Author's note: Gaaah! I'm sorry I'm such a failure. I can't even write an entire chapter for this fict. I have absolutely no inspiration and so everything is coming out horribly forced. I'm sorry, I'm trying my best to finish it! Gommen nasi, and thanks for sticking with this crappy little fict.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Last time: As his lips touch mine I look up, noticing something red outside the larger of the two windows in his room. Something very red, and very pissed off.

While sitting on this incredibly comfortable bed with my (ex?) best friend's lips grazing my own all I can do is stare ahead at the window. My brain slowly starts putting the picture together and it dawns on me that the very red thing outside just happens to be Gaara. Gaara, my boyfriend, is somehow outside Sasuke's second story window glaring at me.

'Why would Gaara be glaring at me?

Oh yeah, because Cockatoo head's lips are still attached to my face.'

Realizing this I firmly push said boy away, who only momentarily looks shocked before smirking wickedly and turning towards the side of the room that now held my very irate boyfriend (how did he get in so quickly?), his smug smile widening.

"Well, hey there Gaara, what are you doing here?"

The red head simply shoots the Uchiha a piercing glare before turning his attention to me.

"Ga-Gaara-kun! It isn't what it looks like, I swear! That pervert kissed me!" I shout loudly, pointing an accusatory finger towards said pervert who only shrugs at the accusation. "You know its you I lo- like! I'm sorry Gaara-kun!"

He continues to simply stare at me as I feel as if the world is crashing down around me. I ruined it, there's no way Gaara would still want to be with me after this.

'Well, it was nice while it lasted.'

"Lets go…"

"Huh?" My head shoots up as I take in Gaara's quietly mumbled words.

"Lets go." He repeats, deep frown still plastered on his face. He extends his right hand which I happily take before turning towards Sasuke. "I'll deal with you later."

"Ooh I'm so scared!" He rolls his eyes, then turns to send a quick wink in my direction.

"See you at school, Naruto-chan."

We walk down the street in silence, his thin cold fingers still wrapped possessively around mine. I can't help smile slightly to myself, though several thoughts are still racing through my head. I voice the most pressing one.

"Nee, Gaara-kun… how the heck did you get way up there?" I ask, my eyebrows knitting together as different explanations flash through my head. An image of Gaara floating in mid-air with big vampire fangs asking to be let in being the most prominent one. Yeah, no more late night showings of 'Salem's Lot' for me.

"I climbed the tree, obviously."

"Oh, okay. Wait, you climbed that huge ass tree outside Sasuke's window? I sprained my ankle falling out of that tree and I only got about two feet off the ground! Wow, you have some serious ninja-like skills, man!"

He shrugs looking almost embarrassed, a pale blush appearing on his porcelain cheeks, making him suddenly look irresistible. My mouth is suddenly very dry, and I have to nearly pinch myself to resist kissing him.

'There's no way I could kiss him right after Sasuke…'

Frowning, I inwardly berate myself for the thought. That wasn't my fault, well not entirely.

As we turn the corner I realize that he's walking me home. I decide not to question why he knows where I live (that's not creepy at all…), instead finding my cheeks heating up at the thought that Gaara, my boyfriend, is walking me home. How friggen' cute is that?

Arriving at my doorstep, he turns and stares at me expectantly as if asking 'now what?'

'Hell if I know…'

"Uh, well thanks for walking me home, Gaara. You really didn't have to..." I begin shuffling my feet, familiar heat creeping down to my neck as another awkward silence sets in. The other boy continues to stare for a few more moments before surprisingly breaking the silence.

"So can I kiss you?" He asks flatly, sounding ridiculously cool and calm, even though the slight pinkish shade on his cheeks is betraying his act. My pulse is suddenly thudding loudly in my ears as I nod nervously.

He begins to lean in, making a slightly silly looking puckery face. I would laugh if not for my stomach's sudden decision to perform summersaults.

His lips touch mine lightly, as if unsure, and I find myself pressing closer, trying to deepen the kiss. As my tongue finds its way into his mouth he moans lightly, spurring me on as I hold onto the back of his head, my tan fingers tangling themselves in his crimson locks.

And then suddenly he's pulling back, and the kiss is over just as quickly as it started. I can't help but smile when I notice his now tomato red face that probably matches my own.

"G-goodnight, Gaara-kun" I grin nervously, before giving him a quick hug and running into my house.

"Night, my Naruto."