And she's Never Heard

No one understood her pain, her mother would never believe her if she told her, Drake wouldn't listen to a word she'd say, and Walter, Walter was oblivious to anything and everything. All this pain was beginning to be too much for her…

Disclaimer: I do not own Drake and Josh or references to the show and other characters in the show. Any similarities between this story and any other story, plot, or person are completely coincidental.

A Megan Centric Fic.

Contains touchy subject matter.

Chapter One

You're not hard core, unless you live hardcore

Megan Parker had just turned 16 a few days ago. Drake was still living at home, it was more like crashing after he got wasted at another party/bar, so it was like he was never there. She still wished that she was 12 again, when both her brothers were home all the time, she still wished that she could pull pranks on them as usual. She hated change and never adjusted well to it.

She was sitting in Joey's basement with a few other kids from school. Seniors who had befriended them back when they were sophomores. There was Jordan and Stephen, and the only other girl, Alexa.

Megan sunk into the purple bean bag chair as Joey brought down the beer. She knew that she shouldn't be here doing this, but no one understood how she felt. She couldn't tell her mother anything because she wouldn't believe it, she knew Drake wouldn't listen, and Walter, Walter was oblivious to anything and everything.

"Guys, look what I have." Jordan said with his characteristic stupid, happy smile.

"Fuck no!" Joey exclaimed as he picked up the bag. "This stuff is the good stuff."

"Joey, I would never disappoint you." Jordan laughed as he began to roll a joint. "And plus that's not all…" Jordan smiled as he pulled out a bag of pills. "Pure LSD."

"Dude, I have to get out the journal. We want to remember tonight." Stephen said as he pulled what looked like an old English notebook out of a box on the highest shelf in the basement.

"We all have to watch as one person freaks out. Just to make sure we don't kill ourselves." Jordan added as he opened the bag. "Who wants to go first?" He looked around as no one raised their hands, but sheepishly looked at each other. "Fine no takers? I guess I'll go first."

Jordan popped the pill and waited.

"How long do I have to wait? Joey, quick put on some Pink Floyd. I want this to be an awesome experience. Wait…how long is this supposed to last? Do I know when it's working? Oh I think its working because Joey, there is a fucking elephant behind you. How the hell did you manage to get an elephant into your basement? Oh shit…here come the umpaloompas, fuck, they're carrying lasers."

"He's tripping alright." Stephen laughed as he wrote down everything in the journal.

"Holy shit there's Jesus." Jordan exclaimed as he walked over to a poster of Jimi Hendrix. "Jesus, what's up? Not talking are you? Well then I guess I won't ask you how God's doing."

Megan sunk down further into the bean bag chair. She rolled a joint and began to smoke it. It was at least better than popping LSD. She liked to feel relaxed, not crazy. And judging by the way Jordan was reacting to it, she didn't want to try.

"Oh my fucking god…Alexa there is an umbrella behind you. Shit, they've found us, all of us. Good god, they've released anthrax, we're going to fucking die. Oh wait, no I just have to pee." Jordan said as he went and relieved himself in the bathtub.

"Oh my God, I have to try this!" Stephen exclaimed as he kept writing in the journal.

"I'm out of here." Megan said as she got up. "I kind of told my mom I'd be home. I told her I was studying and I don't want to get grounded again." She explained as she put out the joint.

She got into her mom's car and grabbed the box of dryer sheets that she kept in the glove department and wiped them on her clothes and sprayed herself with the perfume she kept in her purse. She turned on the ignition and drove home.

She walked into the front door, knowing that her mother would be sitting on the couch waiting for her. But she let out a sigh of relief when she saw no one. Drake was probably passed out in his room; Audrey and Walter were probably asleep. What was it with the Parker children that made them turn towards drugs and alcohol? She just shrugged it off because Drake was legal now and Audrey didn't care that he was slowly killing himself. She just wanted him out of the house. Megan knew that she'd get yelled at in the AM.

"Megs we should talk." Drake said softly as she turned on her light.

"What the fuck are you doing in here? And you're sober." Megan stated as she threw her purse on the ground and stood there with the questioning look of death on her face.

"Waiting for you to get home so I could talk to you, and now that you're home, we can talk." Drake said standing up. His sister was getting tall. She was almost his height now. He could look her in the eyes.

"Go away. I don't give a shit about what you think." Megan said coldly under her breath.

"I know what it's like Megs, I was already there. I've already screwed up my life. You haven't yet."

"What's it to you anyway."

"Let me tell you, its better that I know you're doing drugs than if mom does."

"I'm not a drug addict."


"Prove it." She demanded as she sat down on her bed.

"Found this in the car this morning." Drake said as he held up a bag of pot. "I know it's not mine, I normally don't drive Mom's car."

"Give me that." Megan said trying to grab it out of his hands.

"Hell no. I never did drugs. Sure I partied and drank, but drugs? Megs this is illegal."

"Drinking under age is illegal. You stay out of my life. I stay out of yours." Megan hissed as she kicked Drake.

"Just so you know, you're not the only one he hurt." Drake added as he tossed Megan the bag of pot. "If you ever want to talk about it, you know where I am." He stated as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Megan hid the bag in one of her many, many, hiding places. She sat down on her bed, the purple bedspread mocking her. She knew exactly what Drake was talking about and that meant that he would understand. It meant that he was right. It meant…that they did need to talk.