What if Joe tried to date Clarisse the old way ? I dont own any of them i wish i did.
Sunday morning at the palace was going slowly, with very little to do in the security room Joseph wandered down the corridor to the ballroom. As he neared the large oak door he could hear the latin beat of music floating through the open entry. Taking his time to appreciate the view, Joseph entered the room. Dancing and twirling around the room as if without a care in the world was the queen of his world and her granddaughter Amelia. She looked divine, as always.
"Hey Joe. What you doing ?" Mia asked as Clarisse stepped away and turned a deep red at being caught in such a fancy free state.
"Good afternoon Princess, Your Majesty. I was intrigued as to why the music was being played. I appologise for the intrusion." Turning to leave Joseph had to smile at how adorable the usually so sure Queen looked when flushed.
"Hey no Joe don't go you are not intruding. Grandma was just trying to teach me a Rumba. Its not going well." Looking quickly between the two, a small smile forming on her lips she had an idea. "Maybe you and Grandma could dance it and I could watch, I would probably find it easier to pick up if I were to see it done properly."
"Mia I am sure Joseph….."
"I would be glad to, Princess" Joe stated quietly cutting the queen off.
"Right that's that and its Mia in private!" She smiled at him, he was like a grandfather to her and yet he still insisted on calling her by her title. Speaking of grandfather I wonder if that is possible. There are deffo feelings there between them two.
Staring at the slowly rather seductively swaying Joseph making his way over to her, Clarisse couldn't help get caught up in the rhythm. Her feet began to tap away to the music that Mia had started. He slid up behind her, placing his hands on her waist ever so gently and pulling her to him slightly. There hips following the beat of the latin love song.
The atmosphere in the room changed. The dancing couple didn't notice Mia leave the room and close the doors, they didn't notice the music finish and them carry on dancing to their own rhythm. All they could see was each other. She had never felt so loved, he had never felt such love. Moving in sync. Away from one another but ultimately back together. There bodies meeting in the middle of the floor, swaying, brushing and soo close. Finally feeling the need to stop they finished their dance, Clarisse in his arms pressed up close to his magnificent body, looking deep into his eyes. Breathing heavily after their encounter they forgot who they were and there boundaries. Leaning in just slightly he whispered in her ear.
"You are magnificent, thank you" His voice husky and rough, lips brushing the side of her cheek. With that he pulled away gave a grand bow and took his leave for a shower.
Clarisse remained in the middle of the ball room for a few seconds more to recover her balance and poise and went in search of her meddling granddaughter.
Finding Mia in her office, Clarisse took a seat behind the desk, looking pointedly at Mia.
"What? You looked like you two needed to be alone." The smile growing on her mouth did nothing to help her grandmothers composure. "He is a fantastic dancer and I have to say it he's pretty hot. I wouldn't mind him as my eligible batchellor."
"MIA. Please he is old enough to be your grandfather let alone your father." Seeing Mia's smile Clarisse thought back over heer statement and put her head in her hands. Sighing loudly.
"Come now grandma, was that a tinge of jelousy. Well even you mudst have notice that he is particularly good looking. And coming this way." Mia lied. Head shooting up Clarisse fiddled with her hair and checked her make up, much to the amusement of Mia. "So the rumours are true. You do fancy Joe."
"What rumours. WHAT? I do not FANCY Joe…seph" Again head in hands at the condemning stare coming from her granddaughter Clarisse sighed loudly and nodded her head. "He is rather attractive but I am a Queen, I cant be seen to date men, particularly not Joseph. How would the public take that, he is my head of security."
"Have you ever thought that they might understand, there are widowed people out there in the world. In fact I believe it will bring you closer to your people. It will show you are like them, have feelings and you are not afraid to accept and love the lower classes. That you are not the uptight snob royalty comes across as, but more importantly you will be happy and so will Joe."
"Maybe you are right, but just for the record I have never thought of Joseph as the lower class."