Disclaimer-warriors aren't mine... or i'd make it a bit different.
arrgh! I've been so hopeless lately. i havnt written in so long i think i got stupider. I was feeling so pathetic that i forced myself to write... so its a little.. well pathetic. but thanks to you guys who reviwed asking me to write cause it actually helpe.
GOODNES! idid anyone read the sight?! how crazy was that?! what do you think bout jaypaw, hollypaw, and lionpaw?? I dont trust Jaypaw that much.. oh and then there's that event that i will not mention for fear of spoiling but that makes me JUMP UP AND DOWN! YAAAYY!!!
okay... ill stop here. read please)
Chapter 13.
"Surely you've seen Squirrelpaw this morning?" Sandstorm asked, entering Cinderpelts den. Leafpaw watched as her mentor shook her head. "Garsh, I reckeon I havn't seen that cowboy since yesterday." Cinderpelt mewed with that southern drawl of hers. Sandstorm turned to her daughter.
"Leafpaw? Have you seen your sister?" Leafpaw struggled against the urge to blurt out the truth; That Squirrelpaw had left the clan to go chill with a ganster from WindClan, a gray duo from RiverClan, and Brambleclaw, the cat she had always had the most to complain about. Oh, and Tawnypelt. Maybe with her gone the destruction of the forest would slow down.. because despite the evidence of Twoleg monsters tearing the clan's beloved home, no one had ruled out Tawnypaw's stomach complelty.
"No. Not me. I havn't seen Squirrelpaw! What's a Squirrelpaw? There never was any Squirrelpaw! Squirrelpaw is just a myth!" Leafpaw burst.
Sandstorm raised an inquring eyebrow at her daughter. She turned to Cinderpelt, still glancing sideways at Leafpaw.
"I think you need to run a check up on her," The ginger she-cat muttered to the medicine cat. Cinderpelt nodded and chewed on some grass.
"Well, I need to go tutor Firestar in algerbra 2. You know, for a cat whos saved to forest a couple of times, you'd think it wouldnt be that hard to understanr A-squared plus B-squaredC-squared... I'm off!
"Im'a go rope me some burdock root. They're wild this season!" Cinderpelt meowed. "You a'comin Leafo?" Leafpaw shook her head.
"I'm just going to stay here and.. barbeque." She murmered. Sandstorm's ears flattened as she trotted away, but Cinderpelt hadn't stuck around to hear her answer, as she had already turned and galloped away.
What's gotten into me lately!? Leafpaw scolded herself. Barbecue!? What kind of mediocre excuse was that? Hmph. With Cinderpelt gone, and with no Squirrelpaw chirping the latest gossip and ways to further privatly embarrass and/or publicly humiliate others, the only thing to do was to go plan some more English lessons. It was the only way she could keep her mind of the danger that her sister was in. Oh I only hope Tawnypelt hasn't squished her! She fretted. Leafpaw shook her head to clear it before working out some new worksheets on the pronunciation of the different classifications of trees.
"67 bottles of beer on the wall! 67 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, 66 bottles of beer on the wall!" After the first half day of the journey, a rousing round of "Old McDonald" and two times around of "BINGO" Brambleclaw felt like banging his head- hard- against the nearest tree. Squirrelpaw had managed to befriend Tawnypelt, and the two had been going on and on since dawn.
"...take one down pass it around! 65 bottes of beer on the wall!" Brambleclaw gazed around in search of a tree. Preferably a big one with really hard bark. That's when it hit him. There were no trees!
"Stormfur!" He beckoned to the gray RiverClan warrior. "There's no trees here!" He hissed. Stormfur nodded as he ran.
"I noticed." He panted. The easy-going tom opened his mouth for more comment, when it turned into a jaw drop, simmiliar to Squirrelpaw's trait when she was feeling confused.. or evil. But yes, Stormfur's jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide. Brambleclaw whipped his head around to see what was the matter.
"Great Scott." Feathertail breathed, ecohing Brambleclaw's thoughts exactly(but in a more.. Brittish kinda way) Ahead of them, in what would have been the forest to turn off and start on the path to the Moonstone, every tree had been torn down; not one was standing. Beyond that lay a thunderpath that seemed to go on and on, like Squirrelpaw and Tawnypelt's singing, and a little ways after that there were trees and brush again.
"..They've killed everything." Squirrelpaw whispered. Brambleclaw was shocked;she had sounded humbeled for a second there!
Brambleclaw took a deep breath inward. He gathered the small party of cats, noticing how the clan boundaries had seemed to dissolve as the journeying cats made their way to the Sundrown place to save their friends.Then Crowpaw had to ruin it.
"You kitties can't party like the gangstas in WindClan." He muttered. Squirrelpaw whipped her head around to glare at him.
"Well you have an ugly face." She retorted. Tawnypelt snorted in laughter.
"That wasn't even funny Tawnypelt." Stormfur meowed.
"I like to laugh, gotta problem?"She asked, stepping up in Stormfur's face.No litterally, stepping on his face.
Stormfur stepped down a little bit.
"Nope actually I don't. I think I'll go listen to Brambleclaw... over there. " He scooted to the left.
"Guys!" Brambleclaw yowled for their attention. "If you're quite finished, we have to pass this Thunderpath coming up."
"We could fly." Squirrelpaw suggested. Everyone ignored her.
Feathertail spoke up. "The monsters are traveling so fast, it'd be a miracle if we all crossed one by one before sundown!"
The group spent some time bickering over the most logical ways to cross. They eventaually decided against Squirrelpaw's idea of attempting to dig a hole under the Thunderpath and tunnel under like moles, and the most logical Crowpaw's idea of hitching a ride on one of the monsters. Just as Stormfur and Feathertail agonized over the correct angle at which they should jump to reach the monster's back, Tawnypelt, who had been silent since the begining of the debate, spoke.
"I've got an idea!" she declared.
15 minutes later, Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, and Stormfur were perched on Tawnypelt's right front paw; Feathertail and Crowpaw crouched on the other. Tawnypelt approached the Thunderpath, the monsters running across at high speeds.
"Why did we decide on this!?" Someone exclaimed. Tawnypelt prepared to step.
"StarClan," Brambleclaw murmered, quoting something from some movie he'd seen a while ago. "Save the queen."
"Firestar!" Graystripe called into his leader's den. Firestar emerged from the den, looking confused.
"You okay buddy?" Graystripe asked in concern. "You don't look so good."
"Pythagorean therum!" He gasped suddenly.
Graystripe nodded, understanding. Poor Firestar. Sure, Graystripe had grasped algebra 2 within the first minutes he had picked up the math book, but Firestar held strengths in other areas. Like saving the world and memorizing scripts to Shakespear.
"Let's go Firestar, Dustpelt said he wanted to see us in the clearing." Graystripe meowed. Dustpelt had come to him a few minutes ago and told him he had made a major break through.
Firestar padded off in the direction of the clearing.
"Bush!" Graystripe yowled. Firestar plowed right through the thorns.
Shaking his head, Graystripe ran to catch up with his friend.
"What was that you were saying before, Graystripe?"
"..nevermind Firestar."
The pair waited for Dustpelt to meet them in the clearing.
Instead, Whitepaw rushed out too greet them.
"Introduuuccinngg," The white apprentice started in circus ring-leader like voice. "Dustpelt and the Boys!"
The night was filled with the sound of revving, not unlike the noise of a monster on the Thunderpath. Graystripe watched incrediously and small mechanical monsters crashed into the clearing.
"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Firestar yowled. He hit a tree. It was quiet again.
Graystripe turned his attention back to the destruction of the clearing. To his surprise, Dustpelt was at the wheel of the mini-monster in the lead. Behind him was Brackenfur, Spiderpaw, Cloudtail, Ashfur, Sootfur, and Rainwhisker. The weird thing was, they were all in the mini monsters! Not just any mini monsters! Pink ones!
"We raided the twoleg town!" Dustpelt announced, leaping out of his impliment of destruction. Firestar was finally coming-to.
Graystripe took initiative as deputy and asked.
"What.. are they supposed to do?"
Dustpelt gave him a look that basically called him a moron, and how could he not know how the screaming metal death traps could possibly help the clans.
"Cloudtail can read, and he said that these monsters are called Barbie Jeeps!!!" Sootfur exploaded.
"And obviously, we use them to fight off the twolegs destroying the forest! Fight fire with fire! Our 'jeeps' against their whatcha-ma-hoozit monster beasts!" Dustpelt explained.
Graystripe measured pros and cons in his head.
"We've got one for you." Rainwhisker meowed slyly.
"Sounds reasonable! Let's do it!" Graystripe decided swiftly.
"Boys, let's show Graystripe to his part of the Save-the-forest-using-twoleg-contraptions committee!" Dustpelt yowled.
The group shot off, Graystripe trailing behind.
Firestar finally heaved himself up onto his paws.
Whatever happened to respect for your leader? Firestar thought, shaking his head.
"I'll be there.. in a minute!" He called. "Or two.." He muttered under his breath.
welp.. there. i tried