MIND GAMES – Chapter 1
A/N: I am completely new to uploading fics although I have been reading and writing pieces for many years. Please excuse any errors or teething problems as I get the hang of the system. I also beta my own work (if anyone would like to help me, please email me!) so all mistakes are my own.
This is a story which has sat on my hard drive for at least two years and I've several ideas for it, but I would really appreciate some thoughts and guidance! Please let me know if you think I should continue! I realise this is a situation which has been explored many, many times, but I also wanted to put my own spin on this story which has been (so far) very good fun to write!
SUMMARY: Sam and Jack find themselves having to follow local laws in order to access some advanced technology. Trouble ensues throughout.
DISCLAIMER: As much as I would like to, I do not own any of the SG1 franchise or characters. All original characters are my own.
Bryan Walter was perfectly normal in nearly every sense of the word. The obvious difference between him and any other male living on Earth was that he wasn't actually a native of Earth. Bryan's home planet was called Torrina, and it so happened that he was fleeing it.
SG-1 had encountered Bryan Walter on a mission of three weeks previous to P4J-846, where Bryan had posed as a traveller. Fortunately for SG-1 Bryan didn't quite have the nerves of steel required to be an explorer in a Galaxy, which housed horrifically evil beings such as the Goa'uld. After telling the team his reason for leaving his home planet, Bryan informed them of some very powerful weaponry recently discovered by his people. Following some immensely complicated description of the technology to Major Carter, she announced that the firepower, combined with Earth's forces, could hopefully match that of the Goa'uld.
Excited at the prospect, SG-1 made their way back to Earth with Bryan, and, after some persuasion (mostly from Daniel) Bryan Walter agreed to return to Torrina and await SG-1's visit. With much eager meetings with various 'Officially Important People' of Earth, one of which happened to be the President, SG-1 had a go for their mission to Torrina in order to; first understand their technology ('It'll be like a vacation for Carter,' snorted Colonel O'Neill during General Hammonds' de-briefing) and second to bring back enough of their source to conduct sufficient experiments. Fuelled by the fact that Bryan Walter had assured them there would be no restrictions on scientific information given and that Torrina's ruler (High Councillor Marengio) welcomed visitors to his planet most graciously, the entire SGC were extremely confident of SG-1's mission.
"I believe this planet may hold the key for the eventual downfall of the Goa'uld, O'Neill," commented Teal'c as SG-1 strode away from the Stargate and in the direction of a hazy horizon on which a 'city' was located.
However, in Torrina, this place was not a city. Bryan had told SG-1 that he had been the mayor (or Captain as he called it) of this country. Many countries were located around Torrina, and each resembled a city in almost every way, apart from size. Bryan had informed them that his was one of the largest countries on the planet, and from where SG-1 were stood, it was certainly following Bryan's boast.
"Yeah, I hope so Teal'c. It's about time we had some luck in the Goa'uld destroying department," replied Jack O'Neill heavily.
By the impression given by the sky, it looked as if the sun had only just risen a few hours before. It cast a warm glow upon the enlarging buildings before them, making the planet seem wonderfully peaceful if it were not for constant drone of vehicles being emitted from the country. Judging by the condition of the buildings and path, which was leading SG-1 to the country, Bryan kept his area in outstanding cleanliness and superiority.
"Nice place 'ol Bry's got himself here ain't it?" observed Jack casually, "Must cost a few a year to keep it looking like this…"
"Well, this is obviously the first country that visitors will see, so I suppose it makes sense to have such splendour close to the gate," offered Daniel, which earned him a scowl from Jack for being a smart-ass.
After a brief pause, Jack turned to Carter.
"So, Carter, I guess you're looking forward to this science lesson, then?" his face was held in a wicked grin, perfectly aware of what the answer would be.
"Yes sir. I can't even begin imagine what their technology might be like. I guess we'll just have to wait and see whether it's similar to something we've seen before," grinned Carter
"Well I'm sure you'll have fun either way, Major."
Sam smiled sheepishly, before adding, "We will find something to help us, sir."
Jack didn't reply, but cocked an eyebrow and nodded, which said quite plainly, I sure hope so.
Just as the path started to widen, a figure approached at a rapid pace. From SG-1's position, it was a short, slightly chubby male with dark robes, which streamed out behind him like a banner. Even from the distance, a broad grin was detectible on the rounded face of Bryan Walter. As he drew near the team, kind, bright green eyes could be seen dancing below a fringe of untidy black hair.
"Welcome!" he panted, slowing to a halt before the team.
"Hi," replied Daniel, who wore a slightly bemused expression, "Last time we spoke, you didn't seem really pleased about having to come back here."
Bryan's excited face fell somewhat and his eyes flickered nervously, "Well, err, returning has made me, er, notice the error of my ways."
"Uh-huh," said Jack uncertainly, glancing at Carter who raised an eyebrow.
After a slight pause, Bryan smiled again.
"Good news, explorers, High Councillor Marengio has granted extended funding for us to teach you of our technology!"
"That is indeed good news, Bryan Walter," said Teal'c.
Bryan, who had been somewhat nervous of Teal'c when they first met, merely nodded before turning to Jack and suggesting that they make their way to the country border.
As the group walked towards the country, Bryan and Daniel soon became engrossed in conversation. However, Daniel paused in his step when Bryan mentioned something.
"What did you just say?" quizzed Daniel; his blue eyes alight with anticipation.
Bryan suddenly became highly excited also, and once Jack had ushered everyone on, began to tell Daniel of an archaeological dig that was taking place in a nearby country.
Not terribly interested, Jack and Sam began to drift ahead of the group. Soon he noticed that Carter was no longer beside him, and as he turned around, he found her on bended knee taking soil samples. He sighed then walked over and crouched down beside her. Letting the others pass them, he wondered why on earth they required soil samples from every planet they visited.
"Er, Carter, I'm sure there's a perfectly logical scientific explanation for this, but why do you need -"
"Minerals in the soil, sir," she replied while filling a test tube and sealing it.
"Of course it is."
Fiddling with a wisp of grass, he waited until she had finished.
"Ready?" he asked when she locked up her case.
"Yes, sir."
It happened that the others hadn't really gotten that far closer to the country. Immediately falling into military step, they began to catch up. They had just descended a slight hill, when Jack realized that everyone else was passing the barriers into the country. Quickening their stride, Sam and Jack reached the bright yellow building, which looked slightly like (in Jack's opinion) a large insect.
On the opposite side of the booth, Bryan and Daniel stood talking rapidly, while Teal'c observed the architecture. Jack swiftly gestured in Bryan's direction and tried to explain that they were with Bryan, but the guard only shook his head.
"You may be with those, but she requires a certificate to pass," the blond-haired man pointed at Sam.
Jack looked at Sam, who just wrinkled her brow.
"Excuse me? What certificate?" interrupted Sam.
"Every woman has a certificate of pairing – you must know what I'm talking about!" the guard's face became a picture of puzzlement.
"Er, no," slurred Jack, who was beginning to get impatient.
"Listen, we're travellers," reasoned Sam, "We've come with Bryan Walter. If you just call him over, he'll tell you."
The man sighed heavily, but nonetheless stuck his head out of the window and called to Bryan. Slightly put out at the interruption, Bryan stomped over.
"Oy! Bry! What's this about Carter needing a certificate to get in to your country?" he yelled over the barrier.
Bryan's face darkened suddenly before he turned to the guard and began a hushed conversation.
"Er, Colonel?" Sam spoke beside him, her voice wavering slightly.
"Erm, sir, I think he wants a marriage certificate."
"Maybe it's a law on Torrina…"
Jack stared at her a little while longer, before glancing back at Bryan and the Guard Guy, who was shaking his head purposefully. Bryan looked thoroughly worried, and sighed heavily before striding over to where Sam and Jack waited on the opposite side of the barrier.
"What's going on?" demanded Jack immediately.
Bryan swallowed hard, "There is a rule on Torrina…"
"What rule? What the hell's going on Bryan?" Jack's voice was mounting with anger.
"Er," Bryan bowed his head and spoke in a toneless voice, "All women over the age of twenty-five must be married. It is law enforced by HC Marengio. There is nothing I can do about it. Major Carter cannot enter without being paired… But I assure you it is for her own safety…"
"I can take care of myself!" yelled Sam indignantly, but Jack held up a hand to stop her.
"Major Carter is not of this planet! I don't see why these rules should affect her!"
Bryan, however continued to shake his head sorrowfully, "There is nothing I can do Colonel O'Neill -"
"We need Carter to understand this scientific stuff!"
"I know, Colonel," suddenly he flicked up his eyes to meet Sam's, "There may be something I can do…"
"What? What is it?" Jack's eyes were on stalks.
"I can marry Major Carter to someone…"
"Hey, wait a minute…" Jack paused, glancing at Carter, who took but a moment to think.
"Sir, the fate of Earth could be at stake here. I don't think we have a choice," she said in a determined tone.
He twisted his mouth into a 'weighing up the odds' expression. With a disgruntled sigh, Jack eventually nodded then turned to Bryan.
"What now?" snapped Jack.
"I need to be married to someone."
A long pause flooded throughout.
"Colonel O'Neill?" suggested Bryan.
"What?" asked Jack, innocently.
"Er, would you be prepared to marry Major Carter?" offered Bryan in a cautious tone.
Everyone seemed to have thought it better to stay silent. Sam warily cast an eye over her CO. His face was twisted in something was might have been surprise, but Sam wasn't sure.
"Colonel O'Neill? Major Carter?" prompted Bryan, however no one replied.
From the corner of her eye, Sam could see Daniel and Teal'c speaking frantically to the blond Guard Guy. Daniel looked pretty worried. Even Teal'c looked concerned.
"Sorry, Bryan, it's against our rules," eventually Jack spoke.
"Oh. I just thought it would be easier if Major Carter married someone she knew…"
Sam chewed her lip and stared at her feet.
Bryan raised his head slowly to meet the Colonel's eyes for the first time. He was going to try and convince him to wed Sam.
"After all, Major Carter did say the fate of your planet could be in your hands, Colonel…And anyway, Major Carter isn't on her planet, she is on this planet. Therefore your rules are less concern than ours."
Jack stood next to Sam with a face of one deep in thought. She noticed how he drummed his fingers on his P90. He was weighing up the pros and cons again.
"Well…" Sam brought her breath in quickly. Jack paused to allow her to speak, "Er, I suppose the General wouldn't have to know…"
"No, he wouldn't," said Bryan, a gleam in his eye.
"But," at this Bryan's face fell, "It is ultimately up to Carter."
Jack and Bryan turned to Sam. To her, she had no choice. Earth needed this technology, and the catch was pretty good anyway…
"I won't get in otherwise," stated Sam, "So we have to."
O'Neill nodded briskly, but Sam caught the slight cock of a smile as it hastily danced across his mouth then disappeared from sight.
However, a huge grin spread over Bryan's face. "Good," he said, unable to hide the excitement in his voice, "I shall see to the arrangements immediately."
With that, Bryan turned on his heel and strode over to the Guard Guy and began speaking to him with an air of authority.
Sam, however, heard none of it. She was going to be married to her CO. It felt as thought something as big a salmon was doing somersaults in her stomach. This was definitely gonna be weird. And talk about complicated! The entire team would have to get their story straight and of course it would mean a direct violation of various Air Force regulations. But really this was a huge case of life or death for the population of Earth, and with that choice, Sam had none.
It was a tense atmosphere between Sam and her CO while Bryan got them to sign various papers. They were no longer standing like rejects outside the country, but leaning against the yellow booth where the Guard Guy was shoving some papers through the window to them. Daniel insisted that they read each and every word of the forms. It wasn't surprising that Jack was becoming impatient with Daniel's rabbiting, and soon he just began to scrawl his signature where indicated and thrust them at Sam to counter-sign.
Eventually, Bryan's smile somehow managed to get larger and he clapped his hands together loudly once he had finished signing his own papers.
"I have great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife…to be!" squeaked Bryan excitedly, though his smile diminished slightly when he saw looks on the faces of SG-1, "Well…er, now we much approach our law enforcers and convince them of your marriage…" he swivelled around and beckoned for the team to follow him down an alleyway of beautiful trees, where pink leaves littered the floor like a satin shawl.
"What are these trees called, Bryan?" asked Daniel as he strode beside their guide. Jack sighed at Daniel's continual, unending persistency.
"Oh, the pink ones? They're called Fawna trees. I chose them myself when I was appointed captain here."
"Well, they're very pretty."
"I concur Daniel Jackson."
Before Daniel could strike up another pointless conversation, Jack pushed his way between Bryan and Daniel and said, "So Bry, exactly where are you taking us? Because we really need to get started on researching that technology…"
"You won't be researching anything if no one believes you and Major Carter are married, Colonel O'Neill," interrupted Bryan with his head held high.
Daniel's eyebrows furrowed and he scuttled round to Bryan's other side to speak to him.
"What do you mean, Bryan?" he quizzed.
"Sorry, I do not understand Daniel."
"What will your citizens do if they don't believe Jack and Sam are married?"
"Oh, that," Bryan paused in his step and looked to his feet, "Well, er, they might report me to High Councillor Marengio..."
SG-1 halted also and looked at one another curiously. Sam pursed her lips and approached Bryan.
"Will Marengio banish you if they report you?" she asked cautiously.
He looked at Sam where she could see the confidence and excitement in his eyes that had been earlier had returned to anxiety.
He swallowed hard before answering her question, "Possibly. But it will be you that will suffer worst… they believe it is a woman's duty to ensure she is paired."
Sam steadily took in her breath. She could see that Colonel O'Neill was getting angry with Bryan, again. She suspected that he didn't like this rather 'forgetful' captain very much.
"Bryan," began Jack in a quiet yet commanding voice, "What precisely do you mean by 'suffer worst'?"
"Major Carter and possibly yourself, would probably be imprisoned," replied Bryan in a sorrowful whisper.
Jack briefly glanced at Carter, who only raised her eyebrows.
"We have to ensure this does not happen, O'Neill," inferred Teal'c
After a slight gap, Jack said, "Yes, we do."
Bryan ventured a glance up to Jack, "Do you mean you are not angry?"
"I wouldn't say that…" muttered Jack.
"I think what Jack means, Bryan," Daniel glared at Jack purposefully, "is, do what you can to stop them getting found out and they'll do the rest."
The dark haired man hastily nodded his head. "Y…yes. Just down this avenue…"
With that, Bryan spun around and scampered in the direction he was pointing.
"Jittery little fella, isn't he?" offered Jack. After a speedy glance at each other, SG-1 marched after the robed figure.
The team passed more of the Fawna trees scattered between the pretty pale colored buildings. All of the houses seemed to be single story or two stories at the most. Well-kept gardens lay in front of the doors and led around to the back. What seemed strange was that all of the vehicles and noise the team had heard before had disappeared.
"Posh place," whispered Colonel O'Neill to Sam as they followed Bryan through ally-ways, which resembled the tranquil streets of a quaint Spanish town. Finally Bryan stopped in front of a beautiful whitewashed building with a spire and smiled.
"Er, Bry, what's this in aid of?" asked Jack cautiously.
Bryan's smile faded a little and his brow furrowed, "Do you not have churches on your planet?"
"Yes. Yes, of course we do. But what I mean is, why are we here?" continued Jack.
"Is it not obvious, Colonel O'Neill?" puzzled Bryan, extending an arm to a large, open oak door and leading them through, "This is where yourself and Major Carter will prove to the country that you are married."
For a few moments, SG-1 seemed stunned into silence. Even Jack O'Neill.
"Er, Bryan…" started Sam, "Are you sure this is really necessary?"
"Of course I am, Major," he replied shortly, "By signing those forms you have declared that you are indeed paired when on your home planet; however in order to move around freely on Torrina, we must provide others with the same belief."
"Do all of your visitors from other planets have to do this?" asked Daniel.
"Yes. All unfamiliar females must prove their pairing within Torrina."
With that, he spun around on heel, bounced down the aisle, and began babbling about formalities such as clothing and guests.
After much discussing about the 'wedding to be,' Bryan insisted that he would have no choice but to have the ceremony the following day. At first the team tried to protest, arguing that they would much rather have it over with as quickly as possible so they could get on with studying the technology, but Bryan reasoned with them.
"We must have a congregation to witness your ceremony, Colonel. And today is of much short notice to my people," said Bryan in a determined tone, "The service is scheduled for tomorrow."
Jack screwed up his mouth, stifling an exasperated sigh. He glanced over to Carter, who was looking just about frustrated as he did. Knowing Carter, she would be itching to get her hands on the technology and a small thing like getting married to her CO shouldn't get in her way.
Flicking his eyes back to their host, Jack interrupted the brief silence, "Well, if the service is tomorrow, where do you want us to stay?"
"Oh! Yes, yes, of course," he stuttered in reply, looking as if he had dreaded this question to be asked, "Er, Colonel…um, I'm afraid we have a slight matter of tradition regarding marriages…"
At this, Daniel stopped flicking through a book that seemed similar to a bible and snapped it shut.
"What tradition might this be, Bryan Walter?" asked Teal'c, striding over to Jack's side.
"Er, well you understand that if I do not carry tradition through, suspicion will be aroused."
"Yes," nodded Jack curtly.
"It is said to be unlucky for Major Carter to see her future husband twelve hours before the wedding."
"Oh, amazing!" jumped in Daniel from behind Sam, "We have a similar tradition to that on Earth. Bryan, do you have any others?" Daniel's train of thought was interrupted by a puzzled glance from Jack, "I was just wondering if they might have comparable customs."
"We have many customs surrounding a betrothal. For example, it is good will for the bride to wear a white gown and the exchange of a neck chain must take place."
"Yeah, they're the similar to ours," said Sam softly.
Jack looked quite anxious also, but this was covered when he added brightly, "Do you have, by any chance, a bachelor party?"
Much to the annoyance of the other SG-1 members, Sam was to be taken to Bryan's house, where his wife, Shayla Walter, would take care of her and prepare her for the next morning, when the wedding had been arranged. After a brief goodbye, and on a strict order from Shayla, the men (including Bryan) were sent off to purchase a necklace for Sam and outfits for the following day. It seemed that Daniel and Teal'c (though he didn't really show it as much as Daniel) were quite excited about this act of culture and even Jack looked as if he may have been warming to the idea. Daniel pounced on him inside a clothes store.
"How're you coping with this marriage thing, Jack?" he asked as they waited for a shopkeeper to return with their garments. Teal'c and Bryan were lurking around the many hangings of various clothes. Most of which were robes, similar to what Bryan wore.
"Well, you know, its not every day you get married to your second-in-command," as he dug his hands in his pockets, not having his P90 to fiddle with since their weapons and packs had been left at Bryan's house. Daniel smiled broadly, making his eyes sparkle.
"No, it certainly isn't."
Jack cocked his head so he could get a better angle on his friend, as they leant against the walls of the clothes filled room.
"What d'ya mean by that?" he narrowed his eyes slightly.
Daniel's grin only increased, "By what?"
"That smile. I can tell what you're thinking when you smile that smile."
Daniel stood up from the wall and pretended to look at a congregation of red and blue checked robes, "You sure about that?"
"Well, I've got a pretty good idea what you might be thinking too…"
"Oh have you now? And what might that be, Danny-boy?"
"You know what I'm talking about Jack…you know…"
Soon the males of SG-1 had bought suitable attire for Jack and Sam's wedding. However, they still had a necklace to find for Sam. So guided by Bryan, the guys trudged through the airy streets as the light around them faded to a dusky pink. Nevertheless, as they grew tired and Bryan fretful that many of the stores around them steadily began to close, Jack seemed particularly selective about which piece would be suitable. After Bryan had assured them that they had visited nearly every chain-makers in the country, Jack made them dash back to the first and have another look.
Following an in depth prowl of the entire store, Jack announced that he had found the neck chain he wanted. He wore a huge grin with dazzling eyes as he pointed to it behind the glass. Much to the relief of the worn out others, the shopkeeper pulled back the extremely fingerprinted sheet of glass and lifted a delicate silver chain from the cabinet.
The shopkeeper held the box high for everyone to see. The beautiful pendant consisted of four stones. The largest was a square-cut stone, which, resembled that of a diamond and shone intensely from the centre and hung from a corner. At each corner three smaller stones displayed a pale blue reflection.
"This is the one!" announced Jack brightly.
"Are you sure?" sneered Daniel sarcastically. Only earning him a glower from the groom-to-be.
The shopkeeper looked slightly confused, and glanced over to Bryan who nodded,
"Put it on my list."
"Yes Captain," replied the shopkeeper, before he turned on heel and went off to package the necklace.
As the guys stood waiting, Daniel briefly glanced over to Jack and smiled. He didn't think he had ever seen his friend look so smug and happy. He supposed that the idea of marrying Sam was beginning to grow on him. Just then, the shopkeeper returned carrying a small purple pouch with golden string ties and handed it to Jack.
"I wish you and your partner the best of fortune in your future," smiled the man warmly.
"Well, thanks," said Jack as he carefully pushed the pouch into his breast pocket and buttoned it.
"Cal," Bryan addressed him, "Would you like to attend the ceremony? I have invited many of the citizens, but I may as well ask you in person."
Cal's pale grey eyes brightened and he glanced at Jack.
"Is this acceptable with you?"
"What? Yes of course it is. We're kinda new here and eager to meet new friends."
Daniel caught Jack's eye and grinned.
"Well, then I would love to! It is a while since my family and I have attended a ceremony. I look forward to it!"
"I guess we'll see you tomorrow then…Cal," said Jack, as they made their way to the door.
"Yes, you will!"
Jack smiled at the shopkeeper and closed the door. They made their way down the lane from where they had entered many, many hours ago. Slowly the quantity of shops decreased and more houses came into view. However, something more intriguing caught the members of SG-1's eyes. From around them, numerous tennis-ball sized globes of light popped up and hung in the air, with no visible means of support.
"What the hell?" Jack gasped as he looked up and nearly dropped his bag of clothing in surprise.
"Wow!" exclaimed Daniel, as he frantically scurried below one and looked up.
"What are the means of support for these orbs of light, Bryan Walter?" asked Teal'c, though he showed no apparent excitement for the globes of light except from a slight cock of his eyebrow.
Bryan looked particularly startled by this question and his face remained blank for several seconds.
"Er…I am not sure, Teal'c. The bulbs would be what you will be taught about. However, unlike my wife, I am no scientist and have no explanation for this."
"I see."
Once the exhilaration of encountering the bulbs of light had finally worn off, the men continued on their journey. After a while, Daniel broke the rhythm of their footsteps on cobble.
"Yes Daniel."
"I was wondering where we were going. I mean we can't return to your house if that's where Sam is."
"Oh, yes, of course. I have maintained my previous apartment not far from the church. We shall reach it in a short while."
Despite Jack's excellent mood, he still sighed irritably.
"Bryan. There is something you should know about me…"
"Yes Jack?" inquired Bryan nervously.
"I hate surprises! And since I've gotten on Torrina, I've constantly been surprised! Please make this the last time…"
Meanwhile, Sam stood on a dressmaking platform in Shayla and Bryan's house. She was being measured for her wedding dress while having a particularly interesting conversation with Shayla and her six-month pregnant friend. Sam was quite shocked at how much the Torrinians' living resembled that of their own. Apart from the floating orbs of light, which she had drooled over earlier, that is.
"Er, Shayla?"
"Forgive me, but, are you sure this dress going to be ready for tomorrow morning?"
"Why, of course, Sam. Some people on Torrina like to have their gowns prepared the evening before. We believe that it allows for freshness and purity on the day of the wedding."
"Oh," Sam paused for a moment as she considered this, "Yeah, I suppose it does."
Shayla smiled as she adjusted a long measuring tape positioned around Sam's waist. She was pleasant woman, around the same age as Sam. Her dark brown eyes matched her hair, which was twisted into what must have been a tidy roll; it was beginning to fall out, causing shoulder length wisps to hang loosely around her neck.
Occasionally, Shayla told her friend Jenny measurements, who typed them into a hand-held, highly advanced laptop computer. They spoke about how Jenny was coping with her pregnancy and her unusual cravings, since she was presently nibbling on what looked like a peculiar red fruit slathered in chocolate sauce.
Once Shayla announced that she had finished with the measurements and Jenny had sent the measurements via the computer to the dressmakers, the group busied themselves by educating Sam on their customs.
"I'm sorry, Shayla, but I find it rather offensive to be forced into a marriage for the sake of law," confessed Sam carefully as she settled herself on the sofa with a refreshment.
"I understand," sighed Shayla gently, "Many of our people feel those laws are becoming outdated, considering our new levels of freedom brought with our technological advances."
Sam nodded eagerly, "Woman can take care of themselves."
"Yes, we can. But you must understand, Sam, that our world has not always been so peaceful. We have been invaded many times by foreigners and our technology has not always been at such high levels. Women were paired in order to protect us…too many crimes were conducted against us during invasions," countered Jenny.
"I do understand that, but you are no longer so vulnerable to attack. These laws are restrictive and unnecessary."
"We agree," nodded Shayla meekly, "But tradition binds our city closely and HC Marengio is a powerful man."
Sam sighed heavily. It appeared that the women were being held in a trap because it suited Marengio to be in control. She didn't like the sound of this man and was beginning to get an uneasy feeling in her stomach.
"So, how did you and Bryan meet up?" asked Sam as she tucked her feet below herself, sitting beside the petite Jenny on Shayla's sofa.
Shayla smiled warmly, and for a second looked as if she might prefer not to answer, but continued anyway, "We never really 'met up.' We were best friends as children, so I've known him as long as I can remember. I guess it was the last thing on my mind to get married to Bryan."
"Well, how did you end up with him then?" puzzled Sam as she twirled a glass around in her fingers.
"I trained as a scientist -"
"You're a scientist?" exclaimed Sam in disbelief, "So am I!"
Shayla chuckled softly, "I know. I'll be teaching you of our technology!"
"Great! You have no idea how excited I've been."
"Oh wonderful! Another enthusiastic scientist! How am I ever going to survive tonight?" added Jenny sarcastically.
Sam furrowed her brow and looked at Shayla.
"Jen's right. I'm completely dedicated to my studies. Well, at least I was. When I reached twenty-four, I received my notification of one-year remaining until my marriage was due. I was devastated. Even though I could still continue with my sciences, I spent more time in my laboratory than I did at home and did not have time to have a relationship. So us still being great friends, Bryan came up with the suggestion that we could marry one another. He was working his way along the political ladder and was now being predicted as being the next Captain of this country. And basically that's how we became married. I guess we're more friends than husband and wife."
"You both took a huge risk," interjected Jenny seriously, "If it was discovered you were not truly in love, you could have been imprisoned. Bryan is a good fellow."
"Yes. He is," said Shayla quietly.
"Hang on a minute," something in Jenny's words made Sam's muscles tighten in concern, "Did you say that people that are married have to be in love?"
"Yes, it is the way which HC Marengio deters 'convenient marriages'," explained Jenny, "Is there a problem, Sam?"
Silence encased the room and Sam had an awful feeling that their plan was going to backfire on them. She was unsure if she should tell Shayla and her friend that the Colonel and her were only marrying for the sake of accessing their country. However, her indecision was solved for her.
"You and Colonel O'Neill are not married on your world, are you?" asked Shayla quietly, earning a gasp from Jenny.
"No," confessed Sam, dipping her head briefly, "In fact, our laws forbid it," she swallowed and continued, "Shayla, will they know if we are not…truly a couple?"
The woman did not answer immediately. Suddenly she looked very tired, "Yes," she sighed heavily and stood abruptly, "This is dangerous, Sam. We must speak to Bryan and your team presently."
Sam stared at her as worry flooded her. How could the authorities possibly know that the Colonel and she were not married?