This is chappie 2 all!I hoped you liked chapter one! Thanks for all of you who reviewed!

Again I own nothing.

Like Once Upon A Dream

Chapter 2

Unexplained Fracture

A cane in one hand; in the other was a little girl who couldn't walk wellmuch like her father. House's arm was hooked under her arms around her back and snaked though gripping her tightly as not to drop her at the bend in her knee. Her little curled head was leaning against his chest.

"Daddy… it itching." Grace said touching one of her still tiny hands to her very bright pink cast confining her right leg. House smiled the saddest smile that Allison and Cuddy had ever seen.

"I know Gracie. It'll be off in a few weeks darling." Allison wanted to cry seeing her husband so sad about his daughter's leg. Cuddy wanted to scream 'HA! You DO HAVE FEELINGS!' but when she saw his face and knew maybe he was suffering more than the girl was, she wouldn't dare say anything to cruel.

"You said to mommy this morning three months!" House sighed and his usually mannerisms came right back.

"Well… that's 12 weeks, which IS a few if you look on the bright side."

"What bright side?" Grace asked. House shook his head.

"Never mind." Cuddy smiled at the girl as House set her on the ground.

"My crutches…" She said softly.

"I'll carry you…" House said sweetly.

"NO!" Allison said. "She has to walk by herself Greg." House rolled his eyes and handed his daughter his cane. Which provided minimal to no help at all but made her beam form ear to ear. Instead of gripping the top she gripped the side of it with both hands and leaned on it completely with the whole right side of her body, moving the cane in front of her and stepping with it gently and very, very slowly staggered to Cuddy's desk while House limped over to the couch and laid down with his head in Allison's lap. Allison started stroking his short curls (like Grace's) out of pure habit. Cuddy smiled as the little girl finally reached her desk.

"So… House." She said in an overly dramatic business like voice. The girl shook her head.

"My daddy's House. I'm Grace." All the adults in the room started laughing. Grace glared her father's glare with her mother's beauty at all of them. She still clutched the cane at her side… holding it with both her hands and leaning her body against it.

"Alright Grace…" Cuddy continued still in the very business like voice. "It appears you've been lying to me about who you really are." House rolled his eyes Grace shook her head.

"You never ask me. And I never lied. I just never telled you the truth." She said sounded mature for her age, but talking and sometimes using grammar mistakes that any normal four year old would make. Cuddy looked at her… her mouth open and laughed.

"She's your daughter indeed House." Cuddy laughed. Grace frowned against the cane she was holding.

"I'm my mommy's too. My mommy cares about everyone…."

"You're daddy cares…" Allison said in her husbands defense. She didn't want to daughter to think her dad didn't care about her or others.

"Daddy's weird." She said sqinting her face up.House laughed.

"Yes I am… and don't forget it." Cuddy smiled. House finally had a family. A real true honest to God family. The two special females in his life were rubbing off. It was about time. Was he actually being somewhat... (dare she think it) nice?

"How'd you break your leg?" Cuddy asked sweetly. Losing her business demeanor. Grace shrugged.

"Don't know." She answered simply. House spoke up form Allison's lap.

"Fracture. Unexplained fracture. We are honestly not sure how it happened. We think most likely somehting happened during dance class. She dances five times a week." The concerned look on House's face hit Cuddy like he had slapped her on the face.

"That's... that's a lot of classes for a four year old!" Cuddy said surprised.

"I want to dance!" Grace said happily. Thats all she wanted to do; was dance. She did ballet which was her favorite, tap, jazz, modern and lyrical.She noticed the woman named Cuddy looking at her pink cast.

"And it'll take three more month to get it off? How long has she had it?"

"Two!" Grace answered. The three adults looked at each other. Allison looked down at House. He was thinking. Oh no.

"Children usually heal faster than adults for a broken leg." He said sitting up and turned backwards to look at Cuddy. Cuddy and Allison nodded.

"Her doctor said five months." Allison said softly. "That's the usual amount of time for adults." Cuddy nodded.

"Wa…What's going on?" Asked Grace. She was getting scared. They were talking about her, about her injured leg. They were all looking at her! What was wrong? House slowly stood; Cuddy had never seen him look more natural than he did there. There was no sarcasm and there was no joking and there was no meanness. All that was there was Gregory House; a husband and a very scared and worried father. He slipped his hands into his pockets and said

"I want to do an exam."

A/N CLIFFY! Hahaha yes I know I'm evil.