school he never really liked girls who slept around with god knows how many men. He knew Kagome and him would never work, because he was her teacher and she was his student. Plus he didn't think she liked him all too much anyways. As he gathered his things for the day. He walked out of the school building.
Kagome couldn't believe it she had told her mother she would be late coming home, and that if she could pick her up around 6 o'clock, but nope she wasn't there. More likely Kikyo is haven't a hard time with something or she needed the car, or her other siblings where doing something or needed her.
Kagome sighed she was very tried and didn't feel like walking, but it looked like she was going to. If she would to make it home to see her brother A.J. she hadn't seen him since he graduated college. Even if she didn't attend the graduation ceremony. He still visited her and talked to her. He also promised her that when she turned 18 she could come and live with him.
As Kagome walked down the rode she only had walked down a few blocks before it started to down pour. She the sighed and walked down a few more blocks where she was stopped by Mr. West. "Kagome!" he asked. Calling out from his black BMW. She looked at the car and thought. Wow, nice car.
"Yes, umm..Sesshomaru?' she asked.
"Where are you heading?" he asked.
"Home" she said.
"Get in I'll give you a ride" he said.
"Thank you" she said.
As she got into the car. She smiled at him she then said "It on 1144 Tea dr. Just up pass the park you just want to go straight and then turn right, and then your there." "Alright" he said. Then hearing in the background thunder. The rain kept on pouring down. Coming to her house.
"Thank you so very much, Sesshomaru" Kagome said.
"You welcome." He said with a smile. Then drove off. Kagome was finding herself liking the teacher a little more than she should.
As she walked into the house she was greeted by her sister Kanna. "Where the hell have you been?" she asked in a demanding tone.
"I just came home from school" she said as she walked up the steps and into her bedroom. Lying down upon her bed she could hear her sister Kanna say "No wonder you geek." Just then Kikyo walked into her room and said. "You missed him"
"Who? A.J.?" Kagome asked.
"Yes, and he said that he'll call you later" she said as she rolled her eyes, and walked out of the room. As Kagome got up and walked to her sister's bedroom where her little slut friends sat down upon the floor with her mother and Kikyo where sitting on the bed. "What do you want?" asked Kikyo.
"I-I wanted to ask when will he call?" Kagome asked Kikyo.
"He said around 8 o'clock. Now go me and my girls have to talk" her mother said very coldly. Kagome then nodded her head and walked out of the room, and back into her own. She could hear of how they mocked about how she dressed she then heard them talking about her beloved teacher.
"He's so cold-hearted" said Ai.
"No he's a jerk!" cried Ally.
"How?" he mother asked.
"I heard from you know that wanna be Stacy, well she had to go to the bathroom and he told her to wait until end of class. He also gave he's first periods class all detention just for talking." Kelly said, in the most high pitch voice ever.
"Anything other than that?" her mother asked.
"Well he gave us all detention for being in the hallway" Kikyo said.
Kagome gave out a small laugh because she knew why. Kikyo and her little friends where trying to skip class. Her sister was trying to bullshit her mother. Which was normally and let's just say it always worked.
"He sound very cold-hearted, anyone else is he cold-hearted to?" her mother asked.
"Everyone" cried all of them.
Kagome had to laugh because Sesshomaru is very nice to her. From the moment they met to now, and she hoped it will not end. Lying down a upon her bed she closed her eyes and began to fall asleep.