Already, I see your hands coated with blood

Summary: After an extremely bad meeting with the jedi council, Revan disappears and reappears on the Nubian ship headed to Corustant 4,000 years in the future.

Notes: Revan remembers who he was after the jedi mind wiped him. When Malak confronted Revan he remembered everything. This follows the light side version of the game.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or KOTOR


He knew, he always knew the path he chooses to walk would be dangerous and painful.

"Would you kill us, Revan?" Master Vrook asked the best he could while being force choked.

He knew that he would kill millions.

Revan stood there, calmly, using the dark side of the force to choke the jedi council members. They wanted to talk to him about the events aboard the Star Forge. They assumed he was memory less and loyal to the jedi. He wasn't.

It seemed ironic, the emotionless mask that he wore as, a sith lord, allowed him to blend with the jedi.

He walked in, silent, and again the council assumed he was light sided. They should have noticed how the mask he worn on his face was cracking. He was being shattered bit by bit and no one noticed.


It started okay, questions and interruptions as Revan told them of all the events that occurred. He did not tell them that he had his memories. He spoke with no tremor or emotion. The perfect jedi.

The jedi code allowed him to be cruel, ruthless, and emotionless, in turn the perfect sith.

He ended and they spoke amongst themselves with their thoughts. Revan stood there observing them, noting who was there and who was not since the last meeting he had with the council. Zhar, Vander, and Vrook were alive. Apparently, they survived the Dantooine bombing, and made it back to Coruscant. Revan did not feel mad or happy they survived, he just did not know what he felt.

Kreia noticed the raw power and potential. Pity she did not notice blood that would paint his soul.

The darkness was there, buried underneath the mask of light he constructed. It was waiting for a chance to show itself, to show the jedi it was not tamed or cowed. It was patient; it will wait until the moment.

The council members finished there meeting and turned back to silent jedi padawan.

"Revan, too quiet you are. Something the matter?" Vander spoke, his large eyes peering at Revan.

Revan stirred and lifted his eyes to observe the jedi masters. His eyes were a bright cold yellow, the first thing to notice if something was amiss. By the time the jedi noticed, they were struggling against his force choke.

Life was cruel to him, so he was cruel back.

"Would you kill us, Revan?" Master Vrook asked the best he could while being force choked.

Revan was standing there, watching listlessly as the jedi were dying. His eyes were clouded, not as sharp as before. His hands strayed to his lightsaber, and he ignited them, the mantle of the force and heart of the guardian in each lightsaber hilt. The crystal Solari in his pocket, picked up from the dried corpse of the former owner.

He walked to Zhar and lifted one saber up locking eyes with the jedi master.

Never look into the eyes of those you will kill.

A lesson that was imparted to him from Kreia, one of his former masters.

He heard bangs and curses outside the chamber. Some jedi outside the chamber were trying to get in. Too late, the door were built to resist lightsabers. By the time they get in, the masters' cooling bodies will be the only thing left.

Zhar was also a former master of his. Zhar taught him for a time, a liability, yet he couldn't kill Zhar. For one who had killed millions of beings, it was a sad irony.

Then there was Vrook, a gruff old man who was harsh to everyone. Surprisingly, Vrook saw through his mask first. In a way, Vrook was kin to him. Vrook understood so much and yet could not understand why Revan left to fight. None on the council knew, not even his former masters.

It was ironic; every time he killed, he was killing himself.

His blade descended and he swung.

Already, I see your hands coated with blood.


4000 years later

Anakin sat there dozing off. After all the excitement of meeting the other jedi and the strange warrior that attacked Qui-Gon he was relaxing. R2-D2 was keeping him company, he really like the droid.

He awoke to a clattering, or was it the creepy feeling that traveled up his arms to the back of his neck. Qui-Gon told him it was the force's way of warning him when something is going to happen. The ship was small, so he heard the clatter of boots as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan come rushing in. They survey the room but see and feel nothing different from before.

Confusion was thick in the padawan's voice.

"Master, we both felt something but nothing is different." Obi-Wan said still surveying the room.

Qui-Gon too was confused. They all felt the warning through the force. He is better attuned to the Living force than the Unifying force and he felt where the disturbance originated.

"There" he said calmly to his apprentice pulling out his lightsaber ready for whatever came. The sith on Tatooine told him all too clearly that something was in motion.

Anakin, Obi-Wan turn to the corner of the room. They watch in awe and surprise as what seemed like a figure appear. The person was slowly materializing with a body part appearing one at a time. It seemed to be male and human. He also appeared to be no more than Obi-Wan's age. He was fully clothed and armed what appeared to be two lightsabers attached to his belt. He seemed dressed as a jedi from the old times.

The two jedi ready themselves as the body fully appears. That was when they felt the darkness. It washed over them and dragged their hearts to their stomachs. A sith had appeared on the ship and they were ill prepared to fight him.

"Anakin, go to Captain Tanka and warn him." Qui-Gon said softly as to not attract the sith's attention.

Anakin nods and rushes off up the stairs to alert the captain of security. The Queen's safety is the priority of the mission. He gives Obi-Wan a reassuring glance, and tightens the bond between them.

Are you ready padawan? He asked Obi-Wan.

Always master. Replied Obi-Wan. He then continued jokingly, I would make sure we do not have to go back to the healers again and get patched up for various injuries, they may not like it that we are regular visitors.

Not funny. Qui-Gon replies reprimanding him slightly, but it made him light hearted again.

It was true; they probably have a wing named specifically for us. Qui-Gon thought with a slight grin.

He refocuses towards the sith. The force warned him that the being was waking up.

A pair of icy blue eyes meets his, cold, dark, and emotionless. Strange, except for the vibes that he sent this one could have passed for a jedi.

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