Author's Note: My God. First of all, I wanted to say that this story was based off of a story I read a long, long time ago. I loved it to death, but when I found out that the author had deleted it, I never thought that would never, ever be the same. Its my favorite story, but I HATED the ending completely. It was a brilliant paring between Kagome and Miroku; the only one that I actually enjoyed immensely. So, I took the idea of the story and made my own story from it – Taking a scene from the original. I changed the story a long, so its not as if I just copied the entire thing. XD It's much, much different, but with the same basic plot. Anyway, please…. Review! 33


Chapter One:


Sitting carelessly in the middle of the classroom, I crossed my legs tiredly and sighed with a nonchalant breath at the monotonous repetitive lecture that seemed to keep replicating consistently in my mind. I kept insisting I returned home to focus on my studies, but each and every time I just ended up falling asleep, and daydreaming during each class. I felt almost bad about it sometimes. Well, almost anyway. But, I mean, its not like I didn't choose this, you know? It's not like I woke up one day, and decided "Hey! How about I get reincarnated from a beautiful priestess without any soul, wandering the Earth, drenched in vengeance from being killed? Oh, and just for a kicker, lets toss in an arrogant, conceited, hard-headed, nagging, egotistical, half-assed dog demon as the person that she thinks killed her! Boy, wouldn't that make life more exciting!".

Unfortunately being next to that dim-witted half demon was my destiny, and regardless of if I wanted to listen to him rant off about my resemblance of his dead ex, I was stuck with him. Why? Because along with this body, and special powers I inherited from her soul, I also inherited the stubborn gene of falling in love with idiots.

Sheer, lazy, jerky, idiots.

What I wouldn't give to go back those kindergarten days. A normal day that didn't consist of fighting eighty-feet tall demons, plucking half-a-toothpicked sized shard of a jewel of both wonder in ruin out of a rotting corpse, sleep on the ground, worrying about my soul being stolen, or even worse – the occasional capture from a perverted enemy. A day that consisted of finger-painting, cookies in mid-class, and getting good grades for falling asleep at school; yes. That was most definitely the life for me. Such troubles as having to fall in the sandbox, or when tantrums consisted of lack of attention, or not exactly getting what you wanted. If there were a reset button on life…

I would have pressed it about fifty years ago.

Shifting to a more comfortable position in my seat, I turned my head and folded my arms across my desk, then rested my head on it, peering outside of the window. Smirking to myself, I remembered several times to how that same half-assed demon would come and visit my time, and sit simply before the window – almost blowing my cover completely. I couldn't help but let out a nearly silent chuckle.

I used to get so mad…

"Miss Higurashi!"

I swear! He has better hearing than InuYasha-kun!

My head jolted up, and I threw my legs out of their crossed position onto the ground, blushing and looking sheepishly up at Mr. Ookatchi. "H-Hai, Ookatchi Sensai?" I could feel my cheeks burning, and the occasional snicker from several other friends, and even some enemies, peering over and laughing. It made me want to turn around and glare at them, dead center in the middle of class. Because everyone knows that this has happened to clearly everyone, and having someone laugh at you during it only makes it about fifty billion times worse.

"Is there something you need to share with the rest of the class?" The older teacher said spitefully, his brown eyes seemingly foggy from the angle of his glasses, from which he pushed up his nose with a simple index finger. He held open an English book, and of course a raised black brow. He looked about mid-sixty aged, dark hair that was slightly turning gray at certain points; dressed in a classic school-uniform suit.

"Iie, Ookatchi Sensai." I whimpered out, shaking my head a bit with a deeper shade of red along my cheeks; a nervous smile forced onto my lips. Slowly lowering my head, and sliding back into my desk, I avoided eye contact to the others, who were beginning to laugh aloud. First the few around me, then the others who began to laugh aloud at my humiliation. Moment after moment, laughter after laughter, I began to feel myself shivering in sheer anger, or even envy to those who were laughing… other than being laughed at. "S-Sumimasen..." I whispered sheepishly, slipping down into my desk, my hands rested in my lap and clamping at the green short skirt almost to the point to where my knuckles were going numb.

"So desu ka…" The teacher said, turning his back to me for a moment, then heard the laughter, "That's enough. Back to work, we have a test tomorrow." He snapped at the other students, partially causing a smirk along my lips in revenge. He turned fully around, beginning to write on the board in cursive with chalk; the other students passing notes and throwing paper balls as usual while the teacher lectured. He had horrible eyesight, and therefore any student could get away with almost anything – as long as they were incredibly silent. For even though he practically lost his ability to see, his hearing sense is ten times better than a normal man's.

Expressing my gaze otherwise from the window that had caused my earlier disruption, I let out a silent sigh and looked around the room, catching the glance of Hojo; who had already been staring at me. He blushed and turned away, clearly embarrassed that I had sensed his eyes upon me. As if I didn't know he kept staring… I mean, several of my friends kept telling me that we were a perfect match. That he was 'gorgeous' and 'sweet', which he most definitely was. But I never really could picture myself with him like everyone else could. He was surely any girl's dream; his dark brown hair and almond-shaped eyes… he truly was a sight for sore-eyes. Yet again, this foolish curse of mine… Thanks to that talking pot, I can't fall in love with the smart, cute, funny, and sweet guys. I get stuck with idiots.

Half demon, egotistical idiots.

That have a thing for dead girls…

. F l a s h b a c k .

"I can't believe you did this to me again!" I screamed, running away from the half demon with closed eyes; freshly made tears rushing down my pale, flushed cheeks painted with anger. With the yellow heap of a book bag mounted over my shoulders, my hands were gripped into tight fists; my nails nearly cutting into my palm as they rested forcefully at my sides. Hard footsteps, clearly rushed as I tore myself away from making eye contact with the hanyou yet again.

"K-Kagome! It's not like that!" InuYasha yelled after me, regret dripping from his words, causing his tone to turn almost human… as if he even cared what was going on in my mind. He was in a rush behind me, and I could even hear pain and sadness rushing through him; I could sense it with every fiber of my being. Yeah, he'd better feel sorry.

Every time we have even close to a kawaii moment,

He shatters it by meeting with Kikyou secretly again!

Does he even care about how I feel about him!

Does he know how much he is hurting me!

Am I just a replacement for when she isn't around!

When will he understand?

When will he see that—

"I'm not like Kikyou!" I screamed aloud, whirling around to face him with this time not an angered, but a hurt, and almost torn expression of sheer loss and disappointment. My trembling hand rose to my chest, and I looked down; feeling truly mortified for the first time in my life. Tears burned coldly down the path on my face, halting at my jaw for a moment only to slide down my neck, and even some down my chest and over my heart, letting me feel how icy cold the reaction truly was.

His clawed hand reached out for my shoulder, almost terrified as he rested the other, looking down at me curiously. My hair had been covering my eyes, and therefore my expression, and I could sense him trying to discover how badly it had affected me. Lowering his head so he could see over my bangs, he examined my face and pulled back up, looking down at me. I lifted my head in unison, looking up at him with sadness, and rage. He opened his mouth to say something, but saw that he had no reply, and closed his mouth; arching his brows sadly at me for a moment; showing disappointment in himself.

"I'm not…" I assured, then jolted back from his hands, turning my back to him. Quivering lightly, I began to position myself towards the Bone Eater's Well and eventually met at its edge. He didn't move, nor follow me this time.

He didn't even try to stop me.

I climbed up on the ledge, standing onto it and soon peered over my shoulder, looking at him sadly and turning to where I was partially facing him, but most of my back was to him. I smiled sadly, shaking my head and in a sob, I whispered. "I… I won't wait fifty years for you." I stammered out, then turned around, gulping and letting out a sob, though held my head high and refused to look back, jumping in the Well, and eventually was on my way…

. F l a s h b a c k O v e r .

I wonder… how he and Kikyou are right now…

There was a sudden, almost shy knock at the door. Mr. Ookatchi noticed it right away, and rested his chalk on the tray, turning around as everyone else straightened up; stopping passing notes and playing cruel jokes and acting as if they were actually interested in what the English teacher was rambling about. He rested his book on his oak wooden desk on the way towards the door, and opened it partially. Everyone was silent, trying to hear any bits of the conversation.

It was a foreign voice, not one I had been used to hearing that was talking to Mr. Ookatchi. Then again, its not like I spend a lot of time at school anymore, right? They could have hired a completely new staff thanks to my excuses of the flu, and chicken pox often given from Grandpa. I tried listening in, and suddenly the door opened wider, and the gasps of girls were heard practically down the hall.

But none louder than my own.

In walked a perfectly dressed, drop dead gorgeous guy that I had never, ever seen before. He was dressed in a casual white t-shirt and blue jeans; stepping through the doorway and stopping for a moment to collect the glances and first impressions of many. Often they were wide-eyed glances from girls, while the guys turned away in envy. He was simply… beautiful! His skin was perfectly tanned, and he was tall, tone but far from being the average buff football player. His eyes were the perfect shade of navy; a rare color seen in Japan but was able to melt the hearts of any passerby; a simple glance causing a heart to stop, or brows to rise. His hair was a little shorter than his shoulders, but pulled back in a tight small pony-tail at the back of his neck. One hand was in his pocket suavely, and the other held his first few books.

The whispers…

"He must be American… look at those eyes!"

"Oh, probably a smart guy, too…"

"Aghh… he's so hot!"

"I've GOT to get his number…"

H-He can't be… There's no way! I must be loosing my mind!

I turned my head from him, looking forcefully at the window and clamping my eyes shut completely, hiding my face from him and slamming my head down onto the desk; frantic enough to seem as if it were another hallucination.

Come on, Kagome… Wake up. Wake up! Come on, this is insane… He can't be. You're dreaming! Y-You're back in Sengoku Judai, and you just had a little bit too much of Kaede's soup… that's all…


Come on! Wake up! Wake up!

"I'd like to you to welcome this new student to our class." Mr. Ookatchi said kindly, patting the look-alike on the shoulder quite fondly. "He just recently moved here to Tokyo from Kyoto. He's a scholar, and one of his top players on the soccer team." The teacher announced, and then pushed the boy ahead of the class, stepping back. "Go on, introduce yourself!"

Curiosity killed the Kagome.

I lifted my head up at the desk and peered up at him shyly, blushing a bit and hoping he didn't notice the large red mark on my forehead from slamming it repeatedly on my desk. But to my horror, his beautiful navy pools of warmth were pinned onto mine, and he smiled – those perfect white teeth in a straight row, not keeping his eyes off of me. I felt my face flush, and I felt my body temperature rise for a moment in anticipation.

"Hello." The stranger announced to the class, then coyly pulled his glance from my own for a second, and slid it along the crowded room; meeting eyes with each and every person. "My name is Rakuen Akiyo." He announced, then bowed, smirking almost playfully. "I'm honored to be in Tokyo, and looking forward to getting to know all of my classmates."

I bet you are, you perv.

I can't believe it. His voice, the way he moves, his eyes, his face…

He couldn't have been…

But I couldn't help but wonder.

Was he?

Could he be…?

And at the sound of the last bell, all by the time he had even stood fully from the bow, all the boys in the class rushed out in anger. Soon, after a few star-gazed looks from girls, several others gathered their books and slowly left the classroom. Giggling a bit once passing him, and I could even see his eyes as they painted down their curved bodies; looking at their behinds and even trying to sneak a peek at under their skirts.

He most defiantly was…

Blinking in surprise as he looked at me, I realized I was the only person left in the classroom and shook my head, tearing my glance from him and foolishly gathering my books. It was almost as if someone had pressed the 'fast-forward' button during this. I was trying my best to go as fast as possible, just not as efficiently. I walked down the isle of desks and met a cold glance from the teacher, then blushed and turned from his desk, and eventually lost all eye contact and ran straight for the door.

Before I knew it, I was in a hoard of fan girls. Tens, hundreds, thousands of them waiting outside of the classroom door. Every freshman, from junior, to even several seniors were waiting to see the face of a God; an angel… and the descendant of a lecherous monk. Sighing angrily, I turned from all of them and continued down the hall, hearing the door open and suddenly a rush of several gasps and squeals, then a burst of conversation. They had no idea what he was, what his mind was corrupted with, or even why the hell he was here. I'll tell you why. He's here to make life harder for me.

Yet another stupid curse.

Growling, I went out the west exit of the school, and eventually out of the hall. Clenching my teeth hard together, I stopped in my tracks and literally just shook; hearing the door open behind me. It was probably Hojo; he always tracked me down after school, always asking for another date, always being kind and sweet and… just…

Not. An. Idiot.

Then it came out. All of it. A what-seemed-to-be five hour long scream with the volume of the core of Earth exploding like a water balloon. Everything stopped afterwards, frightened birds flying frantically away and eventually I caught my breath, and realized that I was still being followed, or at the least watched. It was as if time had stopped, and every frantic moment in the passed day had been replayed into my mind like a sick and twisted movie born for my annoyance.

I felt another hand on my shoulder, and shuddered, immediately thinking of InuYasha. Wanting to whirl around, I just froze completely, and let out a sigh. Just let him ask, Kagome. He already knows you're dying with a life-threatening disease so Jenkai-sempai told him, why not spend your 'last-day-on-Earth' at the movies with a non-idiot guy?



There was a calm chuckle. "Would you at least look at me first?"

And so, I turned around, and to my surprise was face to face with the very person I had been avoiding. It was the new guy that every girl fell head-over-heels for, and the same guy that made every decent boy in the class jealous by even hearing his name. Rakuen Akiyo. Shuddering, I shook my head and immediately found my glance at my shoes, embarrassed passed my mind's own ability. Within a second, I replayed his request in my mind and sheepishly peered up into his eyes. What was this! Torture! "H-Hai?"

"I think we need some time to talk alone." He said softly, smirking and taking one hand, scratching at his cheek with his index finger in an awkward motion. His blue eyes sparkled with a sense of urgency, as if he had been awaiting this moment for a while, or possibly had everything planned out.

"No way, Miroku! You've tried this way too many—" I paused, and my eyes widened, blushing like crazy. He had no idea what I was talking about! And I already called him Miroku; God… there was no way I could get out of this one. Wait – he just moved here. Maybe just tell him that I thought he was someone else? Yes! He would never know! "I-I mean… sorry… I thought you were-"

"Ah, 'Miroku'…It's been a while someone has called me by that name…" He interrupted accidentally.

"- Someone else. W-Wait…" I finished, and then narrowed my eyes, looking at him carefully, as if I were inspecting him for all he ever was. "W-What did you just say?" I asked him, my tone almost in a whisper.

"I'm Rakuen… the reincarnation of Miroku… and I'm here to prepare you."

Author's Note: Hah! So, did you like it, huhhhh? Hehe. Just joking around. But please, PLEASE just review for me. This story has fifteen chapters, so I'll be around for a while. Next chapter : First Date.