Here we go again!
That's all I've got ta say cuz the last chappie was just added like, an hour ago!
Savor this ppl cuz it'll be the shortest note you'll prolly ever get from me!!
Disclaimer- Oh yeah, I forgot to put this is the last chappie, so I gues I'll have to do it twice here!! I I don't don't own own CSI CSI!! Lol. That was fun!
Oh yeah, one more thing. Guess what! It's the moment y'all have been waiting for!! Greg finally meets Nick and Warrick!! Hehe…this note isn't so short anymore huh?
Chapter Six- Two Kidnappings: One Good, One Not
As soon as they hit the doors to the Las Vegas Crime Lab, Greg was wide-eyed and alert, taking in all of the different sites and sounds.
About a dozen people were walking in and out of rooms, some seemingly coming (looking fresh and rested) some going (looking slightly disheveled) and even a few that seemed to be staying longer than they should be (Completely disheveled and looking close to passing out on their feet).
Each room was made of thick glass walls, allowing Greg to see into each one as they walked by.
"Wow, this is really sweet."
Catherine smiled as she watched Greg follow as much of the bustling movements as he could. After having worked there for a few years now, she almost forgot how interesting this place could be for the first time.
"All right Greg." Catherine smirked, snapping the teen's attention back to her. "I guess everyone is already out since we got our cases last night, so you'll just have to meet them as they come through. I got a breaking and entering to work, so it's all real basic stuff; you'll be able to catch on fast. Think you'll be all right?"
Greg thought carefully about that for a second. 'Cath told my dad that I'd be helping her with something to do with a teenage girl. Does that mean the girl was the one who broke in or what?'
He opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted as he was suddenly grabbed under both arms from behind and forced to walk down the hall a little faster.
"Of course he'll be all right Cath. He'll be with us!"
Greg's eyes widened slightly as a male appeared on each of his arms. The one who had spoken was on his right; tall, muscular and had a twang of Texan accent. The one on his left was tall, dark skinned and was smiling broadly at him.
"That's what I was afraid of," Catherine's voice drifted down the hall as if she had stopped walking, but Greg couldn't see over his shoulder to tell, "Don't worry Greg, they don't bite hard. I'll save you in a little bit."
"Haha Cath." This from the male on the left as they led Greg into one of the rooms on the left wall.
Inside was a long glass table with a large cardboard box sitting on top.
The three stepped into the room and the door closed behind them.
Greg turned to look at his two captors, still slightly nervous and startled by their sudden appearance.
When it became clear that Greg wouldn't be the first to break the silence, the Texan clapped his hands once and moved farther into the room, toward the table. He couldn't help but notice the way Greg moved to the side and away from him as he passed by, giving the Texan a wide vicinity.
"All right Greggo. I'm Nick and this is Warrick, Warr or Rick for short. Cath told us 'bout ya and said you'd be coming in tonight, so Warr and I decided to steal ya to hang out with us. Sound cool?"
Greg could only stare for a second as he tried to decipher all of that quick Texan accented information, but he smiled slightly as soon as he had it. "Sure. So I won't be helping on her breaking and entering then?"
Warrick walked across the room and sat on a stool. "Psht. You don't wanna B they're boring. You gotta stick with us awhile, learn where the real fun is at."
"Okay." Greg sat on the stool beside Warrick as Nick walked to the opposite side of the table and grabbed the cardboard box.
"All right Greggo. Other than wanting to save you from Cath and her B&E, we thought you'd be able to help on our case. We got a girl about the same age as you, went missing from her college dorm the same night she was leaving to head home after dropping out. It's our job to figure out where the hell she disappeared to and why. We weren't able to find much last night, but we did take a bunch of pictures that we need to look at more closely."
Greg nodded, now understanding. 'That's what case Cath was talking to Dad about. But why did she say she was the one working it and not these guys?'
Nick pulled a file folder from the box and threw it in front of Greg.
"Promise there's nothin' gory. Go ahead and get a look."
Greg pulled the folder closer and opened it slowly. There were about two dozen pictures inside, all of different angles of a bedroom. He slowly sifted through each picture, taking in as much detail as he could.
Nick and Warrick watched him quietly for a few minutes.
Greg suddenly stopped on the sixth picture, brining it a little closer to inspect it more.
Warrick watched the teen's face scrunch up in concentration. "What's up Greg. You find something?"
Greg looked up and then back down at the picture again before sliding it across the table in front of Warrick. The picture was of the right corner of the student desk situated below the bedroom window.
"Right there. There's something weird about the floor. It kinda looks like a void or something."
Nick smiled as he reached over and clapped Greg hard on the shoulder. "Good catch Greggo. We saw that too, but we dunno what's missin'."
Greg continued to look through the pictures until another one caught his eye. This one was of a wall.
"What's up with this one? You guys marked the wall because it has some messed up paint?"
Warrick looked at the picture a little closer. The marked area in the picture showed that part of the wall seemed to have been very roughly patched up.
"Ah, that's not paint. There seemed to have been a few holed in the walls and someone had filled them with toothpaste. Not sure why though."
Greg smiled slightly. "Poor man's spackle."
Nick and Warrick looked at him weird for a second before asking together. "What?"
Greg's smiled widened slightly as he shrugged. "Aw, come on. You can't tell me you've never heard of it. Poor man's spackle. The only way to get your money back on your dorm room is to have left it just how you found it. Nailing up posters and stuff leaves holes in the wall, so a quick way to fix it is to fill the holes with toothpaste."
Both of the older males smiled as they understood.
"Geez Greggo, you're pretty good at this. Better watch out Warr, we might be out of a job."
Greg smiled as he looked at another picture. His eyebrows rose slightly. "Suitcases left stacked nicely in the middle of the room. Does that mean that she was probably attacked outside of the room?"
Warrick nodded. "Yeah, or so we think. The last person to have heard from her was the cabbie that she had called to take her to the airport. He called up to her room when he arrived, saw her in her bedroom window, and that's it."
Greg listened carefully to all that was said. "Hmm, so it's like she just disappeared into thin air?"
"People don't vanish, it's a molecular impossibility."
Greg jumped as the new voice came from the now open door.
Standing just inside was an older man with gray hair, dressed in all black. Behind him was a woman with brown hair and a hard frown on her face.
"Grissom, Sara," Nick said, "This is Greg Sanders, the kid Cath brought in."
"We kinda figured Nick," Sara said as a matter of factly.
Greg wasn't too sure about this woman, she didn't seem the friendliest type.
"How are you guys doing in here?" Grissom asked.
"Not bad," Warrick answered, "Greg's pretty good. He's finding some different things in the pictures, including what the toothpaste in the walls is for."
"Poor man's spackle," Sara said instantly, "To cover up all the holes and get their money back."
Nick and Warrick both glowered at the female for a few seconds, while Greg tried to hide his smile behind a cough.
Grissom just nodded his head and turned back to walk out the door. "Keep up the good work." Then he was out the door, Sara close behind.
Nick grumbled under his breath for a second as Greg's gaze stayed on the door.
"Sara's a bit of a buzz kill, isn't she?"
Warrick chuckled quietly. "You don't know the half of it Greg. She thinks she knows everything and has it set in her mind that she's the best."
"And don't forget the major crush she has on Grissom," Nick added.
Greg's eyes widened at that statement. "Umm…okay. I don't think I wanna know."
"Good answer Greggo," Nick replied, "Hey, how 'bout we go take a break. We can grab a drink and come back in a bit."
"Sounds good," Warrick said as he stood, "How 'bout you Greg?"
Greg nodded as he stood and followed the two out of the room and down the hall to a door on the right.
Walking into the break room, Nick walked straight over to the coffee pot and started to pour mugs as Warrick led Greg to a couch to sit down.
"Ya like coffee Greg?"
Greg nodded. "Yeah, it's not bad."
Warrick chuckled as Nick handed each of them a cup. "Don't say that until you've tried this stuff. It could eat the lining right off of your stomach."
Greg eyes the darker-skinned man for a second before taking a large drink from his mug. His eyes widened suddenly as he spit it back out into the cup. "Yuck! That's disgusting!"
Nick and Warrick broke out into loud laughter as Greg quickly got up and dumped his drink into the sink. "We tried to warn ya."
Greg rinsed his mouth out with water before turning back around. "Gross! I'm surprised no one's had to inspect your guys' deaths after drinking that toxic waste."
Nick smirked as he took a long swig of the drink, his face puckered in a look of distaste afterwards. "Ya get use to it. There's soda in the fridge is ya'd rather have that."
Greg immediately went over and grabbed a coke, drinking about half the can in one pull.
"I guess I'm just used to the coffee my parents drink. Whenever they leave it in the pot I take some of it. Now that stuffs awesome."
Warrick smirked slightly. "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but it's either this or nothing here."
Nick drained the rest of his cup and washed it out in the sink. "Okay, fun's over. Let's get back and see if we can find anything else out from those pictures."
Warrick nodded as he too went and washed his cup before walking out of the room.
Greg finished his coke and pitched the can before running after the two. He couldn't believe how much fun he was having here!
The trio continued to look through pictures and some clothing they had pulled from the cardboard box, but found nothing else of great significance. The night was spent looking through evidence and joking about anything and everything the three could think of.
When Nick finally looked at his watch, his eyes widened. "Geez, shift's over already."
"Wow," Warrick said, surprised, "That seemed pretty quick. You and I are both clocked out on over-time, so we can't stay anymore tonight. Tomorrow, we should go back to the dorm and see if we can find out anything else."
Nick nodded before turning to Greg. "What do ya say Greggo? Up to going on some field work with us tomorrow?"
Greg's eyes lit up. "Really?"
Nick nodded. "Yeah, why not? I'm sure Cath wouldn't mind. It'll be fun."
Greg nodded vigorously. "Yeah! That'd be awesome!"
"All right," Warrick said as he stood and stretched, "I'm outta here. See you guys tomorrow."
The remaining two males watched as he left before Nick turned to Greg.
"I'll help ya find Cath. I'm sure she's ready to go now too."
Greg nodded as he stood and followed the Texan out of the room.
"So, what kinda music are ya into?"
Greg shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really listen to much, but I like rock I guess."
Nick blanched slightly. "Aw come one man, rock? Country is the way to go. Ya can't go wrong with some good ol' Alan Jackson."
It was Greg's turn to blanch. "No thanks. I may not get to listen to much, but I do know that country is low on my standard list."
"Ya dunno what you're missin' there Greggo. But I guess I can't blame ya, what woth you're head stuck in the gutter ya call rock music."
"What?! Oh no you didn't."
The two turned the corner, still bickering childishly and almost ran into Catherine.
"Hey you two! Watch where you're going!"
Greg's eyes widened slightly as he came to a halt. "Oh, hey Cath."
"Hey Greg. You ready?"
"Yeah. Nick and I were just talking about our tastes in music."
Nick sighed as he clapped his hand on Greg's shoulder good naturedly. "I'm sorry Cath, but I think this boy is beyond repair."
Catherine smirked. "I take it you told him you like rock music, huh. Well, he'll get over it. Let's get outta here. I'll see you tomorrow Nick."
Nick nodded. "Yeah, and make sure to bring the kid back. He was fun, and War and I could use him some more."
Greg's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm not a kid."
Catherine smiled. "We'll see Nick."
Greg followed her as she walked down the hall and out the door.
"How was it Greg? They didn't mess with you too much, did they?"
"Nah, it was actually pretty cool." He suddenly stopped talking and looked at her carefully. "So…um, w-would I be able to come tomorrow? Nick and Warrick said that they were going to go back to the university and look around some more."
Catherine raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't know about that Greg. There's really not supposed to be any unauthorized people at a crime scene."
She smiled sympathetically as she watched Greg's features fall sadly. "We'll see about going out on the field Greg. If anything, you could help me at the lab until Nick and Warrick get back, and then you could help them again."
Greg's features quickly brightened again as a huge smile spread across his face. "Thanks so much Cath."
"You're welcome Greg. Let's head home."
Greg nodded as the two got into the car and pulled out of the lot.
There's the end of that one! WHOO! I take back the comment I mad in the last chappie; this one is definetly the longest I've written!! That was a fun chappie to write. I hope I made it interesting enough for everyone. I know it probably wasn't the meeting everyone was hoping for Nick, Greg and Warrick, but I promise it''l get better as the story goes on.
Oh, and by the way, has anyone noticed something familiar about this story? If ya do, send me a private message telling me what you think it is, and I'll dedicate the next chappie to ya! But remember to do it in a private message, or else ya could give away the answer to others!!
And if anyone can find the one sentence in this chappie that is a direct quote from a real CSI episode, I'll dedicate the chappie to you too! I'll give ya a hint, it's from the 2nd season and it's said by the same person in both the episode and my story…I might have said too much. Lol. Good luck!
Until next chappie!!