Pieces of a Dream

By: Arieru

Arieru: I'm back! (cue screaming, shattering of glass, and lightning clap) Mwahahaha! I've promised to write this story for a long time. This is requested by 2Deez and I hope she'll enjoy it. I also hope everyone else will enjoy this story because I worked hard at creating original ideas and conflicts. So…with that said the disclaimer and then our story!

Disclaimer: I do not own WWE seriously people if I did the things I would do and the members I'd have join Mr. McMahon's 'Kiss My Ass Club'. All that I own is Anastacia (pronounced- Ah-na-stuh-see-ah) and her family, the other employees, and the other people and places that I made up. Oh… and I do not Anastacia's song 'Paid My Dues'.

Summary: Requested by 2Deez. Some will do anything to make their dreams come true; few will sacrifice everything to have others dreams come true. She was one of the few. Rey MysterioOC MattAshley Rating might change

Note: In this story Rey's not married and doesn't have kids. Sorry if this bothers anyone but that's the way it's going to be.

Pairings: Rey Mysterio/ Anastacia Valverde- Ramirez; Matt Hardy/ Ashley

Chapter 1:

Happy Days

"So Hun how you like it?" a brunette hairstylist asked the Diva Search winner.

Ashley laughed as she stared at herself in the vanity mirror. Her blonde hair was in curls that hung loosely and bounced as she twirled around to have a better look.

"You rock Ana." Ashley thanked as she gave the shorter woman a pat on her back.

"No problem chica I got your back now get in there and kick ass in your bikini!" Anastacia laughed as she gave her friend a hug.

Anastacia was grateful when she first discovered that she was going to be traded to the Smackdown crew, due to their only hairstylist quitting, she was frightened. The woman had made many friends while with Raw and, of course, some enemies. The thought of the hell she went through with Candice and Victoria made her cringe, but now she was better especially since Ashley was with her.

The brunette woman sat in her chair and took a deep sigh. Then she lifted her wrist to study her 'Guess' silver watch.

Her work was done for today and then she smirked, smiled, and finally laughed uncontrollably. The cause of it all: a certain Hardy tickling her sides.

The man stopped and she smirked. Although they weren't a couple she loved him like a brother. She had had a part in OMEGA Matt and Jeff used to conduct. In fact, they were once neighbors when she first immigrated to the United States.

"Hey Annie what you doing here you should be watching the matches." He gave her a kiss on the cheek in a familiar greeting.

The woman groaned she had always hated the nickname.

"Who's left for tonight's show?" she asked taking out her I-pod from her coat pocket.

"Rey and Finlay," he quirked an eyebrow and gave off an annoyed expression, "hey I'm talking to you." Anastacia plugged her earphone into her ear.

"I know," she nodded and smirked for a second as she switched through songs of her I-pod until she came to one and played it. "Hey Matthew," she giggled because she knew he hated being called by his full name, "if I ever get the chance to wrestle do you think this song should be my entrance?" The woman handed him an earphone and pressed play.

Anastacia's song 'Paid My Dues' hit. The man listened to it. Despite disliking the genre, he thought it would fit the Cuban woman.

He laughed when the part 'people trying to mess with Anastacia; got another thing coming 'cause I handle mine' part played. Definitely a song made for the young brunette.

"Yeah Annie it kinda reminds me of that Hip-hop stuff Cena listens to." Anastacia laughed then punched him playfully.

"Come on man your missing your girlfriend out there." She dragged him so they both could watch along on the Titan-tron.

Circled around the Titan-tron were other men including Vito who was wearing a silk white dress.

Anastacia rolled her eyes 'poor guy' she thought. Then the woman tried inching her way away from the men. Her reason, the skirt she was wearing was well above her knees and some men had noticed. The attention was so unnerving that she decided to get out of there.

"I'm gonna get something to eat." She told Matt as the guys still gawked, most were watching the bikini contest. She forgave Matt at least one of the women in the ring was his girlfriend. The other men she thought were a bit pathetic. The brunette then turned as Matt nodded at her; she decided to go to the café.

Arieru: Short chapter and no Rey sorry! It's just I want to get this chapter up because I'm gonna be away for a few days. Hope you liked it so far. R & R Please!