One Last Time

by: FeatherWings

"I didn't want you to know." Hiei stared blankly at Yukina. "I didn't want you to know so you could continue being the way you were." they were in Koenma's office. A new mission had come up and they needed to tell Yukina the truth.

Yukina was crying. "Why didn't you tell me, Hiei?" she choked out before continuing. "Why didn't you tell me you're my brother?"

Hiei gritted his teeth and looked away. He hadn't wanted to tell her ever and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming rage against the others in the room who just looked at the two. Now there was just the pain that surged within the fire demon. Yukina didn't look at Hiei telling Hiei exactly how she felt. The world was now against him.

"Yukina, Hiei had his reasons for not telling you." Botan added in in an attempt to help out Hiei. Yukina continued to sob and could no longer talk. Hiei looked around the room at Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara, Koenma, Botan and then back at his sister. All of them stared at him as if they were accusing him.

Hiei's eyes widened and he shook his head slightly as everything he feared came into reality slowly. He felt dead.

The mission was to stop a man who was chasing after the Yukina and Hiei. He had been trying to find them for some time and had made his appearance when trying to kidnap Yukina but Hiei stopped him but was unable to get rid of him permanently. Koenma was still trying to find out who the man was but Koenma could guess why he wanted them.

A while back, he had been in the library doing research when a book had caught his eye. It told of a magick that used two beings in order to bring bloodshed or peace, suffering or joy, hell or heaven upon the worlds depending on the one controlling the ceremony. This would also grant much power. It needed twins; one of darkness and one of light.

The book was lost long ago and Koenma had no idea where to find such information. They needed to tell Yukina what was going on because her life and the existence of everyone depended on it.

"Yukina..." Hiei reached out to wipe away his sister's tears but she hit his hand and pushed it away from her.

"Go away!" she sobbed. It wasn't that she didn't want to be his sister, it was the fact he had hid it from her and lied after she had searched so hard.

The words echoed in Hiei's head. 'Go away!' he stared at her as their eyes met for a moment. The fire demon then closed his ruby eyes and walked away, out of the room. "Hiei!" Yusuke yelled and was about to run after him when Kuwabara stopped him.

"He lied, Yusuke! The shrimp deserves it! Poor Yukina."

"I'll go after him, Yusuke." Kurama said calmly and hurried off.

Hiei was walking down the hall towards the entrance then stopped without turning around. "What do you want, fox?"

"Are you planning on leaving?"

"That's what she told me to do."

"Since when do you listen to anyone?" Hiei didn't answer. "Or is there something else on your mind?"

"I tried to protect her, you know. I didn't want her to have a brother like me because I knew she would be hurt...I was right."

"I don't think that's it."

"I'll just stay away from you guys. I won't bother you anymore."


"Guess I really am the "Forbidden Child." Hiei continued forward.

"Hiei!" Kurama started to go after him when Hiei turned around.

"Good-bye, fox. You really were a good friend. Tell Yukina...I'm sorry." the fire demon turned away once again and was gone in a blink of an eye. Kurama stood stunned for a minute before running back to the others.

"Yukina, you must calm down." Botan talked to the ice demon. "Hiei wasn't trying to hurt you!"

"I just don't know how to feel..." she sobbed. Kurama reentered the room.

"Where's Hiei?" Yusuke asked.

"He's gone...He left..."

"I'm sure he'll come back, won't he?" Botan asked.

"I don't think so..." Kurama shook his head. "Why couldn't I stop him?"

"It's not your fault, Kurama." Botan said.

"We have to get him back!" Koenma spoke from his desk. "Go find him!" he pointed to Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara.

Hiei didn't know where he was. All he knew was that he was in a forest in the human world. He walked slowly and as if he weren't trying to get anywhere. One step after the other; he began to get mesmerized by the sound of his footsteps. He had hurt the most important person in his life simply by existing. His whole existence was a sin.

He stopped walking. "I shouldn't exist."

Hiei then noticed something. There was a clearing a ways in front of him and there were demons. He walked closer to listen to their conversation and hid behind a tree. There was one demon who seemed to be the head of the bunch.

"I want those two demons! You will get them for me!" the head demon spoke in a deep voice. The head demon seemed to resemble a human except the teeth were that of a demon.



"Get the demons!" the other demons hissed and smiled showing their sharp, white teeth. They were more demon-like in body structure than the head demon. This was the demon that was searching for him and his sister!

"You will get them and bring them to our head-quarters in Makai!" Hiei knew him but it was buried deep in his mind. He knew this demon and where he had his HQ but where? Then he knew.

It was the thief that had raised him.

How could he have forgotten? First he had been exiled from his home then abandoned by the ones who had saved him. Now they wanted to use him and his sister in order to gain power and bring the world to their knees.

Hiei began to walk quietly away but was so concentrated on these demons and the fact that his sister found out he was her brother that he made the slightest noise by stepping one a twig. He stood still for a moment hoping they hadn't heard it and realized this was a huge mistake. The demons were all quiet. "What was that?" one of them said.

"One of you go check it out." the head demon spoke.

One of the demons walked towards the tree Hiei was hiding behind and drew his sword ready to fight if someone had been listening to their conversation. Slowly he became closer and closer.

"Anyone there?" another demon asked.

"I didn't get there yet!"

"Hurry up! Get on with it you coward!" the head demon said.

"I'd like to see you do this..." the demon mumbled. He gripped his sword and continued forward. He put his free hand on the tree trunk and quickly moved forward to see nothing. "There's no one here!"

Hiei hid on a branch above the demon and let out a silent sigh of relief. The demon looked down at the ground at the shadows noticing a figure in the trees. "What a second..." he looked up to see Hiei. "It's the fire demon!"

Hiei jumped down and killed the demon with one swift cut with his katana. The other demons, which seemed there were about an endless amount, hurried toward him to fight. "I want him alive!" the head demon yelled.

The fire demon fought as many as he could without getting hurt but it could not be done. 'Yukina...' Hiei thought while the other demons lashed out at him. They managed to get him on the arms, back, stomach and one cut on his face just under his eye.


Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama were trying to find Hiei's spirit energy to find him. For some reason, Hiei's energy was hard to pinpoint so they were walking almost blinded. "How the hell are we gunna find him?" Kuwabara asked while they walked through the city.

"By fallowing his spirit energy, stupid." Yusuke told him.

"Is it just me or is it really hard to find his spirit energy?"

"No, I'm having trouble as well." Kurama told them.

"What exactly does that mean though?" Yusuke asked.

"It could mean many things."

"Ew! What the hell is this? Blood?" Kuwabara yelled while looking at the sidewalk.

"Like you haven't seen blood before..." Yusuke mumbled while looking down at it as well. There was a trail of it dripped onto the floor and it seemed fresh.

"We should fallow it." Kurama said.

"Why? We're supposed to be looking for Hiei." Yusuke said.

"I think it may lead us to Hiei." Kurama hurried to fallow the trail of blood. Yusuke and Kuwabara fallowed.

The trail led them into the park. There were people all around acting like there was nothing unusual so the three spirit detectives thought maybe the trail had not led them any closer to Hiei. "Damn it..." Yusuke groaned.

"Do you feel that?" Kuwabara said.

"Eh?" Yusuke concentrated. "Could it be Hiei's energy?"

"I think it is." Kurama ran while fallowing the trail of blood but then suddenly it stopped as if the person had gone off the sidewalk. He looked around to see Hiei leaning against a tree, holding his stomach as if he were hurt. Kurama walked up to him with Yusuke and Kuwabara.

"There you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Yusuke said.

"God, Hiei, you're always causing trouble!" Kuwabara yelled. Hiei stared at the ground but then looked up.

"Hiei?" Kurama asked.

"Hiei?" Hiei said. "Who's "Hiei?"

"Come on this is a joke, right?" Yusuke said.

"I don't think it is..." Kurama told them.

"If it is, it's a really bad one!" Kuwabara added.

"Who are you?" Hiei asked looking around. "Where am I? How'd I get here? What happened to me?" he groaned and clutched his stomach tighter. "What's going on..." the fire demon fell to his knees and the others rushed toward him. He looked up at them while trying to keep his eyes open before collapsing and blacking out. The other boys tried to wake him up. Kurama tried to gently shake him but when he looked at his hand, it had turned red with blood.

"We need to get him somewhere safe!" Kurama told the other two who nodded.


FeatherWings- ok, so did you like it...? Please review!