Disclaimer : neither Harry Potter, nor SailorMoon are mine the only thing that is truly mine is Trance Tranquillium the story of Beryl.

School year - Dementors and wards

"HARRY!" Hermiones voice rang out as he cleared the barrier "You're alright?"
"Why wouldn't i be alright?" Harry asked bewildered
"You haven't heard yet? i thought you would have known by now it's been all over the papers even the muggle red tops have the news as front page"
"Hermione calm down, take a deep breath and start again what news am i missing?"
"Sirius Black" Hermione exclaimed "He's escaped from Azkaban"
Luckily everyone took Harry's shock from being told the man who had betrayed his parents had escaped from prison and not the fact that, unknown to the wizarding world, Sirius had been free for years. "It'll be alright Harry he can't get at you in Hogwarts"
"We should get on the train" Harry said quietly playing up the shock. The two Griffindors entered the nearest compartment to find a sleeping man, though only Harry saw the 'sleeping' man open his eyes and wink at Harry.
"I wonder who he is" Harry said quietly
"Probably the new defence teacher. Have you heard what happened to Lockhart? it's terrible"
"I'm sure the faker is fine" Harry said sitting down.

It wasn't long before they were joined by Neville and Ron the latter wanting to talk about the breakout of Sirius Black "People say there's been sightings of Black near Hogwarts and he's just waiting for school to start so he can get at Harry and finish what he started when he betrayed the Potter family."
"How did he escape?"
"No one knows" Neville told him "The minister was on a tour of the prison and they looked in the cell to find that there was no one there, the wards around the cell hadn't even been touched which means that the door hadn't been opened since Black was put into the cell"
"My dad says the ministry is in uproar. All there sure of is that he hasn't been out of his cell for long a deatheater like Black wouldn't have been able to stay beneath the ministries notice for more than a few weeks before he started going after muggle and muggleborns they say he was Voldemort right hand so he's probably really vicious"

Part way into the journey to Hogwarts the train came to a halt confusing all the students as it was obvious that they had yet to reach Hogwarts. Frost formed on the windows and the lights went out in the compartment leaving them in complete darkness. Lumos was the wispered word from both Harry and the previously sleeping man. "Stay calm" Remus ordered.
The children shivered as the source of the coldness came closer and the door was opened at that point Harry blacked out his most recent bad memories coming to the forefront of his mind, he vividly remembered his time with the Dursleys and he remembered what could only be his parents murder.
As he came round he was greeted by worried faces.
"What was that thing?" He asked shaken up a bit he'd never come across something like that before "They're called Dementors" Lupin explained
"It felt that i'd never been happy again" Ron said shivering.
"Thats a good description, Dementors feed by sucking out positive emotions leaving only the bad ones behind, Chocolate will help with the after effects. can you lot keep an eye on him and make sure he eats the whole bar of Chocolate, i need to go and check on the rest of the students"
"Harry how come you didn't know about the Dementors? you always seem to know alot about magical creatures"
"It's because Dementors are only found in one place, England." Neville answered "For some reason they never go more than a couple of miles from the country, mostly they stay on Azkaban island guarding the prison"
"Why would they be here?"
"The ministry probably wants them to guard the school in case Black tries to attack" Theorised Ron.
It didn't take them long to reach Hogwarts and Harry was still unsteady as he and his friends made their way to the thestral drawn carriages.
"Aww did poor potty faint?" Came Malfoys smarmy voice from behind them and Harry found see Ron stiffen in reaction.
"I didn't faint" Harry refuted "my brain took a nap after having an overload of bad memories brought up, but then you wouldn't know anything about that since you screamed like a girl and ran away into an older students carriage wanting them to protect your scardy cat butt" It was obvious that Harry had been exactly right with his words as Malfoy paled and walked away
"Harry how did you know?"
"It was obvious" The green eyed boy said smiling slightly "he's a coward, so of course he ran away from danger i was just guessing when i said that he ran to someone older but it looks like i was correct"

During the first day of classes rumours were passed around that Lady Selena hadn't stopped grumbling about the dementors and that Dumbledore was planning to go down and ask her to stop. Harry was among the crowd along with Hermione and Ron when a brave student asked Selena just why she didn't like the dementors since they were protecting them from the murderer Black Which made everyone look at him as if he was crazy, who in their right mind would send dementors to guard a school against a violent criminal.
"They are not needed" Selena answered her voice near a growl "If Sirius Black came here intending to cause harm to one of the student the wards would take action and it would not be pleasant i can assure you of that. Admittedly the wards have their limitations but a wizard lets off an aura, if this Sirius Black was as bad as you say the wards would not be able to miss him as his aura would be giving away his intentions."
"Wait didn't you say before that the wards had been completed before Salazar died?"
"Yes Salazar's wards were finished but that does not mean that no one else added to the wards, the last wards Salazar did had several levels, the lowest is aways activated, this is the basic protection and includes the apparition wards, portkey ward, and the wards on the towers"
"Wards on the towers?" A young Slytherin asked.
"If a child were to fall or jump of the battlements the wards would slow their fall down enough for them to survive however the ward wouldn't protect an adult. There is one higher level complete lock-down, which would allow nothing through the wards. Lock-down has two modes partial and full."
"What is the differance and why is there no knowledge of these wards?" Dumbledore spoke making the students jump as they had not realised he was present.
"A partial Lock-down would close off the four houses from the rest of the school the library would be sealed as would the kitchen and great hall, the only beings able to get to those places would be the houselves bound to the castle, the castle doors would seal shut and the wood would become stone, same with the windows on the ground and first floors the windows above the first floor would be restricted in how much they were opened, they wouldn't open enough to let a body in or out even a small child."
"If that partial how much more can it get into lock-down"
"Full lock-down means the castle would become a dead zone"
"A Dead zone?" the student said horrid images of everyone being killed running through their imaginations "yes a dead magic zone or null zone i suppose you could call it, Dead zones were used in the moon kingdom as last resorts because most of the population were magic users"
"What exactly is a dead zone?"
"It's a place where no magic can be cast, for the duration of the full lock-down the paintings would go into hibernation they would stop moving, the stairs wouldn't move, houseelves would not be able to transport themselves, back during the founding the students were taught weapons work, Godric taught them to use a sword, Helga preferred the long distance range of a bow, Rowena was a close range fighter and used daggers though she was also learning from a Japanese woman how to wield Tessen, Japanese war fans, Salazar also knew how to use both dagger and sword but preferred to fight barehanded as such for the students of Hogwarts a dead zone would have been nothing more than an annoyance, but in this time most wizards would be helpless unable to fight without magics"
"What about the ghosts? and peeves?" Hermione asked "They would dissipate, unable to reform until Hogwarts relaxed from full lock-down"
"And how would that be activated?"
"Blood" Selena said bluntly "if a certain amount of human blood is spilt then the castle will go into Lock-down. Those were the last of Salazar's wards, now about six hundred years ago there was an empath as a headmaster he knew of Salazar's lock-down ward and worked on a different trigger that being aura reading, the castle wards are set to recognise extreme blood lust and intent to permanently harm the students, the empath only got as far as making sure they couldn't cross the wards if they tried then they would be stopped, painfully, but this wouldn't lock-down the school or activate any of the other wards if the person had enough control over their emotions as they crossed the wards then the wards wouldn't trigger. It was a flaw the headmaster was working on but never completed"
"Is the ward active?" Dumbledore asked "I'm sorry headmaster but at the moment it is not, the empath wasn't the last to meddle with the wards and one managed to turn most of the wards off we think it will need an order from the headmaster to turn them all on again."
"What other wards are turned off Selena?"
"An animagi ward created 100 years ago when animagi were becoming more common, a glamour ward which would strip a user of any glamours a visitor was wearing that one got a lot of outcry from women and it was turned off intentionally."
"What about all the wards the founder created?"
"There were many wards but honestly the only ones who really knows the details is Rowena and Salazar you would have to ask them for anything else concerning the wards"
"Lady Selena we can't talk to Salazar and Rowena they've been dead for over a thousand years" Hermione said confused
"Do you really think they left nothing behind?"
"We've read through the journals that were left in the study but none mention anything about the wards"
"Salazar did not just leave behind the journals there were also two tapestries that were hidden away only to be found if they were really needed and having dementors anywhere near this school obviously signifies a need"
"How do we find them?" A seventh year students asked
"I suppose the easiest way would to ask the house elves to bring you every rolled tapestry in the castle and look through them all until you find them"
"Wouldn't the houseelves be able to find the right tapestries?"
"No they were spelled so they could only be opened by a wizard or witch, however there is a warning that goes with the tapestries, or more specifically Salazar's tapestry"
"Which is?" Dumbledore asked "Once Salazar's tapestry is unraveled he will become the ward master and be able to override the headmasters command, that is why they were only to be opened in times of trouble and need"
"Will the headmaster still be in control of the wards?"
"Yes of course but in any case where the headmaster is not available or not acting in a way that will help the school then my grandson can step in."

While the teachers went away to discuss whether they should try to find the tapestries the students led by the knowledge hunting Ravenclaws who wanted to talk to their founder headed down to the kitchens to talk to the houseelves who agreed to bring every unopened tapestry to the great hall. Upon returning to the great hall the students were amazed at the growing pile of rolled up tapestrys some massive and others tiny.
This time the Hufflepuffs took charge as they divided up the work load, the Griffindors would sort the tapestries into three piles, the Slytherins would unroll the smallest tapestries, the Ravenclaws the medium sized rolls and the Hufflepuffs would open the biggest rolls. By the time lunch time rolled around the great hall was covered in unrolled tapestries, some were sent to be hung in various dorm-rooms or classrooms and other were hung in the great hall itself. The staff stopped just inside the door staring in shock at all the work that had already been done when they heard shouting coming from the Ravenclaw section of the room as one of the Ravenclaws unraveled a tapestry which immediately started to glow. The teachers rushed over as fast as they could pushing through the crowd of students as they all wanted to see what was going on. The students watched in awe and the staff in horror as the tapestry unrolled the rest of the way on it's own and stuck itself to the wall.

"He looks like Harry" Neville said his voice seeming to boom in the silent room as the tapestry came alive. The tapestry was of a man fast asleep underneath a large oak tree, his hair was pitchblack and fell to his shoulders when he opened his eyes they could see his eyes were a vibrant green almost glowing with power and knowledge he was laying on a dark green cloak lined with rabbit fur, his legs were covered by black trouser which were very loose in the leg but clinched tight at the waist, his top half was covered by a white shirt. His feet were bare as his brown boots were laid beside the cloak.
The school watched as the man yawned and stretched before seemingly going back to sleep.
"He always was lazy" A Female voice said making everyone jump they turned to see a tapestry stuck on the wall not to far away a teenage girl sat surrounded by books and notepads with pieces of parchment stuck to the walls with what looked like the different floors of Hogwarts including the dungeons. The teen was wearing tight dark blue leggings with brown boots and a light blue tunic which fell to beneath her knees, her long brown hair was held up in an intricate bun held in place with a clip shaped like a raven in flight. A Black cloak lined with white rabbit fur was slung over a table as the girl sat on the floor her back leaning against a table leg. "Even when we were building Hogwarts and working out the magic needed he'd wander off and take a nap somewhere, it was worse when the school began to take in students the only time he wasn't asleep was either when he was teaching or when some one needed healing"
"You're Lady Ravenclaw?" a student asked "Yes i am Rowena Ravenclaw Founder of Hogwarts, though i do not remember having seen tapestry of myself."
"I commissioned it, i even told you i was having it done because you wouldn't let me have some of your hair without an explanation but i died before i could give it to you" Salazar said grumpily leaning up on his elbows.
"Ah yes i remember but some hair? If i remember correctly you wanted me to take hair growth potions so you could harvest several yards of my hair"
"The tapestry needed it"
"Well it seems to have worked well enough, though i am confused about why you decided to have me depicted at this age"
"Hogwarts caged you, made you settle down and become more adult and mature, the you in that tapestry was the one i went adventuring with, the woman who wasn't content with her books she wanted to see the real applications of the spells, and the places she could read about, it was only when we met Helga and Godric that you became more scholarly and settled down in the castle."
"But wasn't lady Ravenclaw always studious? the legends of the founder tell us that she was the most knowledgeable and the one that was always seeking knowledge even her house was based in studying, the hat reminds us each years that Ravenclaw is where the smart and bookish people go" A Young student said confused.
"As Salazar mentioned as i got older i leaned more and more towards book learning before that i wanted to see the world myself, do the research, see the wonder of the world, not look at picture in the books"
"In some ways Hogwarts was good for both of us but in others it caged us, Before the school was created children were taught via master apprentice system but it had it's faults, the main one being that a lot of mundane born magic users were missed and were either executed for being demons or they lost control of their magic and ended up killing either themselves or their family by accident."
"The school was created for those people, in the beginning it was never meant for the whole magical population we thought that the masters would carry on taking wizard-born children and training them and we would find and train the mundane born. But over time we got more and more wizard born being sent"
"If it was only supposed to be a small school why build a castle?"
"For visitors, we had big plans for this school, it would hold the biggest library in the world and we thought wizards and witches would flock here to do research with our books and potion rooms, there would be masters coming here to give lectures or master classes to anyone who wished to join their classes. We didn't want to limit ourselves to one age range we decided that we would find the children young during their first bout of accidental magic and we would keep an eye on them make sure they were safe in the beginning we did it personally but later we created the book of names which resided here at Hogwarts spelled so it can only be seen by the headmaster, deputy the four heads of house and the school medic."
"If the child was safe and unharmed then the name would appear in blue ink" Rowena told them "If the child was in danger the name would appear in red ink, Green ink would appear if the child was sick and it would turn black if the child died"
"We have never known what the colours meant my lady" Professor Sprout said sadly "Now-a-days we have to trust in the Ministry to keep an eye on all the children."
"As long as this ministry is doing it's job and finding and protecting the children that is all we ask." Rowena said making both and Harry and Salazar frown and lock eyes in agreement they had been hurt and no one came and they couldn't have been the only ones missed His time with the Dursleys had been brought up to recently for him to ignore the book.
Harry slipped out of the great hall as Rowena carried on talking to the children and Salazar pretended to nap he hid in the shadows as he passed the portraits lining the walls it wouldn't do any good for them to see him. Only one person notice Harry leaving and that was Remus as he to slipped from the Great Hall and met up with Harry in a corridor going towards one of the unused towers.
"Where are we going?"
"The book of names is kept in a room in the East tower not as you'd assume in the Headmasters office or in his private quarters."
"It's spelled to stop it from moving?"
"Of course, the book is semi-sentient and is quiet capable of protecting itself" It took them quiet a few minute to reach the plain wooden door which opened at a single touch from Harry hand. The room was completely bare except for a reading stand in the centre of the room with a thick book resting on it closed Harry closed and sealed the door behind them before he joined Remus at the book. "It's beautiful" Remus said in awe and indeed the book was beautiful from a distance it had looked like just a plain leather book battered and ancient but looking closer revealed that it wasn't battered at all instead the book was embossed with different images, views of Hogwarts, the forbidden forest, The lake and many of the creatures living inside the borders of Hogwarts castle.
Harry smiled and touched the colour image of the Hogwarts coat of arms and the book sprung open and began flicking through its own pages when it finally stopped and was over half way through the book it revealed it had settled on hundreds of names covered the pages in tiny script all of them black.
"Who are they?"
"There the children who weren't helped" Harry said sadly before turning away from the book leaving a single tear drop on the page as he slipped back out the door leaving Remus to look at all the names sadly. "Did that help?" Selena asked appearing beside Harry
"No" He replied shortly
"Then why go father?"
"Because i had to see"

The changes to the castle happened so slowly that neither the students nor the professors noticed until two months later when a Ravenclaw walked straight into a barrier protecting the restricted area and Madam Pince noticed books had been shifted around when the Ravenclaw had shown that she had permission from Professor Lupin to look up more information on some sort of dangerous creature they found that the only person who could give permission to look at the books in the restricted section was Headmaster Dumbledore and even with that permission the books could not be removed. Once that had happened the curious students began to look for other changes the twins found alot of the changes to the interior of the castle as some of their normal routes had been closed off as passages closed and new ones appeared. On the Outside of the castle the flyers noticed new balconies. Once the changes had been acknowledged and the two tapestries questions with their only reply being mysterious smiles and silence the changes happened much faster. The castle began to revert to Rowena's original design, a maze. The students soon found out that the Founders hadn't been completely truthful in their reasons why they had built such a huge castle if they wanted a small school. Even in the present only a small part of the school was used for everyday use now other rooms were opening up a Slytherin took a wrong turn and ended up in an amphitheatre, Dumbledore was heading for his office and found a music room complete with a ghost wanting to teach him how to play the Harp and another wanting to know if he wished to learn how to play the lute or the viola. The main classes also moved, usually when classes were going on and so the students upon exiting the classroom found themselves in another part of the castle entirely but soon the castle settled and the classrooms stopped moving but that was not the end of the interior changes. The classrooms had placed themselves in entirely new places, only the great hall the dormitories and the astronomy tower remained in the same places but in the latter case it also gained another room lower down in the tower that was Harry contribution to the changes as it had never existed before. It was a pitch black room with an illusion just like the one in the great hall but always showing the stars, in the daytime it projected the southern stars and at night the Northern stars. In the centre only a foot off the ground was the solar system moving at the same speed the real planets would move.

On the ground floor was now only the great hall and the entrance hall most of the students ignored the Classrooms which had opened up there they didn't care about the portraits waiting to teach students dancing and deportment. Or about the formal banquet hall or ballroom. Though the balletroom did gain some interest from a few of the girls.

The first floor was the Defence against the dark arts Classrooms, nineteen of them in all the students were horrified to note. The seven classroom nearest the central staircase were each numbered to get into the classroom the students each had to answer a question from the door guardian they had a choice theory or practical, each year got progressively harder questions but all the questions were within the year levels ability to answer or cast. The other twelve rooms were practical rooms which would create illusions of the various dark creatures the teacher would want to show the class, some were of different environments that from all over the world with different creature that could be found there, others were dueling rooms or obstacle courses. The second floor held the transfiguration rooms again with seven classrooms requiring a question to be answered for entry it also had several warded rooms for the more dangerous transfigurations and a few very large rooms for larger transfigurations. The third floor held the charms rooms with 7 classrooms and warded rooms. Arithmacy, ancient runes, history and muggle studies made up the fourth floor. The library had moved to the fifth floor complete with small study rooms. The Classroom that caused the most agrivation to one of the teachers, and amusement for the students, was Potions which had been moved to a circular room atop the North tower just above the divination classroom. This caused Snape to, in front of many witnesses, Shout at the two founders demanding to know why they had been moved. And he was met with the information that that was where Helga had originally had her potions classroom.

Throughout the weeks that the interior was shifting things were also happening on the grounds two foot pillars had begun rising from the ground at the edge of the Hogwarts lands. Many wondered about the use of the pillars but they soon proved their use as dementers, hungry for a meal, tried to approach the school and were sent away screaming in their awful voices. It was truely amazing that no one noticed the self-satisfaction in Harrys smile as the dementors were hurt by the ward.

On the other hand the Ministry was panicing they had never heard of a ward stopping a dememntor before, it didn't matter that it was protecting children but the fact it even existed, after all if it was on Hogwarts what was to stop other people discovering how to do it. If that happened how would the ministry send dementors out after criminals if the criminal could hide behind ward that could harm a Dementor. It grew worse a few weeks later when the dementors kept trying to get in and the wards were continuously getting stronger. The minister himself came to Hogwarts to talk to Ward keeper Salazar when the first of the Dementors were destroyed.

As you can imagine that conversation did not go well. And in the end Salazar simple vanished from his tapestry to get away from the idiots who had come to speak to him. He was discovered a few days later in a painting helping a shepherdess with her flock.

However the vanishing act did it's job and the dementors were removed from Hogwarts. Unfortunately they were replaced by idiotic Aurors who lurked in the background.

Towards the end of the year Remus did find something suprising he had called Ron Weasley to his office to discuss his progress, or lack thereof, and had caught a scent he recognised. Pettigrew was in Hogwarts. Harry was shocked at himself that he had never concidered checking the animals in Hogwarts for Animagi. That night they went to the salazar tapestry who once activated even superseded Harry's control on the wards, the only one who could overule his was Selena herself. They talked over when they should bring up the other wards and in what order. As they were talking Harry even did a little fiddling so that the animagi ward was upgraded as they it not only forced the animagi into human form but also knocked the wizard unconscious and kept him/her that way until an adult released him. The plan was soon set and Harry and Remus went to bed knowing tomorrow would be a big day.

At half eight in the morning when most of Griffindor tower was waking up a scream rang out from the third year boys dormitory. When the prefects, and the three older brothers who had recognised the scream, got there they found Ron Weasley laying on his bed with an unconscious man on top of him and his dorm mates trying to move the man with no luck. They tried magic and plain brute force but the man could not be moved. Professor Mcgonogal was sent for and when she arrived she went still with shock. She recognised the man as her old student. A student who was supposed to be dead. She quickly send two of the first years off, one to get the headmaster and one to the aurors.
As they left she attempted to move Pettigrew off Ron Weasley, this time a levitation spell worked and Ron was quick to move to the protection of his brothers. The headmaster arrived then along with the three other heads of house, Remus Lupin and two aurors. All of whom were stunned to see a dead man alive and well. This of course through doubt on the 'Sirius is guilty' party. Though as the Minister of magic put it later, he could have escaped from Black and was hiding from any of the deatheaters who weren't caught. Things moved quickly after that and Pettigrew was questioned with Veritaserum after Remus and Harry demanded to know why he had been hiding in the Griffindor dorms, And the weasleys wanted to know why he had been in Ron's bed.
As it turned out the weasleys would have been better off not knowing as under truth serum Pettigrew adimitted to liking little boys much better then adult women or men. Pettigrew was sentanced to 12 years in Azkaban, the same amount they had thought Sirius had done before he broke out, and the Dementors kiss to be administered after those 12 years. Unfortunatly Pettigrew vanished in transit to Azkaban and no one could find him. Ron Weasley now had a fear of rats that would rival his fear of Spiders. His fear was so bad that Griffindor house had a collection and bought him a fierce rat catching cat which he never went anywhere without.

The end of the year was a little anti-climactic with everything else that had happed that year but from the station Remus and Harry travelled straight to Diagon alley. After his birthday the year before he had been so wrapped up in trying to figure out the Wolf curse and Beryls life that he had neglected to go and look at his mothers vault. Upon reaching the vault the goblin took the key and opened it before standing aside to let the two in upon seeing the contents Harry popped his head back outside the vault and told the Goblin that it was going to take them awhile to go through the vault contents and that he could leave and to come back for them in three hours. The Goblin nodded once and got back into his cart and left. "Remus? what did my mother do for a living?" Harry asked shocked at the contents of the vault "she was studying for her charms mastership" Remus said equally stunned "Remus this is not items for a charms mastery." The two let their eyes roam around the vault. There was no gold here but there were strange devices, crystals, thick books, on the walls were diagrams and photographs of strange places. It was Remus who finally noticed the Letter with Harry's name of it and he opened it and began reading aloud.
"My dearest son. If you're reading this now then i must have met my demise I'm sorry i wasn't with you as you grew. Imagine you must be surprised at the contents of this vault for no one knew about the work i did on this project, not even you father. When i was in my fourth year at Hogwarts i was approached by Professor Dumbledore along with another gentleman they wished to offer me a position working for them. At the time i was happy to be offered it but in time that changed. When they approached me they said i would be finding ways for the muggle and wizarding worlds to fit together better, combining technology. The gadgets you see in this vault are the projects i worked on. Over time i lost faith in the project what was the point in making these things when they weren't going to be used in my own country. America Australia and Asia welcomed our items, but Europe banned them completly, and Africa didn't see the need for them they lived simply and didn't want the outside influences being brought to their villages. I quit working for the project in my last year of Hogwarts and though they say they were sad to see me go that accepted it. So these items were packed away here and i settled into doing my Charms mastery hoping that in time things would change and my inventions would be able to be released here in my home country. The money from selling these items was put into a separate vault which should have been combined into the main Potter vault in the event of my death."
"Wow thats amazing stuff your mum was a technomancer, She actually lucky she stopped when she did" Remus explained "the Purebloods of the English wizarding world managed to not only ban Technomancy but anyone caught making or using techno-magic risked Azkaban."
"I wonder if mum designed anything we've been using in America"
"I don't know maybe if we look through this stuff we can find things we recognise."
After hours of digging through the items in the vault they did indeed find more thing they recognised including the method that Lily used to do it. Everying about her inventions were here, including prototypes of things neither of them had ever seen before. The last hour was spent carefully packing everything in the vault into large trunks to take away with them. And upon leaving they ordered the vault to be closed.
The trunks were then taken to Hogwarts for safe keeping.
And Harry and Remus heading back to the mountain lab where Sirius was waiting.