"Lately, nothing's been going according to plan." Phobos said with an angered tone as he soaked in his bath.

Cedric had fought the Guardians and lost, yet again, Elyon had talked with the Guardians, mostly with that blonde one, and the rebel leader somehow got into the castle - again.

Standing nearby with is gaze to the ground, Cedric listened as he was rebuked for his failure, "I give you too many tries to redeem yourself. Perhaps I should just get rid of you and send someone else to take care of the Guardians. I'm sure they would do a much better job of it." Phobos said glaring at Cedric.

"My Lord," Cedric said as he looked up from the ground and found Phobos' glare, "Perhaps what you need is to...relax."

"Don't act like you care for my wellbeing." Phobos snarled, resting his arms on the edge of the bath, "I am relaxing."

"Not so, my Prince." Cedric said, seeing Phobos look at him with confusion.

"What are you suggesting?" Phobos asked.

Cedric smiled sinisterly, "I shall surprise you then, my Lord." he said as he bowed, "Your surprise will be in your bed chamber."

Phobos glared as Cedric walked out of the room, with that sinister smile across his face.

I'm curious as to what he has planned, Phobos thought to himself as he smiled, Perhaps he's bringing me the rebel leader or even the Heart, Phobos stopped his wish full thinking and finished up with his bath.

To be honest, Phobos was a little anxious.

Phobos, wrapped in his robe, made his way to his bed chamber. He was expecting to see Elyon in the halls and stop to answer any of her questions, but when he didn't see her he sighed with relief. He didn't feel like talking to her. Not since he had a curious surprise waiting for him in his bed chamber.

It was stupid.

He was acting like a child. Luckily, he passed no one in the halls. Yet another reason to yell at Cedric for the terrible security of the castle.

When he reached his door, he paused for a second. What's waiting on the other side? With that thought, Phobos opened his door.

Second chapter coming soon. Go easy with the brutal reviews.