Disclaimer: I do not own Dawson's Creek or the characters. They are property of Kevin Williamson.

Sweet Memories

Chapter 1

"Jo, Joey," Pacey Witter yelled through the front door of the Potter B&B on a beautiful fall morning. It was right before school, and he was there to take Josephine Potter with him. Bessie, Joey's sister opened the door.

"Hi Pacey, Joey's upstairs," Bessie told him.

"Okay, thanks Bess," Pacey said, walking inside the house and towards the stairs that lead to the upstairs. Once Pacey reached the top of the stairway he headed towards Joey's bedroom. Stopping short of the entrance, he noticed that his girlfriend was brushing her beautiful, long brown hair. After a few moments, he quietly snuck up behind Joey.

"May I?" he asked, reaching down to take the brush from Joey's hand.

"If you insist," Joey said sweetly as she smiled her notorious smile; the smile that made Pacey's heart melt. Joey admired Pacey as he gently brushed her hair. His hands were so gentle as he ran them through her hair.

"You look beautiful," he told her as he wrapped his arms around her neck. She looked up at him with her big, brown eyes.

"You don't look to bad yourself mister," Joey said as she sweetly kissed him.

Just then Bessie yelled and told them that it was time for the two of them to leave for school.

"I think that's our cue to leave," Joey said, as she freed herself from Pacey's embrace.

"Wait! I think you're missing something," Pacey said.

"Oh really, and what would that be Pace," Joey said sarcastically.

"This," Pacey said as he reached into the top drawer of Joey's dresser and pulled out a necklace.

"Pacey, you remembered," Joey said.

"Of course I did. This is the necklace that your Mom gave you," Pacey told her, purposely forgetting to mention that her mother had given it to Joey just before she died. He always knew that Joey's memory of her mother's death was going to be present, but he didn't want to make the memory more painful. Pacey walked over to Joey and put the necklace around her neck.

"I miss her," Joey said, reminiscing about her memories with her mother.

"I know, Jo. I know," Pacey said, as he took Joey and hugged her close. Joey nestled her face into Pacey's neck and they stood like this for a brief moment; just holding one another.

"Pacey, can I ask you something?" Joey said, looking up.

"Sure Jo, anything," Pacey told her.

"Do you love me?" Joey asked. Pacey was taken aback by Joey's question.

"Of course, more then you'll ever know Joey," Pacey responded, as he sweetly kissed Joey on the forehead.

"I love you too Pace," Joey said.

"I am always here for you Jo, always," Pacey responded.

"Thanks Pace," Joey said, as her and Pacey separated.

"Listen, if you need anything, you can call me and I will come running," Pacey responded, in a serious tone.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind the next time I need something," Joey said in a laughing tone.

"Joey, I am serious. I meant what I said," Pacey said.

"I know and thanks," Joey told him.

"So does the same go for me? Are you always here for me?" Pacey asked Joey.

"Of course," Joey said, as she playfully hit Pacey on the arm.

"Good. Now that we have that taken care of can we go now?"

"Oh, right school," Joey said, remembering that they needed to head to school.

"Yeah, we need to get going or we will be late," Pacey told her.

"Ready?" Joey asked Pacey, as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Let's go," Pacey said, taking a hold of Joey's hand. The two of them walked out of Joey's bedroom, hand in hand.

Authors Note: When reviewing, please NO SWARING OR FOUL LANGUAGE. Constructive criticism is welcome but please keep it clean. Thanks.