And so we come to it at last. Just in time for the finale of Summer of Sonic.

I'd like to take this time to thank all those who have been reading, and of course Dreadknux was an awesome Summer of Sonic.

Here's do another 15 years…at least.

All copyright info in first chapter


Chapter 14 – Open Your Heart

All hope seemed to be lost, all desire, passion, determination nothing was working. Sonic closed his eyes and tried to focus in desperation. Something had to face up to Perfect Chaos but it would be no use in his current form.

Then it happened. Tails placed his hand on Sonic's shoulder.

"You can do it Sonic. I know you can. I believe in you", said Tails, "Come on everybody, SONIC! SONIC!"

"You can't give up now. That's not like you at all. SONIC! SONIC!" chanted Amy

"You're not going to let him win are you? SONIC! SONIC!" chanted Eggman

"He's not that tough. You've beaten him before. SONIC! SONIC!" chanted Big

"Go out there and show him what you're made of. SONIC! SONIC!" Chanted Knuckles.

Soon the whole city erupted with cheers for Sonic. He had the support of every man, woman, friend, rival and enemy. Hope and belief returned, with a vengeance. Sonic was not going to let them all down. He felt the Chaos Emeralds start to heat up a little and as he looked down their warm glow became apparent.

They had done it. They had activated the Chaos Emeralds positive side. It was desperate; putting all their faith in making something work they could not understand. But it worked and now was the time to use that strength, that power.

Sonic closed his eyes and began to focus. He felt a warm energy consume him while a bright light emanated for the centre of his body. The light grew brighter and brighter until it blinded everyone.

Suddenly an eruption of power could be felt even in the furthest corners of the city in ruins. The Light faded and instead of the cool, streamlined, blue hero everyone knew and loved, in front of them stood a Golden Demon.

His outer spikes stuck upwards, his eyes turned into a raging red, his body started to hover and his Golden fur broke the dull shaded air, brightening up the nearby area.

He was no longer Sonic, he was Super Sonic.

"Sonic? What has happened to you?" asked Amy

"Now this is more like it. Go get him Sonic", said Knuckles

"Thank you everyone for your support. I feel incredible, Chaos doesn't stand a chance", said Super Sonic.

"What incredible power! No way you can lose now", said Eggman.

"Do not get carried away. You are indeed powerful but so is Chaos. He is as strong as a good. Good Luck Sonic", said Tikal.

Super Sonic took one last look at his friends, smiling and then blasted off straight towards Perfect Chaos. Perfect Chaos roared at Super Sonic as if to say he had no chance. Super Sonic smiled and proceeded to fight Perfect Chaos.


Super Sonic needed to get close to find some sort of weak spot for the beast. Racing at an incredible speed he seemed to turn into a lightning bolt at times. Though Perfect Chaos wasn't just going to let Super Sonic reach him and proceeded to generate cyclones of water to block Super Sonic.

Super Sonic dodged all the cyclones to find Perfect Chaos had charged and fired his giant laser attack. The same one that destroyed the Egg Carrier 2 in one blast. Diving out of the way Super Sonic escaped the blast but lost his momentum.

He was up close now though and could see a possible weak spot. The odd brain like organ floating in his head was still visible, maybe he could hurt it. But how? Flying up to meet him head on wasn't an option, those jaws would trap him and then where would he be. A god imprisoning and demon, Perfect Chaos would certainly have the upper hand. Not to mention that laser.

Then it hit him. If he could get at the head from the top, how about climbing from the bottom. He would however need to keep his speed at full momentum if he was to reach the head through Perfect Chaos' watery body.

Perfect Chaos meanwhile had collapsed into the water and reformed a great distance from where he was. This time Super sonic had a plan and he was going to see it through. Super Sonic raced towards Perfect Chaos again avoiding all of Perfect Chaos' attacks.

This time he had momentum and starting from the base he dashed through Perfect Chaos' watery body and smashed into the brain organ like thing in it's head. Perfect Chaos exploded and roared in pain.

"I know how to hurt you now Chaos. I will defeat you", shouted Super Sonic.

Super Sonic blasted towards Perfect Chaos' base again at full speed while avoiding the beast's attacks. Again he got the momentum he needed to ram into the Brain core of Perfect Chaos. Perfect Chaos roared in pain and dissolved again to re-appear at a great distance.

Super Sonic had the upper hand or so he thought. Time was running out for him as unlike Perfect Chaos, Super Sonic was temporary and continued use was not a good idea. Super Sonic had already started to sweat.

Super Sonic managed to hit Perfect Chaos again. The Beast didn't seem to know what to do. His attacks increased. He kept warping further and further away but Super Sonic always seemed up to the challenge.

A few more strikes and Perfect Chaos was on the ropes. But not without taking it's toll on the Golden spiked Hedgehog. Perfect Chaos seemed to be panting heavily in exhaustion but so was Super Sonic.

This was it the final hit but as Super Sonic reached the core he felt all his Positive energy combine into one ramming attack. Similarly all of Perfect Chaos' Negative energy was focused around the brain core.

The two collided and created a massive energy explosion the filled the whole of station square. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, they all had to hold onto something to avoid being blown away by the blast.

When the Explosion finally ended all the water had disappeared from Station Square. Instead the Seven Chaos Emeralds flew into the air and scattered around Earth again and on the floor lay the exhausted bodies of Sonic and Chaos. Sonic was now his regular blue self and Chaos was in his Zero form.

Everyone raced over to the fallen fighters to make sure they were OK. Chaos climbed onto his feet while Sonic was helped up by Knuckles and Tails. Suddenly the cries of a pack of Chao could be heard. The pack of Chao came from the Chao Gardens of Station Square and stood in front of Chaos.

"You see not all people are greedy and corrupt. Most are loving, caring creatures that at least try and protect the weaker people of the world. These Chao live in harmony with the people of this city and it's the same for every other village, town and city", said Tikal, "These are the same Chao you dedicated yourself to protecting"

Chaos knelt in front of one of the Chao and allowed it to climb onto its water body. Chaos seemed much more cheerful and playful for a change and Tikal smiled in relief.

"You did it Sonic. Chaos actually seems happy now", said Amy

"The Negative Power and Positive Power crashed into each other and cancelled each other out", said Tails, "Chaos isn't angry anymore"

"He's actually happy. But what do we do now? Angel Island is still down, Station Square is destroyed", said Knuckles.

"Station Square can always be rebuilt and I have a feeling that Angel Island will return to the skies soon enough", said Sonic.

Everyone watched as Tikal extended her arm towards Chaos. Chaos also reached out and placed his hand on top of Tikal's.

"It's time Chaos. This isn't our world, our time has been. We are bound to the Master Emerald now, it is where we belong", said Tikal.

Chaos seemed to nod in approval and the two seemed to rise into the air before disappearing.

"I think I understand now. I guard the Master Emerald, as there will always be people who wish to abuse the Chaos Emeralds power. It's my job as guardian to make sure that never happens. Why me? Well it was my race that made the old Guardian angry enough to annihilate us all. I guess it's a punishment really", said Knuckles out loud, "No it's my duty, it's my races way of apologising and I will do all I can to prevent a disaster like that happening again"

Sonic and Tails nodded before turning their attention to the rubble beneath them. Many of the people of Station Square were already starting to repair the damage.

"Those poor innocent people. They didn't deserve to get caught up in that. But then I guess its disasters like these that show us what we're really made of. The People down there are working together to help each other sort all this out. I'm going to do down and help. See you all later", said Amy racing down to the rubble.

Big also followed her down to help leaving only Sonic and Tails on the Highway.

"Oh well, alls well that ends well right Sonic. SONIC?" asked Tails looking around for his blue best friend.

Tails eventually spotted Sonic, chasing down Eggman who had decided to sneak away. Sonic chased Eggman right to the edge of the city while Tails ran as fast as he could to catch up. Sonic stopped at the last fallen skyscraper. Tails soon caught up.

"I guess some things never change huh? Why did you let him go?" asked Tails.

"Well I reckon he earned it. He was cheering to at the end", said Sonic

"I guess you're right. Oh well. What do we do now?" asked Tails.

"Well I'm going to help out in rebuilding the city. Just as soon as this sunset is finished", said Sonic looking out towards the sunset in the horizon.

Tails said nothing and watched with Sonic and the sun set on another day, signalling the end of another adventure.


As one adventure ends another one is just about to begin. Dr. Robotnik returned to his secret home base, the one no one knows about and will never know about. He reviewed the whole Chaos plan again, wondering what went wrong.

Chaos was in actually just another person, a person with incredible power but still defined by his feelings. Robotnik never doubted Chaos' power but what did prove to be the weak link was Chaos' Loyalty. Chaos had no reason to help him but every reason to use him.

Robotnik picked up a photo of his Grandfather Gerald. He had idolised him every since he was a little boy. Professor Gerald Robotnik was a genius scientist whose inventions were renowned for their incredible power.

Robotnik took a look at a disk he found while rummaging through his belongings for some inspiration. Taking it out he played a video diary files labelled Project Shadow.

Dr. Robotnik smiled at the end of it.

"So the Ultimate Life form. A Weapon so strong and evil even the Military feared it and so trapped it on Prison Island. Plus a Robotnik made it so it will be loyal. Might as well check it out, what do I have to lose? I'm sure I can break into one government facility with my machines", said Dr. Robotnik out loud.

Dr. Robotnik began preparations to acquire Project Shadow. With Station Square lying in ruins now was the time to strike.

"Glory will come to the Robotnik Empire", exclaimed Dr. Robotnik before laughing maniacally into the night.

Another day brings new Adventure but for now rest easy heroes