Disclaimer: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or Tenchi Muyo. All rights belong to their creators. Distribution rights for the anime or manga belong to publishers and distributors. So please don't sue.
Author Note 1: This is my first attempt at a NGE story so please give me lots of feedback so I can improve.
Author note 2: I will be posting the prologue/chapter one without a beta's assistance so if anyone wants the job please tell me in the review.
Author note 3: This story just sort of came to me and I have no idea where it will lead but I enjoy it when my readers tell me where they think it is going so I can make them happy. This will be very AU at points and please let me know about pairing ideas if any. Despite the summary this is a Shinji main character story.
Summary: Two families joined together and formed a new family. She was the result of that blood and when he left her she chased after him. Yui found her prince but only after she had found a husband. A child of Jurai was born though after but one night. She will leave him a terrible and beautiful gift and only he can sue them.
Now on with the Show
Chapter one: Blood of Shinji
If one looks back at the history of Jurai they will find many interesting things about the mighty empire. From the first emperor came four different noble and royal families born with the power of Jurai. Everyone already knows about the Masaki family and the Kamiki family, our current emperor Azusa was of the Masaki and his second wife Misaki was from the Kamiki. Little has been thought or said though about the other two royal families, the Tatsuki and Amaki. Their story is quick yet priceless. Both the male heir of the Tatsuki and the female Heiress of the Amaki fell in love and married making the two families one and carrying the name "Ikari".
The first born daughter of this family was named Yui and grew up in the company of Yosho Masaki, first crowned prince, son of Funaho and heir to his father's throne. Many believed the pair to be in love but Yosho was arranged to marry his younger sister Ayeka instead. This all changed when the space pirate Ryoko attacked Jurai.
When she fled prince Yosho followed in order to continue their battle and bring her to justice. Yui followed shortly after choosing to search for him instead of waiting for news. Centuries would pass before she located her only lead bringing her to a planet called Earth.
Taking on the identity of a college student she began her search for Yosho but never seemed to find him. Slowly the seemingly young women began to make friends and become more and more a normal Earthling. The mysteries of science had always intrigued her since the day she had listened to a lecture given by Professor Washu of the Galactic Science academy, so she chose to pursue that field and while she found it easy she was soon able to put her intelligence to the test.
She would meet two important figures in her graduate years. One was Professor Kozou Fuyutsuki, who became her mentor and friend. The other was a young man by the name of Gendo Rokubungi, who would intrigue her and remind her of Yosho.
Yui would be approached after she graduated by a group calling themselves SEELE, who offered to fund her personal projects and research. She didn't trust them very much but then she could always escape the planet if it became an issue. She gained one lead though as to the whereabouts of Yosho but any plans she had to find him were delayed.
By the occurrence of Second Impact
She had felt the energy released even in Japan and the power frightened her. Not because of the destruction it caused but because it felt as organic as the energy Jurians could use and their space tree's employed. Most defiantly was it different but still she had been spooked and curiosity filled at the same time.
Later that year she and Gendo had married with him taking on her name, mostly because she would never give up her name. Yui had resigned herself to spend her life on Earth but still she needed to find Yosho it was her duty and she missed her long time friend.
When Gendo returned to Antarctica a year later she set out following her only lead. It led her to the Masaki shrine and the care taker of said shrine. Yosho was good but even he couldn't hide his youth from her sharp eyes, a matter she repeatedly scolded him about when he finally dropped the disguise.
"Yui-chan I'm not going back Funaho has already taken root here and for some reason its energy feeds into me." Yosho explained as they shared tea that day.
"Yosho-kun you aren't just trying to avoid marrying Ayeka-san?" she asked in reply with a slight smile.
"That tradition makes no sense Yui-chan. I mean, no that's not the reason not at all." Yosho said grabbing for another excuse.
Yui laughed watching her oldest friend blush and try to maintain his composure. She was one of the few people who could make the prince seemingly stammer. It seemed a few hundred years had not dulled that ability or their attraction.
A moment of weakness between the two would forever change the fates of many people. For one single night the Prince of Jurai and Heiress of the Ikari royal bloodline were one in passion and love. Tsunami had once smiled upon this house but that night the smile came from Tokimi.
Nine-months passed with Gendo as much a wreck as Yui was, due to her hormones as they waited for the newest addition to their family. Shinji Ikari would be born as one of the few children post Second Impact unknowing of his heritage or fate.
Project E would come to consume all of Yui's time attempting to prepare for the future battle with the Angel's. Three years would pass before an accident would make her look at Shinji's blood and in it she found no trace of Gendo or human genetics. Shinji Ikari was of pure Juraian blood and the child of Yosho Masaki. Yui concealed this from Gendo and no one would ever learn of it if she had a say in it but still the part of her that was a mother prepared for the eventuality of Shinji having to venture to Jurai.
Taking a seed from her land rooted Treeship she planted Shinji's own ship to grow and consume her own in order to fully form. It would take years but it was only a precaution anyway.
She ahd no idea how bad things would truly become.
End History
Four year old Shinji Ikari pressed his face against the glass trying to get a better look at the activity below him. Technicians and scientists were running around preparing a giant purple beast for something. He recalled his mother telling him it was the planet's greatest weapon and she would be piloting it.
"Hey what's a kid doing in here?" Fuyutsuki asked walking into the observation room.
Shinji turned to look at the gray haired man and moved back to his father's side hiding slightly behind his legs causing the dark haired man to laugh at his son's shy behavior.
"Shinji-chan this is Fuyutsuki Kozou, an old friend of your mother and I. He works here with us." Gendo said and watched Shinji step out from behind and bow to the man in respect.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Fuyutsuki-san." He spoke with utmost respect just as his mother had always taught him. He watched his father turn around and suddenly stuck his tongue out at Kozou before running back to the window.
He was smart for his age and was learning new things everyday even watching his parents work when they got home and trying to understand the things they were saying. Yui had even called him a genius, which had made the woman smile along with Gendo.
The two men and one boy turned when the door opened and watched Yui enter wearing the prototype plug suit, colored in purple and black. She smiled to Gendo and Kozou before moving and picking Shinji up in her arms.
"Are you really gonna drive that thing mom?" Shinji asked looking up at her.
"If it'll let me unit one seems to be temperamental but I think I can tame it. What do you think Shinji-chan?" she responded with a smile of her own.
"Of course you can mom it's gonna sit there and behave 'cause you're my mom!" he declared loudly before blushing and looking down.
"I couldn't have said it better myself." Gendo added.
"Leave it to your son to take all our words away." Fuyutsuki stated though a small smile was on his face.
"Alright that's enough you two before Shinji-chan blushes himself into oblivion. Now can I have a few minutes with him before the test?" Yui said and watched both men exit before she set Shinji on a desk and ran a hand through his hair a sad smile on her face.
"What's wrong mommy?" He asked with a slip of his usual mature speak.
"I just wanted to see your smiling face and commit it to my memory don't worry I'm just being silly." She replied and watched his head bob up and down with a nod.
Yui smiled and reached into the desk he was sitting on and pulled out a vanilla envelope nearly bursting with contents. She took a small backpack from below the desk and put it inside before putting the backpack on Shinji, much to his annoyance.
"If anything should happen to me Shinji-chan I promise you will be taken care of no matter the outcome. I want you to open that only if you get permission from your father or a man named Kasuhito Masaki If neither are around wait until your eight or nine ok?" She smiled wider as he nodded again and gave him another hug.
"I love you my son."
"I love you to mommy."
"Now let's get this show on the road I have a robot to tame." She said suddenly and stood up taking Shinji's hand leading him to where he could watch the test with Gendo.
Shinji never suspected that would be the last time he saw his mother. He stood there watching as everything went as planned and then the yelling started. Strange words and numbers were being called out and a rumbling was heard throughout the geofront. Shinji saw his father break down and yell for his mother but he didn't understand what was happening.
Shinji didn't understand why his mother never got out of the machine and come home.
Train Station
Gendo Ikari stood emotionlessly watching his son cry a backpack and suitcase holding all the child's worldly possessions. Yui had been absorbed by unit 01 but still a funeral had been held and for a week he had grieved with his son until he finally came to a choice. This had led the pair to now and the hardest and coldest move he would ever make.
He turned and walked away from the crying child before his resolve crumbled. He angrily swiped a tear out of his eye, which to Shinji merely looked like a dismissive wave causing him to lower his head and cry harder to himself. Gendo could picture the thoughts running through his sons mind though.
Shinji wasn't thinking though he was too far gone to make a coherent thought both his parents had left him. One because she died getting sucked into that robot and the other just abandoned him like trash. He waited for his tutor to arrive his tears flowing silently. Shinji turned when someone placed a hand on his shoulder and looked up expecting his tutor but he was surprised to find someone else.
Standing their was a man dressed in a white kimono and pants with sandals making him look like a shrine keeper he'd seen once or twice. The man was tanned and old looking with gray hair and a mustache a pair of square glasses resting on his nose. Something inside of Shinji said he could trust this man not to hurt him.
"Shinji Ikari?" the man asked with a kind smile.
"Yes sir. Are you a new tutor?"
"No, my name Kasuhito Masaki an old friend of your mother, I'm deeply sorry for your loss but she sent me instructions to take care of you if something like this happened." Kasuhito answered.
Shinji nodded with his head lowered he honestly didn't care if it was a lie or not. Thinking back to his last conversation with his mother he put his backpack down and took out the vanilla envelope.
"Mother told me not to open this without your permission or my Fathe-"he stopped himself and looked back down tears threatening to fall again.
"I have a grandson about your age named Tenchi he'll be visiting during the summer at the Masaki family shrine so you can play with him then. Our area still has seasons so I can show you all kinds of interesting things when it is just us. Now come along or we'll miss our train."
"Ok Masaki-san." He spoke politely and put the envelope back into his pack and went to follow the man his hand being taken by the older looking man as they boarded their train.
'Yui-chan, why did you keep this secret from me for so long? Why did it take your death to learn I had a son? If only you had told me sooner maybe this could have all been avoided. I'll treat our son well Yui-chan I swear that to you and he will grow into a strong man. He will learn of his heritage because you want him to know so he can choose his path. Rest well Yui-chan a part of my heart goes with you.' Kasuhito, who atone time went by the name Yosho thought as the train pulled away from the station before turning his eyes to the child he'd never known he had.
Masaki Shrine
Shinji Ikari had spent his entire short life in a rather large city constantly surrounded by technology. He had learned to use a computer and read when he was two and had used the medium to learn as much as he could helping him become the supposed genius his parents had called him. This proved to be quite the handicap when your new home is in the middle of nowhere surrounded by hundreds of trees and mountains. Even worse was the lack of elevators or lifts forcing him to walk the stone steps all the way to the shrine, which Shinji swore must've rested atop a mountain itself.
He soon discovered that his new home also lacked any of the modern conveniences he'd become used to living with. Still Kasuhito was a nice man and all he asked of Shinji was to help him take care of the shrine. Soon a routine was established.
The pair would rise before dawn and give a prayer at the shrine before breakfast. After they ate Shinji would study and do school work, which was assigned by Kasuhito using textbooks he had gone and bought before going to get Shinji. When that time was up Shinji would help Kasuhito in the fields, where the seemingly old man grew his own vegetables. Lunch was eaten after that and Shinji would then be instructed in swordsmanship. Shinji would be allowed to play before doing his chores around the shrine and then dinner. It was a tiring routine but after awhile Shinji grew to enjoy it.
Soon the colder months came and went and summer had finally arrived at the Masaki shrine.
"You'll be meeting Tenchi-chan today are you excited Shinji-chan?" Kasuhito asked as he watched the boy reading a science book and marking down notes as he went.
"Do you really think he'll like me Masaki-san?" he replied with a question looking up. Despite his repeated attempts to get Shinji to stop being so polite to him the boy continued to treat him with deep respect.
"Stop worrying about it and just be yourself Shinji-chan." He answered and watched the child nod.
Hours would pass allowing Shinji to stick to his daily routine and ease his mind. He was sweeping the steps when he heard people approach and spotted Kasuhito walking down to greet the people. Shinji refused to look on the tender family scene no doubt going on it would only remind him of his own losses if he did.
"Shinji-chan come down here and introduce yourself!" Kasuhito yelled up the stone steps breaking him out of his thoughts.
Looking up the first person he saw was Kasuhito's daughter Kiyone. She had silver hair and black eyes wearing a pink kimono. Next he turned to boy his own age in his guardians arms. The pair stared at one another their hair color was the same dark shade and they were roughly the same height. Tenchi carried the dark eyes of his mother, while Shinji had dark blue eyes like those of Yui Ikari. Setting his broom down he made his way to the bottom of the stairs and bowed to the pair in respect.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Kiyone-san and Tenchi-san my name is Shinji Ikari." He spoke in the politest way he could.
Tenchi squirmed down from his grandfather's arms and stuck his hand out to the boy with a smile.
"Hiya I'm Tenchi Shinji-san want to be friends?" it seemed almost like the pair were polar opposites.
Slowly Shinji lifted his hand up and placed it in the offered hand giving it a shake, which Tenchi increased shaking the introverted child up a little but he smiled none the less.
"Shinji-chan, why don't you Tenchi-chan and both go play for awhile?" Kasuhito suggested.
"My chores aren't finished yet Masaki-san." Shinji responded though he seemed saddened about the loss of playtime.
"I think that just this once you can skip finishing your chores now run along." Kasuhito stated with a laugh.
Shinji chewed his lip in thought before nodding and giving a bow to the adults and running off with Tenchi in tow.
"He looks just like his mother but is this really the environment to raise a child in Father?" Kiyone asked when the boys were out of earshot.
"The boy is smart he learns quicker then anyone I've ever seen. I have had to go and buy new books for him twice because the material was too simple for him. He throws himself into whatever he can learn even his swordsmanship is advanced for his age. I'm not sure if him living here is for the best either but Yui-chan asked me in that letter to do it and he is my son just as you are my daughter Kiyone-chan." He responded.
"What if he came back with us at the end of the summer? He could attend school and be placed wherever his level is and he would have a playmate in Tenchi-chan. Then they both could come back in the summer and stay with you." She suggested.
"Kiyone-chan I can't ask that from you and it's my responsibility to raise and train him. Yui-chan wanted him to know of his heritage and when I tell him he has to learn about it so he can make a choice."
"You're not I'm suggesting it Father and it won't be any inconvenience in fact it will give Tenchi-chan someone to watch out for him same age or not. So what do you say?"
"I'll let you know by the end of the summer."
Shinji and Tenchi were walking through the woods, with the former carrying a bokken resting it against his shoulder. Shinji was far from being a master with the wooden sword but still you couldn't be too careful in the wilderness.
"Is grandpa teaching you the stick Shinji-kun?" Tenchi asked not yet knowing the difference between bokken and stick.
"No Masaki-san is teaching me to use a sword Tenchi-san." He replied.
"Why are you so polite were not grown-ups call me Tenchi-chan." The boy chided getting in Shinji's face waving a finger.
"Sorry Tenchi-chan though we will get to old for that soon." He responded with a smile.
"Well till were all grown up you can call me Tenchi-chan."
The pair hiked until the sun began to sink behind the mountains painting the forest in orange hues.
"We should get back or Masaki-san will get worried." Shinji said looking up at the sky.
"Race ya!" Tenchi yelled and began running towards the shrine Shinji only a step behind him.
The duo laughed as they ran one taking the lead and then other that is until Tenchi caught his foot on a root and landed face first in the dirt. Shinji was quickly helping him up and discovered Tenchi had twisted his ankle before he could help him up though the pair heard a growling noise in front of them.
They each looked up to find the snarling visage of a wolf before them. It had black fur and sharp teeth with saliva dripping and hanging out as it eyed the two boys like a meal.
"Shinji-chan is he gonna eat us?" Tenchi asked with more then a little fear in his voice.
"No….. Because I won't lose anyone else…. DO YOU HEAR ME I WILL NOT LOSE ANYONE ELSE?" Shinji spoke getting to his feet and yelled the last part at the sky. Lifting his bokken he faced the wild animal head on keeping Tenchi behind him.
Dark sapphire colored eyes bore into the hungering brown of the wolf neither backing down. Shinji could feel the fear welling up inside of him but it was overshadowed by his determination. The wolf standing before him was overlapped by an image in his mind of a giant humanoid monster colored purple with soulless eyes and a single horn.
"Never again…. Do you understand never again will I be afraid of you…. I won't let you have my friend… So just go away." He spoke with anger directed at the being of his nightmares more then the snarling canine.
The wolf suddenly lunged forward at Shinji, claws and teeth bore down on him attempting to rip into the four year old. A crack-like sound was heard as Shinji nailed the wolf in the snout forcing it back. It struck again a second later and was able to slash his claws across Shinji's ankle forcing the child to one knee with tears of pain filling his eyes.
"Shinji-chan, are you ok?" Tenchi called from behind him.
"I won't….. I won't lose anyone else not if I can help it…. Mommy I'm afraid but I can't let Tenchi-chan die." Shinji spoke forcing himself back up using his bokken for balance.
The wolf charged again this time going for his throat as it got close enough Shinji pulled the bokken up his body beginning to fall with the loss of balance. As the wolf's body over shot its target Shinju struck out with the wooden sword smashing it against the wolf's chest throwing the coniine back at a tree.
Once more each stared the other down knowing only one could be called the victor in the battle of wills.
Masaki Shrine
Kiyone and Kasuhito were looking for the children as the sun had set an hour ago and the boys had not returned. Both were worried considering the wildlife known to run around and the lack of protection either boy had let alone a way to find home.
"Tenchi-chan! Shinji-chan!" Kiyone yelled as loud as possible hoping for a response. She was about to yell again when Kasuhito raised his hand to silence her.
Walking up the path leading into the woods were two small looking people standing close together. A moment passed before there sight adjusted enough to make out the two figures.
Tenchi was on the left with his arm slung over Shinji as the boy helped him walk with his twisted ankle. Shinji was on the right his right arm around Tenchi to help him walk, while his left hand held the arm across his shoulder securely the bokken held tightly in his mouth to keep from falling. Blood still leaked from Shinji's left ankle but he ignored the pain focused only on getting them home.
The pair of adults rushed to their side quickly and took the weight of Tenchi off Shinji and then each picked up one of the two. Kiyone held her son close as he let the tears finally fall and sobbed out the story from his point of view painting Shinji as a hero.
"I just didn't want to lose anyone else." Shinji muttered before the loss of blood and exertion got to him sending him into sleep.
Kasuhito smiled down at the sleeping boy that truly was his son before turning his head to Kiyone and nodding at her. Kiyone let her smile spread wider as she understood her father agreed to her plan and her family and had thus grown bigger.
Masaki Residence
The summer had progressed quickly with both children bonding like brothers but soon the day for Tenchi to return home came and the duo expected to be separated. Shinji was surprised to say the least when Kasuhito said he would be going with them.
He was further surprised when Kiyone informed him he would be starting school and most likely would be skipped grades once the school determined his intelligence level.
"This is your room Shinji-chan right next to Tenchi's." Kiyone announced showing the child to his room, which had been decorated in soft yellow coloring with a computer and other accessories along with a futon.
"Thank you Kiyone-san." He replied and moved setting his things out, what little there was to set out.
"You don't have t be so polite Shinji-chan were all friends here." Kiyone said leaning on the doorframe.
"My mother always taught me to respect people no matter if I was smarter or stronger someone must be shown the utmost respect because that is what you desire form them. I will try to be less formal though Kiyone-chan." Her name ahd been said with the voice of a child instead of sounding like an adult like Shinji usually aimed for.
"Well then I guess we'll have to teach you how to be a kid." Kiyone said with a warm smiled before leaving Shinji to his thoughts.
"Be a kid? There is a concept I've never considered guess it couldn't hurt." He mumbled and placed his one non-essential memento on the desk with the computer. It was a Photo of his mother he'd stolen when his father told him about going to stay with his tutor. Beside it he sat the vanilla envelope as a reminder.
"Give me luck Mommy because you never taught me how to deal with normal people." He said with a laugh looking at the picture of Yui Ikari, which featured her holding a notebook against her chest with her right hand and her left raised in a V for victory sign her right eye winking at the camera.
Masaki Shrine
Shinji reflected on the fact that at five years old he had already attended two funerals for people close to him. School had started well enough and he was placed in advanced classes but chose to spend time after school playing with Tenchi rather then join a club.
Months had gone by and they had been some the happiest in his life celebrating Tenchi's fifth birthday and even his first birthday since his mother's death was good considering he had the Masaki family there to cheer him up. He had lightened up considerably but still to most people or children he was quiet and shy always offering his utmost respect.
Kiyone Masaki had fallen ill shortly after his birthday and while Tenchi hoped for the best Shinji had prepared for the worst. Noboyuki, Tenchi's father and by-proxy a surrogate father figure to Shinji when Kasuhito was not near him had brought in the best doctors he could find but in the end it had been for nothing.
Kiyone Masaki was buried near the Masaki shrine with the last rites performed by her father Kasuhito. Shinji now stood beside Tenchi in front of her grave both boys dressed in black suits. The snow fell gently around the two painting the world with beauty as if the Earth was paying its respects to Kiyone.
Shinji watched Tenchi begin to cry again and moved pulling him into a hug letting him cry on his shoulder. Many people who saw the boys in public or at the funeral thought they were twins or at least brothers born close together. He cried as well letting the tears fall silently in memory of Kiyone and in memory of his own mother the pain brought back by this incident, taking strength in Tenchi's presence. They would need each other to survive this or neither would survive it.
"Come on let's go inside before we catch cold…… Brother." Shinji said swiping his last few tears away feeling slightly better with an emotional release.
Tenchi blinked a few times in confusion before taking another look at the grave. When he turned back to face Shinji he nodded and the pair started up the shrine stairs side by side.
Kasuhito watched from nearby and smiled slightly at the scene. Those two boys had formed a bond without even knowing of the blood flowing in their veins being so similar.
Five Years Later
Tenchi watched as Shinji was practicing his swordsmanship by jumping and balancing on logs, while running through the motions of a kata. Both boys were learning from Kasuhito but Shinji had started sooner and thus was above Tenchi in skill.
Tenchi continued his own practice and let his mind wander over the last few years of his life. After the death of his mother his father had become a bit of a pervert buying several of the books he would never be allowed to see or want to read. Shinji had explained it was a simple defense mechanism to cope with the loss and not to think any of less of Nobuyuki.
He had entered school a few years ago and thanks to Shinji constantly helping him or pushing him to focus Tenchi was able to keep his grades above average. If a test was coming up both boys would work together to prepare one or the other, in Tenchi's case it was asking questions for Shinji to answer as the two were separated by a few grades.
The brothers had continued growing close with Tenchi being the energetic and innocent one while Shinji was quiet and more logical to keep them out of trouble. People would often call the two "Yin & Yang" when it came to personality.
Summers were spent with grandpa Kasuhito, though Shinji still referred to him as "Masaki-san" where they would help him take care of the temple and train with swords. Shinji and he would often go exploring in the woods and around the landmarks looking for the ancient sight where a demon was supposed to have been sealed.
Tenchi was broken from his thoughts when he found a hand waving in front of his face. Blinking he found Shinji staring at him with a smile, while shaking his head at him. Focusing on his brother he watched Shinji laugh a bit when Tenchi tried to recall if he'd been asked something.
"Masaki-san wants to talk to me about something and asked if you would go ahead and start sweeping the steps Brother." Shinji answered the questioning look easily.
"Oh, right sure I can do that." He said before putting his bokken down and grabbing a broom.
Shinji entered the shrine keeper home and sat down opposite of the aging Masaki.
"Shinji-kun did you bring that envelope of your mothers?" Kasuhito asked having stopped with the chan honorific two years ago with both boys growth beyond foolish baby talk.
"Of course I always bring it withy me Masaki-san." Shinji answered though a sense of excitement filled him at the prospect of finally opening the mysterious envelope his mother left with him.
"Good go and get it." Shinji was up within a second and pulling the object out of a backpack before returning with it and setting it on the table.
"Shinji-kun after you look in this there may be things I need to explain so please remain calm. Open it."
Shinji slowly turned the envelope over and untied the strings binding it releasing the top. Tipping the envelope he allowed the contents to slowly spill out onto the wooden surface.
A mass of stapled reports and hand written papers in Yui's hand writing came out easily, which Shinji placed back into proper order and stacked neatly before reaching to physically remove whatever was left.
The first item he pulled out was also the smallest being only a simple golden ring. Next he removed what appeared to be a simple sword hilt lacking a blade. It was made from wood and colored black near the top was a crystal formation in the shape of a crescent moon the points sharpened and pointing upwards at the bottom on both sides set into the hilt was a dark blue gem in a diamond shape. Lastly he pulled out an injection gun the preserved for use and loaded with a vial of crimson liquid.
Setting the injection gun down Shinji picked up the first set of papers and began reading not looking up once. Kasuhito rose and left the boy to his peace in order to help Tenchi with the sweeping.
Unknown location
The last stage of growth of a Juraian space tree finally completed. Yui-Oh the Treeship belonging to one Lord Shinji Ikari fully awakened sensing the connection between Shinji and the Ikari-ken its activation key. A pair of large logs each one painted with a kanji, one in blue that meant "Amaki" and the other in red for "Tatsuki". Each also ahd a single glass like eye near the top that began to glow.
The Yui-Oh was online.
Masaki Shrine
Shinji didn't have any tears to cry and he wasn't feeling anything but a numb sense of detachment as he finished the last of the papers. In a few short hours he had learned more startling truths then in his entire decade of life combined.
First of which was the simple fact he wasn't human or an Earthling if you prefer instead he was of an alien race known as Juraian. The next big truth had been the revelation that Gendo Ikari….. No Gendo Rokubungi was not his birth father that honor went to Kasuhito….. No Yosho Masaki, which rather disturbed him given the man's physical appearance. After that his mother had left detailed notes about everything his being what he was meant along with histories and things he should learn. Finally she had dropped the biggest bombshell with a complete mass of reports and data explaining just what Second Impact was and everything related to it.
He reached his hand forward picking up the injection gun and staring at the fluid just waiting to be put into his bloodstream.
'I hope you're right about this Mother or Masaki-san is going to kill us both.' Shinji thought placing it against his arm and depressing the trigger wincing as the contents were forced into him.
"My life has just become complicated." He muttered spotting both Tenchi and Kasuhito walk in.
Four Years Later
"I hate it when I'm right." Shinji Ikari-Masaki muttered as he stared at the letter Nobuyuki had brought to him at the shrine.
Fourteen years old Shinji had surpassed people's expectations by graduating with honors from a major university with three degrees. The first and foremost had been science with a minor in computing. The second had been Psychiatry with a minor and focus on human behavior. The last degree had been in music, which he achieved with his cello skills.
Kasuhito had explained everything to him about being Juraian and more importantly of possibly being the heir seeing as he himself turned down such an honor. Shinji had made contact with Yui-Oh two years ago and used its archive of information to learn more about his race and gain knowledge of his powers based in Jurai energy. He progressed with his swordsmanship and Kasuhito even taught him to activate and use the Ikari-ken, which he swore to never share the knowledge of what he knew with Tenchi as the boy had the right to live as a human.
Now he sat on the stairs leading to the Masaki shrine looking over the letter from his stepfather, what else could he call Gendo as he was only married to his mother and not part of his genetics?
"Shinji-kun what did dad bring you that seems so important?" Tenchi asked plopping down next to him. The pair to this day kept their brotherly bond truly intact.
"Rokubungi-san is sending for me it seems. He wants me to come to Tokyo-3." Shinji answered honestly.
"Isn't he a little late to try and order you around?"
"He expects me to be a timid and meek individual no doubt emotionally fragile and seeking acceptance. Rokubungi-san must not have read over my accomplishments."
"So you're not going then?"
"I have to Tenchi-kun in honor of my mother and because by law he does have dominion over my existence right now. Besides I want to see his face when I turn out not as he expected. Plus my past needs confronting so it can be put behind me."
"When do we leave then" Tenchi asked unwilling to send his brother into such a mess alone.
"I leave today you on the other hand leave the day after tomorrow to get home in time to get back to school. Tenchi-kun I have to do this alone besides, I'll be back home before you know it helping you prep for some exam you can't pass."
"Its tough parting though you and I have been around one another constantly for ten years. You're my brother Shinji-kun I want to be there for you." Tenchi said with a sigh.
Reaching into his pocket he passed Tenchi a mobile phone the first number saved was his own mobiles.
"Don't get all melodramatic that's my job now come on I need to get some things packed and then we're going to spend a few hours together before I go."
The pair turned and headed back up the stairs sharing a smile.
Shinji sat watching the scenery pass him by his chin resting on his right hand. He carried a simple duffle bag and the Ikari-ken rested in his pocket the gold ring on his hand. He was dressed simply in a pair of dark blue slacks and a white dress shirt.
'What is so beautiful about this place mother that you would allow your ship to take root? With the exception of the Masaki shrine all I find myself seeing is the clutter of the human world. Forests cut down for timber or mountains leveled to build cities that stand as monuments to their own feeling of superiority. There is something I don't see as Masaki-san still chooses to remain here as well. Ten years and is till can't call him by his first name let alone call him ….. Father. I'll honor the connection I still have with Rokubungi-san but I don't expect much from the man who abandoned his own son. This is all so stupid.'
Shinji Ikari-Masaki watched as Tokyo-3 came into sight but said nothing simply waiting to start this adventure.
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Till next time