Payer for Yaoi/Yami Fan-Girls


READ THIS PLEASE!-This is something, incredibly random, that I though up during an email. It's my own version of the "Nicene Creed"

If you are religious, this was NOT CREATED TO INSULT anyone of the catholic faith. Just something I thought some of you might enjoy so I decided to share it.

I respect all religions, and mean no ill faith to any catholic followers or their god.


BLURB; I prayer for those crazy fan-girls who just need something to perk them up and remind them of why we're here


We believe in one obsession, the YAOI almighty

Maker of Citrus and Leather,

All make out sessions seen and unseen.


We believe in one bishie- Yami Atem

The only lover of Yugi,

Eternally smitten of the Hikari.

Dark to Light, Light to Dark,

Leather lord to Leather lord,

Smitten, not forgotten,

Of one love being with them.


Through the Yamis all drool is created.


For us and for our entertainment,

He came from Japanese studios,

By the power of the holy electric box.

He became incarnate with Yugi,

And was made a man.


For our amusement he suffered,

He suffered tight pants and battle speeches.


On the third day he rose again,

In accordance with the Fan-Fictions;

He ascended into paradise,

And was seated at the right hand of the Hikaris.


He will come to judge the gay and straight,

And his fan-girls will know no limit.


We believe in the holy box, YAOI and the leather giver

Who proceeds from the east to the west.


With the Yamis and Hikaris he is worshiped and glorified.

He has spoken through the Fan-Girls.


We believe in only one perverted YAOI and YURI fan site.

We acknowledge one's citrus and forgiveness of flames.

We look for the resurrection of the Yamis

And the better dubbing to come.



(Please feel free to insert any of the Yamis/Hikaris into this, I think they all work, I hope you enjoyed)

I had to put the "8" in because it wouldn't space how I wanted it.