A/N: The final chapter finally!

A/N: Do excuse Tails. He's a little.... curious ^^;



"Finally, the last event" Shadow exhaled and picked one of the remaining cards Rouge presented to him. Without much passion, he read the title quickly. "Box eat-- What?"

"What does it say?"Amy wondered.

Sonic and Knuckles started to chuckle boyishly.

"Yeah, what is it, Shadow?" Sonic jeered.

The dark hedgehog raised a questionable eyebrow and glanced to Rouge with a dubious expression.

" 'Box Eater'...?"

This earned coy snickers from Amy and Rouge, while gaining confused amusement from Sonic and Knuckles.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Knuckles whispered nervously to Sonic.

"Knowing Rouge, it sure is."

Knuckles shook his head and chortled in disbelief. "I'm not going down there...!"

"Shh!" Sonic playfully warned. "Don't worry, you'll live!"

Tails, on the other hand, only smiled. Then he chuckled to himself.

Amy caught wind of this and tossed a loaded glare his way.

"What are you laughing about?" she pressed with a disgusted half-frown.

Appearing cutely innocent, Tails smiled bashfully at the pinkish hedgehog. "I just thought it would be funny to see the guys with pieces of cardboard jammed in their mouths."

"Uh huh..." Amy trailed off, not believing him in the slightest. She sighed. "Whatever! Let's just get this event done already!"

"The girl's got a point." Rouge agreed. "Are you alright with this event, Shadow?" she asked intently, already knowing of his answer.

Shadow turned casually towards her with crossed arms and an unreadable expression. "Less than 5 hours, Rouge." he reminded.

Rouge smiled lightly at him, then returned her attention to the others.

"Alright, boys. As you can tell from the title of the event, you'll be box eating."

Sonic and Knuckles stifled skeptical amusement.

"So just whose box will we be eating, Rouge?" Knuckles inquired, grinning at the voluptuous bat.

Sonic chuckled and gave Rouge a flirtatious look, but it quickly dissipated into a nervous smirk when Amy's sharp eyes glared his way.

"Not mine. Sorry." Rouge playfully declared, then glanced to Tails who was looking at Amy with an odd expression of longing.

"Oh Fox-boy..." she chirped, beckoning to the youth with a finger. "Come up here for a second."

He instantly perked up at her request and headed over to her bashfully. "Yes, Miss Rouge?"

"I need you to do something for me."

"Another favor?"

"Mmmhmmm" Bending down, she cupped a hand over his ear.

The others watched them with minimal interest until Tails' expression slyly darkened. He licked his lips blissfully. "Really?" he asked with potent innocence.

Rouge nodded.

Happily, Tails scampered off into the storeroom of his workshop.

Amy's eyes watched the deceptive little fox while cheerfully slipped from sight. "What did you tell him to get this time?"she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

The mischievous bat smiled. "You'll see." Then her gaze fell on Knuckles and her amusement broadened. "I look forward to watching this event."

Knuckles said nothing, but stared blankly in Rouge's direction.

Puzzled, Sonic glanced from Rouge to Knuckles, to Rouge and back to Knuckles again.

"Psst, Knuckles. Hey Knuckles!"


"I think Rouge just threw a pass at you!"

Knuckles double blinked in awe and faced his blue comrade. "Huh, really?"

"Yes really! You didn't notice?! You were looking right at her, weren't you??"

Feeling accused, Knuckles raised a fist at Sonic. "Of course I was looking! What point are you trying to make? I didn't see anything special!"

Sonic gave his friend a surprised look that soon settled into a smug hooded glare. "You weren't looking at her face, were you?"

"H-hey! Stop accusing me! You're making me look bad, Sonic!"

"Sorry man. But you're doing most of that yourself!"

"Why you--! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You're joking right?!"

"Ugh." Amy groaned, crossing her arms. "Do they EVER stop?! What's so great about Rouge anyway?"

"What's that?" Rouge challenged, stepping closer to the petite female.

"I said what's so great about you?! I'm way cuter than an old bag like you. Yet, you've got all these guys wrapped around your little finger!"

Rouge flinched. "Old bag?!!"

"That's right! I mean, you may be a D cup," Amy emphasized with a rounded gesture via her hands, "but at least I don't sag. You cow!"

"Cow?!!!" Rouge fumed. She was ready to hit the girl when a gleeful sound from Tails snagged her attention.

"Moo! Moo!" the small fox's voice resonated happily as he wheeled in a cart with several cardboard boxes. "The milkman is here, Miss Rouge!"

Rouge stiffened, feeling her cheeks grow hot from Tails' statement. Even though she figured he had just heard the end of the conversation and decided to throw his random two cents in. She started to relax, but the outrageous laughter from Sonic and Knuckles quickly reversed that. At a loss for support, she turned to Shadow. But anger flashed through her when she realized he was chuckling to himself as well.


"Heh heh. Sorry Rouge. It was funny." he snickered, lowering his head, " 'Moo moo'... hahaha"

But Rouge certainly didn't see it that way. She groaned in disgust and forced herself to go on with the event. "Fox-boy, I want you to place the boxes on the floor."

"Okay." he obliged, picking up the wide boxes and putting them a few inches apart.

"So, what's in the boxes?" Sonic asked, holding back an obvious snicker.

To this, Rouge grinned. "Show them, would you?"

With a nod, Tails enthusiastically pulled back the open flaps of one of the boxes and pulled out a rather large apple pie.

"Pie?" Sonic questioned, quirking a bewildered eyebrow.

"Where does he get all this stuff from?" Amy muttered under her breath.

"What do the pies have to do with anything?" Knuckles spoke up with a shrug. "We gonna throw them at each other?"

"Not quite." Rouge smirked.

"Uh oh, she's got that evil look in her eyes!" Sonic joked, giving Rouge a wink.

Amy frowned a bit watching her beloved Sonic openly flirt with Rouge. She glanced to Shadow.

He shot the blue hedgehog a piercing look then shifted his eyes elsewhere in the workshop.

The dejected girl sighed to herself. Just what did Rouge have that she didn't?

Aimlessly, her viridian gaze fleeted over in Tail's direction.

Her eyes started to widen while she witnessed him slide two fingers into the pastry and move them in a slow circular motion before pulling them out.

Greatly appeased, he brought the thick substance to his lips and licked them lightly before easing them into his mouth.

Surprised, Amy gasped and pointed a finger at him.

"Y-you--! You---!" she stammered almost breathlessly.

Oh so innocently, Tails trailed his eyes over to the frantic female. Then an impish smirk marked his face and he shoved his fingers into the pie. But this time, he made sure she saw everything slowly enough as he savored the addictive taste.

"PERVERT! You're not innocent!!" Amy suddenly blurted out.

Needless to say, everyone's attention darted to her, then moved to Tails.

Cutely, Tails only shrugged. "I'm sorry. I just really really like pie." he meekly confessed to everyone, and tossed an odd glance to Amy that she read perfectly.

"I...I think I'm gonna be sick." she announced and moved away from the group.

"Alright!" Sonic cheered just a bit too loudly.

Tails appeared a bit saddened to see her leave, but his expression brightened when Rouge began walking towards him. "Oh, sorry about the pie, Miss Rouge. I guess this one will just be mine then."

If Rouge hadn't been so pressed for time, she would have made him get another one. She was too pressed for time.

"The rest of you, come over here and choose a box."

"On the floor?!" Knuckles countered. Then he chuckled. "Now, what are you upto?"

Rouge smirked evilly and reached behind Tails to pull an unfolded bandanna off the cart. "On your knees." she remarked, a little too eagerly.

Not knowing what to do, Sonic and Knuckles exchanged awed glanced while Shadow warily stared at Rouge.

"What's the matter, boys? Afraid of a little pie? On your knees, I said!" she demanded, enjoying the brief power trip and snapped the bandanna as if it were a whip.

Still startled, the males continued to stare at her. But Sonic was the first to zip to a kneel in front of one of the boxes. "Yes ma'am!" he saluted.

Knuckles glanced at his friend with a cautious expression. "O...kaaay.... " Then he looked to Rouge. "There had better not be any razors in there..."

"Shut up and kneel." Shadow commanded, still standing tall.

"Why don't you?" Knuckles snapped, kneeling at a box.

"Because I refuse." he replied, crossing his arms.

Enticed, Rouge licked her lips. "Retaliation. I wouldn't have expected any less from you, Shadow."


"But, do you always prefer to stand? I'm sure it would be pretty difficult for you to always perform like that."


She bit her lip coyly. "Do you always stay on your feet when you eat, Shadow?"

She smirked. "I wouldn't know. The opportunity never laid itself before me, Rouge." he insinuated. His amusement grew when he saw her face turn red.

But she wasn't turning red from embarrassment!

Sonic shook his head. "Even I don't use awful lines like that to a girl!"

"Says the guy who's too fast to keep a girl."

"Hey, I may be fast, but I don't bounce from girl to girl!"

"I think Shadow just wants Miss Rouge on her back" Tails gathered.

A few glances fluttered his way, but he was ultimately ignored.

Rouge sighed, regaining her stature. "Shadow, if you please?"

Slightly humiliated from his horrible pick up line, Shadow slowly did as Rouge had wanted while feeling like quite the fool. 'It's almost over' he assured himself.

"Right." Rouge nodded and motioned to Tails. "You choose a box too, Fox-boy. Amy!" she called towards the doorway.

Hesitantly, the door opened and Amy peeked in. "What?""

"Come here. You can help me in this event."

"I don't want to..." she started to say, but a sudden idea struck her and she smiled. "Sure, Rouge..."

Once she approached the group, Rouge tossed her a bundle of bandannas. "Tie these around their wrists and eyes." she instructed.

"Wh-what?!" Knuckles exclaimed while his wrists were being bound. "What's going on here??"

Rouge groaned. "I'd gag you too, but that would be counterproductive. All of you will be eating pies out of the boxes."

"Then what's the blindfold and stuff for?!" Knuckles challenged.

Rouge's eyes flickered with malice as she smiled. "For kink."

Her eyes trailed over to Sonic, who gave her a soft smile before Amy tied his wrists together—harshly.

Before he could protest, she yanked back one of the quills on his head and snaked the cloth around his eyes.

"I'm going to get you back for this, Sonic." she warned in a threatening whisper.

The doomed hedgehog only shuddered from the horrifying thoughts of what Amy would do to him as she calmly aided Shadow, then disgustedly tended to Tails.

"Good." Rouge declared and looked at her watch. Less than 4 hours left. She had to hurry this along. "Alright boys, also for this event, you will have to go through the pies as fast as you can without getting sick."

Sonic and Knuckles snickered at the metaphor.

But Rouge continued on. "You may bite at the top crust, but after that, you can only use your tongue and your whole mouth to slurp as much of the pie as you can. When you're done with one, pick up the trays with your teeth and toss them to the side. Amy or I will pick them up and I'll take score based on how many you've gone through. Got it?"

"I'm ready! Let's do this!" Knuckles enthused.

Amy shook her head. "Oh be quiet! You'll probably just lose again!"

"What'd you say?!"

"Knuckles, Amy, knock it off!" Tail's piped up, pouting. "I'd really like to start this event."

A wave of nausea swept through Amy and she curled her lips in repulsion. ".... .... ew..."

"Ready? On your mark, get set...GO! You have 5 minutes!" Rouge announced, grinning eagerly to herself at the way they tore into the pastries.

Sonic and Knuckles ate away quickly at the flaky golden crusts while Shadow and Tails dove right in with their mouths ready for consumption.

Amy grasped at the hem of her dress and fought back a blush from all the loud and constant sounds of slurping and gulping.

Decorously, Amy looked over to Rouge who appeared blissfully wishful about something.

"Cream??!!" Tails sputtered in amazement at his next pie not having a top crust. A thought came to mind, of a certain someone whose name he instantly thought of, and he happily lapped at the treat.

Rouge's smile faded. "So Fox-boy got the cream pie...."

"What? He did? Give me a cream pie too!" Knuckles shouted.

Sonic burst out laughing, spitting out bits of pie while Shadow did his best to ignore the horrible backwards comment and continue his task. He couldn't stop the frequent chuckles that bubbled into his throat, however.

Rouge would have laughed, but she crossed her arms instead. Memories from the last event and the talk of having "one-eyed snakes" resurfaced in her mind. "I'm not giving you anything, Knuckles! Although I thought you would be the one to get that pie to tell you the truth..." she trailed off, remembering the Food Fetish event and the way he devoured the grape and peach.

"That's alright I don't care what kind of pie it is, I'll eat them all!!" Knuckles boldly affirmed in-between powerful licks.

Sonic laughed again and threw his empty pie pan in Knuckles' direction. " Cut it out, man! Haha You're going to give me a stomach ache."

"What, I'm serious!"

"Haha If I blow chunks, I'm aiming for you first!" Sonic claimed.

"Any pie, huh? Even Amy's?" Rouge mused, glancing at the pink hedgehog who, actually, had a small cherry pie in her hands. But the guys didn't know that.

"Amy??" Tails squeaked, easily interested.

Grossed out, Amy shoved the pie in Rouge's hands. "You eat it."

"I don't want your pie. No thank you!" the bat replied, giving the half-eaten pie a once over. " Ugh, what did you do to it? Plow through it with a razor?! It's all sloppy and runny!"

"It was like that when I first touched it!" Amy shot back.

Rouge sighed. "First time for everything, I suppose. Even to mess over your own pie. I'll bet not even that echidna would eat this one."

"What are you guys doing?" Knuckles wondered; his mind teeming with vivid imagery by their words.

Sonic chuckled as he threw his next pie pan to the side. "Please girls. I really want all this food to stay down!"

"Oh, do you Sonic?" Amy quipped, preparing to deliver an unnecessary comment to him when her eyes trailed over to Shadow. And there her mouth hung in a gape.

Shadow was still on his first pie.

"I don't believe it!!!" Amy shouted, covering her mouth.

"You don't believe what—oh..." Rouge bit her lip, then changed the subject a bit. "Amy go collect their pans, would you?"

"Sure." she agreed then did so.

"Time is almost up, boys." Rouge called, watching Amy stack up the aluminum pans.

When time finally was up, and the guys were freed from their bindings, Sonic and Knuckles lounged casually on the floor awaiting their scores. An uneven constant of chuckles floated between them.

Tails kept his eyes on Amy and Shadow adverted his gaze in disappointment.

And so did Rouge. For now.

She forced herself to be solely occupied with tallying the scores.

After counting the piles, she whipped out her notepad and jotted down the scores.

"Hey, look at that! Only one pan is up there by itself!" Knuckles pointed out and immediately looked Tails and Shadow's way.

The youthful fox appeared rather confident. Shadow on the other hand...

"It was YOU?!" Knuckles burst out laughing. "HAHA! Oh this is priceless! Not so ultimate after all, are you, Shadow?"

Shadow said nothing but ignored the boastful echidna.

"Stop that, Knuckles! You barely got 3 plates up there!" Amy scolded.

Knuckles chuckled. "Fine. As long as I'm not like Shadow over there. What a loser! Hey Rouge, when Shadow can't do anything for you, give me a call! Obviously, I have more of an idea of what I'm doing than he does!"

"And that's saying a lot..." Tails murmured.


"Shh, Knuckles, you're taking things too far!" Sonic cautioned.

"The scores are as follows--!" Rouge interrupted. "Knuckles, you have a ONE" she emphasized, not looking up from her notes, "Sonic, you have a 5. Very good. Tails, you have a 4. And Shadow..." she faltered, then cleared her throat. " you also have a 1."

"Hey hold on!" Knuckles interjected. "How does he get a 1?! I beat him by 2 plates!"

"More like 1 and a half" Amy corrected flatly.

"Shut up! I still beat him! Again!"

"And again, keep it to yourself, Knucklehead." Sonic reminded.

"I'll have something for you later, Sonic, if you keep that up!" Knuckles warned.

Amy rolled her eyes. "Well, Rouge, what're the final scores for them? So we can--"

"Hurry up and get out of here."

"Hurry up and get this event over with"

"So Sonic can go on a date with you..." Sonic, Knuckles and Tails commented in unison. "WE KNOW"

Amy pouted. "W-well, who asked you all anyway!"

"So, who is the winner?" Shadow's low voice coolly asked.

All eyes were on him.

"Well, let me see" Rouge started, tallying up all the scores accumulated so far.

"Well now! Isn't this a surprise!"

"What? What is it?" Tails curiously wondered.

"We have, a tie!"

"A tie?" Sonic and Knuckles repeated. "A tie between who? Not me and that...loser!" Knuckles groused, brushing Shadow off.


"...A tie between all of you." Rouge continued.

Sonic's ears twitched and he sat up straight. "Care to explain yourself?" he offered, giving her a delicate smile.

She returned it courteously with a small one of her own, then glanced to Shadow.

Silently, he nodded to her.

A faint smile touched her lips and she resumed. "Sonic...Knuckles, you two have a 37 while Shadow and Fox-boy have 38s."

"What?!! How is that possible?!" Knuckles demanded.

Rouge only shrugged. "It doesn't matter now. We have our winners and there's no time for a tie-breaker!" she exclaimed and began to walk briskly past them all.

"Hey, where are you goin'?" Knuckles pressed, only to be met with the brimming delight on Rouge's smiling face. "To get my milkshake!"

Sonic immediately sat up, eager to follow after the ecstatic bat, but stopped dead in his tracks when Amy crossed his path. A large daring grin was on her face. "Oh Sonic, guess what..."

"What Amy?" Then his eyes widened in realization and the true sting of him losing the entire event came crashing down on him.

"Oh no! No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted, dropping to his knees while Amy launched herself at him.

Knuckles peered down at them. "I'd tell you to get a room, but, I think it'd be better if I just left...! Enjoy, Blue!"

"Get back here, you---!" Sonic trailed off, becoming smothered by Amy's face-dappling kisses.


The 6 of them miraculously managed to arrive to the parlor just in time.

Tails, Knuckles and Amy, toting a begrudging and mortified Sonic in her clutches, slid into a booth while Shadow and Rouge went upto the counter to get her milkshake.

It was everything she had envisioned and more.

Its container was at least seven inches tall, stuffed with an abundance of ice cream flavors she loved, whipped cream and dashes of strawberries littered throughout.

"It's gorgeous." she gushed breathlessly, reaching out discreetly to touch her fingertips to it as if any warmth would send it shattering to pieces.

"Thank you, Shadow!" Rouge beamed, happily carrying the over-extravagant dessert over to their booth.

"Wow, are you really going to eat all that, Rouge?" Amy quired with disbelief written across her features.

"Hmm maybe not! But I don't care! I finally got my milkshake! And it was all thanks to you guys!"

"That's right." Shadow smirked. He watched the happy bat as she reached for two large straws and struck them deeply into the rich flavored cream.

A rush of anticipation ran through her for the moment when she finally got what she deserved.

Closing her eyes, she curved her lips into a small 'o' and leaned forward to claim the thick straw.

The sound of something scraping across the tabletop caught her ears, but she ignored it, and nearly fell face first onto the table.

Hearing a round of chuckles and laughter about her, Rouge's eyes snapped open and darted instantly to Shadow.

The dark hedgehog sat across from her with a sly smirk on his face and his hand around the base of the dessert.

"Not so fast, Rouge." he mused, making sure the milkshake was set between him and Tails. "Tails and I were the winners, so that means we get to have this milkshake! Right, Tails?"

The fox nodded eagerly, already grasping one of the straws in his hand. "Affirmative!"

"Wh---whu-- Hey! I'm the one who issued the challenges for you all to follow! That milkshake is mine!" Rouge claimed lowly, on the edge of a growl.

Knuckles laughed and so did Sonic once Amy finally let him breathe.

"Well, that's what you get!" Amy joked, waving a finger at the disgruntled bat.

Rouge humphed. "I suppose there are worse things. Like going on a date with Amy." she concluded, glaring darkly at Sonic and Knuckles.

Sonic cringed at first, but Knuckles slouched back in his seat. "So far, it's really not that bad. Amy hasn't laid a finger on me at all."

"Sorry Knux, I ran out of medals for arrogant echidna bastards..." Sonic griped sarcastically.

Then the three of them exchanged well-deserved and well-received laughter.

"Let's get something to drink." Amy suggested cheerfully and got up from the booth with Knuckles and Sonic following suit.

"My treat." Knuckles offered, much to Sonic's relief. "Good. I owe you one."

Pssh, you have money, Blue!"

Sonic playfully shrugged. "No I don't. Remember that bet in the event before the last one?? You took my last 10!"

"Aheh...yeah... how about that..."

Sonic laughed it off. "Whatever. Hey Tails!" he called over his shoulder.

"Yeah Sonic?" the young fox questioned, already sliding out of the booth and meeting up with his hero.

Alone at the table, Shadow and Rouge watched the others and smiled to themselves.

"Finally." she sighed.

"I agree." Shadow spoke softly, brushing his hand against hers.

"Did you really want that milkshake, Shadow?" she asked, scrunching her face in dubious wonder.


Her glittering turquoise jewels became enhanced by a soft blush that crept across her cheeks. "Shadow..." was all she could say. Bashful, her eyes trailed over to the younger group and to her surprise, Sonic was watching her.

But instead of flirting, all he did was give her a thumbs up and a winning smile.

Without realizing, Rouge returned his gesture with a bright contented smile of her own.

"Look at me..."

Shadow's smooth voice brought Rouge out of her diversion and her eyes instinctively softened from his face being so close to hers.

She felt his fingers glide across her face and slink under her chin as he leaned in and brought her lips quietly to his.

"Aww look!" Amy whispered, nudging Sonic and pointing at the couple. Knuckles snuck a glance but didn't bother to keep a lingering look. Silently, he gave up pursuing Rouge and smiled. "It's about time."

Tails looked over at the two, seeming a little disappointed. But his gaze shifted over to Amy and gave her a bewitching smirk that she thankfully did not see.

"Let's get out of here." Shadow murmured, his forehead against hers.

"What about the milkshake?"

"Leave it."

"You had better make it worth my while then." Rouge grinned, rising to her feet and Shadow did the same.

"Naturally..." he replied and walked ahead of her. The two of them left the parlor with hardly a sound.

And by this time, Knuckles and Sonic had gotten their drinks and returned to the table. Amy had decided she'd take the milkshake and share it with Sonic, but wanted an extra order of strawberries to go on top of it.

Tails was also still at the counter.

"What are you waiting for?" Amy risked asking a simple question to the fox.

"To order." Tails responded, glancing at her. Then for some reason, a mischievous smile slithered across his lips and refused to ebb.

"Hmmm" Amy still didn't fully trust his statements, but went along with them anyway. After she got what she wanted, she turned on her heels and grabbed a few napkins that were on the other side of Tails.

The young woman at the counter greeted Tails sweetly. "Well hello there little man! And what would you like today?"

The smile only broadened while he slipped a glance to Amy, then looked back at the cashier. "I'd like a cherry pop and on the double, please!"

Amy nearly dropped the container of fruit as she stared at the boy with wide eyes.

The woman behind the counter tried to smile. "I'm sorry. We don't give those out here. But if you mean cherry SODA, sure."

"PERVERT!!" Amy squealed, throwing a few napkins at him. "Sonic, come and get your 'INNOCENT' little buddy!"

"Ahhhaaa!!" Knuckles teased and pointed at Sonic as he pushed himself up from the table.

"The party never ends, does it?"




-Food Fetish-

Rouge lowered her eyelids. "Ah…I get it. Oh well. You know the deal. Here I go…" she stated, as she lifted the banana's tip to her lips. Licking at part of the chocolate, she tried to figure out how she was going to do this one. The chocolate could coat her throat and make her gag if she did it wrong. Carefully, she parted her lips and eased the banana in. She tried to lock her tongue around it to keep it in place as she nipped off a few bites, but seemed to have a little trouble.

Sonic and Shadow said nothing as they watched her attempts at biting and swallowing the banana inch by inch, as if it resembled something else, and raised a few eyebrows.

Curious, Tails tilted his head to the side as he watched her. "What's slowing Miss Rouge down? She can swallow much faster than that… Why doesn't she shove the whole thing in her mouth?"

Rouge coughed a little, trying to block out his inquiry.

Knuckles, his eyes still closed, gave a puzzled expression at Tails' comment. "What the…I want to see it!"

Sonic looked to Tails and smiled nervously. " As much as I'd like to see that, I don't want Rouge to choke. "

'Your words alone are going to make me do that!' she thought feverishly, trying to block them out.

"Oh ok." Tails nodded, attempting to understand. "Do your best swallowing, Miss Rouge!"

'What?!' she thought, then suddenly doubled over, dropping the banana to the floor of the stage.

Hacking, she held her stomach; caught between catching her breath and holding back a laugh.

"Rouge, are you ok?" Sonic asked, rising out of his seat but Shadow appeared to her side instantly.

"I'm...I'm fine!" she chuckled. "We'd better do that again...!"

"Bwahahaha!" Knuckles laughed, then crossed his arms. "Mind doing that again? I missed most of it!"

"How would you like it if I shoved something thick and coated down your throat?!!" Rouge countered.

"I think, that would be another type of fetish that doesn't quite fit in this event." Sonic figured, scratching his spiky head.

"Then I'll do it!" Amy spoke up, already searching for a long type of food.

Sonic and Knuckles both darted their attention towards the small female in terror.


"Spare us. Please." Shadow added.

Tails said nothing, but smiled softly. He would just have to continue being patient. Amy would see things his way someday. Someday.... he wished.
