AN: So… Dean turned out to be a dud of a hurricane… which I am not complaining about in the least. Sorry I didn't get this out sooner, I went away for 2 weeks and just got back. Anyway I'll stop blabbing and let you get to the new chapter.




Written by – I heart Sesshomaru


Hey guys, just thought I'd tell you Sesshy got his arm back!!!! I didn't put this in the author's note because some people might skip it but I want to make sure everyone knows. Don't believe me? Well I put up a link of the picture in my profile. YAY! SESSHY IS WHOLE ONCE AGAIN!

Real beginning ---- I stretched before I bent down to gather up my bathing supplies. We had been journeying almost non-stop for 3 days due to Inuyasha's nagging. Finally Miroku had convinced him to let us stop unless we'd show up at Naraku's castle exhausted. Now Sango and I were getting ready to take a nice long soak in the nearby hot springs.

I wasn't nervous, or anxious about the upcoming confrontation with our long time arch enemy. I guess after so many times of the hit and misses we've had with him I've come to expect that the castle will be empty or he'll escape again. My thoughts slipped back to Sesshomaru again. I still couldn't believe that he would tell me about Naraku. He was always saying how he was going to be the one to kill Naraku; now he just gave Inuyasha (through telling me) his location. Was he going to show up as well? I knew that if Inuyasha and Sesshomaru looked past their rivalry we would be able to defeat him.

"Ready to go Kagome?" Sango asked as she waited at the edge of the campsite.

I looked up and nodded before following after her. I heard Inuyasha shout 'Be careful!' as we disappeared into the trees. Sango and I walked in comfortable silence until we could see the rising steam coming from the hot springs. We quickly stripped and settled into the water. I leaned my head back on a rock and gazed up at the darkening sky between the trees.

"Kagome?..." Sango asked in a hesitant tone.

I looked up at her, she looked nervous.

"Yeah Sango?" I asked.

"Well… I've been wondering this for a while. Not just me, Miroku and Shippo as well." She trailed off.

"What's up?" I asked concerned.

"Well… Kagome, where did you get those jewel shards?" she asked.

I looked down at the small plastic bottle that was floating around my neck that contained the shards Sesshomaru had given me all those months ago. I then looked back up at Sango. I could tell she had been wanting to ask that for a long time.

"Sesshomaru gave them to me." I answered.

Sango looked shocked, which is completely understandable. I was shocked too at the time.

"Sesshomaru did? Why?" she asked.

I shrugged.

"He was waiting underneath the Sacred Tree for me one night, then he gave me these shards and left. He said he didn't need them, and he knew I was able to purify them… so…" I trailed off.

"Oh." Sango said. "That's strangely unlike him."

"Is it?" I asked. "I mean, we don't really know him do we? The only time we ever see him is when he and Inuyasha are fighting. And 9 out of 10 times Inuyasha starts it. There's more to him then we see."

"You speak as if you've seen another side of him." Sango said meaning to joke but when she saw my expression her smile fell. "You have?"

I looked away.

"I dunno… it's confusing. When he gave me these shards, he said things. I don't think they were meant to make me feel better or anything… but they did. And I've met him after too, a couple of times. He… he's not as evil as Inuyasha makes him out to be." I said blushing as I swirled my finger through the water.

"That's right… he was the one who told you where Naraku is." Sango said.

"Yeah…" I said as memories of the confrontation floated through my mind.

I'm not helping Inuyasha… I'm helping you.

I smiled as I remembered his words. I was still confused as to why he wanted to help me. He's not known for being a helpful person… but like I said to Sango earlier, none of us truly know him.

"Do you like him?" Sango asked suddenly.

"Huh?" I asked blushing. "Me? Like Sesshomaru? No…"

I couldn't help but think that it was a lie. My pounding heart was a dead give away. Sango stared at me for a few seconds before looking away.

"There's nothing wrong if you do. I mean, I think anyone would take a liking to him if they started paying as much attention to them as he is to you." She said with a small smile. "He's going out of his way to help you, give you shards, tell you about Naraku…"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean anything! He's just… I dunno. He's not paying me attention I can tell you that. This is Sesshomaru we're talking about." I said faster than I meant to.

"Yeah but like you said, there's more to him than we see." Sango said before climbing out of the steaming water.

She turned to wait for me but I shook my head.

"You go ahead. I'm gunna stay a bit longer." I said. "I've got my bow and arrows with me, so I'll be fine."

Sango nodded and dressed before walking away. I watched her walk away as a light blush burned my cheeks. She was wrong… I did not catch Sesshomaru's attention.

"As if Sesshomaru would ever…" I muttered to myself.

"As if I would ever what?" a voice asked.

I let out a shriek at the unexpected voice and looked up to see Sesshomaru lounging in the branches above me. He gazed down at me with a bored expression on his face but I could see the glint of amusement in his eyes… he couldn't disguise emotion in his eyes.

"Y-You were there the whole time!?" I yelled up at him and sunk further in the water making sure to cover myself up, though he had probably already seen everything.

"So?" he asked as if I were accusing him of stepping on an ant.

"So!? You probably just saw everything you pervert!" I said.

He glared down at me, all mirth in his eyes gone.

"Just who do you take me for? Such an act is beneath me, I have more honor than that." He spoke, his deep voice sending chills down my spine.

I self-consciously sunk deeper into the water, though his words made me feel better. I should've known that Sesshomaru would never sink so low as to spy on women as they bathed, especially if they were human. Still, that didn't change the fact that he had most likely heard our entire conversation. I blushed again but didn't bring it up.

"Do you have something to tell me, or do you usually just hang around by hot springs?" I asked.

He remained silent.

"Uh… could you at least like look away so I can get dressed?" I tried again.

"I will not look." Was all he said, and I knew he wouldn't.

Still that didn't stop me from feeling completely awkward as I stepped out of the water and was hit with a chilly blast of air. I dressed as fast as I could before I started to towel dry my hair. A soft thump behind me told me that Sesshomaru had jumped down from the branches. I turned around to see him curiously holding a bottle of my shampoo up to his nose. My soft giggle caused him to look up.

"What is this?" he asked.

I walked over to him and took the bottle from his hand.

"It's called shampoo. You use it to wash your hair." I said and held up a strand of my damp hair to my nose. It smelled fruity.

I was just about to turn and gather the rest of my things, when I stopped. Sesshomaru had bent down and grabbed some of my hair and sniffed it. I froze, my heart pounded in my chest, my cheeks were on fire for the millionth time that night. Sesshomaru was smelling my hair. Then he dropped the locks and stood up straight again.

My gaze slowly worked its way up till my eyes met his. They were glowing softly in the twilight, an unnamed emotion swirling around in their molten depths. It was then I noticed how close we were, barely 2 inches between us. My heart was pounding so hard against my ribcage; he must've been able to hear it. Was it just me or was Sesshomaru leaning down again? My eyelids slid closed on their own accord and I waited for his lips to press against mine. But instead I felt them close to my ear.

"I like it." he whispered.

I felt him move away and opened my eyes, but to my surprise he was gone. I looked around but he was no where to be found, not even up in the trees. I then wondered if he had ever been there at all.

That's when I noticed that the shampoo bottle in my hand was gone.
