Three Months Later

Dear Diary,

Things are better now, I can't believe it. Everything has calmed down since the entire Dark Crystal dilemma. After that night, I, Richard, Angel, and the others found our way out of that awful cave. When we reached the surface, the sun had just begun to rise. It was such a beautiful sight too. As if we had never seen this sort of sunrise before. It might seem crazy, but…it's true. We all stood there, looking off into the distance at the pinkish yellow sky and the huge yellow sun slowly but steadily lowing itself into the horizon.

That moment seemed to change everyone. It made the entire Dark Crystal thing seem to disappear. Just…drift out of our minds for that moment. I was standing next to Richard at the time; hold his hand tightly as he pulled me close to him. I smiled at him before looking around at the others. Gar and Raven were sitting down, with Raven leaning her head on Gar's shoulder. They seemed happy to be here…but I think that's how everyone felt.

Victor stood proud and tall as Maria hit him on the back, thanking him for finding their way out of the cave. I giggled to myself as I turned my attention to Angel who, for some reason, looked different. I couldn't put my finger on it at that time, but she just seemed to change somehow. I wasn't sure if it had just been the dust and minor scars on her body, or just the peaceful way she looked at the horizon as she leaned on a nearby car. She seemed calmer than anyone here. Probably the weight of Dark Crystal finally being lifted off her shoulders cleared her mind and soul. I'm still not sure what it is to this day...

Soon after, we all decided to head back to the hotel and get some sleep, and we all promised each other to meet for breakfast the next day, and basically everyday until our stay at the Marriot was over. We all got to know each other as if we were the Titans again. Maria and Icy seemed to fit in as if they were apart of the team all along. That's what made me happy the most.

About…two weeks later, we all had to go our separate ways again. But this time it wasn't as bad. I mean Gar and Raven left together, and then Vic had a family to actually go to. Richard did something very surprising too. He asked me to live with him in his mansion. Of course I said yes. Maria wanted to stay in Jump, but she said that she'd visit me whenever she got the chance; which turned out to be every weekend.

Angel though said that she was going to visit her mother's grave again before coming back to Gotham. She told me she wanted to settle down here for a while, and to make sure she was close to her best friend. Everything really did turn out perfect in the end. It's been three months now since the entire situation, and things couldn't be better. And the best thing is, today I'm actually…

"Kori!" KNOCK! KNOCK! "Kori get out here!" It was Angel, basically slamming her fist on the door. Kori sighed as she watched the door shake on its hinges.

She might as well break the door down… she thought. Maria's voice suddenly boomed from the other side.

"It's almost your cue. Come on!" KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

"Don't leave everyone waiting!" Raven's voice yelled from the other side of the door.

Kori shut her diary, "Okay okay…hold on" she finally answered as she placed the diary on a dresser and straightened her hair. She slipped on a pair of dazzling white shoes and floated over to the door. As she opened it, she was greeted by a now disappointed trio of friends.

Angel rolled her eyes "It's about time" she walked over to Kori and grabbed her arm. "Now come on, you need to get out there"

"I know. I was getting ready to go." Kori informed her friends as they started down the hall. They came to a stop at a pair of wooden doors where they heard music playing on the other side. Maria, Angel, and Raven walked in front of Kori and looked at the doors.

"You ready?" Maria asked Kori from over her shoulder.

Kori smiled and nodded. "I've always been ready" The doors opened as the trio stepped through first. As they walked on, Kori looked down a long aisle. It was covered with flower petals that looked like red roses and lit with beautiful lavender scented candles. She inhaled the calming air as she began talking her steps.

She suddenly felt someone tap her on her left. As she turned, Bee popped up and handed her a bouquet of white roses and gave her a thumbs up accompanied by a cheesy smile. Kori giggled before turning her attention back to the people a few feet ahead of her. She looked to her left, seeing Galfore smiling at her. That calmed her down a little bit more; seeing her closest family there to share her special day. He seemed to wink at her as she walked past him.

Kori finally stopped at the end of the aisle and turned, now facing Richard. He smirked at her as she smiled. Behind him was Gar and Victor, both wearing tuxedos and grinning like idiots. From Richard's point of few, he saw Angel, Maria and Raven, all wearing matching light green dresses; though Raven looked a bit sad because she was wearing green. A man in black stepped beside the two, holding a little black book on his hand. He cleared his throat as the music stopped.

"We are gathered here today to bring this man and this woman into holy matrimony. Today is…" As the pastor spoke, Richard gazed at Kori with his million dollar smile. Kori tilted her head.

"I love you…"she whispered, but soft enough for only Richard to hear.

"I love you too." He whispered back in the same way.

"Would you two like to say your vows?" the Pastor asked the two. They nodded. "Where are the rings?" From the sides, Victor's two kids came holding the rings on small red pillows. Marquise was by Richard as Whitney stood by Kori. Richard took the ring from Marquise and then turned to Kori as he held her hands.

"Kori…"Richard began. "Ever since the first day we met, I always knew that I had feelings for you that I had never felt for anyone else. Almost like love at first sight basically. Even when we had to split five years ago, I knew that I still loved you. Every moment after that day my heart felt heavy and sad because I thought that I'd never see you again. I always wanted to cry, but knew that I couldn't show weakness to anyone. But on the inside, I was crying every single moment." He noticed Kori's eyes start to water.

"I never knew if you felt the same way as I did…so I never knew how things would end. But now I do. Every day that we were apart, my love for you grew stronger and stronger. And my hopes of seeing you again grew as well. And then, when that day came when I saw you…my heart seemed to lighten as my hopes were actually right there in front of me.

You were my one and only hope in this world Kori. The thought of loosing you ever…made me think that I could never live on anymore. Seeing you mad at me made me angry with myself and question what I had done until I figured it out. I guess that you were, and still are my other half…the half that I never truly knew. But now that I know you…I understand myself." He slipped the ring onto Kori's ring finger. "So with this ring, I Richard Grayson, show you Kori Anders, that you have captured my heart into a lock that can never be broken, an eternal love."

A tear streamed down Kori's cheek as she sniffled. When Richard released her hand, she turned to the little girl and took the ring. The Whitney ran over to her mother, Bee, and listened to Kori. Kori took Richard's hand and smiled.

"Richard, I never really understood what love was, nor did I ever think that I would fall in love. From my home…there really was no such word. But then I came here…and saw you. I felt butterflies in my stomach, but never knew what they meant. When I got to know you more, the butterflies seemed to fly around inside of me as if searching for something. Then, you became my best friend. You were someone who I could go to about anything, and you helped me get used to the things I didn't understand. I felt that it was a gift from god to have met you. I never thought that someone like you would come into my life.

My life was headed downhill until I met you. But then, when we parted…the butterflies seemed to disappear. But in my mind, I knew that they had slowly died. They had died from the thought of never seeing you or hearing from you again. I was starting to think the same, but in my heart, I still had the hope of finding my one true love again. And when that day came, the butterflies lived again. I was happier than I ever was before and I was thankful for god to bring you to me again. From the start till now, I always feared to loose you. I never wanted to see you fall before my very own eyes. I knew if that were to happen, that my life would be over. But, it didn't happen, and I will make sure that I never see you fall.

My…Nanny…" she shot a glance over at Galfore. "He knew from the day we visited him that we would be together. That we were both a half of a whole, and that we were already in love. Though I was too young to understand up until a few years ago what he meant. No matter where we are….my love for you will never weaken. I would say that our love is like an eternal flame, never ready to die. So with this ring, I Kori Anders, pledge my love for you, Richard Grayson, and will promise that our flame of love, will never fade."

"Richard Grayson," the pastor started, "will you have Kori Anders, to be your wife, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

Richard peered into Kori's eyes. "I will"

"Kori Anders, will you have Richard Grayson, to be your husband, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I will" Kori responded with much love in her voice.

"Then, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Richard smiled as he leaned towards Kori and kissed her on the lips. Kori kissed back before they began kissing passionately. After a few seconds, the separated and everyone started cheering.

"Congrats Kori!" Angel cheered as she hugged Kori. Kori hugged her back before releasing her.

"Thanks Angel." She looked at the others. "And thank you guys for being here for"

"Your welcome" Maria smirked as she hugged Kori.

"I am proud of you princess." Kori turned around and saw it was Galfore. She floated up to him and hugged him close.

"Thank you Galfore. I am glad that you were here to see the happiest day of my life."

"I am glad that you have found the man who captured you heart" he smiled at her. Richard walked over to Galfore and extended his hand as Kori floated down and to her friends.

"Galfore, I-" Richard was cut off be Galfore grabbing his arm and hugging with a pat on the back and then letting him go.

"You do not have to say anything Richard. I was praying to X'hal that she would marry you, a worthy husband, than anyone else in the entire universe."

Richard smiled. "Yeah…I was hoping the same."

"So Kori, where are you guys going for your honeymoon?" Raven asked.

Kori shrugged. "I'm not sure. Richard said it would be a surprise."

"Mhm…" Maria crossed her arms. "If that's the case…then he's got some plans for you."

"Yep" Angel cut in, "Tonight when you get to wherever that is, it'll be the final piece of the best day of you life."

Kori eyed Angel suspiciously as she spoke. "Don't tell me…he told you?"

"Ha-ha, yeah, he told me" Angel teased as she rolled her eyes.

"What?" Why didn't he tell me and Raven?" Maria questioned. The others gave her a strange look. Maria stopped. "Uh…what?"

Angel shook her head. "Never mind…"

Maria turned away. "Whatever"

Kori shrugged. "Well anyway. I guess we'll see where he takes me." Angel nodded.

"Yep, and trust me…you'll love it." She winked. "If Richard really knows you, he'll surprise you beyond belief." Richard suddenly walked over to the girls.

"Okay girls, me and Kori got to get going." He said as he took Kori's hand. The trio nodded.

"Okay, well…call us when you guys get there, okay?" Raven told them.

"I'll call all of you, trust me." Kori smiled.

"Alright, see you guys in a week." Richard and Kori started walking towards the exit doors.

"Goodbye guys! We'll miss you!"

"Have fun!"

"But not too much fun!" Maria shouted.

"Maria, leave them alone" Raven hit her with her small bundle of flowers. Maria rolled her eyes. Kori and Richard now stood at the exit doors.

"Oh Kori" Richard pointed at her flowers. "Your bouquet. You gotta toss it from behind you so someone can catch it." Kori looked down at her flowers and nodded.

"Okay, here it goes." She closed her eyes and tossed it behind her. She suddenly heard Maria laughing.

"Oh…look who's next" Maria cooed. Kori turned around to see that Angel had caught the flowers.

"Uh…wow…"Angel stared at the flowers. "Lucky me?"

"Bye everyone" Kori called out as she and Richard walked out the doors and to there limo. Richard opened the door and let Kori enter first.

"So where are you taking me sweetheart?" Kori questioned.

"Somewhere I'm sure you've never been before." Kori kissed Richard on the lips after he got in and shut the door.

Kori smirked "Try me."

"You'll just have to wait and see." Richard said as he grabbed Kori and brought her to him and kissed her again.

Meanwhile, inside the chapel, Angel still stared at the bouquet. Her mind seemed to be thinking intensely. About what, know one really knew.

Like I could ever fall in love… she thought to herself as she sighed. Maria placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?" she asked in concern. Angel had been looking really down for the past few days, as if something were on her mind. Even Kori didn't know what it was.

Angel lifted her head and smiled at Maria. "Uh…yeah…"her eyes seemed to wonder from Maria's, as if she was trying to hide her eyes, which were an entrance into her inner emotions. "I'm okay. Thanks for asking."

Maria removed her hand. "Yeah…okay." She was still skeptical about Angel's well being.

Angel soon started walking towards a door that lead to the back part of the chapel when she suddenly leaned on a near by piano while holding her hand that held the bouquet, to her head, as if in pain. Maria and Raven looked at each other before rushing over to Angel.

"Angel? What's wrong?" Raven asked her. Maria stood behind Angel, ready to catch her if she fell. Angel looked as if she was seeing something in her mind.

"Angel?" Maria tapped her over the shoulder. Angel didn't move. Maria looked at Raven with a serious look on her face, but Raven's look was confused. "Raven?"

"I can't see what's in her mind. I'm being blocked out…which is strange. Someone…knows how to channel me out of other people's minds…" Suddenly, Angel fell forward on her knees, still with the bouquet in her hand. Raven and Maria kneel next to her.

"Angel??" Raven called to her as she shook her shoulders. Maria looked around for anyone else, but everyone was in the other room eating.

She sighed. "What a great time for this to happen…"Angel suddenly inhaled as she looked around.

"Hay dios mío…" Angel looked around frantically. "Where's Kori?" Angel jumped up and rushed to the exit. She saw the limo start to leave and darted after it. "Kori, wait!!" she hollered as the limo drove off, but she was too late. She slowed down as the limo drove over the horizon and disappeared. She sighed as she dropped the bouquet on the ground and bent over, catching her breath. She looked back at the street again. Behind her, she heard Raven and Maria running to her.

"Angel, what is it?" Raven asked as she stopped next to her. Maria caught up a few seconds later.

"What do you need to tell her so badly?" Angel looked up at the two before looking back at the street where the limo was last. Her face was confused and tired. "What is it?" Maria asked again. Angel shook her head.

"Uh…n…nothing. Nothing at all." She stood up straight. "I just… wanted to say goodbye again, that's all." She painted a fake smile on her face. Maria and Raven looked at each other before looking back at Angel.

"Are you sure?" Raven asked.

Angel nodded. "Mhm. Positive!" she sounded joyful now.

Maria shrugged. "Alright…well, let's go back inside okay?" she started towards the church. Raven left also.

Angel slowly followed as she kept looking back at the street where the flowers lay. "No es justo… (It's not fair)" she mumbled sadly to herself as the wind set in and scattered the roses up and down the street. Angel looked back at the chapel before sighing and walking inside, not knowing what the future had in store for her.

Well looky here...What could it be? Guess what! ( if you haven't already) Imma write a sequel!!!!!!!!

I have no clue when it'll be just keep an eye out for it okay?

R&R please!
