According to Gravis Page (Humble Me):"And I'm trying, you know, to like, eighty-six it from my mind, but it's like… like I can't."
Sam lights her third cigarette of the evening as she stares out into the Pacific Ocean. The sun is slowly going down in a bath of reds, oranges and purples, and all I can see is her shadow, and the grey smoke that etches away sensually from her mouth. On most nights, the smoking usually gets to me, but nights like tonight, where everything seems so right in the world, I just let it slide. What's the point in getting riled up for something so… petty?
Call me sceptical, but nights like tonight, there isn't going to be a lot more of them. There are nights back in Fianarantsoa where everything seems nice and normal, where all four of us are just kicking back on the porch of the ranch, laughing and keeping quiet, talking about how things are back home, and how we all miss the people we left behind to be a part of this… whatever it is we're doing. Sam calls it a mission, Xander calls it the good fight, Spike call it good fun, and I call it… I dunno. Seems it's just another job where I get to report to someone else at the end of the day. Is that what life is all about? It can't be.
Sam turns around now and she smiles something weak, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was giving me some pity, for what, God only knows. She stubs her half finished cigarette in the sand at her feet before she slowly stands. Giving me one last look, she strips down to nothing, ties her hair in a ponytail and runs out into the incoming tide, leaving me alone on the back steps of our little shack in Seychelles. Seems we come here to be closer to one another, but we only end up drifting further apart.
Riley's grip on Mr. Bunting's shoulder tightens as the short man leads them through bushes of thistles and thorns, up hills and along meadows. He's noticed that Spike has been keeping quiet as he walks behind them, keeping watch, and it startles Riley a bit. He's never known the former vampire to be the quiet type.
Roughly, he pushes Mr. Bunting down a beaten path and onto an incoming road, and simply watches as the man tumbles down and lands on the gravel road, flat on his back. Still, Spike says nothing.
"We've been walking forever now, Mr. Bunting, and still we come across this road. This is the fourth time we've gotten here, by four different ways. I'm starting to lose my patience."
Mr. Bunting nods quickly as he steadily gets to his feet.
"And I keep assuring you, Conrad, that these are not the same roads."
Riley rolls his eyes as he tilts his head back to look at the sky. Same fluffy cloud shapes as before. Same oak tree by the same ravine.
"And what about that cow? It's been there four times. The same fucking cow!" He exclaims as he points to a nearby bovine. "We had an agreement, dear sir, and we kept our end of the bargain, but it seems that you've been playing us since the moment we've met. I'm starting to think we'd be better off without—"
"Riley." Spike interrupts as he lays a steady hand on the soldier's shoulder.
Somehow the sound of Spike's voice does nothing to calm the ex- soldier, it just seems to irritate him more. There was once a time where just the sight of the blonde would send his mind running in the opposite direction, but through out the years, he's learned to empty all reason, and just pretend that collaborating with him would help make his job easier. Turns out it could, but Ry would never admit that to his partner's face. As far as he's concerned, Spike will always be Spike, and even if he does do some good now and then, Ry will never learn to call him a friend. Regardless of how he shows it. And deep down, he knows it'll be his downfall, in the long run.
"Shut up Spike. Have you not noticed that we've been
turning around in fucking circles?! Or are you too lost in thought to
even care where we're going, or where we've gone? I've lost all
tolerance in regards to this land."
"Riley." Spike tries
again and Riley turns his head sharply to look him in the eyes.
"What?!" He exclaims wildly, and Mr. Bunting cowers from him in fear.
"Up there. On the hillside." The blonde points ahead behind the soldier's head and Riley has to wince his eyes to make out what he's staring at. "A cabin."
Suddenly, Riley sees it. A small little hut, with a chimney staff and a small little fenced in yard, with ducks and sheep lazily moving about around the vicinity. As he brings his gaze back to Mr. Bunting and Spike, he notices that the lay of the land has changed before his eyes, and he's somewhere he's never even seen before.
"Don't lose sight of the big picture." Spike whispers, and Riley witnesses him crouch down to be level with their guide. "Pardon my friend, Mr. Bunting. He's not usually of this temper."
Huffing, the small fat man rearranges his cloak around his waist and gives Spike a sad smile. "Quite alright, William. I think I am done here, yes?"
"Yes. You are quite done. You may go back home to your son." Spike says kindly and Mr. Bunting nods before trotting off in the distance.
Soon, Riley can barely see him as he becomes but a simple dot in the horizon. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and kicks at some random pebbles. This world is slowly overtaking him, and if he's not more careful, he won't be able to recognize himself.
"What was that all about?" Spike demands softly, and Ry hates that he can't look him in the eye.
"I don't know man, I don't… I wasn't being myself, I…"
"This world. It isn't ours. It's the Faerie's. We can't forget that." Spike lifts his head and lays his gaze upon the little cottage ahead of them.
"It was like there was something, or someone, in my head. Telling me… No, making me… If you hadn't been there, there's no knowing what might have happened to that poor man."
"That poor man steals people. That man he claims was his son, Angus? He was Scottish. The whole thing was a trick. If we had lost, I do believe Angus would have been freed and we would have become his poor man's scions, and been subjected to wait until another poor fellow came along."
Riley stays silent as he mulls this over and realises that Spike is right. There's no way of knowing for sure, but they might have been able to save Angus somehow. Isn't that their job? To save people who need help? Why do I feel like I don't know anymore?
"There's nothing we could have
done." Spike says, barely a whisper. "It's not our place. We
can't forget what we're here for, Riley."
Teresa. Faerie.
Good of Mankind. A world where all is right and where young children
can sleep at night, knowing there will be a tomorrow. A world where a
good man can live a long healthy life with the person he loves. Sam.
Gotta get back for Sam.
"We're here for—,' He starts but startles himself with what he sees. "Dawn?"
Spike just looks at him dully.
"Have you completely lost your marbles Finn? Look, I know your elevator never went all the way to the top, but—."
This time, Riley interrupts him, reaffirming some of the leadership he has lost.
"No. Dawn. Standing right there."
Spike turns his head to humour him, but to his surprise, his eyes land on the youngest Summers' sister.
"Hey guys." She greets with a simple wave and Riley feels a wave of relief flow over him.
"Um… how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Two. And it's insulting."
"Okay! Did you ever have a crush on either of us?"
"Ugh, please." Dawn does the eye roll thing and Ry has to stop himself from smiling. "You wish."
"You know, Andy has."
A blank stare and she shakes her head.
"Can you blame him?!" She retorts and he laughs as he shakes his head. "Doesn't matter. I'm hotter than both of you."
"Well I don't know about Toy Soldier here, but…"
Riley winces his eyes as he looks into Dawn's. She's not a trick. She's not a trick. They're brown and… full of life. And that's something he's always known to Dawn to be: life. She's never been anything else.
"Dawn." He acknowledges as he looks on either side of the road. The cow silently munching on long shards of grass. The babbling brook filled with silver fish. The ducks running through the tired sheep's legs. There's no life here.
"We're glad you're here."
The cottage is old and it creaks and cracks every time the wind comes along to blow a soft breeze. Riley's not too sure what he should worry about the most: the wood on wood structure, or what's waiting for them inside. Given that their welcome party consisted of two ducks chasing one another, calling each other names that he could actually comprehend, he's leaning towards the mystery that's lurking behind the door.
"Funny. No door." Spike murmurs as he subtly looks inside the small shack.
"Can we stop with the sneaking? Can't we just barge in and call the cavalry?"
"And that would be who?" Dawn wonders aloud and Ry just shrugs his big shoulders.
Wordlessly, he steps by Spike, and silently walks into the cabin, stopping in his tracks, allowing for his eyes to adjust to the dimness of the one room. And when they have, he motions for the two others to join him.
There's an old woman sitting in a rocking chair by the fireplace, with a basket of wool upon her lap and a curled up tabby cat snoring loudly at her feet. Her snow white hair is filled with rollers that look way too modern to belong to the world they're currently in, and her dirty white pinafore neatly covers a maroon dress that longs to see the good side of an ironing board.
"G'day to you lads." She says as she greets them uncertainly. "And lass."
"Um, aren't you supposed to be a gentleman?" Spike wonders softly and Riley slaps the back of his head gently.
"Good day to you, ma'am." He starts and when she smiles, he knows this is his game to play. Time to shine with Old Maid and her anachronistic hair rollers. "Mr. Bunting has sent us, in regards to the whereabouts of the Faerie who—" He stops himself here as he doesn't know exactly what the Faerie does in this land. Luckily, the old lady nods briefly before inviting him to sit in the only chair, forcing the others to stay on their feet.
"You mean the Gentleman." She says with a small smile and Riley frowns.
"The Gentleman?" There's an echo in his voice and the old lady nods Dawn's way.
"Yes. The Gentleman. You hold everything you need."
Okay. Maybe this isn't my game to play. He gives Dawn a brief worried look but she sways her head softly, encouraging him to keep going. Silently, Spike does the same.
"We hold everything we need." He nods and the old lady frowns.
"Say what, dear boy? You have to speak up. Ol'Ruth ain't what she used to be."
"The Gentleman." He tries again. "We hold everything we need."
Happily, the old lady lifts her heels off the floor and rocks herself steadily, making the fat cat at her feet lazily get up.
"Yes! I've said that already."
"Okay, but how do we find him?"
"Silly boy. He finds you."
This gets a blank stare from all three of them and Ol'Ruth chuckles into an embroidered handkerchief.
"How do we know he's even looking for us?" Dawn voices out and Riley can't help but agree.
"You've made it this far, haven't you? Do you think your being here has gone unnoticed?"
"Well… I guess not." Ry frowns and gives Spike a sideway glance.
"Then stop running from him and wait until he catches up, and make him an offer he can't refuse." Ol'Ruth states plainly and Ry is taken aback from the simplicity of it all. "He's a good boy, but a little stubborn when he decides he wants something unattainable."
"Like the child of two Slayers."
"Something like that is really unimaginable, now isn't it? What in God's name is a Slayer?"
Ry shakes his head, unties his hair and ties it back again in a tight ponytail. There's something unsettling about the old lady and he knows that he's the only one sensing it. The others are just eating up what she's saying. That look she gave Dawn… "Make him an offer he can't refuse." "A little stubborn when he decides he wants something unattainable." The Key.
"Thank you, Ruth." He thanks quickly as he gets to his feet. "You've been very kind and informative. But I'm afraid we must keep going." Nodding Spike's way, he grabs a hold of Dawn's hand before making a quick exit.
But standing right there, blocking their way, is a small man with sharp androgynous facial features. He's dressed impeccably in a black tailored suit that contrast heavily with his pale skin and short hair. Everything about him screams simple, but Riley doesn't think he's ever seen someone so majestic. Check out his majesty! Something quite delicate surrounds his very being and Riley hears Dawn gasp and Spike choke on his breath. Definitely hotter than all of us, he mulls over silently, even if Gravis were here with us. And Faith. And Buffy. And Sam. And Manny. Okay. Fuck. Quickly he moves his weight around his feet unevenly as his nerves jump into hyper drive, and suddenly, he can't wait to hear the man speak. Glancing to his left, he can see that Spike and Dawn are going through the same 'awe' thing that's plaguing his mind. We are so fucked.
"We're both looking for each other, yet we do not express the same needs." He says, and Ry feels like he's died, gone to Heaven, Hell and back and still has time to… No wonder no one can resist this guy.
Seeing Spike and Dawn bow down before him, though makes him snap out of it. Somewhat. Just enough to regain a few senses. A few. S'all I need.I ain't bowing down to nobody else anymore. Surprised with himself, he blinks a few times and refocuses his eyes upon the small effeminate man.
"You are correct." He agrees slowly, wondering if he's the one who should be speaking. Looking down to his feet where Spike and Dawn are doing their best 'we're not worthy' pose, he mulls over that he might not have any choice.
"You will find, dearest sir, that it is not often the other way around." Milk and honey, and Riley has to be careful not to drown in it. "You have come to great lengths to find me. And in the process, have thwarted a great deal of my riddles and obstacles that I have thrown your way during the course of your journey on my plane and in yours. And yet I wonder? Why?"
"Someone like yourself could never understand why."
The small man, whom Riley is safely willing to bet is the Faerie, smiles and tilts his head ever so slightly to the left. He doesn't answer and it leaves Riley with an opportunity to continue. We hold everything we need. Make him an offer he can't refuse.
"Why on earth you would ever want to go after a little girl is beyond my comprehension, and it makes me wonder what exactly you're looking for."
The Faerie smiles again, but this time it isn't as charming as it was before. It's sinister and Riley spies malice spill out from his lips.
"Someone like yourself could never understand why." He throws it back softly, but Riley feels like he's been hit by a ton of bricks.
Can't do this alone, he muses to himself. We hold everything we need.
"Do you have any idea who thatlittle girl is? She's the daughter of two pissed off Slayers who, by the by, don't always wait for reason to kick in. And you wanting to take that away from them is unthinkable and well… just plain dumb. And kinda like a guaranteed death wish."
The Faerie tilts his head again, with a bemused look spread across his wraithlike features.
"Slayer? I do not believe I am familiar with that word."
Suddenly, quicker than Riley can see it, Spike springs to his feet and lunges at the creature standing placidly in front of them, and holds the pale man's throat tightly in his grip. Slowly, Dawn rises next to him, before giving him a warm smile as he frowns in confusion.
"Jedi mind tricks." She shrugs and he allows himself to smirk before turning his attention back to Spike and the Faerie. And to think he almost came close to eating from its' hand while the others were just pretending? "What are we gonna do with The Beautiful One?"
"I think, maybe, he should familiarize himself with the word 'Slayer'."