This is a little fan fic I wrote while I was half asleep so sorry, if it's random…
When I walked into my dorm and went to place my stuff next to my bed, I saw a note, and a Christmas lily on top of it. I walked over and picked up the lily and smelt it. It smelt beautiful. I saw the writing on it and instantly knew it was from James Potter.
James Potter. He pays attention in class and always does his homework. But when Sirius black is around, he is annoying and arrogant, but I can tell he's acting. No one else can. No one.
I opened the note to see:
Dear Lily,
Meet me at the
Great doors at
I smiled and saw it was 10 to midnight. I was surprised to see I'd worked so long. I grabbed some jeans and a large grey hoody, and changed clothes. I let my hair down from being tied up all day and applied lip gloss.
When I got there, James was leaning against the wall and had a white rose.
'For you,' he said sweetly.
'Thank you,' I blushed, taking the rose.
'Walk with me?' he asked nervously.
We walked down to the lake, but continued to a little creek near the forbidden forest.
'It's beautiful,' I gushed.
'Like you. I know it sounds cliché, but its true. I found it a few days ago and I really wanted to show you and I also thought it would be the perfect time for me to ask you something.'
'James, this is amazing. Thank you,' I said as I kissed his cheek.
'Lily, what I wanted to say was that I really like you.'
I didn't say anything, just took hold of his hand and sat down on a bench, and he wrapped his arm around me. I leant into him and smiled. I had wanted him, liked him, loved him, for so long.
I looked up at him and he turned to look at me. We gazed into each other's eyes before James kissed my forehead, my cheek and then peeked (peaked? Could find word) my lips. I placed my hand on his cheek and brought his lips to mine. We kissed slowly, softly, and carefully. It was only a few seconds, but for me, it was heaven.
Nothing could or would taste better. We were satisfied by those few seconds.
This was our beginning…